Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/114

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^milianus, martyr IV-2yob

— Saint, Bishop of Nantes X-

6Sld —Bishop of Trevi XIV-234d — Saint, Bishop of Valence XV-

250a — Saint, Bishop of VercelU XV-

349b —Prefect of Egypt XI-707d; V-

12d — prefect at Spoleto XIV-233a — Asellius, general XI-739C — Hieronymus. See Jerome Emi

iiani. Saint ^milius, lapsus IV-584a — Paulus, military leader XIV-

033a — Regillus, prcetor, and PhocEea

XII-4{)d ^naria (Ischia), town VIII-185a ^neas, healed by St. Peter I-

llSd — Greek Bishop of Geraaa VI-

469c — Irish prelate. See Aengus,

Saint, The Culdee —Trojan prince VI-333b; in art

(Giorgione) VI-565a; (Kauff-

mann) VHI-BlOb —OF GAZA, philosopher I-172d;

VI-401a — of Paris, bishop XI^S2a: and

Prudentius of Troves XII-51Sd — Sylvius. See Pius II .£nedina. Saint, veneration of

XI-316d £neid (Vergil), divination by

V-48d ^nesidemus,philosopherX-742c ;

XII-29a; XIII-617b .ffinezeh, tribe XIV-4U0C AENGUS, SAINT, THE CUL- DEE I-173a; Feilire of II-

795c: III-162d; VII-677d; St.

Fothad VI-156a; hymns III-

504b; O'Hanlon XI-224d; St.

Maelruain XVI-77b; in Tal-

lacht monastery IX-520C — prince, baptism XI-557d — mac Ailill, ordained IV-635b — mac Natfraich, King of Cashel,

conversion Ill-JOla — mac Tipraite, poet VIII-121b — Osrithe, King of Ossory XI-

343a Mnnoa. See JEnoa .ffiNON (Ennonl, town I-173c;

Vni-345b; SUlb ^noudt. See .\rnoudt .£olus .£oIa (Gegenbauer) VI-

403d .ffiONS (Gnosticism) I-173d: V-

398c; VI-40Sb; 594c; 595a;

XII-553d; XV-256b; divisions

I-174a; Docetism V-71d; Man-

ichffiism IX-592a; Marcion

IX-647a; Marcosian system

IX-649d; Nasorajan X-706d — in Phoenician cosmogony IV—

410d; XII-553d .ffionus. Bishop of Aries III-135b ^pinus, scientific researches XII-

63d £qua ( Vico Equense) , ancient see

XIV-151d ^quarn reputamus, Constitution

of Paul III IV-OOlb .ffiquiprobabilism I-339d; XII-

441c: 442d; 443d; 445a; XIV-

(ilOc; Thomistic School XIV-

7UIa .ffiquitius, patrician XIV-.321C .ffiquum reputamus. Bull of Pius

V XlV-Sld AER I-174b; in burial III-78a;

Ruthenian Rite XIII-278a .£ria. .See Thasos Aerius, Bishop of ZephjTiura XV-

757b —OF PONT0S I-174c: XII-

410a: IV-65.')C: on purgatory

IV-05.5c: XII-,576a Aeromancy V-48d; XIV-339b Aeronautics, Biot II 57fib; Gus-

mao VII-89C; Lana VIII-772c;

Lana's machine (ill.) VIII-

772d; Montgolfier X-.541d Aerostats, Bacon's theory XIII-

115b Aertnys, Josephus Antonius, the- ologian XII-44.ia Aerts, priest XIII-13.5a Aertselaer, Jerome Van, Vicar

Apostolic of Central Mongolia

III-(i77b: X-4,S2b Aes. See Hai-iah

.ffischines, heretic X-449d; 523b

— rhetorician X-303d

.£schylus, astrology II-20a; eth- ical teachings XI-391c; fate, V-791d; pessimism XI-740d

.£scivio. Bishop of Dorchester XII-63Sb

.^sculapius, deity X-123a; Ath- ens, shrine II-44a: emblem, in Ambrosian Basilica I-389c ; Epi- daurus, temple V-154b; Gir- genti VI-57Ib; XI-390a: at Lepanto IX-lSld; miracles XII-332a; oracles of XI-205d; 266a; Paphlagonia I-297d; temples Vll^SOd; XI-390a; Tricca XV-40c

.ffiscwulf. Bishop of Dunwich XI-121d

iEsemia (Isernia), town VIII- 185b

Aeshmo Daeva, demon II-155c; IV-715C

Aesbun, demon IV-409a

.£sina. See Jesi, Diocese of

Aesir, deity IV-412b

.£sis. See Jesi

.ffisop. Book of XII-307d

.£sop's Fables, Chinese trans- lation III-673a; Portuguese XII-307d

^thelbert. See Ethelbert

.ESTHETICS I-174C; Batteux II-350b; England I-176c; France I-176c; Germany I- 176c; history I-176b; Kant VIII-605d; and naturalism X- 714d; philosophy of I-174d; of Plato I-761a; Neo-Scholas- ticism X-748b; Stockl XIV- 29Sb: systems and methods I- 175a

^sticampianus, Joannes Rhagius, humanist IV-4G0a: VII-540d

.£tas, ethnological classification XII-C20d

Mtema. Christi munera, hvmn I-393b: \'II-600c

Sterne rerum Conditor, hjTun I-:','i:!c: \n-0(i(ic

.ffiTERNI PATRIS, Encyclical of l.eo XUl I-177a: iV-415d; V-414a: 755b; VIII-667b; IX- 172b; X-749a ;XIV-591a;666a; 702a; on Scholasticism XIV- 672a; on semmaries XIII-699b; .St. Thomas Aquinas XIV- (>68b; 67 Id; 672b; 672c; 672d; 073d

—PATRIS, Encyclical of Pius IX I-176d; XII-136c; XV-303c

— Patris, periodical, Italy XI- BS4d

— Patris Filius, Bull of Gregory XV I-99b; III-312b; IV-193a; V-677c; VII-5b

^thelbald. King of Mercia XI- 215b; Clovesho IV-68d; Croy- land Abbey IV-541c: eccle- siastical privilege IV-5S0a; Guthlac VII-92C

— King of Wessex I-309d

— Bishop of Sherborne XI-209C

—Bishop of York XV-734b

.ffithelbeorht. Bishop of York. See Ethelbert

.Ethelbert. See Ethelbert

.ffithelburh. See Ethelburga

Mthel&ssd, Lady, and St. Dun- stan V-199d

—queen IX-002a

iEthelfrith. See Ethelfrid

.ffithelhard. .See Ethelhard

.ffithelbeard. Bishop of Winches- ter XV-650b

iBthelhelm, Archbishop of Can- terbury II-347C

^thelhere, and St. Hereswitha VII-250a

iEthelhun, Bishop of Worcester XV-704a

.£thelmaer. Bishop of Elmham XI-122a

.£thelred. Bishop of Worcester. .See Heathured

—.Sec .«Ired; Ethelred

iEthelsige. .See Hclsin

.ffithelstan. Bishop of Elmham XI- 122a

— Danish leader. See Guthnim

.ffithelwald. Bishop of Lichfield lll-4',)7b; IX-232d

.ffithelweald, of Elmliam XI- 122a

— Saint, Bishop of Winchester XV-050C

.ffithelweald U, Bishop of Win- chester XV-650C; foundation XV-650C

.Sthelwine V-201b

.ffithelwold. See Ethelwold

.Sthelwulf. .See Ethelwulf

.Etheria. See Silvia of Aquitaine

iGtherianus. .See Etherianus

.£therius. Saint, Bishop of Bour- ges II-720b

— Saint, Bishop of Lyons IX-472d

— (Etherius). Saint, Bishop of Osma I-lSOc; XIV-lSOc

— Bishop of Pompeiopolis XII- 227a

— Bishop of Tyana XV-106a

— Saint, Bishop of Vienne VII- 27c

.£thilnoth, Bishop of London IX- 347c

.ffithra. See Thasos

Aetians, heretics V-605b; and Acacians I-80a; baptism II- 203b

.Etiology, in philosophy. See Cause

Aetius, heretic I-80a: V-605b; X-161d; Divine Nature, teach- ing on II-64b; monograph XIII-394b

— Bishop of Isaura Nova VIII- lS4d

— Bishop of Lydda IX-46Sc; 482d

AETIUS, Roman general I-177c; and Albinus IX-154d; Attila II-61b; Orleans XI-318d

— of Amida, physician X-124b

iEtswinapath, Council of I-280a

Etus, See of VI-738d

Afdabuddin Kashi, poet XI-720b

Afer Victorinus. See Victorinus



Affability XV-47.3c

Affaires de Rome (Lametmais) VIII-764d

Affari vos, Encyclical of Leo XIII XII-597b

Affections, Alvarez de Paz I- 374c; Plato V-750c; Stoic con- ception V-o58c

Affective impulses, Comte I-369b

— prayers IV-325b

Affiliation, regulations I-693a

AFFINITY (Bib.) I-177d

—(canon law) I-178b: as beget- ting affinity I-179a; by bap- tism II-270a

—(civil) adoption I-147d; con- sanguinity IV-26Sa; and eu- genics XV1-39C; impediment VII-696C; 697c; and incest VII-717b: as relationship XII- 731c; Sacraments, Congrega- tion of XIII-140c; spiritual II- 272d


AiSacius, Johannes, physician X- 120b: Xni-39Sb

Affleck, Annie E., wife of_ Sir John .Sparrow Thompson XIV— 704c

Afflek, James, poet Xin-624c

Afflighem, abbey I-179d; II- 450c; Cassinese reform II- 448C

Afflitti, Annibale degU, Bishop of Reggio di Calabria XII-717c

Affonso, Pedro, Bishop of Oporto XI-261a

— Christian name. See .\lfonso.

Affranchisement. See Manumis- sion of Christian Slaves

AFFRE, DENIS-AUGUSTE, Archbishop of Paris I-180a; II-6a; XI^84d; and Balmes II-225b; Dupanloup V-202b; tomb (ill.) I-180b; de Ravig- XII-6fi8b

Affricus, Saint XIV-796d

Affusion. .See Infusion

Afga (Apheka), temple of Venus IX-I04d

Afghanistan, Christianity I-782b; VII-725a; Jews I-779d; Mo- hammedans X^2od; popula- tion I-777d

Afghans, ethnological classifica- tion XII-626C; levirate IX- 694d; Persia, conquest of VIII-193a; XI-718b

Afiarta, Paul, papal chamberlain XIV-2.S9b; and Adrian I I- 155b; treachery III-G12b

Afikoman, portion of unleavened cake X 1-5 13c

Afka (Apheca), town VI-434a

Afora, tribe I-lS3a

Afra, name X-674b

—SAINT I-lSOd; tomb II-78a

Afre. See Hugbern


—Church I-188b; Benedict VII, action of II-428d; betrothal II-53Sc: Canon law IX-61c; Catholic jurisdictions, table of I-190a: celibacy, clerical III- 4S5a: Christianity I-186d: Deo Gratias, use of IV-737c: dio- ceses in 1906 I-191a; V-5c; Dominicans XII-368C: Good Shepherd convents VI-64Sb; graves, early Christian III- 505d; Holy Family. Sisters of the VII-408a; Holy Ghost, Congregation of the VII-417b; Jesuits VI-450d ; Latin, eccle- siastical IX-20b; Lavigerie IX- 51b; Lazarists X-361d; litera- ture. Christian I-192d; liturgy I-194b; Mary Immaculate, Ob- lates of XI-186b; Mercy of Jesus, Sisters of the VII-489a; Premonstratensians XII-390c: Primate XII— 124a: Propagan- da XII-457b; 457d; Propaga- tion of Faith XII-462a; Sale- sians XIII-399b; Scheutveld missionaries VII-167d. See African Church, Early

— Education: Charity of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of HI-609c; Christian instruction, Brothers of III-712a

— Geography I-iSlb; desert (ill.) V-facing 330; exploration in VI-451a: Henr\- the Navigator VI-449a: map. I-facing 180; North, map, V-facing 362; Pro- consular I-199b: pro\nnce III- 387b; Prussian colonies XII- 522a; Roman, extent of I-191b; titular sees, see under geograph- ical divisions of Africa

• — History: adultery, punishment of I-163c; Arabs take III-104a; blindness, statistics of V-306a; deaf, statistics V-320c; dia- lects I-194b; inhabitants I- 182a; Italian colonies VIII- 244c: Justinian III-102C ; mean- ing, ancient I-181b: negroes XII-627a; polygamy IX-695a; population XIV-280d: Portu- guese crusades II-162b; Pres- ter John's country XII— 102b; Romans subject (146) XIII- 166d; Russians in XIV-4Sb; slave trade XIV-39b: trade centres, ancient II-163a: Van- dals in XV-26SC: writers of third century VI-6d

— Missions: Baptist II-280d; Comboni IV-152c: Jesuits XIV-94C; (1912) XIV-103c; Lazarists X-364d; Protestant missions I-187b; II-280d; Scotch Established Church XHI-630d; statistics I-190a

— Religions and sects: Baptists, statistics II-281d; deity, prim- itive notions of IV-686d: fet- ishism ^'I-54a; Islamism I- 185d; Judaism I-lS5b; mason- ry in, statistics L\-778d; Methodism X-240C: Moham- medanism I-779b: X-^25a; 425d: Presbyterianism XII- 394a; Reformed Church XII- 7Ilc: religion XIII-317c: sta- tistics, Christian, tabulated XIV-2Slb; statistics, religious XlV-L'Tsd: 2S0a: 2Slb: Totem- ism XI\-7.S9b

African Association, International. See International African .\sso-

— CHURCH, EARLY I -191b; Agape I-201d: Agapette I- 202b; baptism controversy I- 232b: II-264d; in-3S6d; 387c; baptismal vessels l-334b: burial rites I- 196d ; canon of Scriptures III-272d; 27Sa; canons III- 2S3b; Carthage III-3S.5b; Car- thage, Calendar of Ill-161d; Circumcellions V-125a; Com- munion, private IV-176C; Dc- cian persecvition I-191d; de- struction of I-192d; Donatists I-191d; V-I21c: feast and fasts I-197c; Gospel VI-<i39<l; liter-

Large type indicates titlea of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.