Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/85

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LIKHITA. (Symbol missingBengali characters) [Likhita-saṃbitā. A code of dharma, in 92 Sanskrit stanzas. With Bengali translation.] See Pañcanan Takaratna Bhaṭṭachāya. উনবিংশতি সংহিতা । [Ūnaviṃsati saṃhitā.] pp. 414-420. [19.03.] 8°. 14039. с. 20.

LITURGIES. – ENGLAND, Church of. A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, in Bengali, to be used on Thursday, the 28th July, 1854) . . . of peace. in commemoration of the restoration (প্রার্থনা ও ধন্যবাদের প্রণালী ।) [Prärpp. 7. Calcutta, 14123, b. 17. thanā o dhanyavāder pranali.] 1859. 8°. RoME, Church of *f*ÍSis l Dharmagrantha. [Manual of prayers for congregational nse by Bengali converts.] pp. 136. Calcutta, 1895. 12°. 14123. a. 31. L0CHANADÁSA THÁKURA, Gāržē-āATI»â i [Chaitanya-mangala. The life of Chaitanya, in verse. Edited, with a preface and notes, by Atulakrishna Gosvāmī.] pp. ii. x. 199. Æfāzēļ SI > zo v [Calcutta, 1902.] 8°. 14123. i. 13. শ্রীশ্রীচৈতন্যমঙ্গল । With a biographical sketch of the anthor.] xiv. 119. 8°. [Chaitanya- mangala.

  • pp. কলিকতা, গৌরব্দ ৪১৭ [Calcutta, 1003.] 14123. g. 21.

LOHARAMA SIRORATNA. Bengali language . pp. iv. 287. Grammar of the . . Twenty-seventh edition. Calcutta, 1892. 12°. 14131. e. 24. LOKANATHA BRAHMACHARI. [Life.] See GirisaCzīzē- ļos - EfÃz | [Lokanātha12°. 14127. a. 37. (2.) cH ANDRA DASA. [1890.] charita.] LOKANÁTHA DATTA. Harish-chandra-charita. [The life of Harischandra, king of Oudh, compiled from varions Sanskrit sources] by Lokenath Datta. (efK*SE-BfKS ) pp. 76. Calcutta, 1893. 8°. J4127. b. 38.(4.) LOKANĀTHA VANDYOPĀDHYĀYA. GrIIą zrzsā sisízīIR I [Yamer māyer gangāshāna. A humorous sketch, in prose and verse.] pp. 7. off-sièl Sovs [Calcutta, 1863.] 12°. 14127. f. 42.(2.) LONG (JAMEs), Rev. Analysis of the Bengali poem Rāj Málá, or Chronicles of Tripura. By the Rev. | cutta, 1860 ?] Fol. –MA I ) | HAVA ("I Í AN I) I: A 1445 (Journal of the Asiatic Society of Benpp. 533–557.) Calcutta, 1850. 8°. Ac. 8826, 11. J. Long. gal. Vol. xix. [Another edition.] pp. 41. Durew [1901.] 89. 14125. f. 39. McCULL00H (WILLIAM), Rev. See BIBLE.-John, dospot f যেহেন লিখিত সুসমাচারের টাকা । . . . Commentary on John’s Gospel . . . by the Rev. W. McCulloch. ] ) ()3. 8°. 14123, bib, 2. See BIBLE.—I?onan৪. রোমীয়দের প্রতি পত্রের টীকা . . . . Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans . . . by the Rev. W. McCulloch. 1907. 89. 14123, bib. 3. MACNAGHTEN (Sir WALTER HAY), Dart. Se e HiN DU Worship. system of Hindoo worship . . . accompanied by an English translation [by Sir W. H. Macnaghten]. 1817. 8°. 14123. f. 51. MADANAGOPĀLA GOSVĀMĪ, See Kķisgyapása KAVIRĀJA, Gosvā inž. শ্রীশ্রীচৈতন্যচরিতামৃত I [Chaitanya-charitamrita. Edited with copious notes by Madanagopāla Gosvāmī.] [1891, etc.] 4°. 14123. i. 8. See RUPA Gosvami, Eiz stafa zio z 1 (Lagi uWith a Bengali translation and [1897.] 8°. 14016. с. 58. An apology for the present bhāgavatāmrita. notes by Madanagopāla Gosvāmī.] MADANAMOHANA HÄLDÄR. 57-E I . . . Basuka, or The Determination and Exposition of the caste of which * Basaka ' is the imitial patronymic maine. Part i. pp. iv. 14125. ee. 29.(1.) The Merchants in Ancient India. 220. Calcutta, 1895. 8°. MADEL BHRĀTĀ. TEH Etzi i [Madel bhrātā, or The model brother. of educated Bengali Babus.] কলিকাতা ১২৯৩ [Calcutta, 1887.] A tale, exposing the vices Pt. i. 12°. 14127. с. 30.(1.) fRFF | [Nidāna. Translated from the pp. 12-5. MĀDHAVA, Son of Indukara. A treatise on pathology. Sanskrit by Kaviraja Saradächarana Sema Kavi Rojshahi, [1903.] 8°. 14125. с. 43.(2.) MADHAVACHANDRA DASA. [Mythological drawings printed from wood-blocks.] 3 sheets. [Cal14.133. gg. 7.(2) L ratma.] pp. vi. 146.