Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/238

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—Hubert, founder X-604c

— Jacques, and d'Ossat XI-342b

— Marc-Antoine XI-270d

CHARRON, PIERRE III-633C; philosophy III-540d: scepti- cism XiII-517b

— Brothers, Montreal, hospital XII -594c; and St. Vallier XIII-388a

CHARROnX, councU (1028) I- 2tisc; XII-180C

Chamia Indians VII-758a; XV- 231d; massacre XV-231d

Charta. See Carta

Charter, English IV-3S8a; 637a; PorluKal XII-304d; Spanish Xl\-l,s(',b

CHARTERHOUSE ni-634a; 3ssa; Hugh of Lincoln VIX- 52Ub; London IX-343b; Lon- don (ill.) III-634

— Monks, Froude on II-59d

—School, London IV-109b; IX- 35 Id

Charter of Charity X-475b; XII-757C; XIV-290d

—of Liberties V-130b; XI-617c

— of Modern Thought, Charle- magne III-350b

— Schools XIII-576C

Chartes d'Ajnortissement, licences X-o7ga

Chartie-Mousso, Maurist X-71d


— Guillaume, Bishop of Paris III- G34d

—Jean, chronicler XI-487C

— Jeanne VIlI-14Sa

Charton, Edouard, and Saint- Simonisra XIIl-37Sb

Chartophylax, archives I-696c; in Byzantine churches VI-760C; in Greek episcopal Curia VI- 741b

Chartran, Leo XIII (iU.) IX- facing 170

Chartres, town, France, Danes XI-104C; glass-working XIV- 242a; Henry of Navarre VII- 79d; university XII-419a

— Amaury de. See Amalric of Bena

—DIOCESE OF III-635b; adora- tion, perpetual I-153d

— cathedral III-635C; architec- ture VI-667d; 672b; chevet V- 260b; choir III-693d; dedica- tion XV-162b; (ill.) Ill-facing 634; VI-673; XlV-facing 220; St. Lubin, chapel of III-575a; plan VI-667d; sculpture VI- 672a; XIlI-644b; spire XIV- 220c; windows XIV-242b; XV- 653c

— and Catholic League XIV- 707b; councU (1421) IV-Ud; Druidical altar III-635d; hos- pice for the blind V-307a; Laz- arist seminary X-361C; map Vl-facing 188; pilgrimage III- 636b; XII-89d; St. Paul, Sis- ters of III-GIOa; school I- 41b; VI-312d; XIII-54Sd; 557a; XIV-372b

—Fort, mission 1 1-4 15b

— Reoaud de. Bishop of Reims XII-726b

— Sisters of St. Paul of. See Charity of St. Paul of Chartres, Sisters of

Chartreuse, Granada VI -723d

— licjueur III-390d

—LA GRANDE III-636d; .388a; Vll-dlla; .'■,20a; X-475a; XIV- 453d; (ill.) 111-636; prior III- 3'.H)b; XII-42,Sb

Chartreuve, Premonatratensian alilicy XIV-l:!2a

Chartuiarium Folcuini. See An- nal.'s l.itliii'iiM.-a

CHARTULARY III-637b; of Paris I ' iii vcr.^i t V 1 V -720a ; 720b


Charysius, marlvr IX-179d

Chasadim, in Syria X1V-401C

Chase, sport. .Set Hunting

— Bela II-7(I.-)C

— Jeremiah Townley XIV-443a

— Samuel, Canadian Commission ni-:i.sod; XV-l«2b; and Car- roll. Daniel III-SSlc Chasidira'(Pharisees) XI-78yc Cbasles, Emiie, geometrician X- 74Ub

Chasoslov VI-746b

Chasphia VI-437b

Chassagny, surgeon X-141d

Chassaignac, Edouard, surgeon X-142a

Chassaigne, Fran(oise de X- 512d

Chasse, Peter Joseph de la, mis- sionary I-39c; IX-54ad; XII- 287d

Chasseloup-Laubat College, In- do-Chiua VII-769C

Chasseriau, Theodore, painter X1^02a; and Chavannes XII- 585a

Chassinat, E., Bible edition XVI- SOd

Chastan, Jacques, Venerable, martyr lll-071a; lV-302a; 794a

Chaste!, Etienne, historian VII- 379d

— Guigues du. See Guigues du Chastel

—Jean. See Ch&tel, Jean

Chastelain, Claude, martyrology IX-742a


-PIERRE III-637d; VII-577a

Chastes, Aymai de I-90d; III- 567d

CHASTITY III-637d; among an- cients III-639a; and asceticism I-770b; St. Augustine I-617c; Buddhist III-30C; Chinooks III-6S9a; and continence IV- 330d; and Christianity III- 595a; 639b; XII-743a; in con- templative life IV-329d; de- fence of 1-2 lOd; defined XV- 473d; in early Church IV-58Sd; extent IX-697C; Holy Ghost, Fruit of VII-114b; Gnostic tenet I-202c; Jews III-638d; marriage, annulment of IX- 692c -matrimonial: St. Catherine of Sweden III-448C; Sts. Chry- santhus and Daria III-742b; St. Edward the Confessor V- 323b; St. Elz^ar and Delphine V-397a; St. Etheldreda V- 554c

— monastic X-460d; in Montan- ism X-521d; perpetual, Al- bigenses I-268b; pre-Scholastic writings XIV-617d; in religious life XII-753a; Rosminians XIII-200C; and sanctity XIII- 429a; of savages III-638C; self- defence XIII-691d; and tem- perance XIV— JSlc; type III- 776b; and virginity XV-458c

— vow: clergy in-481a; matri- monial impediment VII-696d; private I-770a; religious X- 487d; XI-168b; XII-452a; 750d; in secularization XIII- 678b: Waldenses XV-528d

CHASUBLE III-639b; I-428c; X-20d; XI-427d; acolyte's or- dination I-108a; in Armenian Church XIII-80C; Celtic III- 639c; colours IV-135b; 609b; and cope IV-351a; cross IV- 535b; and dalmatic IV-608b; embroidery V-400b; fanon, papal I-128d; folded I-166a; III-639d; form III-639d; IV- 608d;XV-388b; (ill.) Ill-facing 638; lifting III-263d; Mass. Ponrifical XII-232d: medieval III-639d; origin III-639C; in Orthodox Church IV-316C; symbolism III-640a; XIV- 375b; types III-640a; in Uniat Church VI-746d; use IV^19c; 6.50a; VI-782d; XV-87d; 388b; 3S0b --of Classe, Ravenna XV-361C Chatagneret, martyr IV-lB8d Chatagnon, Marc, Vicar Apos- tolic of Southern Sze-ch'wan Ill-r)7Sb; XIV-420d Chataignier, mission III-699b Chatard, F. E., at St. Mary's

Seminary II-230d — Francis Silas, Bishop of In- dianapolis H24a; VII-741d; 744d; and Mundwiler X-630d — Peter, physician II-231C Chatawa, Redemptorist novitiate

XII-68.5b Ch&teau, college, Louvain IX- 39 Id

CHATEAUBRIAND, FRAN- COIS-RENE DE III-640b: 1- 89b; "Atala" II-67a; and Berrver II-517b; and Bonald II-647b; conversion IlI-04Ib; and Fesch VI-51a: X-690a: and Joubert VIII-526b; on Lacarridre VII— 44c: literary influence VI-200b: XII-7(i9d"; Levadoux IX-204d: portrait III-640c: and Quelen XII- 600b; works 111-6400

Chateaubriand, Mme. de XI- 491c

Chateaubriant, town, France, Calvinistic centre X-6S2b

—Edict (1551) VII-o29b

Chateau d'Ultrera, Notre-Dame du. See Notre Dame du Cha- teau d'Ultrera

Chateaudun, monastery III-635C

Chateau-Gontier, monastery X- 71b

Chateauguay, battle XII-166a

— Louis Le Moyne, Sieur de. See Le Moyne, Louis, Sieur de Chiiteauguay

Chateau-Landon, priory XI-486c

Chateau-Mar^ay, Henri de XI- 485a

Chateauneuf, Pierre de. See Pierre de Castelnau. Blessed

Chateauneuf -de - Mazenc, pil- grimage XV-251a

Chateauneuf - la - Foret, castle, legend I-557b

Chateau Porcien, Gui de. Bishop of yoissons XlV-131a

Chateau-Thierry, battle (1591) VII-79d; (1814) X-698c

Chfiteau-Verdun, Marie de XV- 311a

Chatel, Abbe, schismatic X-604a ; XIII-o34d

—Jean, and Henrv IV VII-226d; XII-119b: XIV-89b

Chatelain, Emile IV-720a

Chatelech, Indian Christian vil- lage XIII-671C

Chatham, town, Canada, college XIII-.569C

—DIOCESE OF III-642a; sta- ristics III-238b

— Lord. See Pitt, William, Lord Chatham

Chatillon, town, France, confra- ternity V-82c; congress (1814) X-69Sc; Urban II's statue VIII-788a

— Cardinal de. See Coligny, Odet de. Cardinal de Chatilion

— Gautier de. See Walter of Chatillon

— Guy de. Bishop of Reims XII-728a

— ^Renaud 'de, in Palestine IV- 548c; VIII-362b; 363c

—Walter of. See Walter of Cha- tillon

Chatillon-sur-Seine, school II- 49Sd

Chatranet, Joseph X-567a

Chatre, Pierre de la. Archbishop of Bourgcs n-(iS2d

Chatron, Jules, Bishop of Osaka XI-334C: XIIl-758d

Chattahoochee, Florida, asylum VI-120C

Chattan I-700a

Chatterton, Thomas, poet V-467c

Chatti, tribe II-109b; Vn-298d

Chatworth, Thomas, Archbishop of Dublin VII-500b

Chatz, Armenian feast IV-536C

Chaucer,' Elizabeth Ill-642d

— GEOFFREY III-642b;V-461a; on antiphon I-326d; and Boe- thius II-611d; Canterbury pil- grims (ill.) III-643b: and Cax- ton III-469c; and Gower VI- 686a: and Occleve XI-197c; on Offertorv IV-lOoc; portrait III-642c; Primer, use of XII- 426a; "Prioresses Tale" I- S76d; religion III-644a; on romances III-692C; Scotland Xin-624a; and Spenser V- 462d: on Thomas of Bradward- ine XIV f,n:!d; on Valentine Dav XV-2.'-.4b —John III i;i2b

—Lewis III r.42d — Philippa Ill-(;43b —Thomas III-f.t2d Chauchard, Mile., foundress XIII-109a

Chauchetiere, Claude, mission- ary III-)58b; VII-5S2b; on Tegakwitha XIV-471C

Chauci, tribe II-109b

Chaudesaigues, pilgrimage XIII- 34Sc

Chaugy, Mother de, Visitandine VIII-283C

Chaul, Parsis in XI-509a; and Portugal (1512) VI-603a: Por- tuguese church Vll-734b

Chauliac (Chaulhac), Guy de, sur- geon I-459b; 459c; X-128a; and Petrarch X-128d

Chaumette, revolutionist VI- 173b; XlII-14b

CHAUMONOT, PIERRE- JOSEPH III-645a; IX-360C: X-379c: 387b: XIV-397d: and Brfteuf II-751d; Holy Family Confraternity I-235c; on Hu- ron language VI I-565d ; among Hurons VII-577a: 582b; and Le Moyne IX-149d; Martin's life of IX-727C; in New York XI-20c; among Seneca Indians XIII-714C

Chatmiont, town. Pardon VIII- 790c; treaty (1814) II-397a

— Alexandre de XIII~766b

— Leray de. Count XI-222C

Chaumonl-en-Vexin XI- 105a

Chaunac de Lanzac, Abbe VI- 57lic

Chauncey, Charles, Unitarianism XV-155d

Chauncy, John III-645b

—MAURICE III-645b; 391b

Chaunter, John the. See John the Chaunter

Chaurion, Vicar Apostolic of New Caledonia X-782b

Chausse, administratorof Kwang- tung VIII-713b

Chauveau, bacteriologist X-138b

— Franjois, artist VIII-740C

— Joseph Marie, missionary XIV-720C

—PIERRE - JOSEPH - OCTAVE III-645C; XI-672C; schools XIII-566C

Chauveau-Lagarde, Claude Fran- gois IX-BtiOc

Chauvelin, Germain-Louis, dip- lomat VI-I03b

— Henri-Phihppe, Abbe XIV-97d

Chauvenal, Emmanuel X-681b

— Joseph X-681b

Chauvigny, Andre de. Count VI-


— Marie Madeleine de la. See Peltrie, Madeleine de la

Chauvin, colonist I-90d

— Biblical commentator VIII- Sla: on Commission II-o57c

— de Lafr^niere, Nicolas, Attor- ney General. Louisiana IX- 3S0d

Chavagnes, Fathers of, in Canada III-2:i9b

Chavanne, martyr III-671C; IX- 74 Sa

— Antoine-EIisabeth Dareste de la. See Dareste de la Chavanne

Chavannes, Puvis de. See Puvia de Chavannes

Chaves, Francisca de VlII-132a

— Jos6F. XI-4d

Chavez, Pedro Jos6, Bishop of Puilo Xll-.iU9d

Chavigny, Eleonore de. See

Granilmaison. Elfonore de Chavis, Antao Martins de. Bishop

of Opcrtci M-2tlla Chayacuran Indians, habitation

Vll-7.>sa Chayavita, tribe lX-541b Chaybassa, school Ill-154d Cbazars, Kingdom of the, de- struction VIII-392C; Judaism VIII-392b Chazelle, missionary IX-726d Chazes, monastery XIII-348b Chazingarii, cross- worshippers

n'-530c Cheadle, explorer XIlI-lS4a Cheam, Indian reserve XIV-13Ia Cheapside, London, church I-

li'.l.'ia Chebar. Sec Chobar Chehbon VI-437b Chebron. See Hibron Chebucto. .s.r Halifax Chebul, John, mi.ssionary V-lSSd Che Buono. Sn Bullin. William Cheburo (Hebron) VI I- 184b

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.).^ illustrations.