Page:Catherine of Bragança, infanta of Portugal, & queen-consort of England.djvu/88

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[chap. iv

to put the fleet in order there, and so to come back to Lisbone with three ships, and there to meet the fleet that is to follow him." ^

The Conde da Ponte — Catherine's old friend and godfather, de Mello — now arrived in Portugal, and brought with him from Charles full power to arrange the marriage and its details. He brought with him two letters from Charles — one for his future wife, and one for her mother. The one to the Queen was as follows :

My Lady and Mother,

This is brought by the good Count da Ponte. The marriage is already concluded, and I obliged him to set forth from hence by the most urgent request, as he will thereby greatly aid me in regulating the arrival of the Queen, my wife, and likewise be useful to her during the voyage, for which I entreat your Majesty will excuse his having returned this time without orders. In what concerns the affairs of Portugal, in order that nothing therein may be prejudiced from the absence of the count, I shall take upon my- self the care of them, and thus represent him here, while he does the like by me in that kingdom. With regard to him as my minister on his arrival. Your Majesty will be good enough to give entire and royal faith to all he may state as coming from me touching the quick return of my wife, who, may God bring to me in health, and may He preserve Your Majesty like- wise for the many years I desire.

The son of Your Majesty, who kisses your hands,

Charles Rex.

London, /2^/y 7.nd^ 1661.

Excuse the return of her ambassador without orders when he brought her the best news in the whole world, the news for which she had been hungering ! Charles had little occasion to ask that. The Queen-Regent

^ Diary ^ June, 1661.