Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/293

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DIOCLEA, See of V-7a; council (1199) and Church of Rome XIII-732C Diodes, tyrant of Syracuse XIV- 39Bb

DIOCLETIAN (VALERIUS DIO- CLETIANUS), cinperor V-7a; XI-14"d; as Antichrist I-olilb; bridge VI-154d; Centuriators on III-535a: and Christianity IV-297b; XVI-liOa ; and Copt 03 IV-354C: domicile defined V- 104a; decree on catacombs III- 419a; empire, diyision of V-Ia; 4S4a; XI-550a; empire reor- ganized VI-59b; era of III- 740b; and Galerius VI-341a; and Jews VIII-390c; labour legislation IV-185b; VIII-720C; manuscripts, edict on IX-616b; and Pope St. Marcellinus IX- 638b; palace, Spalato (ills.) XlV-facing 206; 20Sd; at Palm>Ta XI-133d

— persecutions III-742d; XI- 708b; 437b; 710a; XIII-167d; 380d; XIV-579C; ."Ulard's worli I-317d; cause of I-78Sb; Dou- atist schism V-121c; lapsi IX- 2d; in Servia XIII-732a; in Syria XIV-402a; and Theban Legion I-205c; and Tiburtius XIV-720d; inToledoXIV-755c

— portrait V-7c

DIOCLETLANOPOLIS, See of, Patestina Prima V-7d

— See of, Thebais Secunda V-7d

— See of, Thrace V-7d

Diocletius, Saint, martyr XI- 33Sd

Diocres, Raymond III-15a

Diodion, defined I-473d

Diodorus, Bishop of Tenedos XlV-oOOd

—OF TARSUS V-8a; XIV-i61c; and Addas I-I36c; anaphora XIV— 415a; and apocatastasis I-600c; as Biblical commen- tator IV-159C; and CjtU XIV- 574d; on fate V-793d; as her- meneutist VII-272d; and Ibas, Bishop of Edessa VII-614a; and Julian the .\postate X- 162c; and Manichfeism IX- 595a ; as Meletian leader X-162b; and Nectarius X- 737a; and Theodore of .4ntioch XIV-571d

— Siculus, Amyot's work XIII- 718c; Jehovah, use of word VIII-330a; on Thebes, Egypt XIV-563C

Diodotus, Satrap of Bactria XI- 713c

— Tryphon. See Tr>*phon

Dioga, Bishop of Leptis Magna IX-lS.Jd

Diogenes, general Ill-llOb; IV- 54 5d

— Bishop of Genoa VI— i21a

— of ApoUonia, philosophic the- ories XII-31b

— of Sinope, Cynic philosopher IV-582C; ethics V-558c; life, theory of IX-239a

— the Cynic, See Diogenes of Sinope

—the Fossor (ill.) VI-155b; in fresco V1-1.5.5C

Diogenianus, Bishop of Albi I- 21) 7b

—Bishop of Remesiana XII-763C

— of Heraclea, identity VII-303b

Diogenus, Saint, Bishop of Ge- neva IX-41d

— in Ephesus legend V-497a

DIOGNETUS, EPISTLE TO V- 8d; I-fi20d: authorship I-638b; on love XIV-614b; on Virgin Mary XV-472b

Diogo, Bishop of Oporto XI-260b

Diokles. Sec Hemsterhuis

Diomede, silentiar^•, and Timothy .Elurus X-!!tOb*

Diomedes, Saint XI-71c

— in Ephesus legend V-497a

—rhetorician XIV-.559b

Diomedus, Saint, mart\T XIV- 4filc

Dion, city of the Decapolis IV- 664d

—orator, birthplace XIV-.397a

— Cassius, on Aurelius II-109d; birthplace XI^3d

Dioneo, in Decameron I-448b; II-607d

Dionis, Pierre, accoucheur X-

134d Dionondadies XI-784b Dionotus, King of Cornwall XV-


Dionysia, Saint, martyr I-172a; V-llc

Dionysian era IV-637a

DIONYSIAS, See of V-9c

Dionysio-Hadriana, collection IX-61b; and Isidore V-774C

Dionysios, in Ephesus legend V- 497a

DIONYSIUS, SAINT, Pope V- 9d; Xll-273a; and St. Diony- sius of Alexandria I -642a; XII-264b; on Logos IX-331a; papal supremacy VII-797d; XII-204d; on recapitulation XV-53b: on Trinitarian dogma XV-50d

— Bishop of Alba Pompeia I-252c

Dionysius, Bishop of Albano I- 256a

— Bishop of Chersonesus III— 646c

— Bishop of Constantinople XIII- 538c

—SAINT, Bishop of Corinth V- 10a; IV-364a; VI-654a; 737d; XI-70a: and Amastris Pontus XII-234d; and keys, power of the I-(i2a; and Lacedemonians XIV-210a: on penance XI- 622b; and St. Peter's martyr- dom I-t>41c; and Romans IV- 16d; XI-749C: and St. Soter Ill-U4c; XI-748b

— Bishop of Eucarpia V-572d

— Bishop of Marash, writings XIV-112d

—Saint, Bishop of Milan I-384b; IX-218b; X-300C

—Bishop of Piacenza II-673C; XII-70d

—Bishop of Sardes VI-112C

—I, tryant of Syracuse XIV- 396c; IV-122d

— n, tr\-ant of S\Tacu9e XIV- 396c;" and Timoleon XIII- 77.3d; war VI-464b

—Saint, Bishop of Vienne VII- 27b

Dionysius bar SaUbi, Monophv- sitp writer IX-6S0b; XIV-418a

— EXIGUUS V-lOd; canonical collections II-280a; 282c; IV- 392a; IX-61b; Chalcedon. Acts of III-556b; and Christian era III-735C; 738b; V-lla; and Constantinopolitan Creed IV- 308b: cycle III^94b; VI-360C; dating, method of IV-637a; on Golasius I VI^06d

—OF ALEXANDRU, SAINT V- 11a; I Sulb: .-)()9c; 708c; V- 3'>.'ib; \'n 21L'c; on Apocalypse 1--'.9")C; .')0.')b: and Armenians VII-23d; christology V-1.3a; I-708C; and Pope Cornelius IV- 375d ; 585d ; and Pope Dionysius IX-331a; on doiology XV-50b; Eucharistic miracles XII-7S4b; and Eusebius of Laodicea V- 623a; on Firmilian VI-80b; and Homoousion VI I-449b: and lap- si IX-2d; on martyrs IX-739b; 739c; and Meruzan I-737a; and MilienarianismX-309a; on Montanist baptism X-524a; and Novatian XI-139b; 139d: and Origen XI-.308b; on papal authority XII-264b; on per- secution I-617b; and Sabelhan- ism X-iSla; and Pope Stephen XI-139b; Trinitarian teaching XV-50d; 53b; on Viaticum XV-397d

— of Borgo San Sepolcro, Augus- tinian Vll 2s.-,b

— of Telmera(Tell-Mahre),chron- iriiT Vll:i74a; VIll 471a; X- 493b; writinES XlV-412a

— of the Nativity, Blessed III- .3l',3c; V111-712C: XII-7b -the Areopagite Xni-<i84c; as Apostle of Geneva IX-41d; conversion II-J3c; lV-364b; V-13c; Cotrone, evangelization of IV~123a; and St. Denis of Pari.i IV-721d

— the Carthusian. See Denys the

—THE PSEUDO-AREOFA- GITE V-13c; I-700d; Albertus Magnus* commentary on I-

264d; analogy I-449c; authen- ticity of works VII-451d; christology V-14a: on contem- plation of God VII-301b; and Dante IV-631b; X-106c; em- anationism of V-39Sc; Eriu- gena translates V-520a; ex- posed V-18a; on good VI- 637b; Hierarchia coelestis, in- fluence I-485d; on hierarchy V-13c; VII-322d; letter II- 6b; liturgy of I-304a; in the Middle Ages V-17b; on monk, origin of V-13c; on Mon- ophysitism X-504c; mysticism X-664b; XIV -622b; and neo-Platonism X-744d; XII- 3 Id; on operations of Christ X- S03d; Plato's influence I-176b; as philosopher XII-36C; on spiritual life XIV-254C; on sv- naxis XIV-383a; theological system XIV-589d; and Tran- situs Mariffi I-608a; on Blessed Virgin XIV-774d; writings I- 638b; V-15a; 17b; ISb

Dionysus, deity XI~388c; shrine at Delphi XI-265c; temple at Tius XIV-747a

Diophantus, arithmetic of X- 628d

DiopoUs (Neocaesarea) X-741d

Dioptrics, in physics XII-48a

Dies, Bishop of JEMa. (Jerusalem) VIII-356C

Dioscuri XI-153d; XIV-658C

Dioscorides, Sfunt, birthplace XIV-60C

— Pedanius, medical writer IX- 422d: X-124b; on ansesthesia I-44Sa

— of Vienna, MSS. illuminations IX-622b; script XI-104b

DIOSCORUS, antipope V-18c; II-6G0a

Dioscorus, confessor V-llc

DIOSCURUS, Bishop of Alex- andria V-19a; I-301c; X-489c; anaphora of I-573d; and Basil of Seleucia II-330b; and Chalcedon I-99a; 202d; V-20c; VI-758d; X-158a; Coptic man- uscript XVI-29b; at Ephesus V-19d; 495a; X-757d; and Eutvches III-555C: and Leo I IX-156b; and Marcian IX- 644d; on Nature of Christ X- 495b; as oecumenical patriarch VI-759d; and Svmmachus XIV-378a; teaching III-55ob; V-634C; XV-138b

Dioscorus. Bishop of Hermopolis Parva VII-289C

DiospoUs (Lydda) IX-468c

— (Thebes) XIV-562d

— and Rhoas (Laodicea) VI 11- 794b

Diotimes, grammarian VI-384C

Diotimus, Bishop of Lim>Ta IX- 265b

Diotisalvi, Alessandro, architect II-277b; Pisa baptistery (Ul.) Il-facing 276

Diotrephes, Bishop of Laodicea VIII-794d; 437d

D. I. P., abbr. I-26c

Dipavansa III-29b

Diphilus, poet, birthplace XIV- 14b

Diphysites. See Dvophysites

Dipinto, defined VIII-l3a

Diploma, oriRinal meaning V-2Ic

— Ottonianum VI1I-426C

Diplomata Varia, Vatican ar- chive- XV 2ssd

DIPLOMATICS, PAPAL V-21c; Accadrmia .l.-i .\..l.ili Ecclesi- astic! 1-ssb; All. lisi.j's work II- 70d: and criticism, historical IV-504a; cross in IV-526c; as historical science VII-371a; in- ternuncio VIII-78b; Mabillon V-21d; XIV-463C; Maurist works XIV-463C; and palae- ography XI -403c; subject matter V-22b ; Vatican institute XV-290a

Dippel, Johann Eonrad, and Piet- ism Xll-Kld

Dipsas, in Bible I-.521C

Dipteros, Greek Temple XIV- 498a

DIPTYCH V-22d; in Addeus and Maris Liturgy I-137a; in Alex- andrine Liturgy I-304a; in Byzantine Rite IV-318b; bulls

V-22a; of Ccerularius XIII- 537d; of the dead XII-577C; of the dead. Byzantine Rite IV- 31Sa; of the dead, St. Mark's Liturgy I-304d; disappearance V-23c; in early Church I-315d; in East Syrian Rite XIV-41.5C; in Galilean Rite IX-796a; VI- 361c; (ill.) V-facing 22; of ivory VIII-257d; ivory (ill.) Vlll-faeing 258; in St. James Liturgy I-572d; liturgical use V-23b; nature of IX-297b; origin of III-52Sa; in Stowe Missal III-500b

Direct-action, syndicalism XIV- 385c; 385d

DIRECTION, SPIRITUAL V- 24a; Cassian on V-24b; defined V-24a; and grace V-23b; Leo XIII V-24d; and mortification V-24c; and mysticism V-24c: and penance V-24a; and per- fection V-24a; and prayer V- 24c; and theology, moral XIV- 602d: 603d

DIRECTORLES, CATHOLIC V- 25b; XIV~271b; actual usage V-25c: Annuario ecclesiastico V-26d; Battersbv's Registry V-26d ; in Canada V-27d ; as di- rectorium V-2ob; Directorium Sacerdotum V-25b; Dominical Letter V-llOa; Dunigan's V- 27c; in England V-25d; 26d; Field's V-27a; former usage V- 26a; Gerarchia Cattolica V- 26d; Hoffman's V-27c; Irish V-2Ud; Kenedy's XIV-275b; Laity's V-25d; Metropolitan Catholic Almanac V-27b; modern V-26c; Pica Sarum V-26b; rubrics in XIII-216c; Sadlier's V-27c; in United States V-27a; Wiltzius' V-27c

Directorium Chori I-577d; V-27a

Directory (Tzutzak), Armenian IX-3t>4a; XIlI-79a

—French VI-173d; XIII-15d; and Napoleon X-6S7d; Vatican MSS. confiscated XV-297a

— of Worship V-764d

Dirige, origin of word lll-73d: in Office of the Dead III-73C

Dirigere, at Prime XII— 424d

Diriment Impediments. See Im- pediments

Diritto Cattolico, periodical, Italy XI-684a

— civile e canonico, Accademia di I-84a

— Romano, Instituto di I-89a

Dirkink, a s c e t i c a 1 theologian XIV-620C

Diron d'Artaguette. See Arta-

Dirpheim, Johannes von. Bishop

of Straslnirg XIV-313d; in

Eichstiitt V-364d Dirschau, monastery XV-GS2a Dirweh, spring. Palestine VI-

431a Disan, father of Hus VII-584a Disbelief. Sec Scepticism DISCALCED V-28a; Church of

the. Venice X\-334b — Augustinians. See Hermits of

CarmeUtes. S' ' Carmelites —Clerks of the Most Holy Cross and Passion, Congregation of. See Passionists — Trinitarians. See Trinitarians Discant IV-4.36d; VII-139b DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS V-2Sb; as Gift of Holv Ghost VIl-413d; St. Ignatius Loyola on V-2XC; method V-28c; in private revelations XIII-5d Disciola, Saint, .\bbess of Ste.

Croix I-20Tb; XII-181a DISCIPLE V-29a; Abdias of Babylon I-30d; in Acts of the Apostles V-29b; as Apostle I- 627b; V-29b: and baptism II- 260c: Crcscens IV-184C; New- Testament authorship XIV-530C; St. Maximinus I- 238a: name V-29a ; in Nasora;an hierarchy X-707c DISCIPLES OF CHRIST V-29c: II-2Sla: Idaho VII-629C; Illi- nois VII-fLiSa; Indiana VII- 742a; Louisiana IX-3S3b; Ne- braska X-733a; New Hamp- shire X-789b; North Carolina

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page;

, d, quarter of page.