Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/109

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ACCEPTANCE (canon law) I- 94b

ACCEPTANTS I-94d; Appellants I-95b; Hossuet I-P4d; Cle- ment XI l-!)5a; Louis XIV I- 95a; Louis XV I-95c; Noailles I-95a: Quesnel I-94c; Soanen I-95c; Sorbonne I-95a; "Uni- genitus" I-9Da

Acceptus, Bishop of Kr^jus VI- 2l>',1d

ACCESSION (in law) I-95d: VIII-o7:ic; IX-Slb; election bv IV- 194b

—Treaty of (1867) XV-527b

—Declaration Act (1910) XIII- 213d


Accetta, Giulio XV-93b

Acchd. 'S' ' Acre

Acci lAccitum), See of XIV-7oJd; XVI-4:ia

Accia, ancient diocese IV-397b

Acciaioli(Acciajolil. Sec Acciajuoli

ACCIAjnOLI, ANGELO, cardi- nal I-96b; Vl-llla; Gliirlan- dajo's fresco VI-547a

— FILIPPO, cardinal I-96b; IV- 32d

— Franco, Duke of Athens II- 4jd

— Gian Battista, Bishop of Ces- ena lUrATa

— NICCOLO, cardinal I-96b; XII-2Wld

—Roberto, nuncio XI-163b

Acciajuolo. See Acciajuoli

Acciapori, Nicold, Bishop of Tropea XI -72a

ACCIDENT (philosophy) I-Olic; absolute I-96d: Aristotle I- 714d: and being X-227c; Car- tesianism I-96d; categories I- 96d: change III~461c: existence V-196a: Eucharistic I-97b; V-581d; Guitmund of Aversa VII-81a; Kant III-465c: ob- jectivity I-96d; phenomena I-97b: quality XII-589c; quan- tity XII-091b; XIV-lli7d; Scholasticism I-90d; XIII- 5Sld; Scotus Xni-HUa; scnsi- biles I-97b: subjectivity I- 96d; and substance XIV-322d; 323c; Tongiorgi, theory of XIV-77iic

Accidental grace. See Grace, ac- cidental

— occurrence XI-200a

Accion Popular, periodical, XI- 091a

Accipe Spiritum Sanctum IV-79c

Accitum. S" Arn

ACCLAMATION i in civic life) I-'.l7c; aor.ssi.iris IX-3.Sb; cor- onation, imperial IV-3S2b; at councils I-99a

— lilurffioil I-9Sa; African I- 19od; Alleluia I-319b; Greek Office I-lOdb

ACCLAMATION (in papal elec- ticinsl I-9SC: 99b; V-37IJC

AccoIti, Benedetto, cardinal II- 724c; XII-tj66d

—Michael, Jesuit XIII-440C

— Pjetro, Bishop of Ravenna Xll-liOlid: aa vicar of Rome III-342d

ACCOMMODATION, BIBLI- CAL I -99b; V-r,94d: allusive I-99c; extensiv.' I -99c

ACCOMPLICE I-10l)a; absolu- tion of V-687d; as witness XV -678a

Accon. See Acre

Accoramboni, Geronimo, physi- cian VII-.V^; XIII-177d

— Ottavio, Apostolic collector


— Vittoria, and Or^ini XI-32Slb Accordee de village (Creuzn)

VII-30b; (ill.l VII 30 Accorselli, Benedetto Mateucci,

Bishop of Sarsina XIII^78d Accorso. See Accursius Accursius, lay brother, mission

— Cervottus I lOOd —FRANCESCO, the Elder I-

IfXId; IX-ssd —FRANCESCO, the Younger I-

lOOd — Guglielmo I-10()d Ace. See Acre

Acebedo, Fernando de, Bishop of Osma XI-340a

Acebes, Diego de, Bishop of Osma .\l-339c

Acedura iCenedai III-.';i9b

Aceituno, Mateo I\'-7.'>4a

Aceldama. See Haceidama

Acelin, Bishop of Skara XVI- 7.5b

a Centauri, star II-28a; in O. T. II-31C

Acentejo, battle XIV-.507a

ACEPHALI I-lOOd; Isidore of Seville VIII-186d; Justinian XIV-7n,Sa

— See Clerics. Regionary

Acepsiraas, Saint IV-597a

Acerata, hermitage XI-764d

Acerbo nimis, Kncvclical of Pius X V-sdc; ,x3a:' 414a; XII-


ACERENZA. ARCHDIOCESE OF I-lUla; map Vlll-facing 244

Acereto, Colonel X-S4a

Acemo, See of XII-613d

— Tommaso de. Bishop of Lu- cera IX-4n6c

Acerra, See of .X-0S7b

Acevedo, Alfonso de, jurist XII- losb

Acha, and St. Oswald XI-348d

Achab, name X-tj77a

ACHAB, King of Israel I-lOlb; VIII-199a; 655b; 0o6a; 657br and Elias V-.381b; family de- stroyed V-3S7b; idolatn- II- 176c; and Jezabel Vin^04d; Joaaphat VIII-503a; Mesa X- 210b; Micheas. prophecy X- 277d; XII-47Sc; prophets, false XII-47Sb: reign, date of III-734d

Achad, Kingdom of II-181b; 182d; lS5c; Baltasar II-227b; deluge, account of IV-702c

— (Accad) Il-lla; ISOa; XI-84c

Achadh-Chonnaire. See .■Vchonry

Achaean League I-lOlc

Achaemenian Dynasty. See Ach.Tmenid;r

AchiEmenidffi Il-l.Wd; 156c

Achjeus, King of I.aodicea VIII- 794b; Seise, siege of XIII-692b

Achagua, tribe IX-5.53c

ACHAIA I-lOIc; and Bvzantine Empire III-112b; Andrew, St.. apostolate I— 471c; capital I\'- 364c: ecclesiastical arrange- ments II-4.5a


Achaius. See Eochy, John

Achamoth (Gnostic) IV-708b; V-39SC; VI~594d

Achan, death I-103b; 455d

Achar, Saint, Bishop of Tournai XIV-79SC: 798d

Achard, Saint, .\bbot of Jumi^ges VIII-.566a

—anti-bishop of Aries II-1.59d

— de St. Victor. See St. Victor, Achard de

Achatius, Saint. See Acacius

Achaval, Jose Wenceslao, Bishop of San Juan XIII-447a

Achaz, name .X-676c

ACHAZ, King of Juda I-lOld; VIII-199a; 347b; 6.54b; 6.56c; fi.57d; altar I-36!a; and As- syria III-31.5C; birth VIII- 65Sb; Christ, genealogy of VI- 410b; Damascus IV-6lId; Em- manuel, question of V-404d: idolatry II-170d; Jeni.salem VIII-fi5.5b; prophecy to I- 326b; XV-404Bd; religions pol- icy V-737a; .sacrifife. human XIII-3I2C; Temple, changes in XlV-oOId; and Theglath- phalasar III II-13b: VIII- 180b

Achazib a?ib.) VI-433b

Achbar, name X-670c

Achedune, John. .Sec Acton, Joiin

Acheer, Anne V-.391C

—John \-391c

Acheiropoielffi I-4.3c; IV-536d

Acbelis. Hans, on .\po8tolic Con- stitutions I r,36d; Nereus and Arhilleus, Acts of X-751d

Achelis-Baumgarten, encvclopc- .lia V -1 1.5c

Achelous. See of VI-738d

Achemenes, satrap V-343b

Achenbach, Heinrich von VII-



• I-2.53b; X-735b

Acherontia. See Aoerenza Acherusian Lake \ -.531a Achery, Saint .\IIN34.5c ACHERY, LUCAS D' I-102a;

.■an..nir„l ,-,,ll..clion IV-,392b;

an.l Mai. ill. .11 IX 4S0a Achiacharus I 1112b; XIV-733a Achias, pri.>t \-t"7d Achiltus. ^V<' .Vchiliius. Achillas, Patriarch of Alexandria

I-301b; and Arius I-718d; and

Meletius of Svcopolis X-164c Achilleion, Corfu IV-363b AchUleis, poem in-123c Achilles, Saint, martvr XV-250a —Bishop of Cus» IV-57ob — Greek hero, in art. Carducci

III-345b; Ingres VIII-9a;Jeau-

rat VIII-32SC; Pichler XII-

74d — Greek hero, and Dracontius

V-I.53a: at I.arissa IX-lb Achilleus, Saint III-.505b —Bishop of Spol.-to XIV-233d;

in Rome II -(■..■.9a; and Flavia

Domitilla in-513c Achilli, Giovanni Giacinto, Xew-

man trial lX-211c; X-797d;

Bellii-sis 11-4 14a Achillides, in Ephesus legend V-

497a Achillini, Alessandro I-459c; at

Bologna II-642d; at Padua XI-

387c; aa physicist XII-53c;

.56c; sonnet I-S5c Achill Island IX-500a; XV-80b Achillius, Saint, Bishop of Larissa

IX-4C Achim, Christ's genealogy VI-

41(>b ACHIMAAS, father-in-law of Saul

I-102b — son of .Sadoc, the priest I-102b — prefect of Solomon I-102C ACHIMELECH.a Hethitc I-102c ACHIMELECH, priest of Nobe

I-!02c; and Da\'id IV-642d;

IX-317d ACHIMELECH, son of Abiathar

I-102C — King of Geth. See Achis — .See also Abimelech Achinoam, wife of Saul XIII-

499d; 4S7b Achior, nephew of Tobias. See

.Achiacharus — the Ammonite VIII-554a Achis (Achish), King of Geth,

and David I-379a; IV-642d Achitob, father of Sadoc XI-

659d ACHITOPEL I-59d; 102c; VIII-

648c Achleutner, .\bbot of Krems-

milnster VIII-701d Achmetha. See Ecbatama Acholius. Sir Aschalius ACHONRY, DIOCESE OF I-

102d; map Vlll-facing 114:

seminaries XIII-700b Achoris, King of Egypt V-343b ACHOR VALLEY I-103b; VI-

433b Achradine, Syracuse, Sicily XIV-

390a ACHRIDA (Achris, Ochrida), an- cient see I-103c: in-46b: 46c;

414d: Vl-744a; 755a: 76Sd:

769a Achris. See Achrida Achsa. .See Axa Achsaph Vl-l,33b ACHTERFELDT, JOHANN


WILLIAM I-104c; Pietii (ill.)

1-104; tomb III-22.5C Achtichat, See of III^54c; and

St. Cregory the Illuminator

I-737a; Synod of I-7.37b Achtum, Ilungarian ruler III-18b Achudemma, Jacobite bishop

XI -7 17b Achzid. See Ach.azib ACIDALIUS, VALENS I-104d Acilii Glabriones. SecGlabriones,

Aoilii Acilins Glabrio. .See Glabrio,

Arilius Acilizene. See Justinianopolis Acircius, King of Northumbria.

See Ealdfrith ACI-REALE I-10.5a Acisclus, martyr XIV-177a Acka, Bishop of Scleucia. See




105a Acklins, island, statistics (1901)

II-204C Ackridge, John, confessor V-478a — Thomas, confessor V-478b Acmonia I-105b A. C. N., abbr. I-23c A Codex. See Codex Alexandri-

ACCEMETiE I-10.9b: X-470b; foundation I-105b; Irenaion I- 10,5c; Office, Divine I-105C

Acolhuas, tribe X-251b

ACOLOUTHIA I-105d; Apo- deipnon I-lU6c; hours, canon- ical I-lOOc; (Jrthros I-106b; Vespers, greater I-106b; Ves- pers, little l-106b

ACOLYTE, I-106d; age I-207a; Boniface V, decree of II-661c: as candle bearers III-247b: IX-246C; celibacy III-485a: I-196c: classes I-I07b; dal- matic IV-609d: duties I-106d: in early Church I-107a: 196c; Eastern churches I-107a: humeral veil VII-542c; Lavabo IX-44d; at iMass IX-79Sc: Mass. Papal I-107c; Mass, Pontifical XII-232d; oath of I-313a; order of X-333a; VII- 323c; ordination I-108a: XI- 286d: ordination, Gallican Rite VI-365b: origin I-106d; school for I-107d; stole XIV-301d; titular I-107c; tunic XV-88b; vestments X\'-389b; Western churches I-107b

Acoma, pueblo, inhabitants (1910) XII-55.5a

A(ominatus. .See Akominatus

Aconche, mission station XIV- 145b

Acosmism, theor\' X-4S3C

ACOSTA, JOAQUIN, naturalist I-lOSb

— JOSE DE, I-108c: scienti6c research VHola

— Pedro Alvarez d'. Bishop of Osma XI-:i39d

A' Court, Charles, general XVI- 45a

— William, Lord Heytesbury XVI-45a

Acqua Paola, fountain. Rome VI- 126d; XIII-175d

ACQUAPENDENTE, DIOCESE OF I-109a; t.jwii \IIl-219b

Acquaroni, John Baptist, Lazar- iat .\-:i60c

Acquasparta, Matteo d*. Bishop of Porto XII-290C: and Dante 1V-028C; and Dies Irie IV- 788a; Florence, mission to II- 663c; Giotto's fresco VI-566d

Acquaviva, See of I-345d

— Andrea, military leader XIV- 514c

— CLAUDIUS, General of the Society of Jesus I-109c; XIV- 8.5a; St. Aloysius I-331d; grace, system of VI-713a; homiletic work VII 44lid; Monita Recre- ta X-4s7b; p<.rlr.ait XIV-89d; retr.-ats Xn-790a

—FRANCESCO, rar.linal I-109b

— Giosia, Duke of Tcramo XIV- 514c

—GIOVANNI VINCENZO, Bishop of -Melfi and Rapolla I- I09b; X-16.5b

—GIULIO, cardinal I-109b; and Cervantes III-543a

. — Orazio, Bishop of Caizzo III- 142a

— OTTAVIO, the Elder, cardinal I-in9b; X-687a

— OTTAVIO, the Younger, I- 109b

—PASQUALE, cardinal I-I09C

— Rinaldo di. Bishop of Girgenti VI-.571d

— Rudolph. .See Rudolph Ac- quaviva. Blessed

— TROIANO, cardinal I-109b

ACQUI I-llOb; and Alessandria I-284a

Acqs (Dax). Diocese of I-237a

Acra, citadel. Jerusalem VIII- 348b; capturerl VIII-.388a

Acrabatane, region, Idumea VI- 433b

— Juda>an toparchy VI-433b

Acrabim (Maalehacrabim) VI- 433b: X-«78a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.