Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/189

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Bitonto, Antonio da XV-27b

— Diocese of XIII-2S0C

Bitovitus, chieftain VI-336b

Bitsch, monastery at IX-364b

Bitter, A., Vicar Apostolic of Sweden XIV-297d

—Carl, sculptor XIII-648a

— Karl Hermann, Prussian Minis- ter Xri-531d

—Lakes, Egvpt V-330c

Bittern, in Bible I-519d; 522c; 625c

Biturgia II-fi86b

Bitz, Conrad I, Bishop of Abo VI-77a

Bitzinia, See of VI-767a

Bitzius, Albert. See Gotthelf,

Biul, Bernardo III-40c

Biunde, F. H., philosopher VII- 278d; Muratori translated by X-642a

Biurists, expositors IV-159a

Bivar, Rodrigo Diaz de. See Cid

Biville, pilgrimage IV— t56d

Bivort, Clement IV-243b

Bizanczi, Gennadius, Bishop of Munkdcs X-li34d

Bizarri, Andrea, President of Vatican Council XV-304b

Bizerta (Hippo Diarrhytus) VII- 360b

Bizjothjah. See Baziothia

Bizus, Bishop of Seleucia Pieria XIII-689b

Bizya, See of X-116C

Bizzocbe, Carmelite tertiaries III-369C; XIV-637d; habit XIII-o09b

Bjarmeland I-422a

Bjarni, discoveries I-417c; death 41Sb

Bjerring, Nicholas, Russian Or- thodox priest Vl-772d

Bjoerkoe, mission XVI-7r)C

Bjorgoniar kalfskinn, Bergen MS. XVI-9d

Bjork, in Delaware IV-694C

Bjorn, King of Sweden XIV-348C

— of Skardza, Helluland theory 1-4 19a

Bkerkey, patriarchial residence at VI-o48c; IX-684b

Blaan, Saint. See Blane

Blachernee, Constantinople, Church of IV-303a; VI-761a; IX-724C; council in (1282) IV- 304d; crusaders attack IV- 549d; imperial quarter IV- 302d: palace IV-303a

Blachus, Gerasimus, Bishop of Philadelphia XI-793b

Black, as Advent colour I-166a; as liturgical colour IV-135b; XV-735d: liturgical mourning XII-777d; Sarum use XIII- 4Slb

— Joseph Xll-fi()a

Blackader, Robert, .\rchbishop of Glassow II-374a; VI-578b

Black Art. See Witchcraft

—Bastard XI-174C

Blackbirds, Field of. See Kosovo

Black Book, of .\rchbi3h0p Allen I-321d

Blackbume, Richard II-590b

—ROBERT II -590b

Black Canons. .See Canons Regu- lar of St. Augustine

— Cap II-578a

—Cap Sisters III-605b

—Cardinals IV-263c

— Death X-12Sd; Alexians I- 306d: at .wignon IV-24c; and Canons Regular III-292C; date VI-90b: in England V-321d: feudalism, effect on VI-64b: in Germany yi-495b: Jews, accusation against VIII-394c; at Passau XI-520a; in Salz- burg XIII-413b; at Westmin- ster -Vbbey XV-.598C

— Eagle, conspiracy IV-560a


Blackfeet Indians. See Black- toot Indinns

BLACKFOOT INDIANS II- .V.lDd; X-.'il7a: Alberta. Can- Xlll-4s:ta; Blood In- dians Il-l.()3a: in Canada III- 229d; De Smet among IV- 7.')2c; language I-Jlb: II-fi0.3b: mission-i X-381b; and Salisli Vl-97c: Teton Indians.\IV-23c

Blackford, Scotland, church VI- 42d

Black Forest, Peasants' revolt

XI-598C — forty-seven, and O'Reilly XI-

2!i:ic — Franciscans IV-345d Blackfriars, London, Council of (13S2) XII-776a: and Wyclif XV-722d Black Friars. See Hermits of St.

Augustine; Preachers, Order of —Hawk Indian tribe XII-321b —Hawk War (ls:i2) VIII-95b;

in Wisconsin XV-lili.ib — Leathern Belt, Archconfrater-

nity of lV-357b; at Warsaw

55(ic — Letter, typography XI-409d —List V-f>73c Blacklo (Blackloe), Thomas. See

White. Thomas Blacklock, Thomas V-309c Blackloist Controversy V-139c:

VII-3S5d Blacklow, Thomas. See White,

Tliumaa Blackmar, Frank Wilson X-717b Black Monks X-47,5b Blackney, priest, in New Orleans

XI-13b Black Obelisk II-12d — Penitents. See Penitents, Black Blackpool, Lancashire, England,

statistics IX-314b Black Prince IV-553c; and Frois-

sart VI-308d; and John of

Gaunt XV-722C Blackrock, Holy Ghost Congre- gation XIII-578b; Lazarista

X-:i()Hb; Ursulines XIH-578C Black Rubric, in Anglican Prayer-

Ho.)k I-.M)2b; II-6S0d



Black Saturday, party IV-458b — Sheep (Kara Koivtin-lu), in

Asia .Minor I-785b Blacksmithing I-7ti2c; patron V-

380c Blackstone, William, on abortion 1-4 9a; on advowson, collative I-lU9c; on beriuests III-591d; on bigamy II-565b; blasphemy II-.596a; capital punishment XII-568a; on common law IX- 69a; on corporations IV-389d: on donation V-118a ; on Edward I I-169d; II-565a; on evi- dence, law of XIII-6.i6d; on guardianship VII-51c; on hom- icide VII-442d; on right of prescription XII-396c; on right of property XII-462C Black Stone, of Emesa V^02c;

at Mecca X-99d Blackstone's Island. See St.

Clement's Island Black Sunday. See Judica Sun- day; Passion Sunday Blackthorn. See Bur Black Virgin. See \'iergp noire — Warrior (Toscalusa) I!I-692d Blackwell, Elizabeth, suffragist

XV-693b — George, archpriest V— loOb; IX-34Sc; XI-582C; XVI-4b; appeals against IV-7b; XI- 177c; and Bagshaw II-204b; controversy VI-387a; and Drury V-165b; and Lister IX- 285a; and Mush X-648a; and Oath of Allegiance XI-178c; XV-71.5C; and Persons XI- 731a; Rome, letter from VII- S3c: Scottish clcrgv XIII-620a BLACKWOOD, ADAM II-591d Bladon. .v--- Mulnnsbury Bladulf, Saint II-f.ii:id Blaes, G., anatomist I-160b Blaeu, Wilhelm, cartographer

IV-lOb Blagochinnia, in Orthodox Rus- Church VI-77:)a Blahoslav, John IV ."lOnd Blaine, James G. XV-l7.->c Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de, expedition Ill-773b; fossils Xl-tlOc Blair, Hugh XIII-f>29c —James .\II-493d — Montgomery XIV-539b — R. W. Vin-i;02a Blairs, Scotland seminary XIII-

71 Hid —College, Aberdeen XIII-.579a Beaton, portrait of^ 1 1 -373d clergj", education of XIII-€22a Glasgow archives II-375b

Blais, Andre-Albert, Bishop of

Rimouski XIII-59a BLAISE, SAINT II-592a; bless- ing of bread II-750d; feast, observance in Rome IV-774C; patronage XI-566C

Blaisedel, H. G., Governor of Nevada X-77l>c

Blaiserie, Curatteau de la X-54SC

Blaithmac, Saint. See Blathmac

Blaj, (Balaszfalva) VI-123a; in- stitutions VI-123b

Blake, Alexander, martyrdom II-222d; V-476b

— Anthony, Archbishop of Ar- magh I-732a

— Henry, Governor of Jamaica VIlI-274a

—Henry A. XV-736a

— Joseph, governor XIV-158d

— Llewelyn, Count, college XV- 80b

-Mary Elizabeth XIV-335b

— Michael, Bishop of Dromore V-160d; at Irish College, Rome VIII-LiSc

—Robert XV-89c

—William V-4l)7d

Blakely, Johnson VIII-13!)d

Blampin, Thomas IV-4.54b

BLANC, ANTHONY, Archbishop of New Orleans II-592c; XI- 12b; 208d; Holy Family, Sis- ters of the XI-12C; and Mar- tin X-710d; and Cjuinlan X- 411b

—Charles, on Clouet IV-6Sb; on II Parmigiano XI-507b

— ^Jean-Marie-Gustave, Vicar Apostolic of Corea IV-362d

— Le. See Le Blanc

— Louis XIV-64C; 70.5c; and com- munism IV-181b; on French Revolution XIII-9a

Blanca, Queen of NavarreX-722c; at Huelga-s de Burgos VII-512d

— Brother, in Missouri X-366C; XIII-3C0b

— Florida, Count XIV-98d; and Jesuits IV-36a

Blancanus, Jacobus IV-9c

Blance, Manuel XII-15c

Blanch, Gustave, Vicar Apostolic of Gulf of .St. Lawrence VII- Slb

Blanchard, Abbe V-454a

—Andre 111-3660

— Hortense XlV-UOb

—JEAN - B APTISTE 1 1 - 592d ; and Barriir-I II-310C

—Hotel, (Jiii'hoc (ill.) XII-59.';c

Blanchardists V-4.54a

Blanche, Princess VII-512d; .St. Louis relics of II-313a

— Couronne, monastery X-71b

Blanchefort, Louis de. Abbot of Ferri^res VI-50a

Blanche of Bourbon, Queen of Spain XIII~391d; at Sigiienza XIII-78Sb

— of Castile, Queen of France. Chartres cathedral III-636a; and Dominicans XII-368Cb; and Blessed Isabel of France VIII-179b; and St. Louis IX IX-368d; XI-539a; MS. illumi- nated IX-625C; Nanterre. pil- grimage XI-488b; and Ray- mond VII XII-670b; andThi- baut de Champagne XI V-635a; and Toulouse LTniversity XIV- 797b

—of Namur XV-24Sd

—of Naoles II i.l'.3a

BLANCHET. AOGnSTIN MAG- LOIRE ll-594a: XIII-fifi6b; XV-563d; amongNesqually In- dians XIII-065d

—Brother II-,594a

—FRANCOIS NORBERT II- 593b; III-689a; X-67Sd; XI- 290d; 291d; 293b; XIII-606b; XV-563C; and Demers IV- 706b; educational labours, Ore- gon XIII-.580d; missions II- 623d; IX-253C; X-.390b; XII- 586b; XIII-35.5b: portrait II- .W3c; among Sahaptin Indians XIII-327a: in Saskalcli.wan and Alberta XIII l>~la; Van- couver cpiscpate W-I12d; in Washinglon .Xll-lili.'ic

—Pierre II-593b

Blanchini, Giuseppe. See Bian-


Blancis, Aloysius M., Apostolic

Delegate to Greece VI-742d Blanco, Evaristo, Bishop XI-

1490; XI\-llSd — Francis, martyr XI-755d ■ — Francisco, Bishop of Orense

XI-29.5d —Guzman XV-328b —Jose Felix .XV-333a — Rufino, editor XI-690C Blancos, political party XV-232b Blancs Battus de I'Annunciation

\'m2a — Manteaux, Abbey of IV-033d;

l.\-l)36a; X-71a Blancus, Hugh. See Hugh of

Kcmiremont Bland, Richard XV-4.56b Blanda V-:)79c - Xaver, tli.-ologian IV-OnOc Blandin, Mt., inonasterv I-3Sflb BLANDINA, SAINT ■ll-.594b;

\ I-395b; XXV-37b; patronage

XI-56fic Blandinelli, Pier Nicold, Bishop

of .Sovana XIV-165C Blandinium, church V-379d Blandinus, Bishop of Ortona

VIlI-774d Blandrata, George XIV-113C Blandus, prust VII-471a BLANE, SAINT II-.594d Blaneford, Henry de, chronicler

XV-i;4a Blanes, Ponce de. Inquisitor

VIII-36d — Vidal de. Bishop of Valencia

XV-252a; and cathedral XV-

252c Blankenburg, Moritz von VIII-

704 a Blankenheim, Countess, dispen- sation to \-410b Blanko, George, Bishop of .Sappa

XIll-4i,7d Blanio, Sulpician XIII-380b Blanqui, Andres I-705b —Louis Auguste XIV-636a Blanskenoy, church, RIoscow

lll-57r,b Blarer, Ambrosius. See Blaurer — Christopher, Bishop of Basle

XIV-36:jc; and Peter Canisius

XI-760C Blasendorf, episcopal residence

VI-123a Blaser, Gerwig, Abbot of Wcin-

gartcn X\-:,7M Blasio Ribeiro, Blessed, martyr

XlV-llOa Blasius, Archbishop of Sassari

XIII-185b — Saint, Bishop of Sebastia

XIII-6C7d — de Brittinis, monastery VII-


-See Blaise

BLASPHEMY II-,595a; in Con- necticut laws IV-2.55b; and cursing I\'-574b; iloly Ghost, sin against VII-414C; Massa- chusetts, penal laws against XI-617a; and Mosaic Law XIII-314b; reparation XII- 77,5c; in scnndnl XIII-507a; and worsliip II ".2d

Blass, Friedrich Wilhelm, on Acts, t.xts of I-lJ2d: on St. Luke, ac. uracv of IX-426d; St. Mark. Gospel of IX-676d; on text of New Testament V-292d

Blassoni, Clara VII-543b

Blast, in Bible I-519d

BLASTARES, MATTHEW II- 596b: Svntagma Canonorum XI-95a; XIV-.395b

Blasting. See Mildew

Blastus, schismatic XV-408d

Blasucci, Dominic, and .St. Al- phonsus I-340d

— Pietro Paulo XII-683b; and Kaufbaucr .\II-i;s3c

Blatak, Franc .\Il-i.,s7a

Blatchford, Robert .\IV-67c


Blattuuac, Irish king III-49.5b; and St. Carthage III-3S.5a; IX- 2.Mb; Orders of Saints III-4fl5a

Blatla. an.l lolm VII VIII-423b

Blatter, John Anthony, Bishop of Sioii MV l.-.c

Blau, Anthony, theologian V- .526b; on Old Testament XIV- 52Sa

Blaubeuren, altar XV-700b

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.