Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/63

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A91S940 — A915976
JAN.-JUN. 1977


subdivision analyses. Educational memo rand un no. 1, revised 1973. Prepared by a special joint cooaittee of the Education CODiinittee and the Appraisal Beview Coflioittee, the American Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers of the National Association of Seal Estate Boards. 15 p. Appl. au: 4merican Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers. American Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers of the National Association of Beal Estate Boards; laay73: J8159t0.


Appraiser beware; what the real estate appraiser st Id know about real estate securities. Educational ueffloranduo no. 2. Bv Frederick E- Chippendale. 15 p. Appl- au: American Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers. £ American Institute of Seal Estate Appraisers of the National Association ot Bealtors; lDec7i4; A815941.


nor tqage-equity capitalization; Ellwood method. 1 v. Appl. au; American Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers. NM; compilation. e American Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers of the National Association of Beal Estate Boards: 1Sep67; A815942.


Capitalization methods and techniques. 8 p. Appl. au; American Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers. Prev- req. 1973. NM; editorial revision. O American Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers of the national Association of Bealtors; 30Jun75; 4815943.


What to look for in an appraisal. 8 p. Appl. au: American Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers. Prev. req. 1961. NH: editorial revision. e American Institute of Seal Estate 4ppraisers of the National Association of Bealtors; 314uq71; 4815944.


Appraisal report outline on a single- family residence. 23 p. Appl. au: American Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers. Prev. req. 1967. NM; editorial revision, d American Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers of the National Association of Bealtors; 31Auq71; A8 15945.

A8 15946.

Capitalization theory and techniques; study quide. Course 1-B. By Charles B. Akerson, with tables computed by financial Publishing Company. 1 v. Appl. au; American Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers. Prev. req. 1973. NM: editorial revisions. Q American Institute of Beal Estate Appraisers of the National Association of Realtors: 31Mar75: A815946.


Tape manual and Horkbook for A Concept approach to Spanish, third edition. By Zenia Sacks DaSilva. 151 p. C Zenia Sacks DaSilva; 21Aug75: 48 15917.


Cross-reference booklet tot SBA mathematics, levels 1-8; learninq system teit. 28 p. (Individual pupil monitorinq system, mathematics) e Houghton Mifflin Company; 25Jun76 (in notice: 1975) ; A615948.


Cross-reference booklet for Scott, Foresman and Company: Mathematics around us, 1-8, 1975 edition. 28 p. (Individual pupil monitorinq system, mathematics) e Houqhton Mifflin Company; 234uq76 (in notice; 1975); 4815919.

48 15950.

Algebra: structure and method, by Dolciani, Wooton , Sorgenfrey and Brown; duplicating masters. Book 1. Sheets (80 p.) in box. Appl. au; Cleo M. Meek, e Houghton Mifflia Company; 6Jan76; 4815950.


Mastery, an evaluation tool; mathe- matics: examiner's manual. 9 p. (SB4 criterion-referenced measurement program, level B, form Y) NM: additions. & Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 29Sep76; 4815951.


Mastery, an evaluation tool: mathe- matics; examiner's manual. 9 p. (Sfi4 criterion-referenced measurement program, level 4, form 1) NM: additions. Q Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 29Sep76; A815952.


Mastery, an evaluation tool: mathe- matics; examiner's manual. 8 p. (SBA enter ion- referenced measurement program, level K, form y) NM: additions, d Science Besearch Associates, Inc~ ; 29Sep76; 4815953.

A8 15951.

Energy conservation through utilities operation: text manual fc exam. NTTC course 135. Prepared by Navfac Technical Training Center. 127 p. Appl. au: TPC Training Systems. 6 Technical Publishing Company; lNov76; A815951.


Records in review; the twenty-first high fidelity annual. Compiled & edited by Edith Carter. 1976 ed. 199 p. 6 ABC Leisure Magazines, Inc.; 10ct76; A815955.

A8 15956.

High fidelity's Silver anniversary treasury. Edited by aoDert s. Clark, introd. by Barren B. Syer. 313 p. NH: compilation £ editorial revision. 6 ABC Leisure Magazines, Inc.; 15Nov76: A815956.


Kissinger: the European mind in American policy. By Bruce Haziish. 330 p. Appl. states all new except photos. 6 excerpts. a Basic Books, Inc.; 80ct76; A815957.


Personal injury annual, 1976. Edited by Louis B. frumer E Marilyn K. Minzer. 978 p. Appl. au; Matthew Bender and Company, employer for hire. Portions prev. reg. d Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 29Nov76; A815958.


Organizing the Presidency. By Stephen Hess. 228 p. Appl. au: Brookings, employer for hire. The Brookings Institution; 8No»76; 4815959.


Garry Unger and the battling blues. By Stan Fischler. 213 p. O on text; Stan Fischler; 8Dec76; A815960.


New collected poems. By Sobert Graves, introd. by James flcKinley. 112 p. Appl. au: Doubleday and company. Inc., employer for hire of James McKiniey. Prev. pub. abroad 1975, AF13359. G on introd.; Doubleday and Company, Inc.; 7Jan7?; Aai5961.


Anyone can fly. By Jules Bergman. 261 p. NM: additional text. (3 Jules Bergman: 7Jan77; A8 15962.


South Pacific Stevedore: stories by a navy dockwalloper. By uilliam P. Simpson. 255 p. O Killiam P. Simpson; 6Dec76: A815963.


Government contract bidding. By Paul A. Shnitzer. 632 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed on materials taken from U.S. Govt- sources. C Federal Publications, Inc.; 17Dec76; A8 15961.


Educational audiology: hearing and speech management. By Frederick S. Berg. 312 p. c Grune and Strattcn, Inc.; 16NOV76: A815965.


Learning disabilities in the secondary school: issues and practices. By Libby Goodman t, Lester Mann. 256 p. C Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 17Nov76; A815966.


To love and to work: a demonstration and discussion of psychotherapy. By Leonard H. Kapelovitz. 256 p. e Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 16Dec76; A815967.


Treatment of schizophrenia: progress and prospects. Euited by Louis Joiyt.. West 6 Don E. Flirin. 29 1 p. B Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 16Dec76; A315968.


Loose to the wilds. By Martin McMurtrey. 162 p. O Martin McMuctrey; 200ct76; A815969.


Swinging and swinging. By Frances Manushkin, i^ictures by Thomas Di Grazia. 1 v. e on text; Frances Manushkin; 60ct76; Aa 15970.


Swinging and swinging. By Frances Manushkin, pictures by Thomas Di Grazia. 1 V. e on iilus. ; Thomas Di Grazia; bOct76; A815971.


Daily bread, 1977; a devotional guide for everyday of the year. Edited by Barbara Howard. 1 v. i5 Herald Publishing House; 29Nov76; A815972.


A Pumpkin in a pear tree: creative ideas for twelve months of holiday fun. By Ann S. Cole, Carolyn B. Haas, Elizabeth Heller E Betty K. Weinberger, illustrated by Debby loung. 112 p. C Ann S. Cole, Carolyn B. Haas, Elizabeth Heller £ Betty K. iieinberger; 23Feb76; A815973.


New dimensions in music: sound, beat and feeling; teacher's annotated ed. By Bobert A. choate, Barbara Kaplan £ James Standifer. 288 p. KM: editing. 6 Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 80ct76; 4815971.


Understanding statistics. By Arnold Naiman, Bobert Bosenfeld E Gene zirkei. 2nd ed. 307 p. O McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; A815975.


Digital computer electronics. By Albert Paul Malvino. 101 p. C McGraw-Hill,

Inc.; 3Jan77; A815976.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.