Page:Catalog of Copyright Entries 1976 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/15

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Table of Contents

Index 1
Current Registrations   1607
  under separate cover  
Renewal Registrations   3099


PART 1 lists all registrations made in classes A and BB for the period covered by this issue. An index of names and titles associated with the work is followed by the main entries, listed in order by registration number. Filing of the index is letter by letter, except in the case of inverted names which are filed up to the comma or parenthesis, after which letter by letter filing is resumed. Entries beginning with numbers which are not spelled out are filed at the end in numerical sequence. The main entries include, when applicable, the following information derived from the work and application :

1) Title, followed by subtitle and/or descriptive statements. The authorship of the work is included in this statement, with the nature of authorship (if available) .

2) Edition statement.

3) Country of publication for works registered as foreign or as ad interim works.

4) Label name and number for registered sound recordings.

5) Physical description of the deposit.

6) Series statement.

7) Additional titles associated with the registered work such as variant titles, alternative titles, translated titles, etc.

8) Notes; information is given here which serves to supplement the data that is given elsewhere in the entry in order to describe a work more accurately or identify it more explicitly.

9) Statement that the registered work is published in or as part of another work, or is bound with another independent work.

10) Names of authors given in the application which do not appear elsewhere in the entry.

11) Statement of those materials contained in the registered work on which copyright is not claimed, when so stated in the application.

12) Information contained in the application which relates to the registration of an earlier version of the work.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.