Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/160

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Auvergne, Jean de la Tour d\

cardinal, Abbot of St. Benoit- sur-Loire XI-320b

— Madeleine de la Tour d' III- 443a

— William of. .See William of Auvergne

Auves, Juan, Bishop of Ciudad XV-2o9d

Aux., abbr. I-23c

Aux Arnauld d'. Bishop of Poi- tiers XII-179a

Auxanius, Bishop of Aries XV- 427d

Aux Cayes (Cayes) III^69d

Auxentia, Petronia, in inscription III-421C

— Bishop of Termessus XIV- .517d

—JUNIOR II-144d; and St. Am- lirose I-3S7d

—OF MILAN I-3S4b; 394d; II-144C; VII-350b: IX-21.Sb; 221d; 311b; 732d; X-30(lc; condemnation I-300d; and St. Eusebiua of Vercelti V-614d; excommunicated IV-613c; Gal- ilean Rite VI-357b; Rimini Council XIII-57C; and Valen- tinian I XV-255b


Auxerre, Diocese of XIII-718a; annals I-534b; St. Aunarius's tomb II-108a; Lazarist semi- narv- X-361C; and Sens XIII- 716b

—COUNCILS OF II-145a; (578 or 585) II-108a; 145a; VI- 358c; 364a; Communion decree V-590a; funeral pall regula- tions VI-322a; kissing the dead prohibited bv VIII-664a; Mass decree III-576b; slavery legis- lation XIV-38a; (c. 695) II- 145a

— Remi d' VII-511a; XI-92b

— WiUiam of. See WilUam of Auxerre

Auxibius, Saint, Bishop of SoU XlV-134d: 440b

Auxilaos, Arabi:in bishop I-668C

Auxiliaire Catholique, periodical XII-119d

AUXILIARY BISHOP II-145a; Apostolic origin II-145d; as canon II-147a; of cardinalitial sees XIV-324d; insignia II- 146d; jurisdiction II-145d; 146b; pensions II-146d; per- manent II-146a; privilege II- 146d; sede vacante II-146a: throne XIV-709C; visitation of II-147a

Auxilium Christianonim, feast XV-464C; in Litany of Loreto XI-360d

Auxilium Speciale VI-6S9C

Auxilius, Bishop of Angers I-489b

— Saint, Bishop of Fr^jus VI- 270a

— Saint, Bishop of Kilashee IV- 635c; VIII-637d; XIII-671d; at Armagh Council I-730a; and St. Patrick XI-557C

— monk of Monte Cassino II- 147d

—OF NAPLES II-147b; on Leo V IX-159d; treatises V-778a

Auximana, Diocese of. See Osi-

Auximanus. See Nicholas of Osi-

Auxomenus, Bishop of Eucarpia

V-S72d Auxonius. Saint, Bishop of Alba

Augusta XV-193d Auxume. See .^xum Auxur (Terracina) XIV-SlSc Auzio, battle (1378) VI-420b Ava, Abyssinian fortress II-163C

VI-134d —(Burma) III -82b; Barnabite

mission II-302C; Thcatine

mission XIV-557c; Vicariate

Apostolic IX-562d AVA, German poetess ll-147d;

VI-518a; 682d Avala. L6pez de. Grand Chan- cellor of Castile VII-U4a — Martin de, .\rchbishop of \*al-

cnoia XV-2.52b Avatdsnes, church XVI-76b Avalokitesvara, Buddhist deitv

in-3ld; XIV-718d

Avalon, Isle of, in Arthurian leg- end IX-123d; and Glastonbury VI-720d — Newfoundland III-193b Avalos, Indian missions XI-385b ■ — Alfonso d', Marchese del Vasto

IV-12Sb — ^Ferrante Francesco d'. Marquis

of Pescara IV- 128b -Caspar de, cardinal VI-723d AVANCINI, NICOLA II-14Sa;

Latin writings IX-30a; 31d Avane Indians IX-553C Avante Garde, newspaper I-452d Avanzani, Pietro XIII-132d Avanzi, Jacopo, painter XI-398d AVARICE II-148a. See Covet-

Avars, tribe, at Achrida I-103d; Charlemagne defeats III-614b; XIII-^llc; XV-417a; at Con- stantinople I V-303b ; and Croa- tians IV-510C; and Czechs II- 613b; in Dacia XIII-225a; in Dalmatia II-695c; in Hungary VII-547C; in Illyricum VII- 664a; in Moravia X-561c; in Pannonia II-122a; in Servia XIII-732a; in Transylvania XV-,30d


Avatari, Brahminism IV-684C

Avaugour, Louis d', missionary VII-5S2b

—PIERRE DU BOIS, BARON D' II-14Sd; III-233a; and Laval IX-46a

Avebury, Baron. -See Lubbock, Sir John

Avecot Priory, IX-577c

Avedik, Armenian patriarch I- 739b: X-102b

Aveiro, Joao Alfonso d', explorer



Avellana, collection III-283b;

IV-392a Avellaneda, Fernandez III-543C;

— Gertrudis de, writer XIV-201b — Gomez de, writer XIV-207C Avellar, John, Bishop of Oporto

XI-261C Avellino, Andrea. See Andrew

Avellino —DIOCESE OF II-149d — Lancelotto. See Andrew Avel- lino Avelly, Louis, Bishop of Rodez

XIII-108a Ave Maria, in Ancren Riwle I-

464d; antiphon III-246c; on

bells I^88b; in Little Office

IX-294d — in music: Arcadelt X-601b:

Brasart X-600d; Casali III-

396b; Schubert XIII-592a;

Verdi XV-350d — Periodicals: Brazil XIII-465d;

Notre Dame, Ind. XI-132b;

693c; Slovenian XIV-56d —See Hail Mary; Angelus — Liguel de 1' XI-676C — Manoel de. Bishop of Mvlapur

Xlll-3S.->d — CoUege, Paris II-204b AVE MARIS STELLA II-149b;

IX-294d; XV^63b AVEMPACE II-150a; I-B75c;

XII-4sd Avenarius, autlnjr XIlI-273b — Ferdinand, p.irt \'I-r)2Sc — Richard Heinrich Ludwig, phil- osopher V-4(i7d: XU-313C;

334d Avenay, abbey II-519a Avencebron. See Avicebron Avenches, .See of, Switzerland

IX-40c; XIV-362b Avendaiio, Didatus de, contro-

vcr.-Ji:ilist XV-260a —FERNANDO II-150C; and Ar-

riaRa I-7.'i3a Avendrid XlII-lllc Aveneau, Claude, missionary

Vll-741b Avenier. See Abenner Avenir, periodical, France VIII—

764c; XI-C76a — National, periodical VI-275d Avennio. See .\vignon Aven-Pace. See Avempace Aventicum (Avenches) XIV-362b Aventicus, Marius. See Marius

Aventicus, Saint Aventine, hill, Rome XIII-lG4c;


Aventinus, Saint XV-68b — Johannes. See ThurmajT Aventius, Bishop of Assisi I-801b — Bishop of Perugia XI-736d Avenzoar, physician X-125a Averani, Giuseppe, jurist XII-

112c AVERBODE, abbey XVI-5d; X-

lU4c; XII-391a AVE REGINA II-149b; by Dufay

X-60(>d; melody I-575C Averell, Adam X-240d Averio, Peter de IV-541b Averkiefl, writer XIII-273d Averna, Cajetan M., Bishop of

Nicosa XI-71b AVERROES I-621a; 675c; II- 1,50c; VII-763b; X-125a; XI- 92c; on Aristotle XII^8d; and Avicenna II-X58b; Cajetan on III-147a; and Bacon II-lQld; and Cesalpino III-545c; on Creation IV^71b, on im- nioralitv I-676a; intellect the- ory VIII-67C; St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-670b; 672a; soul theory XIV-155d Avenoism,' Albertus Magnus op- poses I-264c; 265a; 266b; in Christian schools XIII-549a; decline XII-50a; defects XII- 53b; Dominicans oppose XII— 362d; Italian XII-53b; meta- physical XII-49c; origin XII- 49c; in philosophy XI-387b; physical XII-49c; Pomponazzi opposes XII-227b; and SchcH lasticism I-676c; XIII-549b; Siger of Brabant XIII-784a Averroista et philosophise parens

V-74b Aversa, town, Italy VIII-221b; Rainulf obtains X-6S5a: Urban VI imprisoned at XV-217b —DIOCESE OF II-151d; Guit-

mund's episcopacy VII-81a — Vitale di IV-6a Aversion, passion I-656c; XI-

.'•.34c Avertinus, Saint XV-4b Avesnes, Bouchard d* VI-95b — Jacques d*, crusader IV-549a Avesta II-151d; contents II- 152b; cosmogony I^'-408a: fac- simile II-153a; language II- 153c; in Persian literature XI- 719c; 719d; priests in XII- 409d; Zoroaster II-153C —THEOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF II-154b; angelology II- 154d: XIV-751d: demonology II-155d; dualism II-154b; es- chatologv II-156a; ethics II- 155a; XI-390a; man II-155C; Mazdeism II-lS6b; Mithra in II-15ob; X-402b; sacrifice in XIII-3I0a: worship II-155d Aveyron, department, France XIIH07d; map Vl-facing 188 Avezac, Pascal d', on Prester

John Xll-401b Aviano, Marco D* II-126d Aviard, abbot XII-765a Avian, Charles-Francois d'. Arch- bishop of Bordeaux II-796c; V-794C; X-696b; at Vienne II- 324c; VII-27C Avice, name X-675a AVICEBRON, SALOMO BEN JEHUDA BEN GEBIROL I- 675c; II-lS6d; XII-49a; Pons vitae X-745a; Scholasticism I-676d AVICENNA I-675b; II-157b; X- 124d; XI-92c; 468b; XII^9a; and Albertus Magnus I-265d; Alexander of Hales on I-298c; and Averroes II-150d; on Creation IVHl71b; intellect theory VIII-67c; soul theory XIV-155d; vulnerating instru- ments I-4Sd: writings XI-720a Avidius Cassius XI-732b Avienus, consul I.\-1.56c AVIGNON, town II-1.5SC: ad- ministration II-1.59a; Black Death IV-24c; bridge II-781d; P'rench annexation II-159b; Vni-22b; X-6S8C; XII-132a; 797d; XIII-12a; XIV-265a; museum XIV-71.5c; papal mint X-334C ; 334d ; Pastoureaux X I- .539d; patron Il-l.Wd; public council Il-l.Wa: as republic II- l.'iSc; siege (1221.1 II-l.'.Sc —ARCHDIOCESE OF II l.-.9c;

Alexander VII I-294d; Car- meliteconvent 1 1 1-3oSd; cathe- dral II-61d; St. Catherine of Siena's mission III-447b; Cel- estine monastery II-797d; Christian Brothers VIII-58a; churches II-158d; Clement V IV-20c; Clement VI IV-23d; Golden Rose VI-630b; Con- gregation of II-159a; Domin- ican convent II-304b; Euchar- istic Congress V-593a; XIV- 231d; Gregory XI VI-799c; Holy See recovers I-295c; IV- 37b; Jesuit college XIV-88c: Lazarist seminary X-361c; Magna Disputatio VI-283c; miracle XI^'-284b; Palatine chapel III-578a

— papal residence VII-58b; VIII- 232d; XIII-370C; 539b; XIV- 264a; effect of II-334a; and Reformation XII-701a; St. Vincent Ferrer's attitude XV- 438a

— Perpetual .adoration at I-153b; XI-699a; Regesta, Papal XII- 717a; School, Apostolic XIII- 585d; Urban V XV-214C; 215a; and Vaison XVI-78b; Vatican Archives XV-287c; 287d; 288a; 288d; 289a; 290a

— COUNCILSOFII-159d; (1060) II-159d; VII-525a; (1080) II- 159d; (1209) I-269a; II-159d; (1270) II-159d; (1279) II-160a; (1282) II-160a; (1327) II-160a; (1336) VII^84a; (1337) II- 160a;XI-517c; (1457) II-160a; (1497) II-160a; (1509) II- 160b; (1696) II-160b; (1609) II-160b; (1664) ll-160b; (1725) II-160b;(1849) II-160b

—UNIVERSITY II-160b; 159a; 797d

Avignon, Bible d*. See Vence, Bible de

AVILA Antoine d','physician II- 535d

^Baltasar de XIV-6C0b

■ — Diaz Sanchez de. See Thomas & Jesu

—DIOCESE OF Il-ieOc; XIV- 174b; Carmelite convent XIV-516b; cathedral (ill.) II- lOOd; college II-50b; founda- tion XIII-391C; map XIV- facing 200; St. Joseph's Mon- astery II-247c; St. Teresa of Jesus"atXIV-51,5d; San Pedro, Church of V-747c; San Pedro, Church of (ill.) XlV-facing 200


— John of, Blessed. See John of Avila

— Pedro Arias de. 5ef Arias de Avila. Pedro

— SANCHO DE n-161b

—UNIVERSITY II-161a; B4iiez at n-247b

— y Ayala, Pedro de, missionary XV-709a

— y La Cueva, Francisco, his- torian XV-U15d

— y Soto, Pedro XV-259d

Avil^, missionary I\'-93b

Aviles, MenJndez de. See Men- ^ndez de Aviles

Avim VI-434d

Avinon, Mice Andres Serveto de, Jesuit Xni-470b

Avioth, France, mortuary chapel III-577b

Aviragus, King of the Britons V I- 579c

Avircius, Bishop of Hierapolis (Phrygia) VII-322c_

Avisador, periodirjd XV-766b

Avispa de Chilpancingo, period- ical, MexKo \l-6,S6d

Avit. .s-..- Avitu^

Avith V1^134d

Avitianus, Saint, Bishop of Rouen Xin-20yb

Avitus, Saint, Bishop of Clermont IV-.54a; VII-l,'<d; IX-717a

—Saint, monk of Micy III-635c; XI-319a

— SAINT, Bishop of \iennc II- 161b; VII-27b: at .^gaunum I-206a; council convoked by IX-472d; on dismissal IX- 791d; X-6c; on duelling V- lS4c; and Heraclius XV-250C; homilies IX-624a; Isidore of Seville on Xlll-OSOa; on or-

Large t.vpc indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treateij; (ill.) — iUustnttions. ]