Page:Catalog of Copyright Entries 1976 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/20

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4BA - 4BE
JAN.-JUN. 1976

Abaris Books, Inc.
A711820 1861

Abaya, Amadeo.
BB50107 3071

Abayakoon, Cyrus D. F.
A724798 2200

Abayakoon, Dorothy.
A7211798 2200

Abbado, Claudio.
AF4435458 2997
Abbas, Rana.
A718726 2051

Abbe, Elfriede.
A705286 1720

Abbett, Jon P.
A742061 2623

Abbett, Robert W.
R625059 3126

Abbey, Scott.
A707331 1770
Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani, Trappist, KY.
AI-15827 3059

The Abbey of Saint Germain des Pres In the seventeenth century.
A718628 20119

Abbiati, David Lawrence.
A718690 2050

Abbie D. 's cookbook.
A703975 1688

Abbie Kendall's European year, 1887-1888: letters to her family by Abbie Kendall.
A735394 21460

Abbott, Benjamin Edward,
R631204 3165

Abbott, Carl.
A733156 2406

Abbott, Charles C.
A7115831 2714

A745854 2715
A745855 2715
A745856 2715
A745879 2715
A745880 2715

Abbott, Charles D.
R629385 3151

Abbott, Dorothy, pseud.
SEE Yale, Elsie Duncan.

Abbott, Frank A.
R631356 3167

Abbott, Frank c.
A755831 2956

Abbott, Gerald D.
A7291711 2307

Abbott, Henry David.
R629385 3151

Abbott, Jane.
R631356 3167

Abbott, Joan H.
A712213 1891
Abbott, Keith.
A720162 2088

Abbott, Lorraine.
A756402 2969

Abbott, Heredith.
A753077 2889

Abbott, Philip.
A706365 1746

A733672 2419

Abbott, Robert Tucker.
A735490 2162

Abbott, R. Tucker.
SEE Abbott, Robert Tucker.

Abbott, Sam.
A756027 2961

Abbott, Sheldon L.
4733593 2417

A735889 21171
Abbott, Yvonne R.

R631026 31611
The Abbott ana Costello book.

A7168711 2006
Abbott Laboratories,

A715946 1983
A736768 2493
A736769 2493
A736770 2493
A736771 2493
4736772 2493
4736773 2493
4736774 2493
A736775 2493
4739357 2558

Abbott New York digest.
R623117 3106
R623183 3108
R630559 3159

Abbott New York digest, 2d, April 1976.
A742348 2630

Abbreviations and acronyms in medicine and nursing.
A715883 1982

A7402110 2580

The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller folk art collection.

A730557 2341

Abby Kelley Foster and Stephen S, Foster,
A745112 2697

ABC ? XYZ Saving and Loan Association, Anywhere, U.S.A. 00000, May 1, 1976.
A750089 2817

ABC activity book.
A718257 2040

Abcarian, Richard.
4711629 1877
A711630 1877

ABC Bible memory cards.
A708586 1801
L' A B C des enfants sages.
AFO-84049 3030

A.B.C. Egg visser Productions.
A729553 2317

ABC for the library,
A714283 1942

ABC keyboard chordviewer.
A720855 2106

A-B-C lacing cards.
A750300 2822

ABC Leisure Magazines, Inc.
A730304 2335

ABC library of rare chemicals.
A711290 1869

The ABC of a summer pond.
A732026 2378

A-B-C of comedy writing.
R624532 3122

The ABC of pianoranging.
R622716 3104

ABC of the telephone, vol.6.
A705673 1729

The ABC picture book.
R623892 3117

A-B-C s for office employees.
A752155 2867
ABC's of CB radio,
A740290 2581

The ABCs of love: an alphabet
of affection for red-blooded
A717731 2027

A B C's of management,
A740809 2593

ABCs of PCBs.
A747317 2750

Abdallan, C. H.
SEE Abdalian, Charles Haig.

Abdallan, Charles Haig.
A747787 2761

Abd-Alla, Abd-Elfattah M.
A703513 1676

Abdel-Aal, Hussein K,
A715174 1964

Abdelhamid, Mohamed Salah.
A719012 2058

Abdellah, Faye G.
A741251 2604

Abdel-Bonem, Hahmoud M.
4742918 2644

Abdelnour, Douglas,
4749101 2794

Abdelrahman, Abdelrahman Ahmed.
A746689 2735

A. B. Dick Company service manual for the ADF 1-3610 automatic document feeder.
A720126 2087

A. B. Dick Company--service manual model 695.
A719692 2076

A, B, Dick microfiche reader/printer, model 810.
A727698 2271

A. B. Dick model 1-3610 automatic document feeder.
A725487 2217

A. B. Dick model 1-3610 automatic document feeder service manual.
A720126 2087

A. B, Dick model 695 dry copier.
A725485 2217

A. B. Dick model 810 microfiche reader/printer, form number 75-346.
A725486 2217

A. B. Dick model 2700 magna 1 word processor system.
A732888 2399

Abdominal pain in children.
A726522 2242
4726523 2242

Abdon, Donald 4.
4736245 2480

Abaul-Hagg, Akbar.
A711576 1875
Abdul-Jalil, Harsur, .seud.
SEE Zorn, H. V.

Abdulkadit, Dandatti.
SEE Abdulkadir, Mallam Dasdatti.

Abdulkadir, Mallam Dandatti,
A720004 2084

Abdulrazak, Fawzi.
A715716 1977

ABE cassette tape math marual,
A750036 2816

Abegg, John Frederick.
A756141 2963

Abegg Publishing Companv.
A716085 1986

Les Abeilles et moi.
AFO-84lt12 3040

Abel, Betts.
A722493 2145

Abel, Elie.
A724708 2198
Abel, Jack.

A724909 2203
Abel, Otis E,

A743789 2665

Abel, Ray.
SEE Abel, Raymond.

Abel, Raymond.
A722246 2139

Abel, Reuben.
A738093 2526

Abeles, Elvin.
A704481 1700

Abeles, Loismay Conn.
A710192 1841

Abell, Corlis Wilber.
A743974 2670

Abell, Dave,
A729291 2310

Abell, George Ogden,
A720746 2103

Abell, Richard Gurley,
A743974 2670

Abellio, Raymond.
AFO-84458 3041

Abelman, Adrienne Keller.
A716569 1998


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.