Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 15.djvu/787

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burff (WOrzburg. 1892); Stohk, Die Btziehung zwischen Vniver- tiUU u. Juliu^hospilol (WUrzburg, 1908) ; Kirsch-Kamp, Erin- nerunffcn an das akadem. Lfben in Wijrzburg in den bedeiUsamen tiebziger Jahren des XIX. Jhr. CBonn, 1910).

Karl Hoeber.

Wiirzburg Abbeys.— The city of Wurzburg was

the seat of four Henedietine abbeys, namely, the Holy Redeemer's, or St. Kilian's; St. Andrew's, later known as St. Burchard's; St. Stephen's; and the Scotch Abbey of St. James.

Abbey of the Holy Redeemer (S. Salvatoris), also called after St. Kilian, who was buried there, was founded by St. Burchard, the first Bishop of Wurzburg, about 745. The monks had charge of the cathedral (Salvatomitlnster) and the cathedral scliool. The lattergained considerable renown. Probably owing to laxity in observance of the rule, Bishop Bernwclf of Wiirzburg replaced the monks in 786 by canons who led a common life and were popidarly styled Brothers of St. Kihan. The expelled monks, more than fifty in number, found a home at the Abbey of Neustadt on th(> Main, where Bisho]) Megingaud, who had resigned the See of Wiirzburg, was abbot.

Link, Klosterbuch der Diocese Wurzburg, I (Wiirzburg, 1873), 105-8.

St. Andrew's Abbey (aftenvards St. Burchard's) was founded by St. Burchard shortly after 748, and soon became famous for its monastic school. After a period of decline in the tenth century it was reformed in OSS by Bishop Hugo of Wiirzburg, who rebuilt the church and the monastery and placed Arnold, a monk of Ilirasu, a-s abbot over it. On 14 October, 984, this bishop had transferred thither the body of St. Bur- chard, and from that time the monastery became known as St. Burchard's Abbey. Church and monas- tery having been destroyed by fire about 10.30, Abbot Wilemuth rebuilt both (1033-42), and in 1042 Bishop St. Bruno of Wiirzburg dedicated the new church in presence of Emperor Henry III and six bishops. Yielding to the request of the monks, Pius II, in a Bull dated 4 February, 14(34, changed the abbey church into a collegiate church, and permitted the former monks to remain as canons.

WiEL.\ND, Klosier und Ritiersti/t zu St. Burkard in Arckiv dee hist. Vtreins far Unter/ranken, XV, fasc. 1-2.

St. Stephen's Abbey, founded by Henry of Rothen- burg. Bishop of Wiirzburg, about 1013, for canons who Followed the Rule of St. Chrodegang. In 1057 Bishop Adalbcro replaced the canons by thirtj' Benedictine monks from .-^n-sbach. After a .short period of decline in the first half of the fifteenth century, the abbey joined the Bursfeld reform in 14.59. After suffering mother period of decline in the latter half of the six- teenth centurj', it continued in a flourishing condition jntil its secularization in 1803. Since then the abbey

-hurch and the monastery have been used as a

Protestant parish church and school. The historian [gnaz (iropp (169.5-175S) wa«a monk of St. Stephen's. He wrote the history of several Franconian saints and monasteries, and edited "Collectio novissima scrip- lonim et rerum Wirceburgensium a sepcuIo XVI riactenus gestarum" (4 vols., Frankfort and Wurz- 3urg, 1741-.50).

Link. Kloticrbuch, I (WQrzburg, 1873), 395-402; Lindner, SrhriflsteUer, O. S. B.. in Bayem. 1760-1880, II (Ratisbon, 1880), 196-202.

St. James's Abbey (St. Jakob zu den Schotten), founded as a Scotch monastery by Bishop Emhrico of Wiirzburg about 1134. Its first" abbot was Bl. Ma- mrius (11.39-.53) who with a few other monks had Mme from the Scotch monastery at Ratisbon. In 1 146 he went to Rome to obtain relics and indulgences for his monasten,-. He died in 11.53, and has always been honoured a.s a saint. His fea-st is celebrated on 24 January. The monks at St . Jamc-s's were all Irish or Scotch until 1497, when their number had dwindled down to one or two. The abbey was then given over XV.— 46

to German monks, and in 1.506 it was united to the Bursfeld Congregation. From 1506-16 the fa- mous Johannes Trithemius (q. v.) was its abbot. In 1547 the whole monastery had died out, and its rev- enues went to the Bishop of Wiirzburg. Upon the re- quest of John Whyte, Abbot of the Scotch monastery at Ratisbon, it was again restored to the Scotch monks by Bishop Julius in 1595, and prospered for some time. Its last abbot, Placidus Hamilton, who, though very learned, lacked the qualities of a good ruler, resigned and retired to London in 1763. From that time till its secularization in 1803 it was ruled by priors. At its secularization it numbered eight monks The buildings are now used as a mihtary hospital.

List of abbots: Macarius, 1139-53; Christian, 1153-79; Eugene, 1179-97; Gregory, 1197-1207; Matthew, 1207-15; Teclan, 1215-17; Ehas I, 1217- 23; Celestine, 1223-34; Gerard, 1234-42; John 1, 1242-.53; John II, 12.53-74; Maurice I, 1274-98; Joel, 1298-1306; Ehas II, 1306-18; John III, 1318-35; Mich^as, 1335-41; Rynaldus, 1342; Philip I, 1342- 61; Donaldus, 1361-?, d. 1385; Henry, 1379; Maurice II, 1381?-88?; Timothy, 1388?-99; Imar, 1399-1409?; Rutger, 1409?-17; Thomas I, 1417-37; Roricus, 1437- 47; Alanus, 1447-55; Maurice III, 1455-61; John IV, 1461-3; Otto, 1463-5; Thaddeus, 1465-74; David, 1474-83; Thomas II, 1483-94; Edmund, 1494-7; Philip II, 1497. These were followed by five German abbots: Kilian Cri.spus, 1.504-6; Trithemius, 1506-16; Matthias, 151(i-35; Erhard Jani, 1.53.5-42; Michael Stephan, 1.542-7. Since its restoration to the Scotch monks in 1595 the following were its abbots: Richard Irvin, 1.59.5-8; John Whyte, at the same time Aljbot of the Scotch mon.astery at Ratisbon, 1598-1602; Francis Hamilton, 1602-14; William Ogilbav, 1615-35; Rob- ert Forbes, 1636-7; Audomarus Asloan, 1038-61; Maurus Dixon, 1661-79; Bernard Maxwell, 1679-85; Marianus Irvin, 1685-8; Ambrose Cook, 1689-1703; Augustine Bruce, who ruled as prior during 1703-13, and as abbot during 1713-16; Maurus Strachan, 1716-37; Augustine Duffus de Fochaber, 1739-53; Placidus Hamilton, 17.56-63.

WiELAND, Das SchoUenklotter zu St. Jakob in WUrzburg in Archiv des hist. Vereins fUr Unlerfranken, XVI, 21-182; Link, Klosterbuch, I, 402-9.


Wyart, THfioPHiLE-Lonie-HENRi (in religion Dom Sebastian), Abbot of Ctteaux and Abbot-General of the Order of Reformed Cistercians, b. at Bouchain, De- partment of Nord, France, 12 Oct., 1839; d. in Rome, 18 Aug., 1904. Of a pious and studious disposition, he made rapid progress in the usual branches of learning, under private tutors and at both the pclils and grands scminnirct of the Archdiocese of Cambrai. Feeling an attraction for both the clerical and mili- tary calling, he hesitated long and was for some time professor in the college at Tourcoing, before making his final choice of a state of life. However, at the appeal of Pius IX, he put off the soutane for the pontifical uniform, serving in the pope's army from 24 Aug., 1860, until 20 Sept., 1870, having risen to the rank of major. After the dissolution of the pontifical army, he served his native country during the Franco-Prussian \\ ar, receiving the medal of the Legion of Honour for bravery, particularly on the fields of Patay and Le Mans. His service com- pleted, he laid aside all further military ambition to enter the Trappist Monastery of S. M,<irie du Mont. After his profession he was sent to Rome to com- plete his ecclesiastical studies, was ordained priest, 31 March, 1877, and finally made doctor in theology in 1880. Returning to his abbey, he was sent to found a monastery at Tilbourg. in Holland, whence he was recalled to fill the office of prior at S. Marie du Mont, and afterwards (1883) elected its abbot. In 1887 the choice fell on him to succeed to the abbatial chair of Septfons and become vicar-