Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/241

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Chi-li, South-eastern, Vicariate Apostolic of 111 l'i77a

— South-western, Vicariate Apos- tolic of lU-c,77a

Chilianeum, periodical. Germany XI-C7Sd

Chiliasts, fanatics VII-5SSb; and Johaunine Apocal \TDse I II-277b

Chilion. See Chelion

Chillen, Saint X-9Sd

Chillingworth, William, conver- sion XI-664a; formula II-544b; XII— 49tja; on fundamental articles VI-319c

Chilly, chateau IX-148a

Chilmad. .See Chelmad

ChilmegisUus, Bishop of Lau- sanne IX-40d

Chilon, Bishop of Constantia IV- 294a

Chilpancingo, Mexico, congress X-560a; population X-25t)c

Chilperic I, Frankish king VI- 239c; VII-GUlc; and Gales- wintha VI-149d; and Sigebert VI-473d

— n, Frankish king IV-66d; Jew- ish policy VIII-391C

Chiltem, church in XIII-436C

Chimara (Olympus) XI-249C

Chimakuan Indians, VIl-754b

Chimalli, shicl.l X-253b


Chimarikan Indians VII-754b

Chimchi, David II-208d

Chimehuivi Indians XV-S4d

Chimere, clerical costume IV- 420b

Chimes, electric VI-649C; St. Peter's Xni-373d

Chimham. See Chomaam

Chimilas Indians IV-122C

Chiminello, astronomer XIII- 463a

Chimmesyam Indians XII-t326d; habitation VII-7,54b

Chimpanzee V-H67b; 667c

Chimu Indians XIl-605b

Chimura, Leonard, Blessed. See Leonard Chimura

— Sebastian, Blessed. See Se- bastian Chimura

Chin (China) III-6S0C

CHINA Ill-603b; art, .4ttiret II- 62a; and art, Japanese Vill- age

—Church in III-669b; XII-418b; XIII-34C; 521a; Abstemii I- 67a; administrators I-143c: Apostolic ministry XIII-5S7a; Charity. Sisters of III-606C; hierarchy III-677a; Immacu- late Conception Congregation III-G76b; Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools VII1-60C; martyrs IX- 746c; Nestorians III-669a; per- secutions III-670d; VIII-635b; protectorate III-676c; XII- 489b; religious orders III-672d; 674d; retreat, houses of XII- 796d; Rites controversy II- 723c; 789a; III-522d; 671c; 679c; VIII-23C; XIII-37a; XIV-440d; St. Vincent de Paul Society XIII-390c; Salesian Society XIII-399b; Si-ngan-fu inscription III-669b; Society of Jesus III-670b; 672d; XIV- 95a; statistics I-782b; XIV- 279a; vicariates Apostolic III- 677a; 672b: XVI-68b; 80a; 80b; 81c; 82c: 82d; 83a

— coinage XI-156a

— Commerce III-685d; Alaska I- 246c; Japan VIII-317b; treaty ports III-686b

— Cuslomt III-68.5b; burial I- 528c: feet, compression of III- 665d; infanticide VIII-lc; queue III-665d

—Education III-C66d; V-296b

— Ethnography 1 1 1-665C ; branches Xll-626a; origin I-77Sd

— Geography III-663b: Amoy I- 437c; area III-663b; 663c; Che-li, Central XVI-80a: Che-h, Maritime XVI-80a: Che-kiang. Western XVI-80b: Ho-nan. Western XVI-68b; 81c; Hong-Kong VlH.Wd; Kan-su, Northern VIII-602d: Kan-su, Southern VIII-602c; Kiang-si, Northern VIII-635a; Kiangi- si. Southern VIII-635C: Kien-

chang XVI-81d: Kiang-nan VIII-633b; Kiang-si, Eastern VIlI-634d; Kwang-si VIII- 712a; Kwang-tung VIII-712d; Kwei-chou VIII-713d; lakes III-664b; Macao IX-481b; Manchuria IX-5S5d; map Ill- facing 686; mapsIII-673d; VI- 451b; Xl-SOSb; XII-720b; 720a; Mongolia X— 479b; moun- tains III-064b; physical III- 663d; political III-664C: rivers III - 663d; Shan-si, Northern XIII-7S2b: Shan-si, Southern XIII-752C; Shantung XI I I-752C ; 752d ; Shen-si, Cen- tral XVI-82c: Shen-si, North- ern XVI-82C; XIII-755d;Shen- si,SouthernXIII-756a:Sze-ch'- wan. Eastern XIV-420a; Sze- ch'wan, North-western XIV- 420b; Sze-ch'wan. Southern XIV-420d; XVI-82d; Tientsin XVI-83a; Turkestan, Chinese XV-95C; Yun-nan XV-738b

— History III-681a; chronology I-I30b: Closed-Door policy VI-449a; and England (1890) XIV-719d; era III-740b; ex- ploration, Franciscan VI-44Sd: flood IV-705d; foreign relations III-682b: and France III- 683a; VII-777b; French ex- pedition X-701b: French pro- tectorate XII-189d; German protectorate XII-491a: Gres- lon's work VII-28d: and Japan III-684d; VIII-Sllc: 313b; mandarins III-666c; medieval VI-448d; and migration X- 296c; Navarrete'a works X- 723b; official insignia III-666C; and Russia III-6S3a; XIll- 251a; 769a; and Tibet XIV- 719a; 719b; 720b; and United States X-296a; works III-674a

— Language: abbreviations III- 665b: Alvarez's grammar I- 374b: bibles III-679C; Buglio's works III -40b: K'ang-hi's dictionary ni-682b: liturgical use XIII -69c; Morrison's works III -679a: versions of the Bible XV-374a

— Legislation: flagellation VI-92c ; government III-665d: mar- riageable age I-20Sc; provincial administration III-666b: pun- ishment, capital XII-569d: weights and measures III-687a: woman XV-689d

— Literature: classics III-667d: and Japanese VIII-314a

-Missions I-233d;Alenio I-283b ; ancient III-669a: Attiret II- 61d: Augustinian III-675b: VII-287b; Barnabite II-302c; Bouvet II-723b: Bruel's works III-4b; Buglio III-40b; Cast- ner III-114b; Cibot III-767d: crusades IV-552d: Divine Word, Society of the III-676b: Dominican III-674d: XII- 369a: Foreign Missions of Mi- lan III-676b; Franciscan III- 675a: VI-293d; Gerbillon VI- 471a; Gregorian VII-9c: Gres- lon VII-2Sd;GrueberVII-41c; Hue VII -510b; Jesuit III- 672d; XIV-103c: 441a: John of Montecorvino VIII-474b: Kog- ler VIII-686c; Lazarist III- 67.5d: X-361d; 365a: Mailla IX -5.39a; medieval I-781a; III-«69d; modern III-670b; 677a: Morales X-556d; Na- talia I-297c; Nestorian I- 136d: Parrenin XI-508a; Prot- estant III-678d; Rho XIII- 20a: Russian ecclesiastical III- 679d: Scheutveld, Congrega- tion of III - 676a: Vll- lfi7d: Scottish Established Church Xni-630d: Society of Foreign Missions III-675b; XIV-80d: statistics X-376a; Swedish Protestant XIV-350b; Verbiest XV-346b: de Visdelou XV-476b

—Population I-777d: III-663c: census, of Allerstein I-323c: Jews I-779d: III-679d; Mo- hammedans I-779b; III-680b — 7? eZiffion .• ancestor worship III- 668d: IV-687C; Buddhism I- 779a: III-31c:668c:Confucian-

ism IV-223d; deification, ofii- cial IV-685a: Druze belief V- 167b: festivals III-687d; im- mortality, belief in VII-687c; Manicha^ans lII-67Sd; monog- amy II-o64d; Monotheism IV-6S6b; priesthood, female XII-tl7b; sacrifice Xin-319a: of State III-668b; Taoism XIV-446d — Science: astrologj' II-20d; as- tronomy II-25b; calendar III- 687b; 40b: philosophy ni-6C7b — social life III-687b: telegraph

system III-6S5C — Indo. See Indo-China — Bark. See Jesuit's Bark Chinanteca Indians VII-756d;

XI-180d Chtncha Indians XII-605b Chindaswinth, Visigothic king XIV-17Sa: and St. Braulio II- 744d; councils V-602c: and Eu- genius II V-002C Ctune, Ceylan, Madagascar, i)e-

riodical III-674d Chinea, papal tribute XIV-446d Chinese, in California III-174a; in Canada III-229b; in Massa- chusetts X-24d; in Philippines I-161d: in Siberia XIII-76Sd — CoUege, Naples I-335d — Exclusion Act XV-175C — Recorder, periodical, Shanghai

III-679C — Repository, periodical, Canton

III-679C Ch'ing, Chinese chou III-664C Chingocu, John. See John Chin-

gocu Ch'ing Shu, commissioner X-480c Ching-wang-tao, treaty port III-

6S6b Chiniac, Pierre de III-311C Chinigchinich of Boscana, in In- dian mrthologv X-373C Chmipas, Mexico, mission XIV-

13a Chiniquy, pastor VII-703b Chin-kiang, treaty port III-686b Chin Lee, Arizona, mission X-

721a Chinneroth. See Ceneroth Chinon, chateau XV-4a — monastery VI-396d CHINOOKS III-688C; charac- teristics III-6S8d: customs XV-563C: family III-688C; habitation VII-754b: language VII-748d: missions III-689a; X-390c: occupations Ill-tiSSd; organization III-688c; present status III-6S9b Chinos Indians XV-232c Chinsaco, John. See John Chin-

Chinsuche, Paul. See Paul Chinsuche

Chintil, king V-602c; at Toledo, Fifth Council of IV-427b

Chioggia, town, Italy, battle (1380) XV-338a; war VI-J20b

—DIOCESE OF III-6S9b; cathe- dral III-6S9C

Chionia, Saint XIV-634b

Chi-on-in Temple, Kyoto, bell (ill.) VIII-301C

Chionio, Francesco Antonio, can- onist XV-95b

Chios III-689C: diocese VI- 743a: III-689d: monasteries II-323C; Nea Moni XI-.397b; Saint Thomas, relics of XIII- .38.3a; XIV-659a

CHIOS, town, Asia Minor (Scio) III-689C

— Leonard of. See Leonard of Chios

Chiozza. See Chioggia

Chipiez, Charles, Egj^ptologist XI-.304d

Chipivi, tribe. Peru XV-117d

CHIPPEWA INDIANS Ill-OnOa; 229d; Algonquins I-312a; Bar- aga II-282d; 2S3a: in Canada III-229a: D6n6s IV-71Sa; gov- ernment III-690C: history III- 690a; Jesuits IV-758b

— language I -411b: Baraga's works I-312a r

— Minnesota X-327c; missions III-690C: IV-5.5b: X-381b; 3SSa; name III-690a: occupa- tions III-690b: and Potawa- tomi XII -320a; Shamanism Xni-750d: and Sioux XIV-

17d; and spirits XIII-760C. See Montagnais Indians Chiquitan Indians \'II-758a Chiquito Indians XIII-424a; mis- sion XII-690b Chi-rho IV-541b: XIV-376c:

XV-5S2C Cbiriguano Indians X-41a: Bar- aza X-60Sa; missions X-606c; reductions XII-690C Chirographa IV-193a; IX-203c;

XV-294d Chiroli, Amideus, Servite theo- logian XlII-737b Chiromancy, defined V-48d; di- vination by XIV-339C Chiron, in Greek mythology

Xin-320a Chirothecae. See Gloves, episcopal Chirouse, Casimir, missionary IX-431C: X-383a: 390c: XII- ,586c: XIII-666C: XIV-142a: 2.38b: 3S7d: XV-o64a Chirupa Indians IX-553c Chirurgie, Academie de X-128a Chisedec Indians X-512a Chiselling, in metal-work X-219d Chisenhall, Edward, controver- sialist XV-271b Chisholm, .£neas. Bishop of

Aberdeen I— 42a — William, missionary I-563b Chishul, John de. Bishop of Lon- don IX-;i47c Chislenniki, Russian sect XII-

050c Chisleu. See Ivislev Chislothtabor. See Ceaeleth-

thabor Chitalin, Indian chief X-412d Chiti, Girolamo, musician XII-

ll'Jb; on Pitoni XII-lIOc Chitimachan Indians (Shetima- sha), extinct XIII-343c; habi- tation VII-754b Chitomachon, Emperor of Piscat-

away, baptism XV-OlOd Chiuni, Anthony, Blessed. See

Anthony Chiuni Chiusi, town, Italy, catacomb III-427b; Charlemagne cap- tures IX-339b — Orlando, Count of X\-35Sb — PIENZA, DIOCESE OF III- 690d: XI1-79C; Palazzo Pic- colomini (ill.) XII-12Sb: and Siena XIII-781b CHIVALRY III-691a: Don Quix- ote III-543d: m German liter- ature VI-518b ; in Germany VI- 491d; in Spanish literature XIV-19SC Chivasso, town, cathedral (ill.)

Vlll-facing 224 — Angela Carletti di. Blessed. See Angelo Carletti di Chivasso Chiza, beverage IX-554a Chlodowech. See Clovis Chlodulph, Bishop of Metz XV-

69c Chlodwig. See Clo%ia Chlorine V-189c

Chloroform, as anaesthetic I— 448c Chlorus, Constantius, marriage

IV-297b Chlotar. See Clotairc Chlothilde. See Clorilda Chloudov Psalter, of Moscow

IX-<i22c ChlumCansky, Wenzel Leopold, Bishop of Leitmcritz IX-14Id Chlumechy, Adam, poet lV-600b Chmelovski, Procopius, Uuiat Bishop of Przomyal XIl-.';.33b Chmielnicki, Bogdar, Cossack

leader XIII-279d Chnad, Diocese of. See CsanAd,


Chnflm (Chnfib), deity IV-407d: V-343b; .344b; 34.5c

Chobar VII-103b


Chocano, Jose S., writer XIV- 2040

Chocholouleh, Prokop., writer I\'-fi00b

Chocim, battle XlV-61d

Chocoan Indians VII-75Sa

CHOCTAW INDIANS III-692d: IX-380a: in Alabama I-240c: basketry VII-750d: burial VII- 7.i3d: language VII-748d: in North America I-410c: Ro- quette XIII-212a: in Tennessee XIV-508d


Roman numeral ladicates volume; arabic, page; a, b. c, d, quarter of page.