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teenth century. The best known work of St. Aileran is his tract on the genealogy of Our Lord according to St. Matthew. A complete copy of this remarkable scriptural commentary is at Vienna in a manuscript of Sedulius (Siadhuil or Shiel), consisting of 157 folios, large quarto, written in two columns, with red initial letters. It is entitled: "Tipicus ac Tropologicus Jesu Christi Genealogiæ Intellectus quem Sanctus Aileranus Scottorum Sapientissimus exposuit." The Franciscan, Patrick Fleming, published a fragment of this "Interpretatio Mystica Progenitorum Christi" (Mystical Interpretation of the Ancestry of Our Lord Jesus Christ), in 1667, at Louvain—being a posthumous publication passed through press by Father Thomas O'Sheerin, O.F.M., who died in 1673. This was reprinted in the Benedictine edition of the Fathers, in 1677, and again by Migne in his Latin "Patrology" (LXXX, 327 sqq.). The Benedictine editors take care to explain that although St. Aileran was not a member of their order, yet they deemed the work of such extraordinary merit that it deserved being better known. To quote their own words, "Aileran unfolded the meaning of Sacred Scripture with so much learning and ingenuity that every student of the sacred volume, and especially preachers of the Divine Word, will regard the publication as most acceptable." Another fragment of a work by St. Aileran, namely, "A Short Moral Explanation of the Sacred Names" found in the Latin "Patrology" of Migne, displays much erudition. Archbishop Healy says of it: "We read over both fragments carefully, and we have no hesitation in saying that whether we consider the style of the latinity, the learning, or the ingenuity of the writer, it is equally marvelous and equally honorable to the School of Clonard." The feast of St. Aileran is celebrated 29 December. Otto Schmid says (Kirchenlex., I, 370) that in medieval times it was customary in the great Swiss monastery of St. Gall to read this admirable work on the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady as a commentary on the Gospel of the day, i.e. the genealogy of Jesus Christ (Matt., i, 1–16).

Ailleboust, d', Family of.—(1) Ailleboust, Lous d', Sieur de Coulanges, third Governor of Canada, date of birth unknown; d. in Montreal 31 May, 1660. He came to Canada in 1643. He was an associate of the Compagnie de Montréal, aided Maisonneuve in founding Montreal, building the first fortifications, and was commandant of the city from October, 1646, to May, 1647. Sent to France, he obtained help and important reforms in favor of the colonists. He succeeded Montmagny as Governor General, arriving at Quebec 20 August, 1648. He formed a flying camp of forty soldiers to guard the communications between the capital and Montreal. During his term of office, the Huron missions of Ontario were destroyed by the Iroquois, and the Jesuits, Brébeuf, Lalemant, Daniel, Garnier, and Chabanel, suffered martyrdom (1648–49). He settled the Huron refugees on the Island of Orleans, and tried to establish an alliance and commercial relations with New England. The Jesuit Druillettes has left an account of the embassy sent on this occasion. On the 21st of October, 1651, Jean Lauzon succeeded d'Ailleboust as governor, and the latter was not sorry to resign a post in which he had been left without support. In reward of his services, several important seigniories were granted him (Argentenaye, Coulanges, Saint Villemer). He retired to Montreal, where he took to farming, and was the first to sow French grain in Canada. In 1665 he accompanied Maisonneuve to France, where he induced the Sulpicians to assume possession of the Island of Montreal, and to send missionaries thither. He also persuaded the Sisters of l'Institut Saint Joseph, of Laflèche, to take charge of the Hôtel-Dieu. Returning to Canada with four Sulpicians, d'Ailleboust was entrusted with the interior administration of the colony (18 September, 1657; 4 July, 1658) until the arrival of d'Argenson. He laid (23 March, 1658) the first stone of the church of Sainte Anne de Beaupre, the place of pilgrimage which has since become so famous. He died leaving a name as a good Christian, a man of judicious and impartial mind.—(2) Ailleboust, Barbe d' (née de Boulogne). Date of birth unknown; d. 1685. Wife of the foregoing; followed her husband to Canada in order to devote her life to the instruction of the Indians. She learned the Algonquin language, which she taught to the Sulpicians. Jeanne Mance, Sister Bourgeois, and Barbe d'Ailleboust, rivals in virtue, have given Canada examples worthy of the great ages of the Church. After the death of her husband, with whom she had lived in continence, in order to fulfill a vow made in early life, she withdrew to the Hôtel-Dieu at Montreal, where she divided her time between prayer and good works. In 1663, with the assistance of the Jesuit Father Chaumonot, she founded the Confraternity of the Holy Family, a devotion which spread all over Canada and did much to preserve good morals. Mgr. de Laval subsequently invited her to Quebec, and gave her the general management of this pious confraternity, which was canonically erected 14 March, 1664; and still exists. In 1675, the Bishop had a little book printed in Paris, instructing the members of the confraternity as to the virtues which they should practice, and the rules they should follow (La solide dévotion à la Sainte Famille). He also established the feast of the Holy Family, and caused a mass and office to be drawn up which are proper to the Diocese of Quebec. Madame d'Ailleboust, who was endowed with great talents, with charms of mind and person, was sought in marriage by the Governor, de Courcelles, and by the Intendant, Talon, but she was faithful to her vow. She died at the Hôtel-Dieu, in Quebec, whither she had retired, to which she had given her fortune, and where she is held in veneration.—(3) d'Ailleboust, Charles Joseph, Sieur des Musseaux, nephew of the foregoing; b. 1624; d. 1700; came to Canada in 1650, where he commanded the flying column organized to protect the settlements against Iroquois attacks, and was Commandant of Montreal from October, 1651, to September, 1653, during the absence of Maisonneuve, whom he accompanied to France (1653–56). Argenson, the Governor, who had confidence in d'Ailleboust's worth, suggested him to the King as his lieutenant in 1658. He was made civil and criminal judge of Montreal, a position which he held until 1693. A good soldier, a prudent administrator, an upright judge, d'Ailleboust at his death left, by his marriage with Catherine le Gardeur de Tilly, several children who took service, and distinguished themselves, in the colonial army. They founded the families of d'Argenteuil, de Cussy, de Perigny, and de Manthet; names borrowed from Champagne, and still found in France, near Auxerre (Yonne). The d'Ailleboust family was confirmed in its rank of nobility by a decree of the King of France, registered at Québec in 1720. Some of its descendants still live at the village of Caughnawaga, near Montreal.

Histoire de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Québec (1761) 267–268; Faillon, Histoire de la colonie française au Canada (1868), III, 52 and 543; Daniel, Histoire des grandes familles françaises du Canada (1867), 128.

Ailly, Pierre d' (Petrus de Allaco), a French theologian and philosopher, bishop and cardinal, b. 1350 at Compiègne; d. probably 1420 at Avignon. He studied at the College of Navarre, University of