Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 12.djvu/142

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190,000 inhabitants; 10 religious houses of men, and 29 of women; 6 educational establishments for boys, and 13 for girls; 1 Catholic daily paper.

Cappelletti, Le Chiese d' Italia. XVI; Tronci. Annuali Pisani (Pisa. 186S-71); dal Borgo. Di.isertasioni suHa sloria pisana (Pisa. 1761-68); Chirone Epidaurico. Navigazione e commercio pieano (Pisa, 1797); Fedeli. / documenti pontificii riguardanti r Universitd di Pisa (Pisa, 190S) ; Supino, Pisa in Italia Artistica, XVI (Bergamo, 1905).

U. Benigxi.

University op Pisa. — In the eleventh century there were many jurisconsults at Pisa who lectured on law; prominent among them were Opitone and Sigerdo. There also was preserved a codex of the Pandects, dated, it was said, from Justinian. Four professors of the Law School of Bologna, Bulgarus, Burgundius, Uguccione, and Bandino, successors of Irnerius, were trained here; Burgundius acquired renown by his translation of the Pandects and of Greek works on medicine. Gerardo de Fasiano, Lam- bertuccio Arminzochi, Zacchia da Volterra, Giovanni Fagioli, Ugo Benoi, Baldo da ForU, and Giovanni d'Andrea taught at Pisa in the thirteenth centurj-. In the same century medicine also was taught ; the most famous professor was Guido of Pisa, who afterwards went to Bologna (1278). In 1338, as Benedict XII had placed Bologna under interdict, Ranieri da Forh and Bartolo removed to Pisa with a large following. The Studium of Pisa is mentioned in the communal documents of 1340. In 1343 Clement VI erected a sturlium generale, with all the faculties, including theology; and Charles IV confirmed it in 1355.

The university, however, did not flourish. From 1359 to 1364 it was closed, and was only reopened by Urban VI. Meantime, however, the teaching of law was not discontinued. In 1406 Pisa fell into the power of the Florentines who suppressed the university. In 1473 Lorenzo de' Medici with Sixtus IV's approval closed the L'niversity of Florence and reopened Pisa. For its endowment the goods of the Church and clergy were put under contribution to such an extent that Paul In in 1534 recalled the concessions of his pred- ecessors. The most celebrated teachers of this first epoch were the jurisconsults Francesco Tigrini, Baldo degli L'baldi, Lancellotto Decio, Francesco Alcolti, Baldo Bartolini, Giasone del I\Iaino, Bartolommeo and Mariano Socini; the physicians, Guido da Prato, Ammanati, LTgolino da Montccatini, Alessandro Ser- moneta, Albertino da Cremona, Pietro Leoni, and Cristoforo Prati; the Humanists, Bartolommeo da Pratorecchi, Lorenzo Lippi, Andrea Dati, Mariano Tucci; the theologians, Bernardino Cherichini (1478) and Giorgio Benigni Salviati.

In 1543 Cosimo de' Medici undertook to restore the university, and to this end Paul III made large con- cessions out of the revenues of the Church and monasteries. Several colleges were founded, such as the Ducal College, the Ferdinando, and the Puteano (Pozzi for the Piedmont ese). The university at this time became famous especially by its cultivation of the natural sciences. Among its noted scientists were: Cesalpino (botany, medicine, philosophy); Galileo Gahlei (mathematics and astronomy); Borelli (me- chanics and medicine); Luca Ghini, first director of the botanical gardens (1544); Andrea Vesalio, Realdo Colombo, Gabriele Falloppo; Giovanni Risischi, and Lambeccari in anatomy; Baccio Baldini, Vidio Vidi, Girolamo Mercuriale, Rodrigo Fonseca (seventeenth century), Fil. Cavriami, Marcello Malpighi in medi- cine. In view of its progressive spirit, Pisa may be called the cradle of modern science. The professors of jurisprudence were rather conservative, but there were not wanting able thinkers, such as the two Torellis, Francesco Vegio, Asinio, Giacomo ^IandeUi, the two Facchinis, and the Scotsman Dempster; Nicola Bonaparte, who introduced into Pisa the critical-historical study of Roman Law inaugurated by

Cujas, Giuseppe Averani, Stefano Fabrucci, historian of the university, Bernardo Tanucci, afterwards min- ister of Charles III of Naples.

At the beginning of the eighteenth century the university was again in a precarious condition; but the new Lorenzian dynasty sought to strengthen it by increasing the scientific institutes, and revising the statutes; thus after 1744 the rector was no longer elected by the scholars or from their ranks, but had to be one of the professors. In the eighteenth century Valsecchi and Berti won distinction in theology; Andrea Guadegni, Bart. Franc. Pellegrini, Migliorotto Maccioni, Flaminio Dal Borgo, Gian Maria Lampredi, Sandonnini (canonist), the criminalists della Pura and Ranuccia in jurisprudence; Politi, Corsini, Antonioh, Sarti, inletters; Guido Grandi, Claudio Fromond, Anton Nicola Branchi, Lorenzo Pignotti, Lorenzo Tilli, and Giorgio Santi in natural science; Angelo Gatti, Antonio ^latani, Franc. Torrigiani in medicine; Brogiani and Berlinghieri in anatomy. In 1808 the regulations of the French universities were introduced, but were superseded by others in 1814. The pro- fessors were then divided into the faculties of theology, law (comprising philosophy and literature), and medicine. But the number of the chairs increased; in 1840 there were six faculties. In 1847 the "Annali delle L'niversita toscane" were published.

In 1851, for political reasons, the L'niversities of Pisa and Siena were united, the faculties of jurispru- dence and theology located at Siena, and those of philosophy and medicine at Pisa. The former regime was re-estabhshed in 1859 with such modifications as the Law of Casati required. In 1873 all chairs of theology were suppressed throughout Italy. Noted professors in law were Lorenzo Quartieri, Federico, del Rosso, ^'aleri, Poggi, Salvagnoli, Franc. Ferrara. P. Emiho Imbriani, and Franc. Carrara (criminahst). Science and letters were represented by the physicist Gerbi; the chemist Piria; the mathematician Betti; the physicians Puccinotti, Pacini, Marcacci. Ranzi (path- ology) ; the criminalist Rosellini, the Latinist Ferrucci ; and Francesco de Sanctis, literary critic. Besides the usual faculties, Pisa has schools of engineering, agri- culture, veterinary medicine and pharmacy, and a normal high school. In 1910-11 there were 159 in- structors and 1160 students.

Fabroni, rlistoria Acad. Pisaiice (Pisa, 1791) ; dal Borgo, Dis- sertazione epistolare sulV origine delV univ, di Pisa (Pisa, 1765); Calisse, Cenni storici sulV Universitd di Pisa in Annuario della Vnitersitd di Pisa (1899-1900); BtroNAMlcl. Delia scuola Pisana del diritto romano ecc. (Pisa, 1874) ; Idem, I giureconsulti di Pisa al tempo della .'scuola Bolognese (Rome, 1888); Fedeli, I documenti pontificii riguardanti I' Universitd di Pisa (Pisa. 1908).

U. Benigni.

Pisa, Council of. — Prelimiuaries. — The Great Schism of the West had lasted thirty years (since 1378), and none of the means employed to bring it to an end had been successful. Compromise or arbitral agree- ment between the two parties had never been seri- ously attempted ; surrender had failed lamentably owing to the obstinacy of the rival popes, all equally convinced of their rights; action, that is the interfer- ence of princes and armies, had been without result. During these deplorable divisions Boniface IX, Inno- cent VII, and Gregoiy XII had in turn replaced Urban VI (Bartholomew Prignano) in the See of Rome, while Benedict XIII had succeeded Clement VII (Robert of Geneva) in that of Avignon.

The cardinals of the reigning pontiffs being greatly dissatisfied, both with the pusillanimity and nepotism of Gregory XII and the obstinacy and bad will of Benedict XIII, resolved to make use of a more effica- cious means, namely a general council. The French king, Charles V, had recommended this, at the be- ginning of the schism, to the cardinals assembled at Anagni and Fondi in revolt against L'rban VI, and on his deathbed he had expressed the same wish (1380). It had been upheld by several councils, by the cities