Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/172

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319 YOGENIDIRANATIIA— Y06ENDRANATHA GHOSHA. A Dictionary of by pp. ii. 304. Calcutta, 14125, bb, 22, Medical Terms, in English and Bengali . . . Jogender Nath Ghose. 1887. 12°. A Dictionary of Medical Terms. . . Second edition. Thoroughly revised, greatly modified, and enlarged. pp. iv. 380. Calcutta, 1904. 12°. 14125. b. 19. Y0GENDRANATHA MITRA. body and essentials of anatomy. J. N. Mitra . [Sarira vyavachchheda..] pp. v. 315. 1891. 12°. Dissection of human Compiled by . . শরীর-ব্যবচ্ছেদ ও শরীর-তত্ত্ব-সার Calcutta, 14125. b. 12. YOGENDRANĀTHA MUKHOPĀDHYĀYA. Rachanásopán, or Helps to Bengali composition . . . by Jogendra Nath Mukhopadhyay. 35′-cosioso | pp. vi. 132. Calcutta, 1885. 12°. 14131. f. 31.(3.) Y0GENDRANATHA RAYA. Es: of: [Utkaler pañcha-tirtha. An account of the five principal Hindu places of pilgrimage in Orissa.] কলিকাত ১৯০৬ [Calcutta, 1006.] 14127. aa. 37. pp. ii, vi. 234. 12°. Y0GENDRANÂTHA SARKÂR, *f&& &tstä zi&f*58 জীবনী ও উপদেশাবলী । [Kabir. A biography of the IHindi poet, with selections from his poems in Bengali characters, accompanied by a Bengali amanslation.] pp. ii. 60. *f&T*, Ei, 3 i*i*i*is & > [Calcutta, 1893.] 12°. 14127. a. 37.(6.) YосENDRANATHA SARMA. zirga-ziš iz i (Svadesa-sangita. A collection of patriotic songs by modern I3engali poets. Second edition.] pp. iv. 72, xii. iv. •«;*i*q* [i;lauanipur, 1907.] 12°. 14129. bb. 82. (7) Misকলিকতা 14129. a. 28.04.) Y0GENDRANATHA SENA. ės] | [Ushā. collaneous short poems.] - zag Calcutta, 1898. pp. ii. 120. 12". YOGENDRANATHA THAKURA. тmonrvast&nton. পুনৰ্বসন্ত [Pu A mythological comedy.) pp. 32. *fa* z = zza [Calcutta, 1899.] 12°. 14131. а. 41.(3) YOGENDRANATHA WANDYOPADHYAYA VIDYA BHÜsHAN A. S BBBB BBB BBBB ttt S000S CCCS 0000S 00S –YOGINIORANATHA 320 Shtuyārt Miler jīvanavritta. A life of John Stuart Mill. Third edition.] pp. xxi. 173, iii. Calcutta, 1884. 12°. 14127. aa. 5. cTorg 3 grāĚ I [Yogendra-granthāvalī, The collected works of Yogendranātha Vandyopādhyāya.] কলিকাতা ১৩১৫ [Calcutta, 1008.] 89. 14128. b. 3. Each work has a separate pagination. Y06ENDRANATHA VASU, called Dhurjati. of sỊzētā zīl of pizzF =Isrā l [Ekādaşa avatāra, or Pañchānanda-mangala. A mock heroic poem, representing Babu Imdranātha Vandyopädhyaya, who used to write satirical articles in the “Vangavāsī ” newspaper, under the nom de plume of Pañchānanda, as the eleventh incarnation of Vishnu, fighting, in defence of the Hindu religion, against the Brahmists.] pp. 272. &fGi«FIsl >> >> [Calcutta, 1886.] 12°. 14129. a. 28.01.) Y0GESACHANDRA RAYA. jal 1 [Khana. A paper on Khanà and her astrological sayings.] > * > 2 [1903.] See Academies, etc.—CalcuttaBengal 1cademy of Literature. HifēEI-offss*If soil [Sahitya-parishat-patrikā.] Vol. x., no. 1. 1894, etc.) 8o. 14133. f. 18. se -f TRs, etc. Samku-nirmana. A trcatise on the construetion of sum-dials.] pp. iii. 120. <fz-FRS >v-so Calcutta, 1908. 12. 14125. ddd. 4. Y06ESWARA GHOSHA. A short poem in Bengali, with an English translation, on the Coronation of His Most Gracious Majesty Edward VII. . . . By Joggeshur Ghose (gisrifstors-art=ssziz I) (Rājyābhishoka mahotsava.] pp. ii. 23. Calcutta, 1902. 12°. 14129. bb. 13.(3.) YOGĪNDRANĀTHA BHATTĀCHĀRYA, as Hyōg w13a 313-3is3fe 1 [Mahammadiyn ñin sürn-saiA compendium of Muhammadan law.] ofotel ov-sq [Calcutta, 1895.] 8°. 14123. h. 28.02.) YoGINDRANATHA SARKAR Ff: Es A collection of illustrated gralia. pp. iv. 19 1. [ Khukumanir chharā. nursery rhymes. Edited with an introduction by Rāmendrasundara Trivedi.] pp. 17ti, xx. কলিকত। 14129. a. 43.