Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/300

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Dravidians, characteristics XII- 626b; ethnological claasihca- tion XII-626d; Fritsch's. classi- fication XII-625C; missions III-155a; somatological charr acteristics XII-624a Draycott, Anthony V-47Sa Dra>ton, Michael V^63b DREAMS, INTERPRETATION OF V-154a; African savages 1-lsid- animistic theory I-527d; astrological II-19C; in Bible V-155a; XV-224b; Eevntian V-154d; Greek V- 15W; Indians VII-753d; Pa- tristic teaching V-loSd; and prophecy XII-479d; Roman V-154d: Sioux XIV-24a; Stoics V-154d; St. Thomas Aquinas on V-156a , ...

Drebbel, ComeUs van, physicist

T[-i74c- XII-60d DRECHSEL, JEREMIAS y-.5bb Dred Scott, leading case on slavery

XIV-443C; XV-171a

Dregovitches, tribe xni-^3b

Srehmann, Joseph H-ibertus,

Bishop ot lloennoiid Alll-

llbd ., . ,-„,

Drei Aehren, pUgrimage XIV-

Dreingau, Counts of, and Miins-

Dr*eTzehiinden. See Weber, Freidrich Wilhelm „ ^ ^ .

Drelincourt, Charles, Protestant theologian Xy-532a

Drennan, Wilham, poet VIU-

Dren&e, Netherlands annexes

III-™<= X ini oniK

Drepana (Drepanum) V I-204b Drepanon 1 Drepana) VII--04b Drepanum, town VII-202C, .U3D T»DF<^nEN. towTi. Germany V- ifed (Til.) V-157-, battle .(1813) X-69Sb; Bordone's paintings II-f)S4c; Borgognone's works II-686a; Bronzino's works 1- S'Sd- Catholic schools V-15ba, Church V-158a; congress, at (1812) X-697b; Correggios works I-318d; court church V-156d; court church (HI.) V-157; Frederick II besieges XII-523C; history V-157d; minuscriots IX-620a; Ma- sonic Lodge of IX;776c; Mo roni's works X-57bd; opera company XV-574d; peace (1745) IX-663d; XII-523b; population V-15.6d.; Retorrna- tion V-157d; ^oc^ y-157a, Titian's works XIV-742d —Codex, Maya writings X-85a —Neustadt, church V-156d T>re';s .SVe Costume Dreta, Antonius, Abbot of Zircz

XV-761d DreuiUets. See Drmllettes Dreux, battle VII-75b; X-544C — nrioiy XI-486C -gatherine XII-398d Ilpierre de, Duke of Brittany

Dreux-Breie,Henri-EvTard,Mar- quis de XIII-9C

Dreves, Guido Maria, hymnolo-

^st V-158C; VII-596d; on Ambrosian chant I-390a: on i;t Queant Laxis AVtit /oSS Sanctorum Mentis XIII_429d


DREVET, CLAUDE V-159d — Estienne V-l-Wd -Piene, the Elder V-158d- Ri- i7iud nortra t of (ill.) V-159a -llERRE-IMBERT, the Young- er V-1.59a -Family, The V-158d Drevlians, Russian tribe Xlll-

233b , ^ .. YT

Drevon, Victor, confraternity A.1-

477a- XIV-122C Drew, John, actor VIII-142b —John A., Peoria. Illinois XI- nfi2a . , ,

Drews, Arthur, on existence of

Christ XIV-,';30a —Paul, canon III-2.59a; IX- 79.'>c; liturgy, theor.v of IX- 309c; on Peter Canisius XI-

Drew*^ Theological Seminary, Madison, New Jersey X-241d


Drexel, Anthony Joseph V-159C — Emma Bouvier V-159C —FRANCIS ANTHONY V-159c;

portrait V-159d — Francis Martin V-159C —Joseph William V-159C —Katharine II-599b; VII-743C; community VII-746b; educa- tional work XIII-584d; ne- groes, work for III-631b; Vu- iinia, school XV-454a — See Drechsel

Drexelius. See Drechsel .

Drexler, John. See Zddori,

DREyTjOHANN SEBASTIAN VON V-159d; and Gratz vl-

Dreyer, John Philip, Servite

XIII-737C Dreyfus ASair VI-179a Dribastus, see VI-738d Driden. .Sec Dryden Driedo, John, theologian XIV-

593b ,. , ,

Driesch. Hans, life, theory of

ll-.575a; IX-240d: 241a —Johannes. See Drusius Drieux, Remi, Bishop of Bruges

XI-435C . .

Dringenberg, Ludwig, humanist

VII-541a Drink Bill, British XlV-490a Drinot y Pierola, Pedro Pablo,

Bishop of Hu4nuco Vll-SOeb Drippings, in Lenten indult 1-

Drlscoll, Comelius.T. Vin-670d — James F., Sulpician Xiv-33ia


Dritzehn, Andreas, printer VII-

— Georg, printer Vn-90c —Klaus, printer VII-90C Drive, A. I-633a Driver, Franz XVI-23d —Samuel RoUes, exegete IV- 161b; 162b; XIV-529a: V- 289a; Bersabee II-ol8b; Deu- teronomy XI-658a; on Esther V-55nc; introduction, bibhcai VIII-80d; man, age of 111- 732b- on Patristic narratives 1- 53b; Priestly Code XT-658b; on Psalms XII-.540a: 539b; 541a; Zacharias XV-743b Drobe, Franz Kaspar, Bishop ot

Paderborn XI-38.5a Drobniy Kryska, Margaret de

XIV--24.5C . Drobtinice, periodical XI\ -5/ b Droctegang, Abbot ot JumiJges

XIV-259d , , , r^u

Drogheda, town. Ireland, Char- ity, Sisters of III-C.06d; Domm- ican convent, relics I-731d; institutions I-732c; .massacre VIII-104a; St. Peter's Church I-732b siege (1649) II-18b -Synod of (1554) V-145c; (1854)

— Argus, periodical XI-294d Drogo, Count of Apulia VII-73a,

-Bilofof Metz XIII.-728d;

and Louis the Pious II-61a-. .X-

24Sb; Sacramentary lX-t-24c,


—Bishop of Minden X-323a

—Bishop of Osnabruck \ 11-12SC.

XI-341C Drogon, Bishop of Mflcon I.\- 507c . .„. , ,

Drokoiowski, John, Bishop ot

WloclawekXV-681c Droit, Le, periodical VII-1.5()d — de resale. See Rf gale, Droit de —du seigneur XV-695b Drolet P , in \ ormont lll-8id Drolin, Gabriel VIII-449a Drome, dc]iartment, France, map

VI- facing ISS Dromedary, in Bible I--522a Dromgoole, Frances III-5o]c —Thomas, lawyer Xin-129a Dromiskin, primates at }-',-^\f Dromore, town. Iro ami V - —DIOCESE OF V H.Oc; I\- 11.5b; cathedral V-160d; map Vlll-facing 114; Penal Laws V-176a; St. Colman's Chlirch (ill.) V-160a; seminaries XIII- 700a

Dromos, of Egyptian temple

XIV-497a ^ ^^. Drontheim. See -Troiidhjeni DROSTAN, SAINT V-161b; 1\ -

Dro'ste-Hulshoff, Annette Elisa- beth. See Hulshoff .

Droste-Vischering, Caspar Maxi- milian von. Bishop of Miinster

-CLEMENS AUGUST VON, Archbishop of Cologne V-lMc; IV-119C; VI-405b; 591c; 6o3d; IX-235b; X-279C; 638b; ar- restVI-509d; XI-678b; XIV- 595d and Hermes VII-276d; andMicheli3V-52c; mixed mar- ^fages VII-Sc; XII-527C; and Stolberg XIV-300b

zu Vtschermg, Countess Aill-

588d „ . .. ,.„,

Drouin, Rcne-Hyacmthe XIV- 594d; 70.3a . .

de Lhuys, Edouard, minister

DroJlIettes. . See D™"'?'* ' _„.

Drcuet, Antoine, general VI-4()2b

Drovetti, Bernardino, Egj'ptian collection XV-93a

Droysen, Johann Gustav XIV- .S2b

DrUijeck, Abbey of I-lOb

Drucki, Mikhail, metropolitan ot Kieff XIII-255C

Drudo of Camino, Bishop ot Belluno-Feltre .II-424C

Drugs, anaesthesia I-448a; and

psychotherapy X1I-562C -(demons! IV-408d ,.,^ ,,.. . DRUIDISM V-162C; Xll^lOb, druidesscs V-163d; education V-162d; Irish V-164a; VIII- 99b- mkgic V-164a.; XI-199c; magus III-194C; priestly caste XII-410b; regeneration doc- trine Xn-715c; St. Arniel attacks XII- 771c; and St. Patrick XI-554d; prophecy


,..,,.. „., ihpnnlds l-3yc

164b; among Abenakis l-JJ' . in Boston II-703C; in Maine IX-546b; Maine mission X- 3S6a; XI-644d; and Marquette IX-690d; Miami mission X- 271c- in Michigan IV-75SD, and Sioux XI V-1 8a -

Druim Cetta, Synod of (.57.5) 1-

440d- IV-136d; VIII-121d -Criaidh II^7S4b; VIII-636d — Tomma, Monastery of y--523c Drum, in architecture V-lOOd Drumachose At'^eJ lII-2-^Ob Drumcliff Cross, Ireland (ill.)

Dmmcrog?battle (1679) IV^eic

Drumcondra, Ireland All Hal- lows Missionary College Xlll- 694c- 700c; Carmelite Brothers III-369d; XIV-638a; Female Protectory Xn-493a

Drumconnell, Ireland IV-189C, convent II-62c


164d; portrait V-lb5b Drumlane, Ireland, pilgrimage

Drumlease Abbey II-479d Drummond, Henry, Irvmgite

VIII~17.5a —James, non-Catholic exegete

IV-496b — L., journahst XI-673b —Margaret ni-395d —William, Scotch poet Aiu-

62Cc , . ,. ,

Drumont, Edouard, journalist

DiimsSon Abbey XIII-180b Drumshambo, convent It*'*" . DrumtuUagh, ancient see V-147d Drungarios, Johannes, Catena

ni-.i:Mb Drunkards (Veldzquez) XV-

Drunkenness. See Alcoholism Drure, Jean, Archbishop ol Bag-

dnd H-'2n2c; X 211a D.ii^,"."ilv..^V;vh^ndII-229b — lohn, .'i-siii' Xl\-»3c —Robert .Ic^iiit XIV-92b ZroBERT, VENERABLE V-

16.5b: 476d , ^ , .. ,.T —Sir William, lord Justice XI-

22.5b Druses. See Druze

Drusiani, John Baptist, Servite

XIII-737C DRUSILLA V-165d DRUSIPARA, See of V-166a Drusius, Jean. See Druys — Johannes, non-Cathohc exegete

V-705C; VII-318a Drust, legend IX-124b Drustan, Saint. See Drostan Drustva Sv. Barbara XlV-5ba Drusus, emperor, arch, Rome (ill.) Xlll-facing 170; XV- 602a; xni-176a ^ „ , , — and Germanicus, arch, bpoleto

XIV-233a; (ill.) XIV-233b Druthmai, Christian exegete IV-

160b DRUYS, JEAN V-166b Druzbacka, Ehzabe'i XII-197d Druzba sv. Mohora XIV-o7b DRUZBICKI, GASPAR V-lb6c;

XIV-02Ob; works V-166C DRUZES V-166d; XV-lOOb; and Chrisrians X-701b; and Elias V-382c; ethnology Xn-62ba, founder XIV-401b; .Hermon VII-289a; and Maromtes lA- 683d; Sy-rian staM^*!" A' " 405b; woman (>" ■) J-l^ V?,^, . DRYBURGH ABBEY V-167c;

(ill.) V-facing 166 Drvch Crefyddol XV-536d DRYDEN, CHARLES \-109c — Erasmus V-167d — Sir Erasmus V-167d

lOHN V-167d; 465a; conver-

^ionV-168d; Dies Ir« IV-788c:

portrait V-168; primer hymns

XII-426d; Te Deum Xiy-470a

Dry Fanning, in Colorado IV-

Drygobitzia, ancient see VI-738C Dry Mass. See M.ass Drynemeton, councils Vl-33b0 Drysdale River. See Drisdale

—River Aborigines Mission XI-

Drzewicki, Matthias, Archbishop

of Gnoscn VI-591b D.S., ahhr. I-24b D. Sc, abbr. I-24b . Dschondisapor, hospital X-l/oc,

school X-124C Duair, Babylon II-.184C Duala, African mission \Ill--5ybD DUALISM V-lC9d; XIII-.602b, African I-lS4a; Albigensian I- 268a; Avestic II-154C; Iranian IV-408a; XII-409d; Barde^ sanites II-294b;. BogmiU II-612a; Cathari in-435b, and creation XIV-584C; and dynamism V-223C : Eastern XI- 391b;Gnostic VI-598d;of God, Bohme XIV-626d; Gunther VII-86a; and . idealism yu- 634b; instinctive XlV-153p, Leibniz theory Xry-l.o6b; in man V-170a; Manichseism IX- 591a; Mexican IV-413a; and Monism V-170a; X-322b, Patagonia XI-540b; Persian XIII-310a; problem ot V- 171a; Scholastic X-483d; and Spiritualism XIV-229b Duallas, race XII-626d Duane, Mathew III-90d —Wilham J. XIV -443b Duarte. See Edward Duat, Book of, Eg}.-pt.ian V-3«lc Dubab, Dahr el-, Sj-ria IX-104b Dubail, Constant, Bishop of Bol-

ina IX-586d Dubain, Prefect Apostolic ot Senegal and Senegambia Xlll-

DuBareS V. Livette, trial XIII-

DubbSig, of knights III-691d Duberque Catechism. American V-81b , , viiT

Dubh, Donagh, martjT VUl-

Dubbtach, bard VI-66d

hard. Seanchus Mor n-7o3C

eliiof in Lcinster II-(.S4b

Dubief, Adrian VI-177a DubiUard, Frantois-Virgile, ear- dinal. Arclibishop of Chambfry

DuWin:'?own. Ireland V-171d; English capture V-174a; Marsh library I-733a; Masonic coun- cil in IX-77Gd; Norse kingdom Xl-linc

I^;gr^;;r^nS^es titles of article.; other tyv^s^^^^^^T^^^^^^^O^^^^"^^"^'