Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 10.djvu/144

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exposod to the incursions of the barbarians, he re- an autooephalous nrcliliishopiic, mxl towards lUliO a

moved Ins episcopal see in 531 from \'erin;iii(l. a little city without defence, to Noyon, the slronsest place in that region. The year followinf;. St. I'llciitherius, Bisliop of Tournai, having dic-il, SI. .Mi-danlus was in- vited to assume the direction of that diocese also. He refused at first, but lieing m'geil by t'jotaire himself he at hist accepted. This union of the two dioceses lasted until 1146, when (hey were again separated. Clotaire. who had paid him a last visit at Noyon, hatl his l)ody transfc-rred to the royal manor of Crouy at the gates of (he city of Soissons. Over the tomb of St. Medardus was erected the celebrated Benedictine abbey which beai-s his name. St. Medardus was one of the most honoured bishops of his time, his memory has always been popularly vener- ated in the north of France, and he soon became the hero of nu- merous legends. The Church celebrates his feast on 8 June.

Baronics, Ann. (1597), 527. 80; 564, 31-4; Becu, Dissert, sur quelques dates et quelques fails contestes de la vie de SI. Mi'dard in Com. Arch, de Noyon, compi. rend, et mem.. II (1867), 307-20; Chiffletius in Ada SS., June, II, 95-105; CoRBLET, Notice historique sur le culte de St. Medara in Butl. de la Sac. des ant. de Picardie (Amiens, 1856); CoRBLET, Hagiogr. du dio- else d'Amiens, IV (1874), 524-31; GvENEBAULT in Rev. archeol. XIII (P.<iris, 1857), 557-62; Lefebcre, Saint MedardiFsLTTS, 1864); Maitre, Le cuUe de S. Me- dard dans le diocese de Nantes in Ann. de Bretagne (1900), XV, 292-8; ScRius. De vit. SS., Ill (Venice, 1551), 177-181.

Lkon Clugnet.

Medea, a titular see of Thrace, suffragan of Heraclea. This name and the modern name (Midieh) are derived from the ancientSalmy- dessos or Almydessos. Herodotus (IV, 93) says that the inhabitants

yielded to Darius after some resistance ; Xenophon and his companions in arms subjugated it with much diffi- culty (.\nab., VII, 5, 12). The city is also mentioned by Sophocles (Antig., 9(59), by Jllschylus (Prom., 726), ■who places it wrongly in Asia, Diodorus Siculus (XIV,

metropolitan see ((lelzer, op. cit., (iOl). In 1623 the metropolit;in sees of Modea and Sozopolis wore united, to be again separated in 1715. A lit lie l:i In- Medea was united with Hizya, at least among the ( )i i Innlox (ireeks, and it is so still. Le Quien (Onms I'hi is! i:inus, I, 1143-1146) gives (he names of live (lri'cl< metropoli- tans, and Eubel (Hieriircliia catholiea medii a>vi, I, 355) mentiotis two Latin titularies of the fourteenth century. To-day Medea or Midieh is a part of the sanjak of Kiik-Ki'lissi in the vilayet of Adrianople; there are two lliousand (Ireeks and some Turks.

Ptolemy, Gcogrnphia s. v. Salmydcssos, ed. Mi'LLer, I, 475; Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, II, s. v. Sal- mydcssos.

S. Vailhe.

Medellin, Archdio- cese OF (Medei.t.en- sis), in the Re])ul>lic of Colombia, Mel ropolitan of .-Vntioquia and .Mani- zales, in the Depart- ments of Medellin, An- tioquia, and Manizales. Prior to 1908, when a new civil territorial di- vision was adopted, the limits of the archdio- cese were conterminous W'ith the former Depart- ment of .'\ n t i o q u i a (from native words meaning the "hill or mountain of gold") which lay in the basins of the Magdalena, Cauca, anil A t r a t o rivers, had an area of over 22,000 square miles, antl Wii-s divided into ten ei^•il provinces, Aures (capital, Sonson), Centro (cap., Medellin), Fredonia (cap., Fre- donia), Nordeste (cap., iSta Rosa de (Dsos), Norte (cap., Yarumal), (Iccidente (cap.^ An- tioquia), Oriente (cap., Maranilla), Sopetran (cap., Sopetran), Sur (cap. , Manizales) , Uraba (cap., Frontino). The


Evangeliarium of St-Medard of Soisson-g (fol. 11 recto), Biblioth&que Nationale, Pari.s

territory of the archdiocese is comprised in the Andes region; means of communication are poor, owing to the mountainous nature of the country; a railway, however, is being built from Puerto Berrio to Medellin. The Catholic religion is uni- 37), 6trabo (VII, vl.'l; XII, i'ii, 3; I, iii, 4, 7), Ptolemy versally profes.sed, but the exercise of all cults not (VII, xi, etc.), who all agree in locating its harbour oh contrary to Christian morality is permitted. The the Black Sea and very much exposed to the winds; language is Spanish, and the inhabitants are descend- moreover the shore was sandy and unfavourable for ants of the Spanish conquistadores , of the mestizos and navigation. Theophanes (Chronogr., an. m. 6255) negroes. There is no race antagonism, chiefly because

mentions it under the name M^Seia in the year 763 The Emperor Joannes Cantacuzenus, having taken it in 13.52, was almost killed there by the Turks (Histor., IV, 10); it is also frequently mentioned in official acts ' ' '"onstan

of the influence and teaching of the Catholic reli- gion. The Indians of the Cauca valley were originally cannibals.

Education is gratuitous and as far as possible com- pulsory; there are 400 primary schools with 35,000

(Miklosich and MuUer, "Acta patriiirciKitus C' , ., , - - ,

tinopolitani ", Vienna, II, 600). Medea is mentioned pvipils, besides many schools conducted by religioiis,

as a suffragan of Heraclea towards 900 in the " Noti- During the civil disturl)ances of the past, rnany of the

tia" of Leo the Wise (Gelzer, " Ungedruckte . . . monasteries were confiscated, and are still used as

Texte der NotitiiE episcopatuum", 5.52); it is men- public buildings; but the relations between Church

tioned in the same way in the "Notitia" of Manuel and State were amicably settled by the Concordat of

Comnenus about 1170 and of Michael VIII about 1887. .

1270 (Parthey, "Hieroclis Synecdemus", 104, 204). Previous to 1804, the region was within the m-

Shortly after, under .\ndronicus II, Medea was made risdiction of the Metropolitan of Bogota. On 31