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Contributors to the Thirteenth Volume

ALBERS, P., S.J., Maastricht, Holland: Schaep- man, Herman J.A.M.

AlDASY, ANTAL, Ph.D., Archivist of the Li- brary OF the National Museum, Budapest: Rosenau, Diocese of; Roskovd,nyi, August.

ALLARIA, ANTHONY, C.R.L., S.T.D., Abbot of S. Theodoro, Lector of Philosophy and The- ology, Genoa: Saint Andrews, Priory of; Sainte- Genevieve, Abbey of; Saint- Victor, Abbey of.

ALSTON, G. CYPRIAN, O.S.B., London: Rood; Saint Augustine, Abbey of ; Saint-Denis, Abbey of; Sanctuary; Schola Cantorum; Sedilia; Sherborne Abbey.

ALVAREZ, JOSE MARIA, O.P., Prefect Apostolic of Shikoku, Japan: Shikoku.

ALVES MARTINS, JOSE, S.T.D., Bishop of the Cape Verde Islands: Sao Thiago de Cabo Verde, Diocese of. AMADO, RAM6n RUIZ, S.J., LL.D., Ph.L., Col- lege OF St. Ignatius, Sarria, Barcelona : Sala- manca, Diocese and University of; Santander, Diocese of; Saragossa, Diocese of; Segorbe, Dio- cese of; Segovia, Diocese of; Seville, Archdio- cese of; Sigiienza, Diocese of. AYME, EDWARD L., M.D., New York: Rose of Lima, Saint. BACCHUS, FRANCIS JOSEPH, B.A., The Ora- tory, Birmingham, England: Rhodo; Rufinus Tyrannius; Ryder, Henry Ignatius Dudley. BARNES, MGR. ARTHUR STAPYLTON, M.A. (OxoN. and Cantab.), Cambridge, England: Saint Peter, Tomb of; Sexburga, Saint. BAUMGARTEN, MGR. PAUL MARIA, J.U.D., S.T.D., Rome: Saint Peter, Basihca of. BAUR, CHRYSOSTOM, O.S.B., Ph.D. (Louvain), Collegio di San Anselmo, Rome: Severian. BECHTEL, FLORENTINE, S.J., Professor op Hebrew and Sacied Scripture, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri: Sabbath; Sabbatical Year. BEISSEL, JAMES *" C.SS.CC, Honolulu, Ha- waiian IsL/- Sandwich Islands, Vicariate Apostolic of tiiu. BENIGNI, MGR. UMBERTO, Prothonotary Apostolic Partecipante, Professor of Ec- clesiastical History, Pontificia Accademia DEI NoBiLi Ecclesiastici, Rome: Rienzi, Cola di; Rieti, Diocese of; Rimini, Council and Dio- cese of; Ripatransone, Diocese of; Roman Col- leges; Rome; Rome, University of; Rossano, Archdiocese of; Rossi, Pellegrino; Rota, Sacra Romana; Ruvo and Bitonto, Diocese of; Sabina, Diocese of; Saint Paul-without-the- walls; Sa- lerno, Diocese and University of; Saluzzo, Dio- cese of; San Marco and Bisignano, Diocese of; San Marino; San Martino al Cimino; San Mi- niato; Sardinia; San Severino; Sanseverino, Gae- tano ; San Severe, Diocese of ; Santa Agata dei Goti, Diocese of; Santa Lucia del Mela, Prefecture NuUius of; Sant' Angelo de' Lombardi, Diocese of; Sant' Angelo in Vado and Urbania, Diocese of; Santa Severina, Archdiocese of; Sardinia; Sarsina, Diocese of; Sassari, Archdiocese of; Savona and Noli, Diocese of; Segni, Diocese of; Sessa-Aurunca, Diocese of; Sicily; Siena, Arch- diocese and University of. BERGH, FREDERICK THOMAS, O.S.B., Abbot OF St. Augustine's, Carshalton, Surrey, England: Sarum Rite. BERTRIN, GEORGES, Litt.D., Fellow of the University, Professor of French Litera- ture, Institut Catholique, Paris: RoUin, Charles; Sevigne, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Madame de. BLAKELY, PAUL LENDRUN, S.J., St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri: Saint Louis, University of. BLUME, CLEMENS, S.J., Munich: Rhythmical Office. BOUDINHON, AUGUST-MARIE, S.T.D., D.C.L., Director, "Canoniste Contemporain", Pro- fessor OF Canon Law, Institut Catholique, Paris: Sanction; Secular Clergy; Secularization. BOYLE, PATRICK, CM., Superior of the Irish College, Paris: Schools, Apostolic. BRAUN, JOSEPH, S.J., St. Ignatius College, V/lkenburg, Holland: Rochet; Sandals, Epis- copal. BRENNAN, ANDREW J., S.T.D., Chancellor op THE Diocese of Scranton, Pennsylvania: Scranton, Diocese of. BROCK, HENRY M., S.J., Ore Place, Hastings, England: Riccioli, Giovanni Battista; Ruysch, John; Scheiner, Christopher; Schott, Caspar; Schwarz, Berthold. BROWN, CHARLES FRANCIS WEMYSS, Loch- ton Castle, Perthshire, Scotland: Samar and Leyte. BRUCKER, JOSEPH, S.J., Editor of "Etudes", Paris: Ricci, Matteo; Schall von Bell, Johann Adam. BUCHI, albert, Ph.D., Professor of History, University of Fribourg: Schinner, Matthajus. BURNS, JAMES A., C.S.C, Ph.D., President op Holy Cross College, Washington: Schools: In the United States. BURTON, EDWIN, S.T.D., F. R. Hist. Soc, Vice- President of St. Edmund's College, Ware, Engl. d: Revolution, English, of 16S8; Rey- nolds, William; Ricardus Anglicus; Richard of Cirencester; Richard of Cornwall; Richard of Middletown; Ripon, George Frederick Samuel Robinson, Marquess of; Rishnager, William; Rishton, Edward; Rivington, Luke; Robert of Jumieges; Robertson, James Burton; Rochester, Ancient See of; Rock, Daniel; Roger, Bishop of Worcester; Rokewode, John Gage; Rolle Rich- ard; Rolph, Thomas; Russell, Charles William: