Page:Catalog of Copyright Entries 1963 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/986

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OURTI, MERLE. Peace or war; the American struggle, 1636-1936. ® 27Mar36; A9't010. Merle Curti (A); 26Nov63; R326892. CURTIS, MRS. EUGENE N. Saint-Just, colleague of Robespierre. See CURTIS, EUGENE NEWTON. CURTIS, EUGENE NEWTON. Saint- Just, colleague of Robespierre. © llDec35: A89896. Mrs. Eugene N. Curtis (W); 2Jul63; R317930. CURTIS, ROBERT. The mouthpiece. See WALLACE, EDGAR. CURTMAN, HOWARD D. A brief course in qualitative chemical analysis from the standpoint of the laws of equilibrium and ionization theory. See CURTMAN, LOUIS J. CURTMAN, LOUIS J. , .^ ^.. A brief course in qualxtative chemical analysis from ^^e stand- point of the laws of equxlibrium and ionization theory. © ^J!;n36, A91100. Howard D. Curtman (.0;; 25Sep63; R322883. CURZON-HERRICK, LADY KATHLEEN HASTINGS. Strange journey, by Maud Cairnes, pseud. © 5Ai^g35; A85599; .I^dy Kathleen Curzon-Herriok (A); 5Augb3; R319998. CUSHMAN, CLARISSA FADICHILD. The bright hill. © 7Feb36; A90bg3. Clarissa Falrchlld Cushman (A); 2Dec63; R3269t8. JTUSHMAN, ROBERT EUGENE. Leading constitutional decisions. 5th ed. © 15Sep36j A98772. Robert Eugene Cushman (A); l8Nov63; R326068 . CUTHBERT, MARION. April grasses. © l8Mar3Dj A92o2a. Marion Cuthbert (A); 22Jul63; R318915. CUTHRELL, FAITH BALDWIN. Men are such fools, by Faith Baldwin. © 8Sep36; A98323. Faith Baldwin Cuthrell (A); 70ct63; R32305't. CYON, PRANCOISE LAPITTE-. See LAPITTE-CYON, FRANCOISE. CYS, ERIC DE, pseud. See BENOIT D'ENTREVAUX, VALENTINE. D DABIT, BEATRIX BLACHER. Train de vie. See DABIT, EUGENE. DABIT, EUGENE. Train de vie. © 20May36; AP32237. Mme Eugene Dabit, nee Beatrix Blacher (W); 12Aug63j R320360. DABIT, MME EUGENE. See DABIT, BEATRIX BLACHER,

DALRYMPLE, LEONA. Dangerous number. (In Collier's magazine, July 25. 1936) © 17Jul36: B306926. Leona Dalrymple (A); l8Jul63; R319057.

DLAY, T. A. Selcted poems. With an introductory letter by Christopher Morley. © 27Aug36; A97683. Thomas A. Daly, Jr. (C); 24ep63; R322500.

DALY, THOMAS A., JR. Selected poems. See DALY, T. a. DAMON, S. POSTER. Amy Lowell; a chronicle with extracts from her correspondence. © lNov35; A89320. S. Foster Damon (A); 25JUI63; R319510. DANIEL-ROPS, pseud. See PETIOT, HENRI. DANIEL, MELL, co-executor of the Estate of Don Marquis. See MARQUIS, DON, ESTATE OP. DANIELSON, FANNIE HURST. Candy butcher, (in Pictorial review, Sept. 1936) © 10Aug36; B308819. Fannie Hurst Danielson (A); 13Aug63; R320676. Great laiighter, by Pannle Hurst. © 150ot36; A98937. Fannie Hurst Danielson (A); l60ct63; R32it5tO. DANNAY, FREDERIC. See QUEEN, ELLERY, pseud. DA osimo. Hail, Caesar! See PRATT, FLETCHER, DARLING, ESTHER BIRDSALL. Boris, grandson of Baldy. Illustrated by Jacob Bates Abbott. © 30Sep36; A989OO. Esther Blrdsall Darling (A); 7Nov63; R325217. DARLINGTON, DORTHA. Office management, GEORGE M. See DARLINGTON, DARLINGTON, GEORGE M. Office management. © 22Aug35j A86082. Dortha Darlington (W)j l6Aug63; R320911. DASHWOOD, A. PAUL. Faster, faster. See DASHWOOD, ELIZABETH MONICA DELAFXELD. DASHWOOD, ELIZABETH MONICA DELAFIILD. Faster, faster, by E. M. Delafleld. © 7Feb36; A91674. A. Paul Dashwood (Wr) & Rosamund Truelove (c); 3IJUI63; R319^69. DAUDET, ALPHONSE. Le petit chose. Edited with direct- method exercises, grammatical sum- mary & vocabulary by Lillian A. McAllester. © I6JUI36; A96604. Prlsoilla G. Boniface (E); 5Aug63; R319990. DAUDET, CHARLES. Panorama de la Ille Republlque, 1870-1936. See DAUDET, LEON. DAUDET, FRANCOIS. Panorama de la Ille Republlque, .1870-1936. See DAUDET, LEON. DAUDET, LEON. Panorama de la Ille Republlque, 1870-1936. S 15NOV36; AF34407. Francois Daudet & Charles Daudet (C); 2Dec63; R327000. D'AULAIRE, EDGAR. See AULAIRE, EDGAR D' D'AULAIRE, INGRI. See AULAIRE, INGRI D' DAUPHIN-MEUNIER, A. La banque, 1919-1935; Allemagne, Angleterre, Prance. (Problemes et documents) © 30Sep36; AF3379't. A. Dauphln-Meunler (A); 2Dec63; R326977 • DAUPLE-EPSTEIN , DENISE . Jezabel. See EPSTEIN, NEMIROVSKY . IRENE DAVENPORT, CHARLES B. How we came by our bodies, © 10Sep36; A97935, Jane D. DeTomasl (C); 3Dec63; R3267'^0, DAVENPORT, MARCIA CLARK. Of Lena Geyer. © l4Sep36; Agg'^Sg. Marcia Clark Davenport (a); 9Deo63; R327'^24. DAVID, HENRY. The history of the .Haymarket affair. © 23Sep36; A97967. „ ^ Henry David (A); 26Sep63; R322876. DAVIS, D, G., executor of the Estate of J. C. Snaith. See SNAITH, J. C, ESTATE OP. DAVIS, HAROLD T. Tables of the higher mathematical functions. Vol.2. Computed & compiled by Harold T. Davis, with the cooperation of Muriel E. Adams & others. © 150ct35; aSBJ^S, Harold T. Davis (a); 23Aigb3j R320942 . DAVIS, HASSOLDT. Auctioneers of paradise, (in Amerlcaia mercury, Oct. 1935) © 22Sep35j B274830. Richard H. Wels (E); 10Sep63; R32190I. DAVIS, HASSOLDT, ESTATE OF. Auctioneers of paradise. See DAVIS, HASSOLDT. DAVIS, HOPE C. Directed study guide and manual to accompany Davis and Sharpe's Science. See DAVIS, IRA C. Science, a story of progress and discovery. See DAVIS, IRA C. DAVIS, IRA C, Directed study guide and manual to accompany Davis and Sharpe's Science, © 4Nov36; AA2189IO, Hope C, Davis (W); 17Dec63; R328229. Science, a story of progress and discovery, by Ira C. Davis & Richard W. Sharpe. © 25Aug36; A9759O. Hope 0. Davis (Mrs. Ira C. Davis) (W) & Richard W. Sharpe (A); 5Sep63; R321331. DAVIS, MRS, IRA C. See DAVIS, HOPE C. DAVIS, JOHN F. A. Public health nursing. GARDNER, MARY SEW ALL. See DAVIS, MARY THORNTON. Public health nursing. See GARDNER, MARY SEW ALL. DAVIS, RAYMOND E. Elementary plane surveying; text ana manual . © l6May36; ^9^502. Raymond E. Davis (A); 230ct63, R32iH53. Reuben Davis (A); 2Dec63; R3269'V9- DAVIS, RUPERT HART-, executor of the Estate of Hugh Walpole. See HART- DAVIS, RUPERT. DAVIS, RUPERT HART-, executor o^ ^he Estate of Hugh Walpole. See WALPOLE, HUGH, ESTATE OF.These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.