Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/602

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A837632 — A837672
JAN.-JUN. 1977

BOOKS K PO8P8LETS J50_ — JON. 1077 0827631 (coo.) Psiotiog Pteso 1st. 05: additiots. O The Ptietisg Press • Iso.; 25feb77; 08376 31. 0837632. Cow carnal pilot crass. 42 p. add. ti; CossetKial pilot Ito eooso node eosy. Appl. as: stephen 8. eattasat. K tKse School of Keosoostics; 1755r77; 0037632. Add. ti: Pattis stacker. sppl. ote5os oll a hegisoar’o goide to hoildieg poor ows KB 37 833 Isplotatisos sHKossstKlsl pilot slasH. 55 p. Kid. ti: tosusoni. sl pilot saplasatioss of sossers; Eoplssstiso sK Kooneroial pilst soass. op. as: Stephes Ilosso Deeesfoed. 41 p. IppI. as; K. IaKtosai. 0 Ocos School of lees— sastiss; 1788K??: 1837633. 1837638. Hobbies ssd reefts:srsssrgieg isdostey, 10—888; bosisese sppsetssity report Pospoeed is reopetatios dci P. 8. Coestastise. 02 p. Kppl. as: 050ioeoo retried O’Ooes; 15Oct76 (is estice; K otsosisatirso Coopsey. Iso. © Oseiseso CowossiKatiots tospasy. los.; 24Dec76; 1037636. 1837635. seqiosal pissoisq ssd otqasiKoti Os foe past—sesssdasp ledlas hosasesooosee dsoslsp.sot. Dy eichael Peers Doss. 68 p. 0 Michaol P. loss; llsc7S; 1837635. 0837636. toteD dot the seei of 8aKKh 7—11, 1577. Peofesese; a. Brasass K others, ostetatet; 75 p. Dy; reeishsss. C hosette Lipshite; K. Sodobsta K otheKs. Ksltiple esisses. Keel- as; 6558 Lecture Ostes Seteise. 0 0550 Lretstr Dotes Sereics. 5 di,ishss of thu Dsosodotsd Stsdests of St:sfoKd Doieehsity; 16118K??; 1837636. 18376 37. Kstsraoghng digital asItlactet ssisg the C Departsest of Dislsgp, Dtsoilys tolbege 8C14i33 CDII 0/S csoeeetee. Kpplhcatiss sota 0s—769 PeepeKed by Don 118sidqe. Folder (5 p.) lppl. so; Ostorols. Toe. © cotorolo, 00K.; 4feb77; 863763?. 1837638. The natural diet Ho: doss. 0 p. Kppl. 480 Jaslce 6. Spies. 0 Jasice 8. Spies; lOJat77; 6837638. 0837639. Streets of Port Collies. Dy ChaKhene Tteooar. 30 p. K ecoilles Pohlishioo Couposy. Too.; 11feb77; 1877639. K 83 7 6 48 ltieesoitp degKee pros::. cx tabs. 1 e. hppl. ad; gaiter San S.endy. 0 .lachson State Deleeeoity; 11feb77; 1837640. 0037641. ohs chopped does the cheery tree? 0 soide to sederoto edits histoey. 1 0. hppl. as: Daniel I. Peel, D. Laetesce Peel. 0 0. Laottscc earl; 16Dec76; t037641. 1837642. Settleg Bolts with tstgse on tess or elossetios cesteol. Dy Jobs D. Dietteed. 31 p. tppl. as: eoy.oed Dsgioeseisg. Tee. 08: co.pil.stise t revisises. C Oapnosd toqioeeritse Ito.; 3DeC77; 6837642. 1837663. Christopher. the Christ.oo tree. By Deseis 2550 Pordas, ibloosreted by wopee eichatd eiqgs. 12 p. C Donnis eoso P oedss- lSeae77; 0837643. 1837684. K Cssfhdeotial eepert so epeeiol sarteto. lohaitted hy lateesotiosol Kehitroge, Des. 1? p. Ippi. so; Pstsiel e Seholte & Dosald Cotooe. I Cseooe— Sehslta, a sysosps for the eo—aothors; lKfrh75 (is notice; 1176); 0837644. 0837641. colleyhell for beqiroheg clssseo; a conpetescy hosed appsaaoh. ey topea a. Cottos & Joe Blasheohatet. 62 p. - © lepee Iresslec 0 ositec 0. Spiegel. 67 p. a. Cottos 6 Joe Blasteohoist; ?8ar77; 0837645. 5837646. Dartis astoottic sheet otastet. 7 0. tee except holletit 104. K Ooeege 8. Mactb Cstpaoy; 161ec76; 1837686. 8837687. Do it hy totter. Dy floseoce Tahoe 6 It tsrpretiee fdocstios. C Ittetptetlee eisratias a dieisios of Illiosis leeelspe Caopatp; 11eeh77; 1837647. 1837648. Soles foe the gs.e of High otshes. 1 e. o Denchasdloers Os550iatist, Isa.; heel. as; Dohest Petoici 0100::. 6 Boheot 164ar77; 1037661. 19??); 0037640. 0837648. Ispottast darts ahsot the osca of Joe: pipe organ. 2 p. Kppl. as; John 8. Dettoeds. C John 0. Dethaeds d.h.a. sehoerotrie sod Cospoty; 16feh77; t83 7609. 1837650. sesetis.s aed the honas cosditist; o lahora tory nassal. Dy tesette Lipohite. 18Jan77; 8037650. 5837651. Geteesb sictohioloqy; lshsectsry asosal. Dditos: Sobaeos soldotsis. issued hp the eiolosy Sepattncst. Deooklye College of the Cxtp DsieeroityoC use foci. 41 p. of C.D.8.D. (it notice; leportuest of Oiology. Deootlys Caileqe of the City Ooieeeoity of Des lock); lSDoc76; 1837651. 0837612. ryeo Csort .:thea:tics peogra.. Leeel 4—n. op Stephen 5. wiflooshly. Con Dereitet. Peter J. Oibtos K Martese I. 000Cdaaslla. ilbes.: Ihs.os Knidsoic.. 1976—1977 field test ed. 65 p. lppb. ass Open CooCt Pshlhshheg Csspsay. C Open Ceort Pohli.ehiss Ceepaep; 22feh77; 0837652. 1837653. Ieaoher’s guide to the Spot Coort satiewatico prsgraa 1976—197? field test editiss, meet 4—0. Dy Stephes S. eiilosghbp. Cool Beeeites. Petno a. oditot —resoss——hosor. By Fees 050gley Kecoes. C Oseleoe L. Senedonahia. 4s p. Oppi. so; Spes Csset Pthli.ehisg Cnepasp. C Kpas tssot Pohii.shiss Cospasy; 232oh77; 1837613. 0837614. Foteigt and U.S. conp000te dscoee and sitiholdiss tax rates. Jassaty 1477; at atnsab specIal Ceport. 52 p. C SCoot asd Besot; lsOao7T; 0837654. 1837651. The Pobitiest 800tony he peropeottee. Pt. 2; gsaoterly asalyslo. 9 p. O 0. C. gaiaenight sod Coopsey; 24Peh77; 0837655. 8037656. Sptopsia of the 000tony. Pt. 2: goattenly ecorowic actleity (reeieed SDP accsoots) 8 p. C 8. C. Oaireeight aed Cosposy; 70cr??; 0837656. 183 7617. Sysopeio of the e0505.y. Pt. 1: soothly ee005aicactieltD. 3K p. C U. C. naisetight asd Coupany; 20as77; t837657. 2280 0827650. Ptscthcal etergy ossageneot is heolth K tee isstitstisso. 81 feits 8. 1. O Bbs Cross of senatee Philadelphia; lJas77; 0837618. 1837659. toe to cootoact yost Ott hote and sloe; hooe. Dy Lasts S. Neff. 41 p. 0 losis I. Neff; Itch??; 1837659. 1837660. Doyah stasdstd body register foes cotabog. 74 p. C Royal Desloess forso. Is:. ; 31Dec76; 5837660. hD3766 1. Osroopo jeetlees sad diotoihstooe opcieg sale. Cntabos 55. 7704. 23 p. 1837662. Vegetable gordeoisg node esoy. ffitxo; Ostyjase esoper loss & otier editors, test hy Joas siositnoti • euro osheafeidt & Pateinia Fisqry. 68 P. 05: coopiletiss. additisoal test 0 pintsriah a:tter. O Ideals Pshuiohiog Csepoeatioo; 151ar77; 1877662. 5837663. K.rnicat lCD; h.enisa o out or cares•er dierctocy; essific otatso ed. • 1977. boos so. 18. 1 e. xii. tss tsrrieaa .stor carrier directory, 1977 Pnsidis states editiso, tuahee 10. hppl. 40; 5. 0. Rite. C aside Seteices, Too.; 9foe77; 0037663. 0837660. Kiditg laos sower oar eics saaoni. Catalog so. DLOS—1. 192 P. C istertee pshSishieg Csspseatioo; lSOae7?; 0037664. 0537665. Soppleusetal ssssqeaph to yooneediogs of the First Oi550ity Pistols5 Coofreesse. 36 p. Oppi. so; Kseid 8. ford, Jr. K Gapab C. Pati. © eesras ynhiiohisg Csnpasy; hOar??; 0037665. 6037666. Mae-too rstoey die cutter otsctee; isotolistios isstroctdoos. Settles 1. e. 5 2 blue lien poioto. Kppl. states sal see except Dollttis to. 105. 0 5500ge 5. Oaetis no.paey; 16Oct76; 0837666. s037667. Dy sosthees uhliesis io ehyse— só p. © fees Ooiqley Uechee; 17Feb77; 0037667. 1037668. Royal ergistec Horns prise lists. 21 p. K Royal 055iseso forso It:.; 31Dec76; 1837668. 1837669. Pold—esoy doulhxose. By Dsssiet S. Sisaly. 12 p. © enesiet S. Sheaby; 160at77; 0837669. 0077670. Coisine des acadiess: seotasesots of hrrdises. 1977 of. 1 e. Tsqlioh. © Lofapette fristisg Coopoty; 21Feb77; 0837670. 0837671. ea550een faoily oeselce. Op Joel I. Leeite K Kiwis J. cadres. 7 p. © Joel L. Laeite t udeio a. Reboes; 17eoe77; :037671. 6837672. Derchosdise dieploy east. 2 p. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.