Page:Catalog of Copyright Entries 1963 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/306

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FAYARD (ARTHEME) LIBRAIRIE. -Con . La tradition et la vie de I'egllse. See CONGAR, YVES M.J. La tradition et les traditions. See CONGAR, YVES M. J. Venus au Texas. See ASPESTEGUY, PIERRE.


FAYARD, M, I. Les riohesses de Dieu entre mes mains. See REBOK, D. E,

FAYARD, EDITIONS. La houille d'or. See PERROT, MARCEL. Promesses de I'atome. See LA PRAIRIE, YVES.

PAYER, MISCHA. Key to Simplified Russian grammar. 2d ed. New York, Pitman Pub. Corp. 91 p. © Pitman Pub. Corp.j 27Nov63; A666965.

FAYMAN, LYNN. Do you know what I'm going to do next Saturday';; See GEISEL, HELEN PALMER.

PEA, ICENNETH HUGH, Astronomy and beginning astrophysics, Princeton, N.J., Van Nostrand. 192 p. Appl. states prev. pub. abroad 1962. NM: compilation & revisions. © Kenneth Hugh Peaj 19Nov63; A65989I.

PEARN, KAYTE MARSH. Prom sounds to words; a phonetic way to reading. (Keys to better reading) Book 1: One-syllable words: Illus. by Harry Johnson, 164- 1. © Kayte Marsh Pearnj 6Ju163j a6 59366.


PEBCO,. INC.. Wire sizing instructions; resistance method, 3 1. Appl. author: Edwin Relnecke, © Pebco, Inc.; I80ct63; A6652I5,

FEDDERSEN, KLAUS CHRISTIAN PRIEDRICH. Der Heilsweg des Buddha, Gelnhausen [Ger.] H. Schwab Verlag, 77 p, © Heinrlch Schwab Verlag; 150ot63j AFO-if0536,

FEDERAL CODE ANNOTATED. Court rules. Pt.l. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill. 552 p. NM: additions & revisions, © Bobbs-Merrlll Co., Inc.; 31Jul63; A655146.

FEDERAL CODE AM^JOTATED, Current public laws and administrative material. O Bobbs-Merrlll Co., Inc. v.lO, no. 3, Har63. © 29Mar; A66I1I7I. 4, Apr65. © 50Apr; A6379OI. 5, May63. © JlMay; A6379OO. 6, Jun65. © 28Jun; A639577. 7, JUI63. © JlJul; A649086, 8, Aug63. © 6Sep; A646964. 10, Oct63. © 310ct; A658899. 11, Nov63. © 29Nov; A664767 .

FEDERAL CODE ANNOTATED. Public laws and administrative material, 1962^ 87th Congress, 2d session. Indiana- polis, Bobbs-Merrill. 1 v. © Bobbs- Merrlll Co., Inc.; 3Apr65; A659025.

FEDERAL CODE ANNOTATED. Title 36-38. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill. 535 p. NM: revisions & additions. © BobbSr. Merrill Co., Inc.; 310ot63; A659736.

FEDERAL ELECTRIC CORP. Bureau of Ships reliability design handbook. Prepared for Fleet Elec- tronics Effectiveness Branch, Bureau of Ships, Dept. of the Navy, by Equipment & Systems Evaluation Dept., Engineering Division. I'v. ©Fed- eral Electric Corp.; 15May63; A638846 .

Final report system reliability prediction by function. 54 p. © Federal Electric Corp,; 15May63; A642278.

A planning manual for estimating maintenance manpower and spare parts cost for ground electronic equipment. See FEDERAL ELECTRIC CORP. ENGINEERING & SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION. EQUIPMENT & SYSTEMS EVALUATION BRANCH,

A programmed introduction to PERT, program evaluation and review technique. New York, J. Wiley. 145 p. © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 150ct63; A666163.

Summary report for maintenance and cost data manpower planning docu- ment. See FEDERAL ELECTRIC CORP. ENGINEERING & SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION, EQUIPMENT & SYSTEMS EVALUATION BRANCH.

FEDERAL ELECTRIC CORP. ENGINEERING & SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION, EQUIP- MENT & SYSTEMS EVALUATION BRANCH, A planning manual for estimating maintenance manpower and spare parts cost for ground electronic equipment. Phase 2. Prepared for Ground Electronics Branch, Bureau of Naval Weapons, Dept. of the Navy. 80 1. © Federal Electric Corp.; llMar63; A644553.

Summary report for maintenance and cost data manpower planning docu- ment . Phase 2 . Prepared for Ground Electronics Branch, Bureau of Naval Weapons, Dept. of the Navy. 1 v. © Federal Electric Corp.; llMar63; A644354.

FEDERAL EMPLOYEES' NEWS DIGEST. See FEDERAL EMPLOYEES 1964 ALMANAC. FEDERAL EMPLOYEES 1964 ALMANAC. Edited by Joseph Young in associa- tion with Lee E, Sharff & Wayne Hawkins. 11th annual ed. Washing- ton, D,C., Federal Employees' News Digest. 154 p. Appl. states copy- right not claimed on material taken from United States Government sources. © Federal Employees' News Digest; 20Dec63; A667683.

FEDERAL EXCISE TAX REPORTER. No.293A, May 1963. Chicago, Commerce Clearing House. © Commerce Clearing House, Inc.; 7May63; A639415.

FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION OP BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Editorial board: Maxwell A. H. Wakely & others. Contributing editors: Joseph G. Al- bright & others. 1st ed. Boston, Banking Law Journal. Looseleaf (in binder) Appl. author: Lament Cross & Co., employer for hire. © Lament Cross & Co.; 12Jun63; A655667. AL laj^ oratories, inc. I'Janual de entrenamiento con gases lacr j.mogenos . 54 p. © Federal Laboratories, Inc.; 30Dec63; A667690.

FEDERAL-MOGUL-BOWER-BEARINGS , INC . Advance replacement parts catalog for 1964 passenger cars. See FEDERAL MOGUL SERVICE. BCA ball bearings. See FEDERAL- MOGUL SERVICE, BCA ball bearings. Bower roller bear- ings. National oil seals. See FEDERAL-MOGUL SERVICE. BCA ball bearings interchange, IN-63

See FEDERAL-MOGUL SERVICE. BCA-Bower front and rear wheel bear- ing service stock. See FEDERAL- MOGUL SERVICE. BCA clutch release bearings and assemblies. See FEDERAL-MOGUL SERVICE. Boiled in oil. See FEDERAL-MOGUL EXPORT. Boiled in oil. See FEDERAL-MOGUL SERVICE . Bower roller bearings. See FEDERAL- MOGUL SERVICE. Bower straight roller bearings. See FEDERAL-MOGUL SERVICE, Bower tapered roller bearings. See FEDERAL-MOGUL SERVICE. Cuando bajan 112 toneladas. See FEDERAL-MOGUL EXPORT. Engine bearings. See FEDERAL-MOGUL SERVICE . Estano, plomo, cobre. See FEDEPiAL- MOGUL EXPORT, The heat's on National. See FEDERAL-MOGUL SERVICE. Hervidos en aceite. See FEDERAL- MOGUL EXPORT, National O-rings. See FEDERAL- MOGUL-BOWER BEARINGS, INC. NATIONAL SEAL DIVISION. National oil seals. See FEDERAL-MOGUL SERVICE, Reconditioned crankshaft kits with Federal Mogul engine bearings. See FEDERAL MOGUL SERVICE. Tin, lead, copper. See FEDERAL- MOGUL EXPORT. Tin, lead, copper. See FEDERAL- MOGUL SERVICE. Ud. nombra la carga del motor. See FEDERAL-MOGUL SERVICE. When 112 tons come down. See FEDERAL-MOGUL EXPORT, When 112 tons come down. See FEDERAL-MOGUL SERVICE. You name the engine load, we supply the job-tailored bearings. See FEDERAL MOGUL SERVICE. You save time and trouble with this crankshaft gauge. See FEDERAL- MOGUL SERVICE.

FEDERAL-MOGUL-BOWER BEARINGS, INC. NATIONAL SEAL DIVISION. National O-rings; catalog no.205. 28 p. NM: additions & revisions. © Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc. l6Aug63j A646555. FEDERAL-MOGUL EXPORT, Boiled lr> oil. Polder. © Federal- Mogul -Bower Bearings, Inc.; 8Aug63; A652147.

Cuando baJan 112 toneladas. Folder. © Federal-Mogul -Bower Bearings, Inc.; 8Aug63; A652I52. Estano, plomo, cobre. Polder. © Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc.; 8Aug63; A65215O. Hervidos en aceite. Polder, © Federal-Mogul -Bower Bearings, Inc.; 8Aug63; A652146. Tin, lead, copper. Polder. © Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc.; 8Aug63; A652149. When 112 tons come down. Folder, © Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc.; 8Aug63; A652148.

FEDERAL MOGUL SERVICE. Advance replacement parts catalog for 1964 passenger cars. Folder. © Pederal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc.; 8Nov63; A661695.These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.