Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/264

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Conti, Gregory, cardinal. See

Vutor I\- — Lotario de. Sre Innocent IV • — Michelangelo dei. See Inno- cent XIII — Nicolo, traveler XIV-7S6d — Riccardo XIII-176d — Rinaldo. See Alexander IV — Sigismondo de, and Pius III XII-129a; and Raphael XII- 643b;64lib — Stefano de, count VI-249a Contiers, GuUlaume, Bishop of

Evreux V-B71b Contiguity, in association of ideas

II-4b CONTINENCE IV-330d; VII- 414b; St. Augustine on II-90d; and chastity III-63.Sa; de- fined XV-473d; in Ember Week I-69c: Gnosticism VI- 598a: Helvidius on Vni-343a; in Liber Adami I-132c; in mili- tary orders XIII-353c; Mi- thraism XH103c; objections to IV-331a;pagansIV-330d;prac- tice IV-339d ; and veil, religious XV-321d; and virginity XV- 4.58c Continental Congress XV-161d; 162a; Fitz-Simons VI-S7d; Maryland III-380c; Quebec Act 'II-77SC; seat of XI-640d;




CONTINGENT IV-331b; and necessity X-733b

Contiugit, Constitution of Nich- III III-312a

Continho, Beatrice XIII-792d

—Fernando XIII-792d

—Pedro do XII-231b

Contini, Antonio Maria, Bishop of .^mpuria.s I— t4nc

Continual bread IX-317d

Continuity, physics II-51c; IX- 137a

—of consciousness IV-276a

—theory, of Church I-504b; 642b; ni-7.57a

Conton, Robert V-74b

Contour, Richard, Abbot of Melli- font X-lUSd

Contovo, Gio. Ant. de, jurist XI- 420d

CONTRACT IV-332b; II-141b; concordat as IV-197b; ele- ments, essential IV-332d; fraud VI-249d; Gregory IX IV-332b; Gregory of Valencia VII-23a; inviolability IV-335b; kinds IV-333d; labour unions I- 683a; law, canon IV-332b; IX-67c; law, civil IV-333c: loan XV-235C; marriage IX- 697c; 699c; minors IV-333b; nude pact IV-332b; requisites IV-334a; restrictions IV-335a; revocation XIII-7b; Roman law IX-84b; sin IV-333b; in Summa Astensana XIV-G06a; territory IV-2c; women XV- 696a; words XV-704C

—THE SOCIAL IV-33SC; II- 140c; VI-199C; controversies IV-337a; influence IV-336d; theories IV-330C

—School System VII-746b

Contractus, Hermann. See Her- mann Contractus

Contradiction, law of XIV-764b; in Scepticism XIII-517C

— of Adam and Eve. See Adam, Books of

Contrafagotto X-C58b

Contraposition, ClUnthcr's theory VII-80C

Contra-Remonstrantie, of Calvin- ists I 741c

Contrast, in association of ideas 1 1 -4b

Contrat social (Rousseau). See Contract, The Social

Contrecoeur, captain XIl-121a

Contreras, sicKc II-377c

— Hernando de VIII-ir,9c

— Inigo, diplomat XVHila

Contrie, Athanase C. M. Charette de la. See ClKiretto <le la

CONTRITION lV-337d; St. An- silrn I-i;3a; and attrition I- IJ3c; St. .\uKustine IV-338a; 33Sd; Baiua IV-339c; and bap- tism II-26Ga; Bcde IV-339d; St. Boiiaventure IV-338a; St. Cyprian IV-338b

— imperfect. See Attrition

— interior IV-338c: liUtheranism IV-33Sb; necessity IV-338b; and penance IV-339b; XI- 624d; XIV-587a

— perfect IV-338c; of heretics III-752d; without Sacrament IV-339b; St. Thomas on I-63d

— Peter Lombard on I-63b; qual- ities IV-338C; and sacrifice XIII-320b; Scholastic teach- ing IV-338b; and sin XlV-lOd; sovereign IV-339b; supernat- ural IV-338d: St. Thomas on IV-338a; Trent, Council of IV-337d; 338b; 339a; 339b; universal IV-339a

Control, voluntary II-138d

Controversy, doctrinal XIII- 07.3b; and sentence Xni-720c

Contubemium, in Roman Law IX-SOb

Contucci, Andrea. See Sansa- vino, Andrea Contucci

— Palace, Montepulciano X-.532a

CONTUMACY, in canon law IV- 340a; III-529a: apparitor I- 650d; and appeals I-653b; ex- emptions IV-340b; penalties IV-340b; presumptive IV- 340b

Conttiineliosus, Bishop of Riez III-13.5d; VI-353b; and St. Agapetus I I-202d; and John II VIII-J22a; at Marseilles IX- 717a

CONTZEN, ADAM IV-340C; and Reformation IX-458d

Convenenza I-269c

CONVENT IV-340d; adminis- trators I-144a; calumnies IV- 341c; chaplain III-581a; defi- nition IV-60b; dowry IV-341d; educational work IV-341b: 342d; erection IV-341d; Greek Church VI-761b; lav sisters IV-342a; legislation IV-341C; life IV-341a; Office, Divine IV-342a; parochial adminis- tration I-143d; Rome XVI-

Conventicle Act (1664) IV-240C; XI-9l)d

Conventicula IV-424a

Conventio in Manum V-64d

Convention, French. See Na- tional Convention

— General, of Universalists XV- ISld

—Act (1793) XI-201b

CONVENT SCHOOLS, in Great Britain IV-342b; curriculum IV-343a; government inspec- tion IV-342d; higher educa- tion IV-344a; King's scholars IV-343c; secondary education IV-342d; 344b; State aid IV- 342d; teachers IV-343b; train- ing colleges IV-343C; and uni- versities IV-343d

— Station, New Jersey, Charity, Sisters of III-608c; Saint Eliza- beth's College (ill.) Ill-facing 606

Conventual Mass. See Mass. Chapter and Conventual

— prior XII-427d; 428a

CONVENTUALS, ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR IV-344d; VI-24.5a; 284b; XII-7.52d; and John XXII Vni-431c; Santi Apostoli, Church of XIII-170d; Scotism XIII- 611d; and tertiaries XIV-642a; 642d; See Franciscan Order; Friars Minor

CONVERSANO, DIOCESE OF IV-:! ir,c;Cistrr(i;m abbess I-9d

CONVERSI lV-34ild; l.X-93a: XI-lS8b; XII-356C; See Lay Brothers

Conversino, Giovanni di, human- ist V1I-.539C

CONVERSION IV-347a; Calvin on IIl-202a; Charlemagne III- 7nOc; forcible XIV-768a; grace VI-7(Md; and merit X-207d; and religion XII-743d

— of St. Paul, churches. Bel- gium XI-.'J64c; feast III-162c; 10.3b; Sandomir XIIH37C

Converts, abjuration I-44c; 45c; baptism I-232b; II-264a; III- 502d; instruction V-85c; re- ception V1I-261C

Converts' Aid Society, Westmin- ster XV-597b

Conveyance, of property XII- 466b

Convicts, Australia II-114a; 114c; XII-201C; Bentham on II- 483a; Mississippi X-396c; Rus- sian XIII-769a; and St.Vincent de Paul XV-43.5a

Convivio (Dante) IV-629a; VIII- 247d

Convocation, Oxford University I-7.58d; XI-366C

—OF THE ENGLISH CLERGY IV-348b; power, loss of I- oOOb


Conway, Cecilia XIII-740a — Daniel E. I-258b — Honora, foundress III-608d — John A., on German Catholics

VI-483b; 484a — Katherine E. XI-694b; XIV-

33,5b — Richard, Franciscan X-lSob —Richard, Jesuit Vin-159b —Cabal III-380d CONWELL, HENRY IV-349d;

XI-794C; catechism V-81a;

and Gallitzin VI-369C; and

Kenrick VIII-OlSc Conwoion, Saint Xn-772b Conybeare, William John, Bibli- cal commentator IV-161b; XI-

5S4a Conygius, Antimus. See Fabri,

Honors Conyngbam, D. P., editor XI-


IV-3o0a; map VIH- facing

244 Conzie, Franjois de, papal cham- berlain IX-370C — Joachim-Francois Mamert de.

Archbishop of Tours II-723a Coode, John lX-7.58a Cook, Albert Stanburrough, schol-



— Ambrose, abbot XV-721c

— Andrew B. II-799c

— Florence, medium XIV-222a

— Sir Frederick, art collection XIV-62Sd

— Frederick Charles, Biblical commentator IV-161b

— Hugh, Blessed. See Hugh Faringdon

— James, in British Columbia II-792b; Fiji Islands XVI^Ob; New Caledonia X-781d; New Guinea X-7S3b; New Hebrides X-789c; New Zealand V-191c: Nukahiva X-179d; OregonXI- 290b; Tahiti XIV^30a; Wash- ington XV-o63a

— Lawrence, mart\T III-3o7a: V-477d; XIV-6S9C

Cooke, Aline II-192a

—Edward, politician XIII-127C

— George Albert, Biblical com- mentator IV-162d

— John, author X-oGSb

— Sir Thomas XI-369C

— Thomas, missionary VII-5S2c

— Thomas, Bishop of Three Riv- ers XIV-709a

Cooking, on Sabbath XIII-2S7d

Cook Islands, Church in XIV- 430c

Cookman Institute Vl-llSa

Cooks Ferry, Indian reservation XIV-7l)4d

Cook's Inlet, mis.sion I-249b

Cookstown, Diocese of Xll-247a


Coolavin (Greagraighe), monas- tic foumlation ll-62c

Cooldrevny, battle (561) IV-136b

Coomans, Jean-Baptiste, author XI-672a

Coombes, family, Maryland II- 229b

— Anastasia II-232d

— Thomas. See Combe

—William Vin-623c; IX-386C

—William, of Douai College IV- 3.5(lc


Coony, John P., scientist XIII- 304b

Cooper, Anthony Ashley, first Earl of Shaftesbury V-lOSd: 4.51a; XII-170C; imprisoned XH-170d; Oiitcs' Plot XI-

175a; XIV-433d; and South

Carolina Constitution XIV-

ISSc — Anthony Ashley, third Earl of

Shaftesbury, Deist IV-681d;

V-559d; VI-641b; on altruism

I-639b; on conscience IV-

273a; and ethics V-559c; and

philosophy XII-32d — Anthony Ashley, seventh Earl

of Shaftesbury IX-lOOc — Sir Astley Patson, surgeon X-

142b — Elias Samuel, physician XIII-

364a —John, confessor V-t77a —Samuels. II-231a; XIII-50d;

and Seton, Elizabeth XIII-

740a — ^Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln V-

221b Co-operating grace VI-692d Co-operation, formal I-lOOb; ma- terial I-lOOb; and .Socialism

XIV-04a Co-operative Brotherhood IV-

l.S2d; XlV-OUd — Movement, agricultural I-

227d; Socialist XIV-6oa Cooper College, California XIII-

3043 — CoUege, Kansas VIII-600a Coorland, Gautier, architect XII-

ISOb Coomaert, Biblical concordance

IV-lOoc Coornhert, Dirk, theist IX-280d;

XII-37C Coos Indians XIII-791d —.See Cos

Coospellar Indians. See Kalispel Coote, Sir Charles, general XVI-

58b — Samuel, pioneer priest ^'III-

147b Cop, George, physician III-19od — Nicolas, Huguenot VII-52Sa;


NA) IV-350c; cathedral (ill.) II-629d; shrine IV-350C

Copaiva II-336a

Copart, Juan, missionary XIII- 406d

Co-patrons XI-561a

COPE IV-3ola; abbreviators I-29d; anathema I-456c; An- glican Church I-ie7c; XIII- 90d; canons III-254c; closed IV-420a; eoloiu- IV-135b; and cowlIV-463c; anddalmatic IV- 608c;:English V-400c ; (ill.) XV- 390d; laity IV-419d; in Lama- ism XII-409c; and mozzetta X-624c; Ornaments Rubric XIII-90d; pontifical Mass XII- 232d; Rosminian XIU-201c: Svon (ill.) I\'-facing 350; Syr- ian Rite, East XIV-416b; use II-273C; IV-352a; 3S2b; XV- 38Sb

— Edward Drinker, anatomist I- 461a

Copehan Indians VII-754b: X- 370d

Copenhagen, town. Denmark churches XVI-72b; congress ( 1908) I V-244C ; congress (1910) XI-193a; Diet (1346) IX-459d; XII-70fib: Eric of Pomerania X V I - 7 ! d : FroHericksliorg Cast!* 1^ It^per house

XVI : J.. ' klX-401c:

Pea.r III" l\ . jNd;VI-505b; pro-.aih^.:i,.l .ill.; IV-725; Rosenborg Castle (ill.) IV- 729d; Royal Exchange (ill.) IV-730; Hoval Library IX- 620a; Roval Palace IV-728a; siege (16.59) IV-728d

—UNIVERSITY OF IV-352b; 72Sa; 730d; XVI-71d

Copernican system XII-54a: 03c; XV-184a; 1.84c; and as- trology II-23a; and Church VI-34"4a; Galileo VI-343c; Gas-wndi VI-391d; Index de- cree VI-344d

Copernicus, Andreas lV-352c

— NICOLAUS IV-352C; Xll- 53d; calendar reform IX-24Sd; at Cracow IV— 166a; De revolu- tionibus orbium VI-344b; De revolutionibus orbium (f ac- similc) IV-facing352; poetical writings IX-29d; portrait l\-

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^illustrations.