Page:Catalogue of the Library of the New Church Society.djvu/44

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Ferst and Sekond Kristian Churchez.


The fiers kontroversi between the Ferst Kristian Church on the wun hand, and Jewz and eidolaterz on the uther, and between the Sekond Kristian Church and the ieaderz ov whot iz konsiderd "Orthodoks Kristianiti" seast at the end ov about a hundred yearz, nameli, a.d. 133 and 1857, and Niu Churchmen hav sins been left in pease tu wurship the Lord Jesus Christ az the God ov heven and erth, in whom dwelz the Father, the Esse, or Esenshal Diviniti, and from whom proseedz the Holi Spirit. When Kristianz read in the ferst chapter ov the Revelashon the wurdz ov the Lord himself, after Hiz asenshon, "I am the Almeiti," they do not open their eiz weid tu see His glori, and their harts tu reseev hiz influens; but, bound bei a Kreed, they say tu themselvz, "Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ, az 'God the Son,' iz Almeiti az wel az 'God the Father;' but, az we must not say there ar two Almeitiz, when we uze the wurdz 'Almeiti God' we think ov God the Father." A klerjiman ov the Church ov England, in mei hearing, gave the Doksoloji in the folowing form:—"Nou tu God the Father, God the Sun, and God the Holi Gost, be askreibd all glori, meit, majesti, and dominion tu which They ar justli enteiteld, nou and for evermore." This iz Treïtheizm; and the ekspreshon "The Most Hei God and Hiz Divein Sun," uzed bei wun ov the ferst Kristian oratorz ov the day, iz an aknolejment ov two Divein Beïngz or Personz. The wurdz "Beïng" and "Person," in English, bear the same meaning.

In the Bath Niu Church Leibrari there ar meni thouzandz ov pajez ov relijus kontroversi on the Beïng ov God, the Divein and Hiuman natiur ov the Lord Jesus Christ diuring hiz abode on this erth, and the natiur ov hiz Hiumaniti nou He reignz az Lord ov heven and erth and hel, the Ruler ov the univers which He haz made, "Who iz over all, God blesed for ever" (Romans 9. 5).

In the year 1845 Dr Bayley, who woz then the minister ov the New Church at Accrington, rote tu several New-Churchmen who had left the Methodist Konekshon and joind the New Church, asking them tu state the reazonz that influenst them. He publisht the repleiz anonimusli, in a trakt enteiteld, "An Adres tu the Methodists," but eksprest hiz wilingnes tu giv the namez ov the reiterz tu eni who meit dezeir them. The ferst ov theze statements, bei the prezent reiter, iz here kwoted:—

Mei dear Frend,—At yonr rekwest, I wil state briefli the reazonz that indiúst me tu leav the Methodist Konekshon, and unite meiself tu wun ov the Soseietiz ov the Lord's New Church. I shud ferst say, that I woz a Methodist four yearz, and a klas leader and lokal preacher three yearz. Mei reazonz may all be sumd up in wun—the siuperior spiritiual leit