Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/161

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297 VEI) ANTACHANI) IR I KA– cutta. granthãvalï.] nos. 1 and 2. [1900, etc.] 8°. 2țĒR ĢIsrt=ī afgfgfīt I [Prāchina Bāṁgālā | <i zif**Ta c3rízáT<-fTaia I [Parämukti. A mytho -V I(TI) I: IA 298 VENIMADHAVA CHATTOPADHYAYA. era for 14133. f. 2. logical drama on the loves of Rādhā and VEDANTACHANDRIKA. An Apology for the present system of Hindoo worship. Written in the Bengalee language, and accompanied by an (বেদান্তচন্দ্রিকা) pp. 67, 50. 14123. g. 19. English translation. Calcutta, 1817. 8°. VEDAS. See SÃyaşa ẤchĀrya, to:TēzēTrotTRSTE 21:53- I [Rigvedabhāshyopodghāta. The introduction to Sayana’s commentary on the Rigveda, with a Bengali translation.] [1901.] 12°. 14007. b. 16. See SyĀMĀCHARANA KAvIRATNA. Gorfā Grāসটীক ত্ৰিবেদীয়-ক্রিয়াকাণ্ড-পদ্ধতিঃ । [Trivedīya kriyākånda-paddhati. A manual of Vedic domestic rites, with Sanskrit commentary and Bengali Followed by the Vedic grammar from 1906. obl. 8°. 14033. bbb. 44. ঋগৃেদ সংহিতা । [Rigveda-samhitā. Translated, in accordance with the Sanskrit commentary of Sayana Achārya, with notes, by Ramesachandra Datta.] 8 pts. <5fäß¡ÑEI >ww-g-w-q [Calcutta, 1885-87.] 8°. 14138. i. 35. notes. the Siddhāntakaumudi.] 266. Calcutta, 1891. ত্রয়ীভাষা [Trayi-bhāshā. Translations of selected texts from the 4 Vedas, with explanatory notes. By Satyavrata Sämasrami Bhattāchārya.] pp. xvi. 148, iv. <sfI-stel sv-sa [Calcutta, 1897.1 8°. 14123. f. 54. f=T=rig i . . . c77 Hefēvēl i [Vedasamhitā. Selections from the Atharvaveda, Rigveda, and Edited with Bengali translations, preface and notes, by Ramesachandra Datta and Satyavrata Sāmasrami.] pp. i. 107. [1895.] See RAMEs AcHANDRA DATTA. f***sū [Hindu-sastra.] Pt. i. [1895-97.] 8°. 14085. c. 45.[Vol. 1.) Vājasaneyisamhitā. VENĪMĀDHAVA BHATTĀCHĀRYA, 2Ęfz 3 2 ETT সহিত রহৎ সচিত্র বঙ্গলা অভিধান । [Bangala abhidhāna. An etymological Bengali dictionary.]] pp. 700. off{TEl Svvv. [Calcutta, 1888.] 8°. 14133. с. 6. Krishņa.] The 4th and last part of a series entitled Trayi-chatushtaya. asso, e > 2.5 scalcutta, 14131. b. 25.02.) pp. 142. 1905.] 8°. VENIMADHAVA GANGOPADHYAYA. Beginners’ Dictionary of English Words, Phrases and Ilioms done into Bengali by Benimadhav Ganguli. Third edition. Calcutta, 1901. 8°. 12906, de. 26. The Student’s Dictionary of Bengali words and phrases, done into English. By Benimadhav Calcutta, 1903. 8°. 14133. a. 14. VENĪMĀDHAVA GANGOPĀDHYĀYA and VISVESWARA CHAKRAVARTI. A Junior Text-book of translation fron Bengali into English. By Beni and Bisvesvar Chakravarti. Calcutta, 1892. pp. iv. 851, 21. Ganguli. pp. viii. 829, xii. madhav Ganguli ... Second edition. pp. ii. iii. 142. | 20. 14131. е 22. - Fifth edition. pp. ii. iv. 166. Calcutta, 1893. 12°. 14131. е. 28. A Manual of translation from Bengali into English. By Benimadhav Ganguli and Bisvesvar Chakravarti. Fourth edition. pp. vi. 8°. 14131. g. 26. VENĪMĀDHAVA NYĀYARATNA. See YĀJÑAvalkyA. GTifosioso | [Yogi-yājñavalkya. Edited with a prose translation by Venimādhava Nyãyaratna.] [1893.1 8°. 14048. bb. 50. VENSTER (Joseph DE). ILife.) See YogespracaANDRAVAsc. **Ia âfè 1 [Amara-kirti.] [1891.] 12°. 14127. aa. 6. (1.) VICTORIA, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. (Dife.] See Вндєдvдтіснлвдxд Митвд. sf«f з1 zrāTẤT- Eszīz | [Parārddhya-utsava.] 1887. 12. 14127. a. 31. (2.) See DURGĀDĀsa DE. Gfēě zz i [JubiliA dramatic composition on the Diamond yajiía. Jubilee of the reign of Queen Victoria.] [1897.] 12°. 14131, а. 40. (9.) — [Life.] See KRISHNAKUMĀRA MITRA. Í EF| f+*T-5fa-z sif>= 1 [Bhiktoriyâ-charita] [1898.] 8°. 14127. bb. 12.