Page:Catalogue of a collection of early drawings and pictures of London, with some contemporary furniture (1920).djvu/29

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grandfather, a native of Zurich, had been in the Dutch navy, was employed as a draughtsman for many years beginning about 1803, and did much good work for Wilkinson's "Londina Illustrata"; this is the original of an engraving in that publication. He died about 1849.

By R. B. Schnebbelie, 1819. Lent by H.M. the King.


Watercolour. 8-1/4 by 13 in.

The original of an engraving which is in the first volume of "Vetusta Monumenta," published by the Society of Antiquaries, the latter having on it the date 1725. This building stood at the north end of King Street and north-east corner of Downing Street, some little distance south of the so-called Holbein or Whitehall Gate-house, and although less ornate was of some beauty and importance, as may here be seen. It also dated from the time of Henry VIII, and was demolished in 1723 to improve the approaches to Westminster.

George Vertue was in 1717 appointed engraver to the Society of Antiquaries, and did many excellent engravings for them; he also, as we see, practised in watercolour, and his literary works are of value. He collected a mass of memoranda relating to former artists, and this collection, now in the British Museum, having been bought after his death by Horace Walpole, formed the basis of the latter's "Anecdotes of Painting in England." Vertue lived and died a strict Roman Catholic.

By G. Vertue, 1723 (1684-1756). Lent by H.M. the King.


Watercolour. 8-1/2 by 7-1/2 in.

A brick building, with stone dressings and a tiled roof. It was on the site of a former theatre and dated from 1714. Here "The Beggar's Opera" was produced, and ran for sixty nights. After various vicissitudes it became a store-place for Messrs. Copeland and Spode's china, and was finally demolished for the enlargement of the Museum of the College of Surgeons. Lent by H.M. the King.