Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 1.djvu/550

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thanks to Bishop Freppel, was chosen for the western portion of France, including the Dioceses of Angers, Rennes, Laal, Le Mans, Angouleme, Tours, and Poitiers. The university then took the title of "Facultés Cathohques de rOuest ". It comprises the faculties of letters, of sciences, and law, and a superior school of agriculture, with a teacliing staff of 45 professors and from 200 to 300 students, most of whom are laymen belonging to the faculty of law. Angers has numbered among its faculty in the past Monsignor Sauve, author of numerous theological and philosophical works, Father Billot, now a pro- fessor in the Gregorian University at Rome, Father Antoine, author of a remarkable course of social economy, while it still retains Monsignor Legendre, an authority on biblical geography, and the dis- tinguished novehst, Ren6 Bazin. The University publishes the "Revue des Facultés Catholiques de l’Ouest" and a "Bulletin des Facult^s Cathohques de l’Ouest".

Rashdall, The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages (Oxford. 189.5), II, 148; Rangeahd, Histoire de l’université d’Angers (Angers, 1872); De Lens, L'universite de l’Anjou (Angers, 1880), a continuation of Rangeard; Fournier, Leg atatuts et privileges des universites fran^-mses (Paris, 1890- 92); Calvet, The Catholic Institutes of France in Catholic University Bulletin, Jan., 1907.

George M. Sauvage.

Anges, Notre Dame des (Our Lady op the Angels), a miraculous shrine near Lurs, France, con- taining a crypt (Sainte Chapelle) which tradition dates back to an early period. Archieological finds, inscrip- tions, and the records left by antiquaries give evi- dence that this was once the site of a Roman colony and a station termed in ancient itineraries Alaunium (founded 150 B. c). Situated as it was on a Roman road connecting cities which are believed to have been evangelized at an early period, Alaunium probably received the Faith at the same time. There is an ancient tradition to the effect that one of the imme- diate disciples of Christ erected an oratory here in honour of the Mother of God, and that it took the name Alaunium, later contracted into Aulun. Though several chapels were built on this site and destroyed, an ancient tablet sur'ived all calamities. On the occasion of a cure wrought before tliis tablet (2 August, 1665) a choir of angels, it is said, was heard singing; on the repetition of the marvel the following year the name of the shrine was changed to Our Lady of Angels, and it was placed in charge of the Recollect Fathers of St. Francis. In 1752 Bishop Lafiteau of Sisteron instituted the feast of the Relatives of Marj', making this sanctuary a centre of the devotion. In 1791 the religious were expelled, and the church despoiled. On the reopening of the churches the pilgrimages recommenced, and still continue. The most important of them takes place on 2 August.

Leroy, Histoire des pelerinages de la Saints Vierge en France (Paris, 1873), III, 423 sqq.; Acta SS. 2 August.


Angilbert, Saint, Abbot of Saint-Riquier, d. 18 February, 814. Angilbert seems to have been brought up at the court of Charlemagne, where he was the pupil and friend of the great English scholar Alcuin. He was intended for the ecclesiastical state and must have received minor orders early in life, but he accompanied the young King Pepin to Italy in 782 in the capacity of primiccrius palalil, a post which implied much secular administration. Ill the academy of men of letters which rendered Chariemagne's court illustrious Angilbert was known as Homer, and portions of his works, still extant, show that his skill in verse was considerable. He was several times sent as envoy to the pope, and it is charged against him that he identified fiiiiisclf with the somewhat heterodox views of Ch.irlcin.igno in the controversy on images. In 790 he was named Abbot of Centula, later known as Saint-Riquier, in Picardy, and by the help of his powerful friends he not only restored or rebuilt the monastery in a, very sumptuoiLs fashion, but endowed it with a precious hbrarj' of 200 volumes. In the year 800 he had the honour of receiving Charlemagne as his guest. It seems probable that Angilbert at this period (whether he was yet a priest is doubtful) was leading a very worldly life. The circumstances are not clear, but modern historians consider that Angil- bert undoubtedly had an intrigue with Charlemagne's unmarried daughter Bertha, and became by her the father of two children, one of whom was the well- known chronicler Nithard. This intrigue of Angil- bert's, sometimes regarded as a marriage, has been disputed by Hdnocque and others, but is now gen- erally admitted. We should probably do well to remember that the popular canonizations of that age were very informal and involved little investiga- tion of past conduct or virtue. It is, however, stated by Angilbert's twelfth-century biographer that the abbot before his death did bitter penance for this "marriage", and the historian Nithard, in the same passage in which he claims ."jigilbert for his father, also declares that Angilbert's body was found incorrupt some years after his burial. Angil- bert has been claimed as the aiithor of a fragment of an epic poem on Charlemagne and Leo III, but the authorship is disputed. On the other hand, Monod believes that he is probably responsible for certain portions of the famous “Annales Laurissenses”.

Acta SS., 3 Feb.; Werner in Kirchenlex. s. v.; Bouthors, Histoire de St. Riquier (.Abbeville, 1902), 62-86; Henocque, Histoire de r.ibbaije de St. Riquier (Paris, 1880). I. 95-208, etc.; Wattenbach. Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen (Berlin, 1904), I, 191-198; Monod, Etudes critiques sur les sources de I'histoire carolinffienne (Paris. 1898). 120-126; Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders (Oxford. 1899), VIII. 150-154; Tracbe, Karolingische Dichtunqen (Berlin, 1SS8). 55 sqq,; Hauck, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands, II, 174-176; Althof, Angilberts Leben und Dichtungen (Munden. 1888). For Angilbert's poems (ed. Dummler) see the quarto series of the Mon. Germ. Script.

Herbert Thurston.

Angilram, Bishop of Metz. See False Decretals.

Angiolini, Francesco, a noted scholar, b. at Piacenza, Italy, 1750; d. at Polotsk, 21 February, 1788. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1765, and after the suppression of the Jesuits retired to Polotsk. Angiolini has left after him many works that attest his scholarship. He is the author of a Polish gram- mar for the use of Italians; he wrote original poems in Italian, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and several comedies in Polish, and a translation from the Greek into Italian in three octavo olumes of Josephus Flavins (Florence, Paolo Fumagalli, 1840-44). An- giolini also translated into his mother tongue the Electra, (Edipus, and Antigone of Sophocles (Rome, 1782). Other works of Angiolini are an Italian trans- lation of Thucydides, incomplete, and a Polish trans- lation of Sophocles.

Sommervogel, Biblioth., I, 391; Cassani, Varonea Iluatree. Ill, 268-277.

Joseph M. Woods.

Anglesea, The Priory of, Cambridgeshire, England, was founded in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas for a community of Austin Can- ons, by Henry I. Dugdale wjus unable to find any charter of foundation; but a deed cited by him in an appendix, with regard to the rights of patroiuige and election ceded by Elizabeth de Burgh, Laily de Clare, to the canons in 1333, lends some support to the opinion of Leland and Speed that Ricliard de Clare was a foimder, or at least a patron, of the house, as was also Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March, in the reipi of Henry V. Information with regard to this priory is scanty. No register is known. The ruins are meagre. "There are some remains of Anglesea Priory in the back part of a mansion-house ",