Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/94

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A817206 — A817247
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Christnas on a matchstick. By Eetty Rose Belton. 8 p. e Kepka HochBano Belton (Betty Rose Belton, leqai name); 15Dec73 (in notice: 1974); A817206.


Eliminatinq sex bias in education; promotional book. Issued by Women's Studies Department, flinneapolis public Schools. 1 V. Appl. au; ainneapoiis Public Schools, Eliminatinq Sei Bias in Education Pcolect. e Bioneapolis public schools (Special School District Number 1) (in notice: Minneapolis Public Schools) ; 1Jul76; A817207.


Feminist dictionary. 1 v. (Eliminatinq sex bias in education) Appl. au: Minneapolis Public Schools (Eliminatinq Sex Bias in Education Pro-ject) a ainneapolis public Schools (Special School District number 1) (in notice: Hinneapoiis public Schools); 1Jul76; A817208.


Genealoqy of the Creed Taylor Heckman family. Compiled by Letha Heckman Kuns. 41 p. NU: compilation & additional text. e Letha Heckman Kuns; 8Dec76; A817209.


basic macrame, illustrated- By Mary 0. Stone 6 Mary Lou Kuhn. 28 p. © Bary 0. Stone 6 Mary Lou Kuhn; 10Dec76; A817210.


Companion plants. Bali chart. Appl. au: Peter Borchard. © Companion Publxcations, solely ouned by Peter Borchard; 10Sep75; A817211.


The Rocky road to remission. 5 p. Appl. au: Anne Boone Bavier. & Anne Boome Bavier; 6nay75; A817212.


Kau Nqaue Ofa (Peace Corps) : in the Kinqdom of Tonqa, 1967-1971. By Michael F. starkweather. Sheets (95 p.) 8 Michael P. Starkweather; 174uq75; A817213.


The Sea set. By Michael Lewis Francis Zulli. 8 p. e Michael Lewis Francis Zulli; 11NOV76; A81721II.


A Case for Jesus; pupil's text. Adapted for the deaf fi special education classes by Sister a. Helene McDonald, H.H.S.H. 67 p. Adaptation £ revision of Life, lorfe, 1oy, case for Jesus, req. 1973. NM: adaptation £ editorial revision. ^ Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart; 9JU176; 4817215.


A Case for Jesus: live, love, joy; teacher manual. Adapted for the deaf & EMS students by Sister M. Helene, M.H.S.H. (Sister n. Helene McDonald, M.H.S.H.) 97 p. Adaptation & revision of Life, love, ioy — a case for Jesus, req. 1973. NM: adaptation fi editorial revision. e Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart; 21JU176: 4817216.


Optometric Extension Proqram continuinq education courses. Vol. 49, Dec. 1976. 1 V. 3 optometric Extension Proqram Foundation, Inc.; 231lov76; A817217.


Slash enerqy bills! From Ambiente Company. 23 p. Appl. au: Allen Lawrence. e Allen Lawrence; 27Sep76; A817218.


Evaluation of methods for the deter- mination of thyroid function. By Vernon E. Martens. Folder. (Test of the month, vol. 2, no. a, Dec. 1976. Editor: Victor a. Eodwell) 9 American Association of Bioanaly-sis; 10Dec76; A817219.


Personal asset organizer. 34 p. S Mohawk Color Press, Inc.; 1Dec76; A817220.


Baptist women "exalted." By Mark H. Fenison. 44 p. 6 Mark U. Fenison; 15JU176; 4817221.

481722 2.

An offering of love. By Helen D. Hobbs. 43 p. Portions prev. pub. in Spiritual life. NM: 2 essays. e Helen D. Hobbs; 13JU176; 4817222.


Guidelines for successful apprehension and prosecution of shoplifters in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia. Prepared for the Retail Bureau of the Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, 18 p. Appl. au: Jay I. French, a Jay I. French; 23Dec7b; Aai7223.


Trip to Communist China; an informal report. By Corliss Lament. 26 p. a Basic Pamphlets; 1»ov76: A817224.


Jewish Uar Veterans official group personal accident insurance program (high limit death and dismemberment benefits) Folder (4 p.) Q Group Administration Agency, Inc.; 3Nov76; 4817225.

A8 17226.

The American Rose Society officially sponsored $15,000 cancer-care plan. Folder. © Group Administration Agency, Inc.;. 3NOV76; A817226.


Path from Earth. By Terry J. Gug- genbuehl, artwork: Patricia A. Johnson. 66 p. © Terry J. Guggenbuehl fi Patricia A. Johnson; 23Nov76; A817227.


Doctor Saub's Gardening without a garden. 51 p. Portions prev. req. Mar, 1976, A735586. NM: pictures on front fi back covers £ p. 6, 10, 12. 20, 21, 23 6 25. © Edward S. Saub; 30Oct76: 4817228.


Meditations on ancient wisdom. shared by Elizabeth Hand shrader with Katharine Hand, illustrated by the author £ Kenneth Carter, edited by Dorothy Banker Turner. 32 p. S Katharine Hand; 15Dec76; 4817229.

48 17230.

Lessons from the little old schoolhouse. Given to Katharine Hand, illustrated by Elizabeth Shrader £ Kenneth Carter, editor: Dorothy Banker Turner, 32 p. Katharine Hand; 15Dec76; A817230.


IGPAC regional coordinator's handbook; GPAC. Edited by the International Governmental and Public Affairs Committee. 13 p. Appl. au: The Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc. 8 The Institute of Internal 4uditors, Inc.; 6Dec76; A817231.

A8 17232,

The History of Copper Harbor, Michigan, fly Clarence J. Monette. 86 p. © Clarence J. Monette; 20Dec76; 4817232.


Peanutty food; over 125 recipes using the very nutritious peanut. 47 p. 4dd. ti: Peanutty foods. Appl. au : Kenneth M. Bayne. 8 Kenneth M. Bayne; 21Dec76; A817233.


Marines (the fishes) By Roger Adolph Kiocek £ John Kolman, photos, by Roger Adolph Kiocek. 144 p. 6 Roger Kiocek fi John Kolman; 50ct76; A817234.


The Flame behind the eye; selected sonnets £ lyrics. By Leo 4. Kallen. 58 p. Appl. au: Phyllis Blundell. © Phyllis Blundeil; 10Kov76: 4817235.


The Fabulous fable of Franklin, the flat-footed fly. By Kathleen Alice Iva Ozenghar, illustrator; Laurie Ann Ozenghar. 1 v. © A-1 Audio and Book Productions a.a.d.o. Ozenghar Enterprises; 6Nov76; A817236.


Butler County sketches. By Virginia H. Lytle S «. Thomas Lytle. 91 p. KM: compilation, abridgment, pictorial matter, pref., map £ bibliography. © Virginia Lytle; 20Oct76; A817237.


Earth songs. Illustrated £ written by Elaine L. Curtis. 75 p. © Elaine L. Curtis; 17D6c76; A817238.


Poetic portraits. From the heart of Constance S. Dannaker. 1 v. © Connie Dannaker; 17Dec76; 4817239.


Cat briar swamp. Poems by Joe B. Chandler, Jr. 1 v. © Joe B. Chandler, Jr. £ Don Early; 28May74; 4817240.


Rays from the capstone; the story of the psychotronic generator of the pi-ray G the incredible coffer. By Christopher Hills. 160 p. © Christopher Hills; 20Oct76; A817241.


Bacon's Publicity checker, 1977. Edited £ compiled by Bacon's Publishing Company, Inc. 25th ed. 484 p. © Bacon's Publishing Company, Inc.; 150ct76; A817242.


Hasterlog: the catalog of catalogs; sources for everything. 23 p. NM: editorial revision fi minor additions. © Tyche Industries; 1Mar76; A817243.


The Home that stands; Biblical insights for family living. By James T. Jeremiah. 31 p. e Christian Educational Publi- cations, Cedarville College; 15Jan76; A817244.


"'Twixt cloud and Earth" from the seagull. The writings of Berniece Sorenson Embree Hold, illus. by Harriet 0. Fish. 1 V. e Harriet D. Fish; 1Sep76; A817245.


Helen Tumpson's Indispensable easy- to-carry habit-forming bargain-filled money saving Greater Miami shopping guide; (affectionately known as) HIIEICHFB- PMSGMSG. By Helen B. Tumpson. 100 p.

© Helen Tumpson; 230ct76; A817246.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.