Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/196

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Borgia, Girolama I-290c

—Isabel VI-213d

— Jofre I-289c; 291a

— ^Juan, second Duke of Gandia I-289C; 290c; 291c; VI-213d

— ^Juan, third Duke of Gandia VI-213d; death VI-214C

— Juan, Duke of Nepi I-292d

— Lucrezia I-2S9c; 292c; and Alfonso of Biseglia I-291d; and Alfonso of Ferrara I-292d; and Bembo II-426a; and Sforza, Giovanni I-291a; XI-739a

— Pedro Luis, first Duke of Gan- dia I-290c; VI-213d

— Rodrigo. .See Alexander VI

— STEFANO, cardinal II-6S5a; and Assemani I-795b; Irish inquiry XV-393b; and Jesuits XIV-99d; Propaganda XII- 460b; 460d; Vatican Collection XV-282d; and Zoega XV-763b

— Thomas VI-216c

— See also Borja

Borgia Apartment (Museum). .See Appartamento Borgia

—Palace, Rome XIII-150d

-Torre, Vatican XV-277a; 27Sb

BORGLUM, ancient See of XVI- 11c; 70c

— Gutson, sculptor Xni-648a

— Solon H., sculptor XIII-64Sa

—Abbey XVI-llc

Borgmeyer, Charles J., scientific writer XIII-364b

Borgna, Ildephonsus, Bishop of Quilon XII-611a

—Philip X-367C

Borgne, Renauld le XV-351b

Borgniet, Pierre-Andre, Vicar Apostolic of Kiang-nan III- i;74b; Vin-634a

Borgo, Flaminio Dal, jurist XII- 112c

— AUegri, Florence III-771b

BORGOGNONE, AMBROGIO II-i;85c; XI-400d; and Berret- tinl II-516b; Madonna En- throned (ill.) II-6S5d; Pavia, work XI-592C

Borgognoni, Hugo, surgeon X- 127d

— Teodoro, physician IX-106a; X-127d

Borgondi, Horatius II-091b

Borgo Nuovo, liujiic I-2!>lia

— SAN-DONNINO, DIOCESE OF ll-lisCa; ,a1 l.i.lral 11 -I'.^ua

— SAN-SEPOLCRO, DIOCESE OFII-iiMib: <Mthi-aral 1I-68GC; Majan.V,, n-,,rk IX .•..Mlc

BORIE, PIERRE -ROSE- TTR- SULE DDMO0LIN II-fiSHc; birthplace X V-87b ; death VII- 775d

Boriquen, Island of. See Porto Rico

Boris, Saint. See Roman

— son of Vladimir the Great XIII-243d; XV-498C

— ruler of Bosnia II-695d

— I, Prince of Bulgaria III-46a: lOSd; baptized VI-764c; ec- clesiastical policy III-107b: and Nicholas I XI-54d

— n, of Bulgaria III-109a

—Prince of Tirnovo III^7b

— t8arX-593d; XIII-246b-, 246c

Boriwoi, Duke of Bohemia. See Borziwoi

Borja (Bursao) XIV-452b

—Alfonso de. See Callistus III

— Gaspar de, .\rchbi9h0p of Toledo XIV-7.57b

—Isabella I-289b

— Pedro Luis de, .\rchbiahop of Valencia XV-2.52b

— y Aragon, Francisco de. .Sec Francis Borsia, .-^aint

— y Llansol, Juan de. Archbishop of Valencia XV~2.-,2b

— .See Borgia

Bormia, Switzerland, Church in XIV-3f.:!d

Born, Bertrand de. Count of llautrfort Vt .')70c; XIII-4Id

Bornada, Conradin of. See Con- ra.lin nf licrnada

Borneil, Giraud de. See Giraud ,l,. M..rii.-il

Bornemann, Friedrich Wilhelm, |iliilolcii;i«t I-I22d

Bornemissos, Paul, Bishop of Neutra X-77.'ia



OF II-687a; British II-687b;

Dutch II-687a; Franciscan

missions I-781b; VI-293d;

294a; patron XI-566b Borner, Kaspar IX-140c Bornheim, Belgium. Cistercian

congregation III-785a; Domin- ican monastery VII-502d; XII-

230b Bornhofen, Germany, monastery

IX-261d; pilgrimage church

IX-262a Bornhoved, battle (1227) IV-

727b Bomier, Henri de, academician

I-S9b Borodin. See Krapotkin, Prince

Peter Borodino, battle (1812) X-594b;

(i97c; XIII-249a; «S7b Boroma, Jesuit observatory VI—

453c Boromisza, Tiburtius, Bishop of

l5z.atm!ir XIV-419d Boron, discovery XIV-567a — Robert de, Grail legend VI-

71 (Id Bororoan Indians VII-7.58a Borotses, tribe XII-026d Borough, Stephen, navigator III-

127c Borovy, Klement, canonist IV-

liildd Borowski, Felix, composer XII-

20Sa Borra, .^lee of XI-14Sa Borrados Indians XIlI-404b BORRAS, FRANCISCO NICO- LAS II-687C Borrell, Count of .\usona III-

428c; XV-406a —I, Count of Barcelona III-428C — II, Count of Barcelona III-

428c — Jaime, Bible, revision of XV-

371c Borret, Theodore, journalist XI-

i;s(id Borrete, Etienne de, Bishop of

Paris XII-38C Borri, Christopher. See Borrus,

Christopher Borro (Borri), Joseph Francis,

impostor VII-701a Borromseus Encyclical, of Pius X

XIV-766d Borromausverein. .See Borromeo,

.'Society of St. Charles Borromeans. .See Mercy, Sisters

of. of St. Charles Borromeo Borromeo, palace, Rome XIII-

i:!2b; 133c — Anna III-()22d —ANDREA II-(iS.Sa —Carlo, Bishop of Pozzuoli XII-

33 Id -Carlo, cardinal XIII-132d — Carlo, count X-641b — Charles, Saint. See Charles


— FEDERICO, cardinal II-688a: Ambrosian library I-393d; X— 302a; monument I-394c; and Oblates I-40.5b; and St. Philip Neri XII-20b; psaltery I- 390a; and Puteanus XII-584a; and Ward XV-551d — Federigo, count III-619d —Francesco, count ni-619b — Giberto, count III-619a — Giovanni Francesco, Bishop of

Vercelli I.X-138a — Giulio Cesare, count II-68Sa;

III-ei9a — Guido, count III-6I9C —Rene III-624b —SOCIETY OF ST. CHARLES II-6S8c; Prussia XII-723d; in Switzerland IX-407d; XIV-


—Chapel, Isola Bella I-375d —College, Pavia XI-.W2C; ,594c BORROMINI, FRANCESCO II- (i,S8d; 303c; XIII l(i9b; Later- an Basilica; and Op- penordt XI-261d; .S. Agnese al Circo Agonale, Church of .\III-174a; S. Andrea dclle I'rall.-, Chnnh of Xlll 17nc; S. Carl... Cliunh .if \lll-17nd Borrow. George, Hil.l.- W-:i7lb BORRUS, CHRISTOPHER II-

os'.la; VI-l.-)ld Borsano, Lucchino, Bishop of Como IV-184a

Borsari Gates, Verona XV-360d

Borsieri, Giovanni Battista, phy- sician X-1.32C

Borsippa, town, Babylonia II- 180a; deity II-30b; 187c; prophet I-480d; siege II-227a; temple II-16b; 16c; 185d; XV- od

Borsolari, Bartolomeo, Bishop of larhla VIII-lS5a

Bortoli, Giovanni, Bishop of Fel- tre II-424d

Bonictuari. See Bructeri

Borum-Eshoi, excavations IV- 726d

Borut, Prince of Karinthia VIII- 007b

Bory de Saint-Vincent IX-36a

Borziwoi, Duke of Bohemia II- 613b; conversion II-122C; 613c

Borzone, Lusiano VI-397d

Bosa, Bishop of York I-93b; XV- 734b


Bosada, Joaquin Pablo XIV-205d

Bosan. .See Boetianus

Bosau, Abbey of XIV-713a

—castle XV-20d

Boscan, Juan, poet XIV-198d; and Garcilasso de la Vega VI- 382a; metres III-414a; VI- 71a; portrait XIV-193a

Boscana, Geronimo, missionary X-532c; portrait X-374b

Boscareccio. See Vatican Gar- dens

Boscath. See Bascath

Boscawen, Edward, admiral XIII-3S4d

Bosch, Emmanuel van den. Bishop of Lahore VIII-743b

— Henry, martyr XIV-776b

— Jerome, painter XI-400b


Boscherville, apses V-259d

Boschetti, Bonadaneo, Bishop of Modena .X-lUb

Boschi, Giulio, cardinal XVl-lSa

Boschiac, Berbard de. Prior of Grandmont \'l-72.">d

Bosco, Bernardo da \lll-277a

— Congregation of, .\ugu3tinian VII-2s3a

—GIOVANNI MELCHIOR, VENERABLE II-689d; XIII- 398c ; 587b ; Scotism XI V-594b ; and S. Cuore al Castro Pretorio XIII-171b; Villefranche's life of XV-430C

-Margaret II-689d; 690b

— di Belvedere (Baroccio) II- 303c

Boscodon, Abbey of VI-378b

Bosco Parrasio I-S.'id

Boscovich, Nicholas, martyr XIIl-135a

— RUGGIERO GIUSEPPE II- 691b; XII-65a; atomic theory II-51c; extension theory V- 222c; 714c; geodetic research VI-t52d; Pavia University XI- 594b; portrait II-691b; and Vatican Observatory XV-310b

Bosel, Bishop of Worcester XV- 703c; 703d

Beset, Juan Ilario, Bishop of AKTida .\-202b; XV-333b

Bosgrave, Thomas, martyr V- 476b; VIII-459a

Bosham, Herbert of. See Herbert of Bosham

Bosheth X-B77b

Bosio, villa III-517d

—ANTONIO II-693C; III-706a; catacombs I-87a; III-119b; X-647b; and Gfnebrard VI- 412a; in St. Domitilla Ceme- tery ni-513c; school III-766b; and St. Symphorosa's tomb X1V-379C

—Philip, lay brother XIII-.58Sd

Bosjesmannen, tribe I-182b

Bosna-Serai. .See .Serajevo

Bosnaya, Joseph, monk XIV- 412c

Bosnia, H,ni ,li:l, 1 II . ;.:'h;Cath- ari 111 I ■■■■■l ' ■ :' ■: iH.sses- Bion II ' ' > II III con-

tnil 11 I.'IM :' .'. I" i:.l. lllV II- 6'I.-|C; iiiip II IJII, lailllK 136;

Russians in Xi\-lsb; Scrvia a.-.iiiir.s Xlll 7338 ; Turkish .■i.iiiiii.'sl 11 iWCb; lV-511d; Vll-5.-i2b; X-.59Hd; XV-B8a —Diocese of. Bogomoli II-696d; and Diakovar IV-5Ilc: 769d;

Franciscan missionaries VI- 294d; 469a; and Sirmium IV- 769d; XIV-27C BOSNLA AND HERZEGOVINA Il-(l'.l4a. area II-121b; Aus- trian .iiiupation II-696C; X- r/Mc: XV-9sd; Church in II- 136c; 696d; government II- 694b; Greek metropolitan VI- 751a; history II-695a; Illyrian kingdom II-695a; invasions II-695b; map Il-facing 120; Il-facing 136; monasteries II- 323c; Montenegro alliance X- S30d; Orthodox Church I- 692d; V-232c; XI-330a: phys- ical characteristics II-694b: population II-121b; 694d; Propaganda XII-457b; 4.57d; Roman province II-695b; Rus- sia annexes XIII-251d; Servian Church VI-7o5a; Serbs and Croats in XIV-50b; statistics, religious II-137b; 697b; XIV- 278a; Turkish invasion II-696a Boso, disciple of St. Anselm II-

56d BOSO, cardinal II-697d; Adrian IV's life by I-156d; Burgos. Council of III-67b; papal biog- raphies IX-22.5d Boso, Abbot of Bee X-317d — Bishop of Constance IV-2S7a —Abbot of Fleury V-241C — Prior of Grande Chartreuse

III-38SC BOSO, Bishop of Merseburg II-

697d Boso, Bishop of Piacenza XII-



Boson, King of Burgundv-Pro- vtncc 1X-71.5C

Boso of Vienne, count XIII-492c

Bosor n-718a; VI-436b; X-410a; Xll-712a

— .^'ee Bostra

Bosora lBosor> II-708a

Bosphorus, battle (1352) XV-337c

— I Hill.) \ 1-436C

Bosque, Juan de Dios, Bishop of l.a I'az \ III-796a

Bosquet, Francois de. Bishop of Montpelier X-545d

Bosra (Bib^) VI-436C

— .^ee of. .See Bostra and Hauran

— Eski-Sham (Bostra) II-708a

Bossal, Yorkshire II-TlOa

Bossart, Thomas, .\bbot of Ein- sicdeln V-368b

Bossche, Ignatius van den, Josephitc VIII-519C

Bossi, Francesco, canonist XI- 594a

— Giuseppi XII-640d

—Pier III-7,Sb


Bossuet, Benigne II-698C

— Genevieve n"-758d

— JACQUES-BENIGNE II- 698b; I-89b; Agreda's work I- 229d; and Aguirre I-232c; and Azor II-168a; at Assembly of 16S2 I-797b; and Saint .August- ine II-91c; 95b; Baussefs life of II-352d; on Benedictine Rule II-439C; on Saint Bernard II-498d; and Bourdaloue II- 717c; 718c; and Brisacier II-7S9a; and Bruevs III-4c; and Brunetiere Ill-lOd; Bur- ignv's life of ni-79b; Butler's lifeof III-91b; on St. Catherine in-445c; and Choiseul III- 69.5d; and Claude V-37b; on Communion under both kinds I-C7b; Compagnie du Saint- Sacrament IV-1S4C; and Dupin V-204C; Etats d'oraison VI- 36d; and F6nflon VI-3,id; 37a; XII-610b; and Flfch- ier Vl-lOOa; and Fleury VI- 103d; fundamental articles VI-319d; Galhcanism VI-.3.5.5c; 3,56c; and Gothic architecture XII-769c; and Mme. Guyon VI-36d; VII-93C; 93d; as his- torian VII-376C; Honorius I VII-455C; and Jansenism I- 94d; and l.a BruyiVo VIII- 72Sc; and Mme. l.a rn.\ette

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.