Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/89

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15:3 M \ | | JoNI)]RANATII A – habits of different animals.] [ 'aleutta, 1896.] 12°. pp. 12. কলিকতা 14125. е 31 (2.) MAHENDRANÁTHA BHATTÄCHÄRYA. Søe Sarzoolos-assogo. I [Kalapa-vyakarana. The Sanskrit text of Katantra, Chapter I, and V AVARM A. commentary, with a Bengali translation by Ma- [1900.] 8°. 14090. b. 32.(2.) MAHENDRANATHA CHATTOPADHYAYA. Hsüa #zT (siz ş3+I =3*İ T*=- ı [Samıäja-rahasya. A doscription of the corrupt social customs of certain Hindu castes.] pp. 82. Calcutta, 1897. 12°. 14125. е 39. MAHENDRANATHA GHOSHAL. See Gaupapana গৌড়পদীয় আগম । [\gama-săstra, Chaptersii., iii., iv. With a Bengali translation by Mahendranatha Ghoshal.] [1800.] 8°. 14010, с. 52.(4.) MAHENDRANÁTHA RÅYA WIDYÂNIDHI. A m historical sketch of the Aryan-Hindu women of hendranātha Bhattāchārya.] AcHĀRYA. the Vedic, Upanishadic and Puranic period. . . . . প্রাচীন আর্য্যরমণীগণের ইতিরক্ত [Prachina Arya ramaniganer itivpitta.] pp. 108. SR 88 Calcutta, [1887.] 12°. 14127. a. 31.(3) MAHENLRANĀTHA VIDYĀNIDHI. See PEriopicAL PUBLICATIoNs.— Calcutta. =IşFừzi= | [Anușīlana. Edited by Mahendranātha Vidyānidhi.] [Calcutta, 1894.] 8°. 14133. f. 15. See UppH AvĀNANDA. Tiff-El-RFF I l Rādhikā-mangala. With an acconnt of the author and his writings by Mahendranātha Vidyānidhi..] [1896.] 8°. 14133. f. 18, маневдонамрка внаттлснавуд ты вы maceutist’s Manual : a companion to the German and American homoeopathic pharmacopaeias. cs&&-fÃ*{{A 1 [Bheshaja-vidhana.] pp. 85, 144. Calcutta, 1892. 8°. 14125. с. 36 MAHESACHANDRA DĀSA DE. f&GIH zaig TGI i [Vijaya-Vasanta yātrā. A drama in six acts. Sixth edition.] pp. 48. Efāzēs El ses o [Calcutta, 1886.] I2°. 14131. а. 22.(2.) MAHESACHANDRA NYĀYARATNA. See CHANপণ্ডিত শ্রীযুক্ত মহেশচন্দ্র . . . মহাশয়ের প্রবেশিকার ভমসংশোধনী । Mistakes in the Sanskrit DroDAYA BHATTĀCHĀRYA. ন্যায়রত্ন [Bhramasamşodhanī. Entrance Examination Course.] - \1 AH ÉS_\{ "JI AN I j}{A 1, 1 Entrance Examination Course, which was edited by Mahesachandra Nyāyaratna.] [1887.] 12°. 14131, d. 23.01.) See GosAIN-DAs SARKÅR. N="-T- 7II [Mahesa-māhātmya. A eulogy in verse of Maheşachandra Nyăyaratna.] [1893.] 12”. 14129. b. 35.(5.) See JAsakix \tha Bh Attacii Anya. 2 tafsi: ভ্রম সংশোধনীর ভ্রমপ্রদশর্নী । 13hrama-pradarsani. LA defence of Maheshchandra Nyāyaratna’s Sanskrit [1887.] 12°. 14131. d. 23 (2.) – প্রবেশিকা-সমালোচনার ভ্রমদশিনী প্রকৃত কথা । [Prakrita kathā.] the Sanskrit Selections for the Entrance examination, 1891. pp. 210. Calcutta, 1889. 12°. 14131, d. 23.03.) বর্তমান বর্ষের সন্ধিপৃজর সময় নির্ণয় ও পঞ্জিকার Efsārē 1 [Sandhi-pūjār samaya-nirnaya. A treatise . A review of criticisms on on the deterimination of the exact time for the celebration of the Sandhi-pilja in the Bengali year 1208.] pp. iii. 60. Æf=IKSTEI > > Sv- [Calcutta, 1891.] 8°. 14133. е. 7. MAHESACHANDRA PĀLA. See KAPILA. TI=ff+forz-zst z-Hiszi H*R* i [Sāṁkhyadarsana. Edited by Maheşachandra Pāla.] [1885.] 8°. 14048. bb. 22. See UPANISH Ans. ঋগ্বেদীয়-ঐতরেয়োপনিষৎ [A series of Upanishads, compiled with Bengali translations by Mahesachandra Pāla.] [1881, etc.) 8o. 14007, cc. 8. caissa Etzái [Vedānta-ratnavali. A collection of Sanskrit treatises of the Vedānta school, compiled with Sanskrit commentaries, and Bengali translations, by Mahesachandra Pala.] Pts. 1 and 2. Efāzēs z »veg- e o [Calcutta, 18051806.] 8°. 14048. bb. 15. MAHESACHANDRA SENA. <TW*í z5fà | [Ädarsa kavi. An essay on Bengali songs, and dramatic representations.] pp. 78, iv. Efāzē Ei sa Ng [[alcutta, 1888.] 12°. 14131. d. 20. MAHESACHANDRA TARKACHŪDĀMANI. The Cabinet of Poesy, or A series of detatchel [sic] Sanskrit stanzas, each giving in itself a pithy saying and a complete poetical idea. [With commentary and a Bengali metrical version.] . . .