Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/191

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B. M. V. sub pede Cnicis. See

Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Alary Bo, Bishop of Vexio XVI-Sla

Boabdil, Moorish leader VIII- 17bb

Boadicea, Queen of Iceni IX- 34 Id; X-753a

Boanerges VIII-279d; IX-676a

Boar (Vishnu) II-14SC

— wUd, in Bible I-o20a

Boarded Groin II-82c

Board of Trade, English I-r,85b

Boardman, Richard, Methodist preacher X-239c

Board-Schools, English statistics XIII-574C

Boar Hunt (Bril) II-7S7b: (Tisio daGarofalo)XIV-740a; (Velas- quez) XV-326b

Boarman, family, Maryland II- 229b

— Charles, Rear Admiral U. S. N. XV-457d

—Sylvester II-22Sd; 229c

Boas, organ V-66SC

—Franz, on Tait Indians XIV- 431b; on Totemism XIV-7S9c; 790a; 792a

Boast, John, Venerable. See Boste, John, Venerable

Boat, in Catacombs I— 139a

Boaz. See Booz

Bobadilla, Francisco de. Bishop of Salamanca XIII-392a; death IV-147d; in West Indies IV- 146c

— Ines de IV-7o3d

—NICOLAS II-605a: in Ger- many VII-643b; and St. Igna- tius Loyola VII-G41a; XIV- S4c

Bobali, humanist IV-60Sa

Bobbin Lace VlII-729d; (ill.) VIII-732b

BOBBIO, ABBEY AND DIO- CESE OF ll-603b; VI-3.59c; IX-229d; and Bangor II-249b; .St. Bcrtulfs rule III-.524b; St. Columbanus's relics IV'- 139d; dove V-14.5a; founda- tion II-60b; lll-495d; IX- 536b; X-474b: XIII-389d; Gerbert of Aurillac XIV-371C; Irish illumination IX-623d; U- brary II-4o8b; IX-33d; Mura- torian Canon MS. X-642b; privileges I-19c

— Codices, in Vatican library XV-296a; 296c

— Missal III-496C; VI-359c; bap- tismal ser\ace III-502b; exultet V-730d; (ill.) X-355b; litur- gical controversy III-496a; Mass III-49SC; at Milan II- 606b

— Sacramentary I-396c; VI- 714d

Bobianum (Boiano) II-622d

Bobilo IX- 174a

Bobinus (Bobin), Saint, Bishop of Troyes X\-tJ7c

Bobo, Girolamo, Bishop of Cam- erino lll-217a

—See Bovo

Bobolen, .\bbot of Bobbio II- 605d

BoboUnus, Saint, Bishop of Vienne VII-27C

Bobone, Giacinto. See Celestine III

Boborykin, author XIII-273b

Bobowissi, deitv IV-686d

Bobriko£E, General. Governor of Finland XIII-251a

Bobrzynski, Michael, historian XII-20(IC

Bocage, Manuel Maria Barbosa du, po<t \ 1 1 - .1 10a ; and Caldaa- Barbosi III-l."i.5d

Bocanegra, Matias, writer XIV- 203b

Bocard de Monte Sion. See Bur- char.l of Mount .Sion

Bocassini, Nicold, Blessed I-20.3b


— CAMILLO II-r,07a

BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI II- l'.n7a: Vlil 2isa: IX :ilb; on an.-eitlHMrs 1-Msb; an.l Bar- bara 11 VI-4l',4c; Bronzino'a portrait I-32.5d; and humanism VII-539a; and Petrarch XI- 779b; portrait VIII-24(i

Boccadipecora, Teobaldo, Anti- pope VII-156C; XII-274a Boccanazzi, Giovanni XII-369b Boccard, Marie Louise von XIII-

52,sb Boccardi, John Baptist, Lazarist

X-364b Boccarelli, Gian Antonio, Bishop

of Nola XI-90a Boccasini, Nicholas. See Bene- dict XI Bocca, Tigris (Hu-men) in-664b Bocchini, Benedetto Xr-li83b Boccon, abbcv. See Zircz Boccone, Paolo XII-109a Bochard, C. M., founder II-416a;

I\'-.'i39a Bochart, Samuel, exegete IV- inia; V-705C; VII-513d; 533d; XIII-211b — de Champigny XVI-53b Bochica, in folk-lore III-653a Bochim. See Bokim Bochnia, Diocese of II-136b Bocholt, battle (779) III-613C Bochoris, King of Egypt V-342a Bock, Jerome. See Tragus, Hier-

— Karl Ernst IX-141a Bbckelheim, Hildegard of. See

Hiklegard, St. Bockelsohn, John. See John of


Bockh, Philip August V-415b

Bockholt, Heinrich, Bishop of Ijibfck IX-4(lld

BOCKING, EDWARD II-608c; 319c; Xlll-I'.:!c

—Ralph, wnt.r VIII-644C; and Richard dv Wyho XIII-44C

Bockler, rr(itc«l:int Church his- torian VII-377b

Bockold, John. See John of Ley- don

Bocskay, family II-125a

— Stephen Vn-5.i4a

Bbddeken, monastery VI-607d; suppression XV-604C

Boddinghaus, Karl, editor XI- 679b

Bode, Saint XII-729c

— Amelius, and lUuminati VII- 66 Id

— Johann Elert, astronomer XII- 72d

Bodeker, Stephan, Bishop of Brandenburg II-739d

Bodel, Jean, writer X-34Sb

Bodenham, Cecily, Abbess of Wilton XV-047d

Bodenstedt, Friedrich von, poet VI-527b

Boderianus, Fabricius, liturgist IX-303d

Boderie, Guy Lefevre de la. See Lefe\Te de la Boderie, Guy

Bode's Law, in astronomy II-26d


Bodgo Lamain Khure. See Urga

Bodh, author XI-717C

Bodhisattva ni-31b

Bodianski, nritor XIII-272C

Bodilsen, Peter XVI-71C

Bodin, E. XIV-534C

—JEAN II-609a; XII-215a; on witchcraft X\ -677a

Bodincomagus III-396a

Bodington, Charles, canon XIV- 229a

Bodkin, Christopher, Bishop of Kilmacduagh VI-373a; at Tuam XV-82a

— Dominick G. II-801d

Bodleian Library, Oxford I-394c; n-753a; IX-232b; XI-36Sa; manuscripts IX-620a

Bodley, Sir Thomas IX-232b; XI-36Sa

Bodmer, Johann Jakob VI-522d

Bodmin, priory in-293b

Bodo, Leudin, Bishop of Toul XIII-344d

BODONE, titular See of II-609d

Bodoni, Giambattista XIII-4or.a

Bodonitsa 'ThermopyliE) II 4.ic

Bodrum (Halicarnassus) VII- 117b

Body (human). in Albigensian doc- trine I-26.Sa; alcohol's effect I ■ 274d; bilocation ll-.5«8a; Boa- covich theory ll-692b; in Car- tesian dualism V-170c; chem- ical properties I-272d: compo-

sition, Aristotle on I-716b; in Deutinger's system IV-762a; Duns Scotus on V-196c; neo- Platonic teaching XIV-I55c; psycho - physical parallelism XI-474C; after resurrection XII-793b; Rosminian theory XIII-196b; and the soul I- 716c; III-464a; 639a; XII- 793a; XIII-551C; XlV-584d; theosophic doctrine XIV-627c; and virginity XV-458b

— Mystical, of the Church. Sec Mjatical Body of the Church

Bodzanta, Bishop of Cracow XII- 190c

Boe. See Shamanism

— Franz de la. See Sylvius, Fran-

BOECE, HECTOR II-609d; XIII-625a; at Aberdeen Uni- versity I-42b; and Bellenden II-414C

Boeck, Karl Wilhelm, dermatol- ogist X-141a

— Leopold Julian XII-207c

Boedder, nco-Scholastic leader X-749b

Boegh, writer IV-731b

Boegues, Mary Rosine XI-184C

Boehler, Peter, Moravian leader II-619b; X-23Sd

Boehm, Sir Joseph Edgar, sculn- tor XIII-647a

— PhUip IX-456C; XII-711b

— von Bawerk, Eugen, economist XIl-21od

Boekenschauw, periodical XI- Csib

Boellet, Robert IV-99b

Boemund II, .\rchbishop of Trier XV-:.87d

Been VI-433a

Boeotia XI\-442a; S62c; and Toos XIV-513V

Boer, Lukas Johann, physician X-I41C

Boerenbond I-227d

Boerhaave, Hermann, biologist and botanist H-."i74c; X-132b; XII-109b; XV-267a; and Mor- gagni X-568b; ophthalmolog- ical services X-135d


Boers, Jesuit XVI-6d

Boer War (1899-1902) XI-267d; XV-20a; XVI-15b; 15d

Boetharius, Saint, Bishop of Chartrea III-635b

BOETHrUS, ANICIUS MAN- LIUS SEVERINroS II-lJlOc; Abelard on I-3Sb; Aristotle's translations I-717d; arithmetic XV-3b; Baron's work on II- 304a; Dante IV-631b; on de- ductive method XII-30a; dip- tych V-23a; 23b; eclecticism V-276b; era of XIII-548c; on eternity V-551C; good, doctrine of VI-637b; on happiness VII- 133b; on hj-postasis VII-714c; on immanence VII-6S3a; on logic IX-326b; medieval study of IX-33C; on mental praver XII-348b; murder VIII-J21c; Notker III translates VI-51Sa; Porretanus' commentary VI- 555b; on Providence, Divine XII-513d: Scholastics on XIII-550C; St. Thomas Aqui- nas XIV-670c; and Universals XI-92a; and Vrie XV-515b

— Hector. Sre Boece, Hector

Boetianum, monastery, Rome V- 133a

Boetianus, Saint XIV-132b

Boetica (Andalusia) I-465c

Boetie, Etienne de la X-512d

Bcetius. Bishop of Maguelonne X-.545b

—Scr also Boethitia

Boetylion n-17,^)d

Boeynaems, Libert Hubert, Vicar Apostolii- of the Sandwich Is- lands XIIH39b

Boff, F. M.. Vicar General of flcveland I V-.')7b; XIV-760b

Boffin, Romanet .\V-570a; 57nb

Boffrand, Germain, arcliitect X- 773a

Bogaerts, J. R. XI-14a

Bogarin, Juan Sinforiano XI- 471d

Bogarino, Giovanni, Bishop of Triest-Capo d'latria XV-45b

Boga-Rodzica I-127d

1 Russian epic song

XIII-266a Bogdan, Voivode of Maramaros

XIII-225C — m XIII-225d Bogdanovic, Urbanus, Archbishop

of Scopia Xlll-tilOa Bogdanovitch, Ippolit Feodoro-

vitch, poet Xni-271b Bogdo Khure. .S'tr I'rga Boggiani, Bishop of Adria VIII-

74b Boggs, William II-231b Boghaz-Adassi (Tenedos) XIV-

oOlid Boghaz-Keui I-7S4b; VII-305c:

30i'id Bogino, Jean-Baptiste, minister Bogislaw IV, Duke of Pomerania

XII-22.5d; 226a • — X, Duke of Pomerania XII-

520c — XIV, Duke of Pomerania XII-

226c ^Ernest, Bishop of Kammin

XII-226C Bogle, George XIV-719c Bogoliepoff, Russian minister

XIII-2.ilb Bogoljubovo, monastery XIII-

244b Bogoljubski, Andrew, Prince of

Suzdal XIII-244b Bogomil, heretic 11-61 lb; X-

BOGOMILI II-611d; 696b; IX- 595b; X-212C; 599d; XII- 609b; and Albigenses I-268c; Basil II-612b: condemnation II-612b; VI-767d; descendants III-17b; docetism II-612a; doctrinal principles II-612a; dualism II-612a; III-135b; as Manichseans XIII-725a; name II-612b; origin II-612b; Paul- icianism XI-5S4d

Bogoria. See Boris

Bogoslovski Viestnik, periodical XIII-264a

Bogota, Colombia IV-122a; uni- versitv XV-202b

—ARCHDIOCESE OF SANTA FE DE II-612c; foundation IV-122C; map IV-facing 122; priests, confraternity of XII- 421d

Bogroff XIII-251d

Boguchwal, Bishop of Posen XV-


Bogue (Hu-men) III-664

Bogue, Henry II-231d

Bogufal. ^'tf Boguchwal

Bobairah, province, Egypt XVI- 78d

Bohairic, Coptic dialect V-357a; XV-368a; XVI-7Sd; liturgy V-361b; MSS. IX-633b; XVI- 28a; version of the Bible XIV- 533a; XVI-28C; 79b

Bohan. See Boen

Bohanes Indians XV-231d

Bohemad, Saint IX-45b


—Church in II-123d; Christian Charitv, Sisters of III-711b Christian Brothers VIII-60C church livings II-614b clerg>-, privileges of the II- 615a; Communion II-124C; III-20b; concordats IV-203C; 203d; Counter-Reformation VI-41b; dioceses II-614C; evangelization II-122b; history II-613C; incorporation II- 615a; inquisition VIII-35a; institutions II-614d; Jesuits XIV-90b; St. Norbert XI- lOlb; organization II-614C: Piarists XIII-588c; religious freedom granted XIV-649b: re- ligious orders 1 1-6 1 4c ; and State II-132d; 614d; XII-341a; sta- tistics II-614b; taxation II- 61.5a; Telia Abbey (ill.) XII- 388; Visitation, Feast of XV- 4Sla; visits ad limina II-588d

—Ediicalion II-6!4d

— (leography. See Austro-Hun- garian Monarchy: Geographv

—Hialory 11- 123d; fil3b; and Auatria II-121c; 124d; Czechs VI-498a; electorate III-48b; Ferdinand II VI-502b; and German League IX-lOlb; Henry I of Gerpiany VI-4S74.'

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, e, d, quarter of page.