Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 11.djvu/189

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Ancient Coina: Eckhel, DoctrtTia nummorum veterum (Vienna. 1792-98): MioNNET, Description des medailles antiques grecques el romaines (6 vols, and supprement, Paris, 1806-13; 9 vols., 1819- 37) ; Head, Historia numorum. A Manual of Greek Numismatics (Oxford, 1887) ; A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum (London, 1878 — ) ; Barth^lemt, Nouveau manuel de numisma- /iquc ana>?ine (Paris, 1890); Imhoop-Blumer, Monnaies grecques (Paris, 1883); Madden, Coins of the Jews, Vol. Ill of Numismata Orientalia (London, 1886); Saulct, Recherches sur la numisma- tique judaique (Paris, 1854); Babelon, Description historique el ologique des monnaies de la reptihlique romaine vulgairement

Comity Consultatif des Graveura of the Paris mint d'archMogie (Bmssels, then Paris ISSl--); Reme suisse de

, i. J „ jj „ :„♦; „ 4. 4.U J f „+., l.:^u numismatique; Numismatic Chronicle (London); Rivista italiana

delivered an address pointing out the defects which ^,- numismatica (Milan); Gazzetta numismatica (Rome); Journal

prevented the artistic development of the medal, and, international d'arcMologie numismatique (.\then3)

as president of the mint, appealing for their amend- * ment. He particularly mentioned the bad taste of the lettering, the polish, the high rim etc. If this address dealt rather with the outer form, a new view of the true purpose of the medal had already been gradually created. Following the productions of Oudines, Paul Dubois, Chapus, above all Herbert Ponsoarmes (the first to oppose the polishing of medals) and later Degeorges, Chaplains, and Daniel Dupris, Oscar Roty, by far the most distinguished of the French medallists, won distinction. He excels not only as a portraitist, but more particularly in the com- position of the reverse: his fine allegories (e. g., on the medal for merit in connexion with the education

of girls — the Republic teaching maidens, the future don, 1889); Sabatier, Description gtntrale des mo7tnaies byzan- mothers of men) recall the artists of the QuaUrocenlo, ""^|X"al Ind^'kodern Coins: Lelewel, Numismatique

which he carefully studied, but did not, as a rule, — • -

directly imitate. Just as the execution of the medal is preceded by long and careful deliberation as to how the fundamental idea is to be worked out (Ponscar- mes seems to have led the way in this) so the execu- tion itself receives to the very last moment the most

tion ginirale des monnaies <l< Sabatier, Description gent in SEN, Geschichte des rOmiseh< n U'/ < - . - ' MANT, La monnaie dans Vantiquiti (Paris, cription historique des monnaies frappei

communement appelees medailles imperiales (Paris, i8.^9-6S; 2d 1888-92) ; Stevenson, A Dictionary of Roman Coins (Lon-

-86) ; Cohen, Descrip- rumaine (Paris, 1857) ; " s contomiates; MoMM- ( Berlin, 1860); Lenor- 878-79) ; Cohen, Des- I'empire ■

moyen-Age (Paris, 1835): Blanchet, Nouveau manuel de nu matique du moyen-dge et moderne (Paris, 1890) ; Engei^Serrure, Numismatique du moyen-dge (Paris, 1891-1905) : Idem, Traiti de la numismatique moderne contemporaine (Paris, 1897-99) ; Grdeber, Handbook of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland (London, 1898).

Medals: Armand, Les medailleurs italiens des quinzi^me ei siecles (Paris, 1883-87); Friedlander, Die italienischen

careful attention. Only the artist S hand must touch Schaumilntzen des ISten Jahrhunderts (Berlin, 1880-82); Heiss,


French medal has

thus attained great

results, even when

judged merely on its

technical merits.

Independently of the French move- ment, a medallic re- vival has begun in Austria. Anton Scharff brought about a restoration of the medallic style and an emancipa- tion from the rigid conventional forms; working side by side with him are Josef Thautenheym, le und ir. Jahrhunderts {Ber^u. 1884) (reprinted from Zeit-

wuiKiug muc uy ii.uc „,„„*„,. „f tv,„ tofVinirrMP schrift fur Numismatik, XII (1885 ; S1MON19, L'ort de medaillier

the elder, htefan .Schwartz, a master Ot the technique ^^ Belgique (Jemeppe, 1904); Medallic Illustrations of the His- Of the chiselled medal, and Franz Xaver Pawllk. Ke- t„y of Great Britain and Ireland (published by the British Mu-

cently Rudolf Marschall has won a high reputation ' ' ' - " "' "" " '"-

as a portraitist, and received the commission to exe- cute medals for both Leo XIII and Pius X. The French and Viennese medals have called forth in other countries an activity which has already resulted in many beautiful specimens of medallic art.

General Numismatics: Dannenbehg, Grundzuge der Milnz- kunde (Leipzig, 1892); Halke, Einleitung m das Studium der Numismatik (Berlin, 1889); v. Sallet, Munzen und MedaiUen (Berlin, 1898); Babelon, Notice sur la monnaie (Pans, 1898); Ambrosoli, Manuale de Numismatica (Milan, 189o); Lane- PoOLE, Coins and Medals (London, 1894); E. and F. Gnecchi, Guida numismatica universale (Milan, 1903) ;HlRSCH, Bibliotheca numismatica omnium gentium (Nuremberg, 1760) ; LlPsins, Bibli- oteca numaria (Leipzig, 1801); LmTZMANS, BMioteca numarm (1800-66). On Abbreviations: Schmid, Clams numismatica (Dresden, 1840); Rentzmann, Numismatisches Legmdm Lexikon des MUtelaUers und der NeuzeU (2 parts, Berlin, 1865-bb, supple- ment, 1878) ; ScHLicKEiSES, Erkldrung der Abkurzungen auf MiXn- zen 3rd ed. bv Pallman.v (Berlin, 1896): Cappelu, Lexicon ahbreiiaturarum (Leipzig, 1901). Dictionaries: de Basinghen, Traite rfes mnnnaies (Paris, 1764); Schmieder, HandwOrterbuch derg'samml,,, Munzkunde (Halle and BerUn, 1811, 1815^ "" ■ -ietto del

Goi-D Medal of Leo XIII by RtjnoLF M.

Mnhillr (Drcsdc

Les medailleurs de la re- naissance (Paris, 1882—); Keary, a Guide to the Italian Medals (London, 1882) ; Fabriczy, Me- daiUen der italienischen Renaissance (Strasburg, 1903); Poey d'Avant, Tresor de numismatique et de glyptique (Paris, 1839 — ) : Mazerolle, Les medailles frani^aises du 15. siicle au moitii du 17. (Paris, 1902); DoMANiG, Die deutsche Medaille in kunst- und kulturhistarischer Hin- sicht nach dem Bestande der Medaillensammlung des ah. Kaiserhauses (Vienna, 1907); Erman, deutsche Medaille des

LlCHTWARK, Die Wiederweckung der , 1895); DoMPlERRE de Chaufetie, Les mi- modernes (Haarleben, 1898 — ); Marx, Les mi- cotitemporains (Paris) ; Marx, Les medailles I- et A I'etranger (Paris, 1901); LoEHR, Wiener a. 1899; supplement, 1902).

Aug. v. LoEHR.

Nunc Dimittis (The Canticle op Simeon), found in St. Luke's Gospel (ii, 29-32), is the last in historical sequence of the three great Canticles of the New Tes- tament, the other two being the Magnificat (Canticle of Mary) and the Benedictus (Canticle of Zachary). All three are styled, by way of eminence, the "Evan- gehcal Canticles" (see Canticle). The title is formed from the opening words in the Latin Vulgate, "Nuncdimittisservum tuum, Domine" etc. ("Now thou dost dismiss thy ser\'ant, O Lord" etc.). The circumstances under which Simeon uttered his song- petition, thanksgiving, and prophecy are narrated =„u=,ji.., ,„, ...«.» - . by St. Luke (ii, 21-35) (.see Candlemas). The

1897). Periodicals: Historische MUnzbelustigunqen (1729-50); ^QrJjj following those quoted above, "according tO Numismatische Zeitung {Vfeisaeasee, 18Zi-73)\ BUUterJtg Munz- wnrH in npare" nre evnlninpd hv v 26' "And

freunde (Leipzig. 1865—): Numismatischer Anzeiger (.Hanover. thy wora m peace , are expiameci Dy V. ^o. rtnu - ^-- ■ ■■ " -■ ■ ■•' '"-<■- >'>■'<— ^■ A-,.„,.- jjg Ijj^j received an answer from the Holy Ghost,

that he should not see death, before he had seen the Christ of the Lord." Brief though the Canticle is, it abounds in Old-Testament allusions. Thus, in the following verses, "Because my eyes have seen thy salvation" alludes to Isaias, Hi, 10, rendered afterwards by St. Luke (iii, 6), "And all flesh shall see the salva- tion of God". Verse 31, '^.^Tiich thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples" accords with the Psalm-

'.smatici in sette lingue (Mila

iouo— ,, Zeitschrift fir Numismatik (Berlin, 1874—); matisches Literaturblatt (Berlin, 1880—); Berliner MunzbldUer (1880—); Frankfurter Munzblatter. now Frankfurter MUnzzeitung (1901 — ); Zeitschrifl und Monatsblatt der numismatischen Oeaell- schaft in Wien (1870—); Zeilschrift und Mitteilungen derOs^. Gesellschaft zur Fbrderung der MUnz- und Medaillenkunde (IS90— ) , Mitteilungen der bayrischen numismatischen Gesellschaft [l»7^—)- Revue numismatique (Paris, 1856— ) , hirinerly ««! matique fran^aise (Blois, 1835— 56)_

_ ? de la

manque jran,;aise vu.u.=., •>,„.. „„, , 'Yearbook oi the SociUi f< taise de numismatique (1866—); Bulletin international de matique (Paris, 1902—) " '^ " — '•"■" " "'

„^..,„. ,.».„, .„„- , .- .«ma(iff.« (Tirlemont,

then Brussels, 1842—); Bulletin mensuel de numismatique et