Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/296

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Sulpician method V-84d; Sum ma Theologica XIV- 66Sb; teaching methods V-S4b; theology as XlV-oSOb: Trent, Council ot V-79c: in United States V-SOd; unity of XV- 180a; Vatican Council V-S6c; St. Vincent de Paul V-S2c; Westminster, Council of V-S3b; S7a - Doctrine, .Christian, Brothers of. See Christian Doctrine, Broth- ers of

— Christian, Sisters of the. See Christian Doctrine, Sisters of the


—of Peter I-UI3C

— of the Mean. See Chung-jTing

— of the Twelve Apostles. See Didache

Doctrovee, Saint, Abbot of St. Vincent XI-189b

Documents, acts in I-115c; As- truc's work XI-655a; authen- ticity II-137b; of catacombs III-511b; Christian, and tra- dition XV-470a; ecclesiastical, witnessed XV-677d; forgery VI-135d; historical evidence IV-o04a; models VI-141b

— Papal IX-215d; collections III-18d; encyclical V-413C; Motu proprio X-602d

—in Vatican Archives XV-287a

Docus, Saint. See Cadoc. St.

Doczi, Urban, writer VII-552c; .561d; in Vienna XV-419C

Dodaim. See Totemism

Dodana. See Dhuoda

Dodd, Charles. See T o o t e 1 1 , Hugh

Doddo, Mercian Duke XIII-7G0d

Dode, Saint XII-729C

Dodefory, Charles XII-796b

Dodelcanesoi, Cyclades IV-5Sla

Dodemead, trial XIH-656d

Dodge. David XIV-398d

Dodilo, Bishop of Brandenburg II-739d

Dodo, Frankiah noble VIII-757C

— Syriac doctor X— 493b

Dodoens, Rembert, physician X- 129c

Dodona, town, Greece VI-736c; oracle of I-255a; XI-265d; XIV^95d

Dodona, See of VI-738d

Dodonaeus. ,See Dodcens, Rem- bert

Dodone. See Bodone

Dodonus, Bishop of Rieti XIII- .'i4b

Dods, Marcus, Biblical commen- tator IV-161b; VIII-80d

Dodsworth, William, conversion XI-377b

Dodwell, Henry, Deist IV-6S3a; Basat-tt on II-344C

Doemelk, .ibbey IX-734d

Doemen, Adam, in Dutch schism


Doerfler, Bruno, missionary XII- 427c

Doering, Henry, Bishop of Poona .XII-230b

Doffingen, battle (1388) VI-495d

Dog, African I-182b; in Bible I-52IC; in Eastern countries I-521c; in Greenland I-420b; of St. Roche I-517a; Zoroas- trian teaching II-I56a

Doges, Genoese, abolished I-I54d

—Palace of the, Venice XV-335a; architecture VI-678C; Pisano's work I-470a; Tintoretto's work XIV-737C; Titian's work XIV- 744d

Dog-fly, in Bible I-.'J22d

Doghla (Dioclea) V-7a

Doglia, See of III-140a

DOGMA V-89a; St. Augustine on II-9.5a; and the Church V- 90c ; classified V-89b; definition V-89a; 91a

— development of: St. Augustme II-92b: and infallibility. Papal VII-795b; St. Vincent of L6rms XV-440a

— and Dogmatic fact I-498c; di- visions V-89d; Duns ScoUis V-198b; florilogia VI-121b; general V-89d; Harnack's the- ory IXI-7I4d; and heresy VII- 256d; XIII-529b; and imma-


nence, absolute VII-684b: and immanence, relative VII-685C; immutability V-90d; infalUbil- ity. Papal V-90d; intellectual belief in V-90a ; Loci theologici IX-321a ; material V-89d ; Mod- ernist teaching V-90a: non- svmboUc V-90a ; objective char- acter V-90a; pure V-89d; Ra- tionalist teaching V-90b; and religion V-91a; XII-741c; and Revelation V-89b; 91a; and science V-91c; XIII-607b; XIV-581a; symboUc V-90a; in New Testament XIV-537a; and toleration XIV-764a; Vat- ican Council XV-304a; 308b DOGMATIC FACTS V-92a; and the Church V-92b; dehiiition V-92a; and dogma I-498C; and faith V-92c; infalUbihty, Papal V-92b; and theology XIV-SSlc — Theology. .See Theology, dog- matic Dogmatism, philosophic system XIl-29a; in RationaUsm XII- 652b Dog-Ribs, Indians IV-718a Dog's Head, in symbolism I-762c Doherty, James, missionary II-

799d —J. J., priest III^56a — John J., missionary IV~56a Dohm, Christian Wilhelm von

VlII-39Sa Doimus, Saint. .See Dommus Doininius, Bishop of Vannes XV-

271c Doire Calgaigh IV-743C — Melle, convent VIII-644a Dokela (Dioclea) V-7a Dokerla, Buddhist sanctuary III-

til.Sd Dokimaion (Dokimia Kome; Doc-

imium) V-72c Dokutchaeff, Russian philosopher

.\ni-275a Dol, Diocese of XII-772a; XIII-

423a; monastery XIII-423a Dola ^Doghla) V-7a Dolabella, arch, Rome XIII-176a Dolan, James, benefactions II-

233d; as editor XI-695d —John, priest II-230b — Mary Rose, Superior of Sisters

of Charity III-608b DOLBEAU, JEAN V-93a; X- 378b; among Montagnais X- .512a Dolci, Agnese, artist V-93d — CARLO V-93b; St. Andrew's martyrdom (ill.) 1-471; St. Casimir of Poland (ill.) V-93c; Madonna and Child, Corsini Gallery (ill.) V-93a; Moses (ill.) X-facing 596; portrait V-93 — Giovanni de, architect XV-

279c; 296b — Joseph, Maronite Patriarch


Ddle, town, France. Apostolic

school XIII-586a; umversity


Dole, Sanford B., President of

the Hawaiian Islands XV-177d

Doleful Even-song. See Fatal

Vespers Dolemus inter alia. Bull of Leo

XIII XlV-Sld Dolentes referimus. Bull of John

XXII V-274C Dolera, Clemente, General of

Friars Minor VI-286a Doles, in British Church IV-657b Dolet, Etienne, birthplace XI- 320b; and Clemence Isaure XlV-797d; and Rabelais XII- 619c Dolfin. S,r Delfino Dolfos, BelUdo XV-748b Dolgoniki, Prince George, Mos-

cow founded XIII-245b DOLICHE, See of V-9.3d DoUchianus, Bishop of ^lia

(.leruaalein) Vni-3.'>6c

DohchocephaUc, skull XII-621a

Dollard, Adam Desormeaux VII-

,5S(lb; lit Montreal in-232d;

X-.>t7d; .alain I-702C

Dollard, Joseph, publisher XI-


— WilUam, Bishop of New Bruns- wick XIII-355C; and Sweeny Xlll-S-Wd

DolUer de Casson. See Casson

DOLLINGER, JOHANN JO- SEPH IGNAZ VON V-94a; and Acton I-114b; on St. Ana- cletus I-446d; as anatomist X- 137b; on Antichrist I-560d; on Apostles, intolerance of XIV-766b; apostasy V-98c; XV-307d; Boniface Associa- tion II-671d; on celibacy III- 481d; Donation of Constantine V-120b; and De Rossi IV- 740d; education V-94a; as ed- itor XI-678C; in England V- 95c; excommunication V-98d; XI-235b; family V-94a; Galli- canism VI-355d; Heidenthum und Judenthum I-623a; on Hergenrother VII-263a; and Hirscher VII-364d; as historian Vn-378a; on In coena Domini VII-718d; on infallibility, Papal XV-306b; and Jorg VIII-502b; life V-94d; and Mohler X- 43 lb; on Monita secreta X- 487c; at Munich University X-634a; and Newman X-800c; and PhilUps XII-22d; policy V-96a; on Popess Joan VIII- 408d; portrait V-95c; at Ratis- bon Congress IV-242d; and Rio Xlll-eic; and Scheeben XIII- 525c; and Strauss I-622d; as theologian XIV-595d: 607d; and Vatican Council VII-263C; X V-303d ; and Ward X V-553b ; and Wittmann XV-679d; and XV-671a; writings

Dolma-Baghtche, palace, Con- stantinople IV-.301d

DOLMAN, CHARLES, the Younger V-99b

—CHARLES, the Elder V-99b

— Charles Vincent V-99c

— N. See Verstegan. Richard

Dolman's Magazine V-99c; XI- 673d; Keon.editor ofVIII-626b

Dohija-Touzla, See of VI-755a

Dolon-nor, Mongolia III-664d; Lamaist monaster>' X^80d

Dolores, name X-675b

— Nuestra Senora de los, Pdpago mission XI-451d

—MISSION V-99c; IX-657c; X-370b; XIII-439d; XIV- 547b; (ill.) V-100; Palou. found- er of XI-434C; Serra Junipero Xin-730d

Dolours of the Blessed Virgin Mary. See Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dolpatrick, Scotland, church VI- 42d

DOLPHIN (symbol) V-lOOb; I- 462d; VI-83c; on candelabra III-248a; and crucifixion IV- 527b; (Ul.) V-100; on Lateran canopy I-364a

Dolphin, periocUcal, Philadelphia XI-696b

Dom., abbr. I-24b

Dom, monastic title I-139b; X- 48Sb

D.O.M., abbr. I-21d; 24b

Domaine de la Couronne, Congo lV-233b

—National, Congo IV-233b

Domat, Jean, on prescription, right of XII-396b

Dombild, painting by Lochner IV-117C; XI-399d

Dombrowski, encyclopedia V- 415c

DOME V-lOOc; altar I-353b; 659b; of basilica III-94b; of church V-262c; compound V- lOOd; cupola IV-569C; of Flor- ence cathedral III-9b; form V- lOOd; history V-lOla: (ill.) V- facing 100; in India I-690a; of Pazzi Chapel, Florence lll-9d; of St. Peter's XIII-371a; 373a; of San Ixjrenzo, Florence III- 9d; of Santa Maria degli Angeli. F'lorence III-9d; simple V- lOOd; of Westminster Cathe- dral XV-600a; of Westminster Cathedral (ill.) XV-facing 600

Dome-book, of Alfred the Great IX -69a

Dome of the Reck, mosque, Jerusalem VIIl-36nd

Dameh, Khirbet (Duma) VI- 43Sa

Domenec, Michael, Bishop of Pittslmrg XI-795b; XII-124b;

124c: Charity. Sisters of XIV-

2Sd: at Vatican Council XV-

307a: 307c



Domenge, missionary III-6SUa

Domenical, in early Church IV-

170c DomenichelU, Theophil, and Marcellinus of Civezza IX- 640b DOMENICHINO V-102c; and Calvaert III-190C; at Carraeci Academy III-37(ia; portrait V-102 — works of XI— lOld; in Capito- line Museum XIII-165d; St. Gregory of Nazianzus (ill.) Vll-Ud; atGrottaferrata VII- 41b; St. Jerome (ill.) V-102; St. Jerome, communion of (ill.) V- facing 102; St. John the Evan- gelist (ill.) Vlll-facing 492; St. Joseph XIII-174C; in Naples X-683c: in S. Andrea della Valle XIII-170C; XIV-5.57c; in S. Carlo ai Catinari XIII- 170d; in Santissima Concen- zione XIII-171b; in S. Gre- gorio al Celio XIII-171d; in S. Maria della Vittoria XIII- 172b; in S. Onofrio XIII-173a; in S. Pietro in Vincoli XIII- 173c: in Vatican XV-283b Domenico. See Dominic DOMESDAY BOOK (England) V-103a; Durham omitted V- 212c; entries, facsimile V-103; parochial system I~508b — Book (Stavanger) XVI-76b Domestic Prelate. See Prelate Dometioupolis (Domitiopolis) V-

115a Dometius, Bishop of Prusias ad

Hypium XII-519d Dornfront, castle XV-643a Domgal, St. Columbanus' com- panion IV-138a Domical church plan III-95b Domicellaris V-399b DOMICILE V-103d: Canon law V-104b; definition IV-2d; V- 104b; divorce V-67b; 68d; English doctrine \'-67b; his- torj- V-104c: law V-105a; mar- riage II-256a; V-104d; ordina- tion V-106a; and parochial obligations V-105d ; quasi-dom- icile V-104d: and residence XII-785C; Roman lawV-104a; Tametsi IV-2d; trials, ec- clesiastical VIII-546C Dominations, angelic 1-4 7Sb; 47Sc: Pseudo-Areopagite, teaching of V-14c Domine audivi, canticle I-399a — exaudi orationem meam V-

114b — non sum dignus, Agnus Dei I- 222d; bell rung I-349b; breast, striking of II-751a; in Car- melite Rite XIII-73C; Gounod interpolates I-223d; Roman custom 11— 122b — quo vadis, church, Rome XI-

563a; (ill.) Xlll-facing 170 Domingo. See Dominic — periodical. Durango V-208d Domingos Femandes, Blessed,

martyr XIV-I09d Domingo y Sol, Manuel XII-421a Domingues, Geraldo, Bishop of

Opiirto XI-261a Dominguez, Atanasio, missionary

X-775d: XV-23Sd — Francisco, on Totonac Indians

XIV-795a — Juan, .^bbot of Valladolid XV- 25Sb; Bishop of Osma XI- 339c: XV-25Sd — Camargo, Hernando, poet

X1V-204C: 20.5b DOMINIC, SAINT V-106a; A\a- nus de Rupe I-246b; Albi I- 267b; Albigensian crusade I- 268d; V-106d; VIII-16b; X- 546b; and Blessed Cabert XIII-354C; cell XlII-173d; and St. Ceslaus III-547b; Crosiers IV-516d; dead, raised by III-547a; descent of. I.ossa- da on XVI-56a: Drane's life V-1.53d; and dignities XII- 368Ca; in France V-108c; St. Francis VI-224C; Gregory IX VI-797C; Innocent III VIII-

Largo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill,) = illustrations.