Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/71

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A816264 — A816306
JAN.-JUN. 1977


The Little Enqlisb iiaadbookl choices and coDVeutioDS. By Edvard P. J. Corbett. 2Dd ed. 22« p. John Uiley and Sons, Inc.; itJao77; A81626a.


Greystone heritaqe. By Louisa Bcoate. pseud, of Janet Louise eobects. 2<I5 p. Janet Louise Boberts: 130ct76: A81626S.


The coipiete Venus equilatecai. By Georqe 0. Smith, intcod., by Aithuc C. Clarice. it68 p. C on introd. ; Arthur C. Clarke: 130ct76: t8l6266.


The Coiplete Venus equilatecai. By Georqe 0. Saith, introd. by Acthuc C. Clarke. 1168 p. C on editinq & coa- pilation; Georqe 0. S«ith; 130ct76; A8I6267.


Stellar short novels. Edited by Judy-Lynn Del Bey. 198 p. Appl. au: Bandom Bouse, Inc., eapioyer for hire. Bandoii House, Inc.; IISep76: A81626e.


Uolf hunt. By Hark Elder. leii p. O Hark Elder; 130ct76; A8 16269.


Helene. By John Boners. 170 p. O John Bowers; 130ct76: A816270.


The Belativity explosion. By Bartin Gardner, illustrated by Anthony Bavielli. 198 p. oriqinally pub. as Belativity tor the arllion. 1962. C on chap. 7 £ 11, introd., expanded last chapter, editinq & compilation; Hartin Gardner: 7Sep76; A816271.


The Belativity explosion. By Hactin Gardner, illustrated by Anthony fiavicllx. 198 p. oriqinally pub. as Belativity toe the million, 1962. on all ne», prev. unpub. illus. : Anthony Bavielli; 7Sep76: A816272.


The Golden age ot the American poster: a concise ed. of the American poster renaissance. By Victor flarqoiin. 1 v. Oriqinally pub. as American poster renaissance, 1975. on abcidqment, editinq & compilation: Victor Harqolin; 1ilSep76; A816273.


J. B. B. Tolkien calendar, 1977. Illus. by Greq Hildebrandt e Tim Hildebrandt. on illus.; Greq Hildebrandt t Tim Hildebrandt: 23Auq76; A81627«.


J. B. B. Tolkien calendar, 1977. Illus. by Greq Hildebrandt S Tim Hildebrandt. Appi. au: Bandom House, Inc. O on editinq t, compilation: Bandom House, Inc.; 23Auq76; Aei6275.


Happy days calendar, 1977. O Paramount Pictures Corporation; 1»Sep76: A816276.


Star trek (stardate) calendar, 1977. Based on the television series by Gene Boddenberry. C on editinq & compilation; Paramount Pictures Corporation: 1<lAuq76: A816277.

A8162 78.

Uo company was cominq to Samuel's house. By Dorothy Corey, translated by llacquerite Arquedas Baker, illustrated by Donald Baker. 1 v. Add. ti: No lleqaban invitados a la casa de Samuel. HH: Enqlish C Spanish versions. O Dorothy Corey: 6»ov76: A816278.


nariposd gold. By Albert Butler. 187 p. O Albert Butler; 13Dec7t; A816279.


Never leave Shadow Uood. By Sally Tyree Smith. 183 p. O Sally Tyree Smith; 13Dec76; A8 16280.


Until the jaquar sings. By Tina Green, pseud, of Sheilah Burqer.;. 18U p. C Tiaa Green, pseud, of Sheilah Burqers; 13Dec76; Aei6281.


The Lauqhinq villous. By Teresa Gerbers. 183 p. O Teresa Gerbers; 13Dec76; A816282.


Doctor of the hills. By Hary Sydney Burk. pseud, of Hary T. Godesky. 181 p. O Hary Sydney Burk, pseud, of nary T. Godesky: 131>ec76: A816283.

A8 16 28U.

Guns of the Havk. By Oven G. Irons, pseud, of Paul J. Lederer. 18J p. C Oven G. Irons, pseud, of Paul J. Lederer; 130ec76; A8 162811.


Castle liqht. By Evelyn HcKenna, pseud, of Archie Joscelyn. 180 p. O Evelyn HcKenna, pseud, of Archie Joscelyn; 13Dec76; 1816285.


The Shadow of the needle. By Lois A. Sunaqel. 186 p. C Lois A. Sunaqel; 13Dec76; A816286.


The Haqnificent challenge. By Sue Alden, pseud, of Dorothy Brenner Francis. 18 4 p. o Sue Alden, pseud, of Dorothy Brenner Francis: 130ec76: A816287.


Skyscraper nurse. By Ann Gilmer, pseud, of U. E. 0. Boss. 188 p. C Ann Silmer, pseud, of H. E. D. Boss; 130ec76: Aal6288.


Gone to Alabama. Pt. 3, vol. 1-2. Compiled by Edward J. Ladd. O Edward J. Ladd; laov7e: A816289.


The Politics of VISTA in the war on poverty: a study of ideoloqical conflict. By David Jacob Pass. Hicrofilm. O David Jacob Pass; 15Dec76; A 81 62 90.


A Study of three modes of instruction in learning how to use mathematical manipulative aids. By Edna Prances Bazik. Microfilm. O Edna Prances Bazik; 1SDec76: Aei629l.


Immediate auditory memory thresholds and overload effects between learning disabled and achieving pupils in grades 2, 1, and 6. By Jerry Vernon Hcspadden. Hicrofilm. O Jerry Vtrnon Hcspadden; 15Dec76; A816292.


Ldith Elmer Hood and the qenesis of liberal housing thought, 1910-1942. By Eugenie Ladner Birch. Hicrofilm. O Eaqenie Ladner Birch; 15Dec76: A816 29 3.


The Impact of commercial bank size and legal form of organization on operating efficiency. By billiam Arthur Lougbrake. Microfilm. C William Arthur Lon^jbrake; 150ec7o: A816294.


The Demand for labor in a dynamic putty-clay model: a theoretical and empirical investigation. By Petros Kyriakos Sabatacakis. Hicrofilm. Petros Kyriakos Sabatacakis; 1SDec76: A816295.


Journey to commitment: a study of Leonard Uoolf's Edwardian fiction. By Hilda S. tk>skowitz. Hicrofilm. C Hilda S. Hoskowitz; 1SDec76: A816296.


Educational goals orientation related to selected status characteristics of adult students at Uichita State University. By Hariou Ellen Hathews. Microfilm. O Marion Ellen Hathews: 15Dec76: A816297.


Effects of verapamil on excitation- contraction coupling in frog sartorius muscle. By Arditb redidah Bondi. Microfilm. o Ardith ledidah Bondi; 15nec76; A816298.


The Vocational education Amendments of 1968 and 1974: Post secondary disadvan- taged-bilingual vocational education programs for the Spanish-surnamed, Spanisb-sfjeaking students in the United states. By Georqe Beloz. Hicrofilm. O George Beloz; 15Dec76; A8 16299.


Hultipurpose higher education consortia in the United States. By Bonald Keith House. Hicrofilm. Bouald Keith House; 15Dec76; A816J0O.


Comparison of an interpreted and captioned newscast among deaf nigh school graduates and deaf college graduates. By Halcolm Joseph Horwood. Hicrofilm. O Halcolm Joseph Rorwood; 1%Dec76: A816301.


The Ownership and distribution of manuscripts of the De re militari of Flavins vegetius Benatus before the year 1300. By Charles Beginald Shrader. Hicrofilm. O Charles Beginald Shrader; I5Dec76; A816302.


The Copenhagen Psalter. By Patricia Daaz Stirnemann. Hicrofilm. O Patricia Dacz Stirnemann; 15Dec76: A816303.


Lgual employment opportunity in the Federal Government: an empirical analysis. By Philip Huston Hutchens. Hicrofilm. o Philip Huston Hutchens; 1SDec76: A816304.


"This great automation, the world": the mechanical philosophy of fiobert Boyle, F.h.S. By Hary Elizabeth Connor Bowen. Hicrofilm. O Hary Elizabeth Connor Bowen; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1975); A816305.


Luciano Bianciardi: his life and works, image of a dilemma. By Zolita Louise Velia. Hicrotila. O Zolita Louise Vella;

1SDec76: A816306.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.