Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 1.djvu/527

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ANDRADA 469 ANDREA the Indies. In 1624, after almost incrcilible hanl- uliips lie succeeded in iK'netrating into Thibet. Kindly received by the head sovereign of the coun- try, Andraila returned to Agra for other workers like hiniself, an<l on his return to Thibet cstab- lislied a niissionarj' centre at Chaiiarangue. Recalled to Goa to act its .superior of the Indies, he died there, poisoned for the Faith. .Xndrada ha.s given in letters to his superiors and others a graphic anil accurate account of his <iiscoveries and labours. These have been pulilished in and French and are iii- cor[>orated in the works of P. J. Darde, S.J., " His- toire de ce qui s'est pa.s,s6 en Kthiopie" (Paris, 1628), and " Histoiro de ce qui s'est pvumi au royaume du Thibet" (Paris, 1629). 80MMKRVOOEI., Biblwthi'que de la compagnie de Ji^aua, I, col. 330. 331; Alehamui, Mca-lee ilualrea, 438; Franco, Imogen de virtiule em o noviciado de Lisboa, 375-418. Joseph M. Woods. Andrada, Thoma.s. See Thomas of Jesus. Andrada de Payva, Dieoo, a celebrated Portu- picse theologian of the .sixteenth century, b. atCoim- bra, 26 July, 1.">2.S; d. 1 December, 1575, at Lisbon. .fter tinishing his course at the University of Coim- bra, he received Holy Orders, and remained a.s profes.sor of theology. So great was his reputation that King Sebastian appointed him theologian at the Council of Trent, 1561. Here he merited the special thanks of the Pope by an able work in defence of the papal authority. Wlule at the council he wrote his " Decern libri orthodoxaruni explicationum " (Venice, 1564, 1.594; Cologne, 1564, 1574) against the work of Chemnitz, "Theologiie Jesuitarum pnecipua capita". In this bcHik he discusses and defines the chief points of doctrine attacked by the heretics. Chemnitz answered by his well-known " Kxamen Cone. Trid.", in reply to which . draila produced his best work, " Defensio Tridentin;r fidei Cath." (Lisbon, 1578 and 1595). He published also three volumes of sermons in Portuguese. Andrada de Payva had not only a grasp of theological ques- tions which won for iiim an important position among sixteenth-century theologians, but he was also so clear and convincing in the exposition of his arguments that he proved an admirable apologist, and it was matter of regret that his untimely death preventeil the completion of his great work, the '■ Defensio Trid. fidei." This had progre.s.sed as far as the fifth session, inclusive of tlic tloctrine upon the Immaculate Conception in defence of which it marshalled an imposing array of authorities. HcRTER, Nomenciator; Tocswaint in Dirt, de Ihi-ol. cath. Arthur J. McC.ffray. Andrtf (Andrea-s), Bernard, native of Toulouse, Austin friar, poet laureate of England, and chronog- rapher of the reign of Henry VII (14S.5-1.509). He was tutor to Prince Arthur, and probably had a share in the education of Henry VIIl. He was also a tutor at Oxford, and seems to have been blintl. His "Historia Henrici Septimi" was edited (18.5S) by .Mr. Junies Gairdner, who says of Andr<;'s chronicle of events to the Cornish revolt of 1497 that it is valuable "only as one of the very few sources of contemporary information in a particularly obscure period'. His writings are mostly in Latin, and l)etray in a marked and typical way the influence of the contemporary Renaissance, both as to thought and diction. For . i)iik's Life of Ilenry VII, nee J. Gairdner. MemoriaU of llrnnj VII in RoUt Seriet (Ix>n.lon. IMS); Ioem, in Did. of .V.i(. liuiir.. I. 398, .39(1; C'.ARniNKH uml Mti.i.lN<;ER, Introd. to the Stwiy of Englieh llittory (4th eil., 10031. 303. 304. Thom.s J. Shaha-V. Andrtf, Yves M.arie, mathematician, b. 22 May, 1675, at Cliateaulin, in Lower Brittany; d. at Caen, •25 February, 1764. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1693. Although distinguished in his scholastic studies, he was, on account of his Gallicanism, Carte- sianism, and Jansenism, assigned to scientific studies and made royal professor of mathematics at Caen where he remainea for thirty-nine years. A literary essay on "The Beautiful" won him ^reat fame, and is considered a classic. During his lifetime the Society was suppres-sed, and the philosophical and religious errors which ho could not exjire-ss as a Jesuit were ofxMily cs|X)used when he was secularized. He condcnini'il his former associates for their action against Cardinal de Noailles, and was a strong anti- ritraniontane. He was intimately a.ssociatea with MalebraiRhc, and kept up an extensive correspond- ence with him. White in the Society his Gallicanism and JaiLsenism made it impossible to appoint him to any respoiLsible office. lie obstinately refused to change his views. On the suppression of the Society he withdrew to the Canons Regular of Caen, and the Parliament of Rouen provided him with a pen- sion. Although his best work by far is his "Essay on the Beautiful", there is considerable ability in his "Traits de I'homnie". He wrote a poem on the "Art of Conversation ", which was translated into English in 1777. Several posthumous works were published, among which wius one with the curious title, " .Man as a Static Machine; a Hydraulic Ma- chine; a Pneumatic .Machine; and a Chemical Ma- chine". Though the work was never found, it is pretty certain that he wrote a " Life of Malebranche ". Victor Cousin had much to do with publishing the posthumous letters of I'ather Andrd, to whom we owe as many as eighteen works, some of them in folio, on metaphysics, hydrography, optics, physics, civil and military architecture, along with treatises on literary subjects, sermoiLS, catechetical instruc- tions, etc. MiciiACD, Biog. Univ.: Qu^rard; De Backer, Bibliolhiaut de la c. de J., 1, 152-154. T. J. Ca.mpbell. Andrea, Giovanni d', canonist, b. at Mugello, near Florence, about 1275; d. i:i48. He was educated by his father and at the L'niversity of Bologna where he afterivards became professor of canon law, after having taught at Padua and Pisa. His period of teaching extended over forty-five years. Trithemius, Baldus, Forster, and Bcllarmin pay him the highest tributes and on his death during the plague in 1348 he is said to have been interred in the church of San Domenico at Bologna. His career is summed up in the epitaph: Rabbi Doclorum, Lux, Ceruior, nnr- maque mnrum. His works are " Glossarium in VI decretalium librurn " (Venice and Lyons. 1472); " tdossarium in Clementinas; Novella, sive Commen- tarius in dccretales epistolaa Gregorii IX " (Venice, 1581); " Mercuriales, sive commentarius in regulas sexti; Liber de lauilibus S. Hieronjini; Additamenta ad speculum Duraniii " (1347). ScllKHER in Kirchenlex.. 9. v. TlIOM.^S WaLSH. Andrea Dotti, Blessed, b. 12.56, in Borgo San Sepolcro, Tuscany, Italy; d. there 31 .Vugust, 1315. He was of noble parentage, being the orother of Count Dotto Dotti, made captain of the archers of the body-guard of Philip the Fair. Andrea grew up as many other noblemen of his time, but was ever distinguished for eminent piety as well as for courage in the field. In 1278 St. Philip Beniti delivered a sermon at the opening of the general chapter of his order in Borgo, and young Dotti was so stnick by the eloquence and sanctity of the man that he at once a.sKed to be admitted to the Servile Order. He was received by the General, and by reason of his piety and brilliant attainments was soon after or- tlained to the priesthood. His zeal manifested it.self principally in preaching and penance. He filled various positions of honour in the Order, con- verted Blesseil Bartholomew, and by his charity and zeal won over to the Order a hirge number of hermits