Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/155

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285 T!\II?U IRACHIA]R.ANA. TRIPURACHARANA RAYA. cais-àizizi | [Moha pp. 249, Cal14127. cc. 21.(1.) kānana. An historical romance. cutta, sv-Nv [1898.] 12°. TUKARÄMA, Marathi poet. [I.ife.] See YoginG-etat:I-lfa-s [Tukārāma12°. 14127. аа. 20. TRANATLIA VASU. charita.] [1901.] TULAsīCHARANA DATTA. Hefæg à sq gij-gāzģī [Samkshipta bhaishajya-ratnävali..] A sketch of Materia-medica . l)utt. Pt. i. . . Compiled by Tulshi Charan Calcutta, 1905. 12°. 14125. b. 23. TULASĪ DĀSA. See VaishnavacHARANA BasĀK. দোহ বলী । A collection of Hindi dollās, by Tulasi Dasa and other poets, with pp. 84. [Dohāvalī. Bengali translations, and a life of the poet.] [1899.] 12°. 14158. с. 44. গোর্সই তুলসীদাস কুত দোহাবলী । [Dohävali. A collection of Hindi doha's of Tulasi Dasa with Bengali translations.] See KAlipasa. Hölzāl zşfāHICHz FfÆzi | [Kālidāser kavitā.] [1897.] 12°. 14127. аа. 14 (1.) তুলসীদাস কৃত রামায়ণ । [Ramayana. Hindi text, with a transliteratiom im the Bengali character, and accompanied by a Bengali trans- lation and notes by Jagannātha Sukla.] of ossi s: so [Calcutta, 1884.] 8°. 14158. f. 23. As far as the beginning of Ayodhyākānda. তুলসীদাসকৃত Hjartze | [Rāmāyaņa. Hindi text, with a Bemgali transliteration aud translation by Bhuvanachandra Basāk..] FfāzēİNE Sv-u-q-vis [Calcutta, 1887-89.] 8°. 14158. d. 27. The Aranya, Kishkindhã, and Sundara kāndas only. Apparently a continuation under a new form of the edition and translation by Jagannātha Sukla.

  1. To loss. I [Ramayana. A metrical translation by Harimáräyana Misra.] pp. 818. zoefáizößsi

> * > S [Calcutta, 1905.] 8°. 14129. cc. 14. "UBAID ALLÁH ibn MAS"ÚD (SADR al SHARIAB). *ER GR-FEIl 1 z*RKIH I [Sharh i Wikāyah. A digest of Muhammadan Law, being a Bengali translation by Shaikh ‘Abd al-Kādir of the first two parts of ‘Ubaid Allāh's Arabic commentary on Mahmūd ibn ‘Ubaid Allāh's treatise entitled Wikäyat al-riwäyat.] pp. 557, iii. *ίτΓέΓει > cov [ 'alcutta, 1902.] 8o. 14125. a. 30. -U MES.A('HANI)İRA 280 UDĀsīNA PATHIKA, pseud. ēH:sta orfozēā aizstā zĘon l [Udāsına Pathiker maner kathā. A story of the Indigo riots at Kushtia in 1860.1 pp. 197. কলিকতা ১২৯৭ [ 'alcutta, 1800.] 89. 14127. e. 38. UDAYAKRISHNA DATTA. z fíTI=īzē 1 zosis z Hgscz, Es-gszt 1 [Aryaloka. A physico-philosophical treatise on the separate existence of mind and matter, and on different kinds of yoga..] pp. iii. 263. Efz-F, El »z SS [Calcutta, 1892.] 8°. 14123. f. 45. UDDHAVANANDA. Ælff-Fi-zar= | [RādhikāA poem on the birth of IRādhā. With an account of the author and his writings by Mahendranātha Vidyānidhi.] > ze 3 [ 1896.] See AcADEMIES, etc.—Calcutta-Bengal Academy of itfos-off{{s-ofol I [Sahitya-parishat-patrikã.] Vol. iii., mo. 3. [1894, etc.] 8°. 14133. f. 18. UMĀCHARANA DATTA. Praśna saunádhánam, or Sanskrit questions of Entrance Examinations of mangala. Literature. the Calcutta University, with the answers, and translations, from English to Bengali, from the year 1872 [to 1880]. Ha-HaTuran Calcutta, 1880. 8°. 14085. с. UMESACHANDRA BHATTACHARYA sMRITIRATNA গোঁড়াদ্য দ্রাবিড় বৈদিকশ্রেণী ব্রাহ্মণ-কুলপরিEį ją z TiffGH-Tfāīl I [Prasnottaramālā. An account, in catechetical form, of the origin, functions, and history of the Gauda, Dravida, and Vaidika Brahmans. With quotations from Sanskrit texts.] pp. 39. Calcutta, 1900. 12°. 14058. a. 8.(2) UMESACHANDRA DASA GUPTA. Siftoss-off's [Jātitattva-varidhi. A work on Hindu castes, their origin, rites, and ceremonies.] of ossi >> 22 [Calcutta, 1902, etc.] 8°. 14125, ee. 37. In progress. UMESACHANDRA GUPTA KAVIRATNA. Vaidyakasabdasindhu, or A comprehensive lexicon of Hindu medical terms and names of drugs, with their synonyms in Latin, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, | Bengali, etc. (G=T=T=fazų) pp. 48, 11 12. Cal cutta, 1894. 8o. 14043 е 30. UMEŞACHANDRA VAITĀLIKA. Čazfāzē fgzf5 = ATR-7 or [Sadānanda, also called Raúga rasa. Short tales and anecdotes illustrative of