Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/97

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169 NA (; EN I) IRANATH A by the father of Krishņa.] pp. 106. sz. Rīgā > ɔe ɔ [Bhawanipur, 1897.] 12°. 14131. a. 40.(6) NAGENDRANATHAGUPTA: àal [Lila. A tale of Hindu society, describing the sufferings of a Hindu widow. Second edition.1 pp. 274. zef Taft El > 529 [Calcutta, 1899.] 8°. 14127, сс, 17. saffär (Tamasvini. A tale of domestie life in Bengal.] pp. 237. Efāī-FREI > zo q [Calcutta, 1900.] 12°. 14127. cс, 18. NAGENDRANĀTHA ŞĀSTRĪ, of Kandi, Murshidabad. Naya Shastra or Elements of Sanskrit logic in Bengali with full notes . . . RT[3]*TIG# I pp. iv. 06. «sazEREl Calcutta, 1903. 12o. 14125.f.40.(2.) NAGENDRANÁTHA SENA GUPTA, KawĪrāja. az sol-foso F Dravyagunasiksba. Materia Medica, compiled from native and European works. Fourth edition.] pp. vi, 510. কলিকত। ১৯০২ [Calcutta, 1902.] 8°. 14125. cc. 1. [Fifth edition.] pp. v. 510. off{RE >>26. [Calcutta, 1905.] 8°. 14125 cс. 6. A com +foss-fool [Kaviraji-sikshā. prehensive treatise on Hindu medicine, surgery, and Materia Medica. Eighth editiom.] 2 vols. কলিকতা ১৩০৯ [Calcutta, 1902.] 89. 14125. ec. 2.

  • isto oso-hoso | [Susruta-samhitā. A treatise on medicine based on Sanskrit and English works. Second edition.] pp, viii. 50, 726, ii. #fffsel S tos [Calcutta, 1903.] 8°. 14125. cc. 4.

NAGENDRANATHA VASU. See Academies, etc.— Calcutta-Bengal Academy of Literature. Hiss's ofoss—offol [Sahitya-parishat-patrikā. Edited in part by Nageudranatha Vasu.] [1894, etc.] 89. 14133. f. 18. See MAHĀBHĀRATA. TēlētāRE I [Mahābhārata. A metrical version by Vijaya Paņdita. Edited by Nagendranātha Vasu.] [1899, etc.] 8°. 14129.f,1, See NARAHARI CHARRAvARTI, 35-offo's [Vraja-parikramā Edited, with notes and a life of the author, by Nagendranātha Vasu.] [1905.] 12°. 14129, bb. 30. NAGEN I )IRANATH A 170 NAGENDRANATHA VASU (continued). See Periopical Publications.–Calcutta. 2 IŠ R zisiai afgTTEừ I [Prächīna Bāṁgalā granthāvalī. Edited in part by Nagendranātha Vasu.] [1900, etc.] 8°. 14133,ff,2, See PURĀNAs. –Brahmāndapurāna, gzī e*13to [Brahmandapurama. Elited, with a prose translation and notes, by Nagendranātha Vasu.] [1891-94.] 8°. 14016, с. 46. See RAMAI PANorta. *i:T: AT-i ISūnyapurăna. Edited, with an introduction and glossary, by Nagendranatha Vasu.] [1908.] 12°. 14129, bbb. 3. See RANGALĀLA MUKHoPĀDHYĀYA. f**czēsą i [Visvakosha. Edited in part by Nagendranatha Vasu. 1885, etc. 4o. 14133. с. 5. The Castes and Sects of Bengal. By Nagendra Nath Vasu. . . . AT53 5Rëfs of ze zi [Vanger jātiya itihāsa.] [Calcutta, 1900, etc.] 8°. 14125. ее. 32. In progress. Curtain lecture. Woff-gois I [Masari rahasya. Short sketches of life in Bengal, in proof of the superiority of Hindu over European social institutions.] pp. 82. কলিকাতা ১২৯৪ [Calcutta, 1887.] 12°. 14125, ee. 22.(1.) কবি জয়ানন্দ ও চৈতন্য-মঙ্গল । [Kavi Jayananda o Chaitanya-mailgala. An account of the poet Jayānanda and his Chaitanya-mangala, a work on the life of Chaitanya; with copious extracts from the poem.] × 528 [1897.] See AcADEMIES, etc.—Calcutta.-Bengal Academy of Literature. Hifě zī-ofāns-ofāzēl i [Sāhitya-parishat-patrikã.] Vol. iv., no. 3. [1894, etc.] 8°. 14133, f. 18. Kayastha Ethnology ... *[*Izzgā žs-fäsig ; [Käyasther varnanirnaya.] pp. iii. ii. 146. Calcutta, [1901.] 8o. 14125. ее. 35. f{GTI offer=R REISITE I [Vijaya Paņditer Mahābhārata. A paper on the Mahābhārata of Vijaya Pandita, with extracts from the poem.] > zo 3 (1896.J See AcADEMIEs, etc.-CalcuttaBengal Academy of Literatuve. Histol-off os*if*i*l I [Sähitya-parishat-patrikã.] Vol. iii., mo. 2. 1894, etc.) 8o. 14133. f. 18.