Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/86

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A816810 — A816908
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A816869 (con.)

NM: frontmatter, pref. S introd. Fordham Oatversity Press; 23Dec76;



The Aqquvunlu: clan, confederation, empire; a study in 15th/19th century Xurko- Iranian politics- By John E- Woods- 348 p. S Bibliotheca Islamica, Inc.; 15Dec76; A816870.


Sural Pennsylvania clothinq; being a study of the wearing apparel of the German and English inhabitants, both men and uomen, who resided in southeastern Pennsylvania in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. By Ellen J. Gehret. 309 p. s George Shumuay; 31Dec76: A816871.


Paul Newman. tiritten by David Paige. 31 p. Q Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 1HJan77; A816872.


John Uayne. Britten by David Paige. 31 p. 8 Creative Educational Society. Inc.; 14Jan77: AB16873.


Liza Minnelli. written by David Paige. 31 p. e creative Educational Society, Inc.; 1l4Jan77; A816871J.


Hydraulic filter/separator housing pressure rating; supplement number 1 to NFPA recommended standard for verifying the fatigue and static pressure ratings of the pressure containing envelope of a metal fluid power component. NFPA recommended standard T2. 5.1 SI (13.- 10.5.11-1976. 12 p. e National fluid Power Association, Inc.; 30Dec76; A816875.


Method for extracting fluid samples from fluid power system. NFPA recommended standard T2. 9. 9- 1976. 1 p. 6 National Fluid Power Association, Inc.; 30Dec76; A816876.


The Economics of air cargo; an analysis of profits unnecessarily diminished. By Colin Hugh Bclntosh. 72 p. 6 Colin Hugh aclntosh; 10Jan77; A816877.


Automotive Recyclers of Michigan safety manual. 1 v, g Automotive Kecyclers of aichigan; 31Dec76; A816878.


Goodwin National Bank. Case prepared by William H. Fichthorn. 1 v. S Bowling Green State University; 31Jui75; 4816879.


North Central Bank; bank investment policy- Case prepared by William H. Fichthorn. 13 p- ^ Bowling Green State University; 30Jul75; A816e80.


Rubric for the (Department of English) General Studies Writing Program at BGSU: criteria for evaluating writing. By Kathleen aart, Thomas D. Klein 6 Wallace L. Pretzer. 8 p. ? Bowling Green State University; 7Apr76; A816eei.


A Developmental approach to the teaching of writing. By Alice Heim & Kathleen Hart. 1 V- e Bowling Green State University; 15Sep76; 4816882.


Ordered permutation groups. By Andrew H. U. Glass. 1483 p. 9 Bowling Green State University; 15Sep76; A816883.


Introduction to logic analyzers by way of the model 100A. 1 v. Appl. au: Ira U. Specter, Gerald F- duething, Jr. £ Chelman J. Hong- «? Paratronics, lac-; 17Dec76; A81688a.


Factors that determine mail order success; "everything you ever wanted to know about the mail order business but didn't know where to find it." Author: Neil B- lasker. U8 p. Neil H. lasker; 10ct76 (in notice: 1977); 4816885.


The Joy of mail order; "for married men only." By Neii h. Tasker 6 Helen 4. lasker. 24 p. 6 Neil H. Tasker £ Helen A. Tasker; 10ct76 (in notice: 1977); 4816886.


Brookstone Hard-to-find tools and other fine things. Catalog 125B, spring 1977. 68 p. Add. ti; Brookstone Company Hard-to-find tools and other fine things. G Brookstone Company, Inc.; 30Dec76; 4816887.


A Practitioner's view of EEOC requi- rements with special reference to job analysis; paper presented at a Symposium on "Implications of Fair Employment Litigation for the Practicing I/O Psychologist." By Helany E. Baher. 33 p. (The Occasional papers series, 37) e Industrial Relations Center, The University of Chicago; 1Nov76; A816888.


Woodward pressure actuated shutdown for PGD and PGL governors. Bulletin no. 36653. 8 p. e Woodward Governor company: 1Dec7'6; A8168e9.


Woodward electronic speed indicator. Product specification 82511. 2 p. Woodward Governor Company; 16Dec76; Aei6890.


Visual math; the colored beadbars. Book 1, ages 3-7. By fiaymond P. Daria & Franka E. Pennink. 1 v. NM; program. © Raymond P. Daria; 18Dec76; A816a91.


National Brush Company catalog 771, effective December 1, 1976. 32 p. a National Brush Company: 15Dec76; 48 1689 2.


Armco marine steels; carbon, high- strength low-alloy, and alloy steel plates for marine construction. 2 p. Armco Steel Corporation; 6Jan77; A816893.


Perfect-fit pants kit; a guide to fitting and making pants. By Erma Hall, sketches by Carolyn Braun B Mike Carmody, edited by Rosemary Birner £ Cecelia Hall. 2nd ed. 89 p. Add. ti: Erma Hall's Perfect-fit pants kit. a Erma Hall; 15Dec76; 48 1589 4.


Decorative Crafts, Inc. imported gifts and decorative accessories. 1977 ed . 159 p. Appl. au: Richard J. Cohn. a Decorative crafts. Inc.; 3Jan77: 4816895.


One nation under God. By Ronald L. Smith. 1 p. Ronald L. Smith; 3Jan77 A816896.


The First generation. By Jerome Kohn. 75 p. t) Jerome Kohn; 6Jan77; 4816897.


H-122 survival manual; a Colorado State University text for mathematics course a 122. By Kenneth F. Klopfenstein £ Wilson E. Brumley. 301 p. NM: rewriting of Unit 2. revisions of remainder of text. e Kenneth F. Klopfenstein; 8Sep76; 4816898.


Rockdentshale Assurance company: pet rock assurance; including certificate of assurance, policy specifications, application for assurance, general provisions section. 5 p. Appl. au: Malcolm W. Jones 9 Malcolm w. Jones d.b.a. Brainstorm Enterprises; 150ct76; A816899.


GETTYS three phase and single phase controllers: metric. 29 p. £ 3 sheets. Appl. au; Mrs. Roger Gettys Hill. © GETTYS Manufacturing Company, Inc.; 25Aug76; A816900.


GETTYS three phase and single phase controllers: English. 29 p. £ 3 sheets. 4ppl. au: Mrs. Roger Gettys Hill. a GETTYS Manufacturing Company, Inc.; 254ug76; 4816901.


Brookstone' hard-to-find tools and other fine things; 61 new products! Catalog 1254, spring 1977. 68 p. 4dd. ti: Brookstone Company hard-to-find tools and other fine things. 3 Brookstone Company, Inc.; 30Dec76; A816902.


Brookstone hard-to-find tools and other fine things, catalog 125C, spring 1977. 68 p. Add. ti: Brookstone Company hard-to-find tools and other fine things. © Brookstone Company, Inc. ; 30Dec76; A815903.


Anytime is Perkaroma time. 40 p. © Perkaroma Coffee Service, Inc. ; 22Dec75; A816904.


National Indian Law Library catalogue; an index to Indian legal materials and resources. December 1976 cumulative suppl. to the 1976 cumulative ed. Sheets. 8 Native American Bights Fund, Inc. ; 31Dec76; A816905.


National Indian Law Library catalogue; an index to Indian legal materials and resources. September 1976 suppl. to the 1976 cumulative ed. Sheets. 9 Native American Rights Fund, Inc.; 210ct76; A816906.


Good news for rich and poor; Christian approaches to a new economic order. By Harvey Seifert. 104 p. Appl. au: United Church Press. 9 United Church Press; 6Dec76; 4816907.


Reclaiming christian education. By Frances W. Eastman fi Carolyn E. Goddard. 122 p. Appl. au: United Church Press,

e United Church Press; 250ct76; A816908.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.