Page:Catalog of Copyright Entries 1976 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/22

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JAN.-JUN. 1976

Ibrahams, William. A737530 2511

Ibrahamson, Mark. S712329 189U 1733235 2408

ftbrahamson, Royce L. S717903 2032 A72267I* 21«9

Abraham* s seed. A729519 2316

Abrahms, JaDis Lieff. A7U6517 2731

Abramovttz, Moses. R6231I1U 3112

Abramovitz, Robert H. A7361t33 21)811 A736H311 2II814 A736l(35 2118H A736It36 2485, Jack. A702569 1654 A70861I8 1803 1708649 1803 A708650 1803 A708651 1803 A728567 2292

AbramowLtz, Louis H. A702569 1654 A728567 2292

Abrams, Ado uhry. A718631 2049 Abrams, Ellen. A726638 2245

Abrans (Harry N.) Inc. A708353 1796 A709597 1826 A712818 1906

Abrams, Henry. A7U7599 2757

Abrams, H. Leon, Jr. A743350 2654 AbraDs, Irwin. A725378 2214

Abrams, Jay Harrison. A710843 1SS8

Abrams, Katherine. 8850682 3086

ibrans, Kathie. BB50385 3078 Abrams, Kathy.

SEE Abrams, Kathie. Abrams, M. S. A730532 2340

Abrams, Paula. A710725 1855 Abrams, Sue. A729925 2326 A729926 2326

Abramson, Morris B. A708249 1793

Abram, son of Terah. E628276 3144

Abrasive Machining Conference Hartford, 1975. A719515 2071

Abrecht, Mary Ellen. S739596 2564

Abruscato, Joe. B736685 2491

ABS. SEE American Bureau of Shipping.

Der Absatz. AFO-84358 3038

Abschied von Rilke: eine rede. A718310 2041

ABSEL. SEE Association for Business Simulation and Experimental Learning. L* Absence a vif . SFO-83159 3007

Absence of unicorns, presence of lions, A720933 2108

Absenteeism. A716332 1992

Absenteeism study: an application of Herzberg's theory. A702938 1662

Absenteeism: telling it like It is. A706472 1748

Absent thee from felicity. A744620 2685

The Absolute beginner's book of house plants. A704482 1700

The Absolute fact. A711253 1868

The Absolute judgment of bidimensional stimuli: comparison of two prediction methods. A710248 1843

Absolute measurement of excitation cross sections for the 2P-stateE of atomic hydrogen in charge exchange collisions of protons in argon and nitrogen. A716733 2002

Absorption of deuterium fluoride laser radiation by the atmosphere. A720517 2097

Absorptive capacity and alternative investment policies: a case study of Libya. A748594 2782

ABS resins — engineered for performance. &730311 2335

Abstract algebra: a first course. &703523 1676

Abstract algebra: an active, learning approach. 4715063.. 1961 A715223 1965

Abstract and concrete Incidental learning in educable mentally retarded and normal children. A746810.. 2739

Abstract expressionism, A73483B 2447

Abstract non linear wave equations. AI-15666 3054

An Abstract of The Proper drainage concept, A725657 2221

Abstracts and other notions, A750919 2838

Abstracts: Fourth Annual Leland B, Jacobs Conference on children's Literature, 1976. A741489 2610

Abstracts (mainly deaths) from the Pennsylvania gazette, 1775-1783, A737392 2508

Abstracts of New Jersey manuscripts in the Sol Feinstone Collection of the American Revolution, A754876 2933

Abstracts of papers submitted to the Seventh Lunar Science Conference sponsored by NASA through The Lunar Science Institute and The Johnson Space Center, March 15-19, 1976. A732076 2379

Abstracts of research papers, 1975. A711579 1875

Abstracts of scientific papers, 1975 ASA annual meeting. A713827 1931

Abstracts of the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 1976. A733789. ,,,, 2422

Abstracts of the wills and estate records of Granv? lie County, North Carolina, 1808-1833. A716198 1989

Abstracts: research papers, 1975 AAHPER Convention, A711579 1875 Abstracts, 1976. A742814 2642

A.B.S./370 systems design and implementation. A713262 1917

Abta, Nltza. A706248.. 1743

Abt Assoc5ates, Inc. A706161 1741 A740177. 2578

Abuchowski, Abraham. A738350. 2532

Abu-Laban, Baha, A719706 2076

The Abundance Foundation. A709288 1819 A713856. 1932

Abundant living seminars. A723209 2162

The Abuse of political power. A717974 2033

The Abyss. A754268 2918

Abyssinia to Zona Al Sur Del Draa: a guide to the political units of Africa the period 1950-1974. A708817 ISO""

Academic achievement and self-concept of third- grade children in open and traditional classrooms. A746725 2369

The Academic achievement, sel concept, social behavior an attendance of ethnically different, but racially similar children attendi'^g an urban public school. A731677 2369

Academic and non-academic predictors of academic and professional success in clinical psychology. A707297 1769

Academic Information Service, Inc. A70U672 1705

Academic International Press, A707076 1763 A714126 1938 Academic Press, Inc. A702410 1650 A702411 1650 A702412 1650 A702413 165P A702U14 ,....,.,. 1650 A702415. 1650 A702416.., 1650 A702417 1650 A702418 1650 A702419... ..,, 1650 A702420. ,,., .,,. 1650 A706897 1758 A709431 1822 A709432 1822 A709433 1822 A709U34 1822 A709435 1822 A709436 1822 A709437 1822 A709438 1822 A709439 1822 A709440 1823 A709441 1823 A714274 1042 A714275 1942 A71U276 , 1942 A714277 1942 A714278 1942 A714279 1942 A714280 1942 A715105 1963 A715106 1963 S715107.... 1963 A715108 1963 A723503 2169 A723504 2169 A723505 2169 A723506 2169 A723507....,., ....... 2169 A723508. .... ......... 2169 A723509 2169 A723510 2170 A723511 2170 A726312,,., 223-' A729736 2321 A729737 2321 A729738 2321 A729739 2321 A729740,...,. 2321 A729741 2321 A729742 2321

A729743 2321


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.