Page:Catalogue of books suitable for a popular library.djvu/52

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N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1891 $1.75
Describes in popular style the chief engineering feats of the past fifty years.
Vincent, F.Animal world — its romance and realities. (Appleton's Home Reading Books).
N. Y., Appleton, 1898 60c
N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1898 $2.50
The present work is not in any sense a history, even on the most limited scale. It may, perhaps, be termed an appreciation of the century — of what it has done, and what it has left undone.
N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1895 $1.75
Author's object is not only to reveal some of the highest achievements of the human mind, but also to let the heavens declare the glory of the Divine Mind.
N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1885 $2.50
Chic., Griggs, 1884 $1.50
Describes the rudiments of geology in a very plain and simple way.
Chic., Griggs, 1881 $2
The themes range from descriptive and literary to scientific, historical and philosophic, while the style of their treatment is intended to suit the general reader.
Meadville, Pa., Flood & Vincent, 1894 $1
Those who knew and loved the author will delight in re-reading his book; to those who did not know him it will prove a revelation of a true and noble man.
N. Y., Appleton, 1895 60c
It is believed that these chapters describing some of the strange denizens of the sea will prove a welcome addition to books of this description for young readers.