Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 1.djvu/441

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AMBROSIAN 397 AMBROSIAN (2) The " Psalter" contains tlie Psalms and Canticles. It is sometimes included with the " Manual". (3) The ".Manual" is nearly the complement of the "Sacra- mentary" and the "Psalter" aa regards both the Mass and the Divine Office. It contains: For tlio Divine Othce; the Luceriiaria, Antiphons, Responsoria, PsalUnih, Complcloriu, Capilula, Hymns, and other chanceable parts, except the Lessons, which are found separately. For the Mass: the Ingrcsxoe, Psalmella, Versus, Cantus, Antiphnna: ante and jiost Evantjelittm, Offertoria, Conjractoria, and Tranxitoria. The "Manual" often also contains occasional services such as are now usually found in a Ritual. (4) The "Antiphoner" is a .Uanwa/ noted. (5) The"Kitual" and (6) "Pontifical" have contents similar to those of Roman books of the same name, though of course the early MSS. are less ample. The following arc some of the most noted MSS. of the rite. (I) Sacra- mentaries and Missals: (a) The " Biasca Sacra- mentary"; Bibl. . ibros., A. 24, bis inf., late ninth or early tenth century. Described by Dclisle, "Anc. Sacr.", LXXI, edited by Ceriani in his "Monu- menta Sacra et Profana ", VIII, the Ordinary is analyzed and the Canon given in full in Ceriani's "Notitia Lit. .mbr". (b) The "Lodrino Sacra- mentary"; Bibl. Ambr., A. 24, inf., eleventh centur'. Delisle, "Anc. Sacr.", LXXII. (c) The "Sacra- mentary of San Satiro", Milan; treasury of Milan Cathedral; eleventh century. Delisle, "Anc. Sacr.", I.XXIII. (d) Sacramentary; treasury of Milan Cathc<lral; eleventh century. Delisle, "Anc. Sacr.", LXXIV. (e) The "Sacramentary of Armio", near the Lago Maggiore; treasury of Milan Cathedral; eleventh century. Delisle, Anc. Sacr.", LXXV. (f) Sacramentary belonging to the Marchese Trotti; eleventh century. Delisle, "Anc. Sacr.", LXXVI. (g) .Sacramentary; Bibl. Ambros., CXX, sup., eleventh century. Uclisle, "Anc. Sacr.", LXXVII. (h) The "Bergamo Sacramentary"; library of Sant' Alessandro in Colonna, Bergamo; tenth or eleventh century. Published by the Benedictines of Soles- mes, ".-Vuctarium Solesmense" (to Migne's Patrolo- gia), "Series Liturgica", I. (i) Sacramentary; treasury of Monza Cathedral; tenth century. De- lisle, "Anc. Sacr.", LXV. (j) "Sacramentary of San Michele di Venegttno inferiorc" (near V'arcse); treasviry of Monza Cathedral; eleventh century. Delisle, "Anc. Sacr.", LXVIII. These two of Monza Cathedral are more fully described in Frisi's "Memorie storiche di Monza", III, 7.5-77, 82-84. (k) "Missale Ambrosianum", of Bedero (near Luino); Bibl. Ambr.,. D., 87 inf.; twelfth century. Note<l by Magistretti in "Delia nuovaedizionc tipica del messale Ambrosiano". (2) Antiphoner: " Antiphonarium Ambrosianum"; British .Museum, .(ld. MSS., 34,209; twelfth century; published by the Benedictines of Solesmes, with a ccmplete facsimile and 200 pages of introduction by Dom Paul Cagin, in " Paldographie musicale", V, VI, (3) Manuals: (a) ".Manual of Lodrino;" Bibl. Ambr., SH. IV, 44; tenth or eleventh century. Imperfect. Described by .Magistretti, " Mon. Vet. Lit. Amb.", II, IH. (b) ".Ianuale .mbrosianum " belonging to the .Marchese Trotti; tenth or eleventh century. Im- perfect. Miigi.stretti, ".Mon. Vet. Lit. Amb.", II, 19. (c) "Manuale Ambrosianum"; Bibl. Ambr., CIII, sup. ; tenth or eleventh century. Imperfect. Magis- tretti, ".Mon. Vet. Lit. Amb."| II, 20. (d) "Manuale Ambrosianum"; from the Church of Cemusco (be- tween Monza and Lecco); Bibl. Ambr., I, Ho, sup.; eleventh centurj'. Magistretti, "Mon. Vet. Lit. Amb.", II. 28. (e) ".Manuale Ambrosianum"; from the Church of San Vittore al Tcafro, Milan; Bibl. Ambr., ., 1, inf.; twelfth century. Magistretti, "Mon. Vet. Lit. Amb.", II, 22. (f) "Manuale Am- brosianum"; from the Church of Brivio (near the Lecco end of the Lake of Como); Bibl. Ambr., I, 27, sup.; twelfth century. Magistretti, "Mon. Vet. Lit. Amb.", II, 30. (4) Rituals: (a) "Liber Monachomm S. Ambrosii"; Bibl. Ambr., XCVI, sup.; eleventh cen- tury. Magistretti, "Mon. Vet. Lit. Amb.", II, 33, 79-93. (b) "Rituale Ambrosianum", from the Church of S. Laurentiolus in Porta Vercellina, .Milan; Sacrar. .Motrop., H. 62; thirteenth century. .Magis- tretti, "Mon. Vet. Lit. Amb.", II, 37, 143-171. (c) Beroldus Novus"; Chapter Library, Milan; thirteenth century. .Magistretti, "Mon. Vet. Lit. Amb.", 17, 94-142. (d) "Asti Ritual"; Bibl. Mazarine, .'j2.'); tenth century. Described by Gastou6 in " Ha,sscgiia Gregoriana", 1903. This, though from the old jirov- ince of Milan, is not Ambrosian, but has bearings on the subject. (5) Ceremonial: "Calendarium et Or- dines Ecdesiu; Ambrosianie"; Beroldus; Bibl. .Vinbr., I, 1,58, inf. twelftli century. Publislied by Magis- tretti, 1894. (6) Pontificals: (a) "Pontificale .Mcdio- lanensis Eeclesia;"; Chapter Library, Milan; ninth century. Printed by Magistretti, "Mon. Vet. Lit. Amb.", I. (b) "Pontificale Mediolanensis Eecle- sia'"; Chapter Library, Milan; eleventh century. Magistretti, " Mon. Vet. Lit. Amb.", 1, 27. (c) " Ordo Ambrosianus a<l Consecrandam Ecclesiam et Al- tare;" Chapter Library, Lucca; eleventh century. Printed by Mercati, "Studi e tcsti" (of the Vatican Librarj'), 7. Some editions of the printed Ambrosian service-books: Missals: (Pre-Borromean) 147.5, 1482, 1486, 1488, 1494, 1499, 1505, 1515, 1522, 1548. 1.560; (St. Charles Borromeo) 1594; (F. Borromeo) 1009- 18; (Monti) 1640; (Litta) 1669; (Fed. Visconti) 1692; (Archinti) 1712; (Pozzobonelli) 1751, 1768; (Fil. Visconti) 1795; (Gaisruck) 1831; (Ferrari) 1902. Breviaries: (Pre-Borromcan) 1475, 1487, 1490, 1492, 1507, 1513, 1522, and many others; (St. Charles Borromeo), 1582, 1588; (Pozzobonelli) 17(iO; (Gais- ruck) 1841; (RomiUi) 1857; (Ferrari) 1896, 1902. Rituals: n. d. circ, 1475 (a copy in Bodleian), 1045, 1736, 1885. Psalters: 1486, 1555. Ceremonials: 1619, 1831. Lectionary: 1660? Litanies: 1494, 1546, 1667. The editions of the Missals, 1475, 1751, and 1902; of the Breviaries, 1582 and 1902; of the Ritual, 1645; both the Psalters, both the Ceremonials, theLectionary, and Litanies a re in the British Museum. IV. The LiTntGic^L Year. — The Liturgical Year of the Ambrosian Rite begins, as elsewhere in the West, with the First Sunday of Advent, but that Sunday, as in the Mozarabic Rite, is a fortnight curlier than in the Roman, so that there arc six Sundays in Advent, and tlie key-day of the begin- ning of Advent is not St. Andrew's (30 Noveiiil)cr) but St. Martin's Day (11 November), which begins the Sanctoralc. The rule of this key also ditters. The Roman is: " Adventus Domini celebratur semper die Dominico, qui propinquior est festo S. Andrea; Apostoli", which gives a range from 27 November to 3 Decemlx:r. The Ambrosian is: "Adventus Dom- ini inchoatur Dominica proxima post Festum S. Martini", that is to say, from 12 November to 18 November. If, as in 1906, St. Martin's Day falls on a Sunday, the Octave is the first Sunday of Ad- vent; whereas in the Roman Rite if St. Andrew's Day falls on a Sunday, that day itself is Advent Sunday. The Fcriac of Advent continue until the Fcrice de Eiccplato liegin. These days, which some say must have been originally dc Expedalo, a quite unnecessary supposition, and on which the ordinary sequence of the Psalter is interrupted and certain proper [isalms and antiphons are said, occur a<(ord- ing to the following rule: "Officium in Advcniu Croprium quod de Exceptato dicitur semper cele- ratur in hac hebd. VI Adv. nisi dies Nativitatis Domini incident in fer. Ill, vel IV; tunc de Excep- tato fit in helxl. V Adv." So that there must be two and there may be seven of these days. Clirist- mas Eve is not ex.actly counted as one of them, though, if it falls on a weekday, it has the proper I>8alms and antiphons of that Ftria de Exceptalo. If