Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/246

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Cicero, MariusTullius,Amerbach's commentary I-109b; on An- thony's divorce V-04d; and Aratus of Soli II-20c; arts, liberal I-761d; astrologj- II- 20d; and St. Augustine II-84d: 89c; "Brutus" MS. II-oTod; Byzantium IV-302a; De Di- vinatione V-4Sb; 49b; on duty XI-191a; eclecticism V- 276c; XII-Slc; ethics V-558c; on fataUsm V-792a; 793d; and Figulus X-745c; on fraud IV- 335a; in Gaddi's painting I- 762d; on good, highest VI- 640d; and St. Jerome XII- 765c; on justice IX-79b; on knowledge, freedom of XIII- 600d; Latin, influence on IX- 19d; logic IX-326b; palimpsest MS. IX-615a; on patriotism V-298b; as patronus ni-341a; on political economy XII-21'kd; poor-reUef XII-23Sa; on pre- scription law XII-396a; on Providence of God XII-511b; on the soul XIV-154b; super- stitions XIV-339b; at Synnada XIV-387C; and TertuUian XIV-522a; vUla VI-243b; on virtues III-344b; XV^72c Cicindele III-248b Cicognani College, Prato XII-

117d CICOGNARA, LEOPOLDO. Count I1I-7IWC; Raphael's sketch-book XII-640d; statue III-299a; Vatican MSS., cat- alogue XV-292a Ciconialano, L., Franciscan XIII-

216d Cid, deity II-175b; 176c cm, EL III-769a; XIV-19od; and Alfonso VI III-67a; and Don Jer6nimo XIII-391c; m Spanish literature XIV-195c — Le (Corneille) III-770b; IV- 374d; VI-196a; basis III-415d; dedication I-243a Cidissus. See Cedes, m Nep-

CIDYESSUS, See of in-770b Cieciszewski, Casper Casimir Kolumna, Bishop of MohileS X-429b Ciencia Tomista, periodical. Spain

X-749C; XI-690d; XII-369a CIENF0EGOS, DIOCESE OF I1I-77IIC; Vll-l."..ia; statistics lll~77l)d — y Tovellanos, Francisco Javier de, cardinal XIV--i40d; on Mass X-15c; at Seville XIII- 746b „ J.

Cieplak, Johannes, Coadjutor Bishop of Wok-ilcff Xni-767d Cieszkowski, August, philosopher

XII-200a CIGNANI, CARLO III-770d —FELICE III-771a —PAOLO III-771b Clgnea, sequence Xll^SSd Ciguayen, tribe V-llOd Cihuachuatl, Aztec II-170c; X-

251d Gil-Bel, King of Gaza II-14d Cilicia, Armenian patriarchate I- 739c; 789a; V-571d; Greek hierarchy I-136a; Maronite diocese lX-684a; and Nica;a. Council of (325) I-788a; organ- ization II-202d; Propaganda XII-4,57d , ,

— Kingdom of I-784d ; Assarhad- don II-16a; Asshurbanipal II- 16c; brigandage I-786d; capital XIV-461b; Rome subdues I- 785d; Sargon II II-14b Cilician Gates I-783b; V-503d;

XI-570d „ „

Cillas, monast«r>'. See San Mar- tin de Cillas . , „ „„ CiU Attracta (Killaraght) II-62c Cill-da-Lua. See Killaloe CiU-Dara. Sec Kildare CUline. See Kilian Cima, painter. See Cima da Con-

CIMABUE, CENNI DI PEPO Ill-771b; and Arnolfo I-7.'-)nb; Assisi basilica l-SOld; St Francis (i"-) VI-22.'-.d; and Giotto VI-.5fi5b:IMadonr throned (ill.) I"-"1<J. mosaics X-588C; S. Mftri„ vella, fresco (Ul.) III-772a



CIMA DA CONEGLIANO, GIO- VANNI BATTISTA III-772b; X-2I6a; XV-340b; paintings, religious Xl^OOd; Presenta- tion (ill.) Xll-facing 400 Cimarelli, Bartholomew XV-522d Cimarosa, Domenico, composer


lX-316a Cimento, Accademia del I-S4d;

Xll-Ola Cimiez, See of XI-48b Cimmerians, tribe, Asarhaddon's campaign II-16a; Gyges V- 154c; and Nabuchodonosor II X-OfiOc; Sibyl XIII-770a Cimon in Prison (Wachter) XV-

52 Id Cina VI-437C

Cinchona. .See Jesuit's Bark CINCINNATI, ARCHDIOCESE OF lll-773b; Bedini II-.387c; III-774d; cathedral III-774d; cathedral (ill.) Ill-facing 774; charitable institutions XII- 247a; Charity, Sisters of XIV- 2Sb; churches (ills.) Ill-facing 774; convention (1908) V- 305b; extent XI-226b; Greek Catholics VI-751a; Italians VIII-205d; Jesuits XIV-102b; Knownothingism VIII-679c; Leopoldine Society XVI-52c; Notre Dame School V-319b; pioneer priests III-775d; Poles XII-210d; Poor of St. Francis. Sisters of XII-257d; 258a; provincial councils III-442b; 763c; X-394a; Purcell's episco- pate XII-o70a; Rese XVI-52b; Sacred Heart convent VII- 134c; seminaries XIII-700b; statistics XV-176d CINCTURE III-776a; XV-388a; Armenian Church XIII-SOc; Byzantine Church IV-316b; clerics use IV-420C; devotion Xn-275d; of High Priest V- 401b; XII-413a; (ill.) XV- 390b; Jewish V^97d; XII- 412a; at Mass X-20d; rejected XV-390C; symbolism IV-357a; XIV-375b; XV-392b; Zoro- astrian II-152d Cineans VI-437C ...c,,

Cineferth, Bishop of Lichfield

IX-232d CineUi, Gio. X-415a Cingalese. See Sinhalese CinganeUi, Michele, artist Xll- 110b ,^ ,.

Cingari, Alfonso, Bishop of Cagli

III-140b Cingislus. See Kingisel Cingoli, Angelo Clareno da. See

Angi'lo Clareno da Cingoli —Diocese of XI-339a Cingulum. See Cincture Cini, Jacopo, Bishop of Termoli

XIV-518a , ,

Cinidius, Bishop of Ausona

(Vich) XV '40.-)d Cinipi Indians lX-429b CINITES 111 77i;b; IX-514b; 514c; ami Cainites III-143c; Saul l-378d CINNA, Sec of III-776d Cinnamon, in Bible Xn-lo2d Cinnamus, John, historian III-

116b Cino da Pistoia, poet VIII-24Sb; cenotaphs XII-117b; at Peru- gia XI-737b; and Petrarch XI- 770d CinquefoU, in arch I-08Sc; 690a Cintio, Giovanni Battista. See

Giraldi Cintius, Bishop of Sabina XIll-

291b Cintola, chapel, Prato XII-117d Cintra. town, battle X-693b;

Penha Castle (ill.) XII-298 Cinughi, Giovanni, Bishop of

M,„ilal<in" X-.".13b Cinvat Bridge, in Zoroastrionism

ll-l.-.f,a Ciocchi del Monte, Giammaria.

,S-,r Julius 111. Pope

Cioek, Stanislaus, Bishop of Posen VI-591a

Ciompi revolution, Florence VI- 108a; St. Catherine of Siena III-447d Cione, Andrea da (Arcagnuolo).

See Orcagna Cioni, Andrea di Michele di Francesco de'. See Verrocchio. Andrea del Cioplea, See of III-45d Ciorani, Redemptorists at I-

336d; XII-683b Ciotti, Paolo, Bishop of Segni

XIII-684a Cipactli, in Mexican cosmogony

IV-413b Cipactonal, in Mexican cosmog- ony IV-413b Cipher, Secretary of , papal official

XIII-153a; 153b CipoUino, in Westminster Cathe- dral XV-600C Cippico, Lselius, Archbishop of

Spalato XIV-208b Ciquard, Francois, missionary X- 3S6c; XIV-329d; 330a; in Detroit IV-7.5Sd; in Maine IX-547a; XII-287d; among Penobscots XI-645b Circa, subprior XII-428a Circada. See Procuration Circa pastoralis. Bull of Pius V

IV-63c; XI-16.5a; XII-752C Circassians, race XV- 100b Circator XII-42.Sa; Premonstra-

tensian XII-757C Circe, sorceress XI-199b; Dossi's

painting (ill.) V-1.37 CIRCESIUM (CIRCESSUS), See

of III-776d Circle, in inscriptions I-333b Circles, in Germany VI-500c;

505a Circola Romano, Rome Xn-13,5b Circolo Giurdico di Roma I-SSd Circuits of the Apostles l-61Ud;

of Peter I-611a; V-243d Circulation (blood) . alcohohsm I-275C; discovery X-131c; XIV-286b; pulmonary IV- 125b; X-13nb Circuli (host) VII-JS9d Circulo Catholico, Brazil XIII-

466d Circumcellions V-125a; 12Sa: 129a; Agonistici I-224a; and I St. Augustine II-8Sb; language

I-194b; origin Il-SOb CIRCUMCISION III-777a; by Abraham, symbolism X— 4S9a: abrogated III-747b; in Abys- sinian Church I-7SC — in art: Baroccio II-303C; Boc- cacciono II-606d; Morales X-

— and baptism lt-260a; 270b; in Celtic Rite III-501a; of Christ XV-464Hd; Christian attitude XV-712b; chronology VIII- 378c; Duns Scotus on XIII- 611a; in earlv Church II-301a: III-713c; VI-338c; VIII-537d; XI-570b; Ethiopians V-570d; instituted I-51c; Jewish rite XIV-586b; Mohammedans X- 428b; Mosaic Law XIII-314b; Mozarabic Rite X-61Sd; name received at X-673d; Pauline use of termXIV-380c; prayers, liturgical III-500c; religious aspect XII-743a; as sacrament Xnl-296a; Sipibo Indians XIV-2fia; s>-nibolism XIV- 374a; Thomistic teaching XIV- 700c; utility in-777b —FEAST OF THE III-779c; 160b; 163a; XIV-342c; in Bobbio Missal III-502a; com- memoration III-779C; in early Church III-779d; as fast day I- 197c; Feast of Fools VI-132a; in Galilean Rite VI-360a; in Roman Church II-6d; in United States II-236a; 23Sd; Virgin Mary commemorated

Cirera, Ricardo, scientist XIV-

786a Cirey-Ies-Bellevaux, shrine II-


774a Cirillo, Bernardine, archpriest of

Loreto IX-289d Cirrhosis I-275c Cirta, council (305) XIII-230b Cirta, Diocese of. See Con-



■ of

Ciruelo, Pedro, at Alcali I-271c;

at Sigilenza XIII-7S8d Cirvelos, monastery III-150b;

150d Cirwali, Sabean capital XIII-

285d Cirycus. See Quiricus Cis, father of Saul Xnl-486d CISALPINE CLUB III-780a; V-

453d; XI-180a; XIII-12oa;

Milner X-315b; and Oscott

College XIII-573b; Talbot

XIV-434b —Republic VIII-234a; IX-340C;

X-68sa: Imola VII-693a; Mo-

dena X-414a CISAMUS (Cissamus), See of

III-7S0d; VI-73Sd Ciseleth Thabor. See Ceseleth-

Thabor Ciseri, Antonio, painter, Macha-

bees (ill.) VIII-3S9 Cision, chapel, flabellum VI-89a Cisla, monaster^' XV-273C Cismar, abbey Ill-Soa Cismontanes, at Bologna II-64'2a Cisneros, Baltasar Hidalgo de,

viceroy of River Plate I-704a — Garcia de. Abbot of Mont-

ferrat III-145d; XIV-226b — Xim^nez de. See Xim^nez de



Circuminsession I-708b; XIV-

.'i84c; XV .53d; Duns Scotus on

V-197a Circumpeone., abbr. I-22d Circumstantes \\ 424d Circus, Bv/aiiline III-9.Sd; 100a;

on diplvchs V-23b; Rome, ar-

rlamatiolis l-97d — Maximus, Rome XIII-176a Cirencester, monastery school


Cisoing, abbey Xni-347c Cison, river. Palestine I-774d; III-352b; 3o3b; IV-663b; VI- 431a; 438d; Sisara's defeat XIV-552a Cispadan Republic. See Cisal- pine Cissa, Saxon chieftain III-657C CISTERCIANS III-780d; XII- 757c; abbesses I-9c; 10c; abbots I-20b; Adam of Per- seigne I-134a; St. .Elred I- 172b; Alain de I'lsle I-244d; and Albigenses V-106d;_AI- c6ntara. Knights of I-272a; Aldersbach I-279c; Alexander III XIV-4o4b; Almond I- 328b; in America III-7S6b; antiphonarj- I-578d; architec- ture I-14a; Ardchattan I-700b; in Athens II-45d; Aulne Abbey XVI-5d; A\-iz. Order of II- 162a; Bachmann II-190a; Bald- win of Canterbury- II-221d; Bartolocci II-317d; in Bavaria X-631C; Blessed Beatrix II- a75c; Beaulieu Abbey II-376C; Benedict XII II-430a; Bene- dictine Rite XIII-72C; Ber- nardines II-507b; St. Bernard of Clairvaux II^98d; Berno II-512b; Blessed Bertha de Marbais II-519c; Bona II- 645d; Borrus II-689a; Boyle Abbey II-726a; Ctesarius of Heisterbach III-137b; Ca!Sa- rius of Prilm III-138d; Cala- trava. Order of III-149d; Ceramuel y Lobkowitz III- 329d; and Carthusians III-16c; Celestine IV IIH79b; Ctteaux III-792a; X-433d; Clairvaux III-798d; Communion custom III-562b; and Conceptionists IV-190C; Conrad of Leonberg IV-259a; Conrad of I'rach IV- 261a; cowl IV-463b; Dundren- nan Abbey V-191b; in England V-433a; XVI-2.5c; festal ter- minologj- VI-23b; Feuillants VI-64d; and Florians VI- 11.5a: Fontefroide VI-lSlc; Fountains .\bbev VI-161a; Geoffrey of Clairvaux VI-^27b; in Germany ^■I-493c; Gertrude of Hackcnborn VI-.">33b; and Gothic architecture VI-667a; 67Sd; and Grandmontines VI- 726a; Gregory IX Vl-797c; habit (ill.) III-7.8.5C; in Han- over Vll-129a; Hanthaler VII- 130d; Hautecombe VII-151b;

Largo typo indicates titles of articles: other types, topics treated; (iU.)=il!u8tratioD9.