Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/311

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EGYPTIAN CHURCH ORDI- NANCE V-363b; and Apostolic Constitutions I-636d; Amen after Communion I-408d

—days V-350C

—Masonry Vir-700d

— Museum, Vatican X V-277d ; 2S2d

Egyptians, Gospel According to the I-608b; V-351b; 413c; VI- 599d; 63Sd

Egyptian Version, Gospel of St. Matthew X-5Sb; New Testa- ment XIV-533a

Ehieyeh VIII-590b

Ehinger, Ambrosius, in Venez- uela XV-oS2a

Ehouae, Petun. town VII-oGSa

Ehremar, Anti-Patriarch of Je- rusalem VIII-368b

Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried, baclcrioloKical research X-13Sa

— Philip Adolph von. Bishop of Wilrzburg XV-72(la

Ehrenberger, Josef IV-600b

Ehrenbreitstein, Prussia, ecclesi- astical atlniinistration XV-44b: fortress at Vn-401b; Seraph- ic Charity XIV-127a

Ehrengisleson, John, Bishop of Vexio XVI-7Sd

Ehrenreich, Paul, anthropologist XII-623b

Ehrensberger, Hugo, Vatican catalogue XV-292b

Ehrentraud, Abbess of Nonnberg ll-122b; XIII-229C

Ehrentreich, Adam, Probabilist XII-442C

Ehrhard, Albert, on Hcsychasm VH-301a; on Metaphrastcs X- 225d; on (Ecumenius XI-214d; on Photius XII-46C: on St. Theodore VII-623d; on St. Thomas Aquinas X-747a

Ehrle, Franz XI-679a; and Den- ifle IV-720b; and Leo XIIX IX-172b: on liturgical com- mission II-777a; on Olivi XI- 246a; publication X-749b; and Vatican Library XV-290d; 292d; 294c; 295d; and Vatican publications XV-293C

Ehrlich, Johann Nepomuk, theo- logian Vn-S7a; Xlll-oSSd

Ehses, Stephan, and Gorres So- ciety institute Vin-r)3b

E. X. T. M., abbr. I-26c

Ehud. 8ec Aod

Eia recolamus. Sequence XII- 4S3b

Eibingen, abbev church IX-2G2a

Eich, Johann HI von, Prince Bishop of Eichstatt V-3r>5a

Eiche, Saint, of Kiiglass IV-63.1C

Eichelberg, pilgrimage XII-f>57c

EICHENDORFF, JOSEF KARL BENEDKT, Freiherr von V- 363d; VI-.52fib; an<l Dreves V-1.5SC; and Gorres VI-652d; at Heidelberg VII-198a; on Miiller X-627b; portrait V- 364b

Eichfeld, St. Boniface's relics II- 6.58d

Eichhorn, Ambrosius, historian VII-1.30C

— Joachim, Abbot of Einsiedeln IX-437d

— Johann Gottfried, exegete, Bib- lical inspiration VIII-49a; Bib- lical introduction VIII-80d; Canticle of Canticles III-303b; critical method V-291a; Gen- esis IV-t92d; on miracles IV- 16 1c; X-340C; 3 43b; Pen- tateuch, authorship Xl-CS.'ia; Testament. New IV-19.5a; on tongues, gift of XIV-777c; XV-74.3b

— Karl Friedrich xn-22c

EICHSTATT, DIOCESE OF V- .364c; St. Brigid. MS. Life of II-7s.-,d; cathe.lral V-36.ic; rationale XII-^",.'>lc; religious hous<-s V-3tiHa ; school V-364d ; seminary XIII-fi97a; synod of (1282) IT-39lto; St. Walburga's tomb ,\V-.'>27a

Eichthal, Gustave d', on Genesis XI I- 176a; and Saint-Simon- ism XIII-378b

Eichwald, church. Reichenberg IX-I42b

Eidgenossen VII-.'>27c

Eido, Bishop of Meissen X-148d

Eigenots VII-527c

Eigg, island, and St. Donnan V-I31C; monastery XIII-631C

Eight, symbolism XIV-37(ib

Eighteen, College of the IV- l()8b

EigU, Abbot of Fulda VI-314a; Xn-617a

Eigill of Bomhohn III-307c

Eilbert, Benedictine X-222a

—Bishop of Odense XVI-646

Eilhart von Oberge VI-681c

EiUian, Saint. See Teilo

Eimer, Theodor, scientist VIII- .51d; Tubingen University XV- S4b

EIMHIN, SAINT V-366c; VIII- 639a

Einarsson, Gissur, apostate I- 678c; VII-617a

— Jon, judge VII-616b

— Marteinn, and Arason I-67Sc

Einbeck, asylum \'I-159c

Eineachlan II-754d

EINHARD V-366d; Annales Ful- denses XIII-218a; and St. An- segisus I-545d; and Charle- magne III-612b; 61Sa; and classical lejirning IX-33d ; hand- writing, reform of XI-407C: on Merovingians VI-242b; and Paulinus II XI-586b; and Ser- vatus Lupus IX-436C

Einsiedeln, mission station VIII- 596b; adoration, perpetual I- 1,54b; (ill.) V-36S; Sacred Heart Congress at IV-248d; Zwingli at XV-772C

—ABBEY OF V-367b; II-J.50a; 4.i7c; Vll-.363b; XII-723c; XIV-.362C; (ill.) V-367d; St. Charles Borromeo at III-622c; dean XI-183d; Itinerary IX- 679d; library IHo8a; Reding, prince-abbot XII-687d; scholar cantorum XIII-547d; shrine XII-88a; 91a; status XIV- 364d; vere nullius I-16d; Vir- gin Mary, shrine XV-463C

— Ordo XI-28Sb

Einsiedler Kalender, periodical


— Zeitung V-3G3d

Eirenarch, in Roman Empire I-

7S6c Eirenicon (Pusey) XV-150b Eirenopolis, See of II-203a Eirig Il-.57a

Eirikssaga raudha VII-618d Eirpanomos, Nabatean King XI-

147d Eis, Frederick, Bishop of Mar-

(luetlc I.\-i;!lllb Eisckthal, Haspinger in VII-I48b Eiscit, Boh., physician IV-600d Eisenach, town, early drama VI-

5-20b Eisenbach, church conference of

XIV-274d Eisenberg, John I of. Bishop uf

Meissen \-149a Eisenburg (Melk) X-lfi7a EISENGREIN, MARTIN V-

36Sc; and Peter Canisius XI-

760c Eisenhoit, Anton, goldsmith X-

224c Eishere, giant IX-121d Eisler, Rudolf, philosopher XIV-

323c Eisvogel, Veremund, theologian



Eiteiberger, Rudolf, architect VI-; X\-I2:id EITHENE, SAINT, daughter of

Aodh V-:!(if)b EITHNE. SAINT, daughter of

l.aochairr \-369c Ekannum, deity XV-563b Ekarennioudi. See St. Mathiaa'

Ekbert, Count. Bishop of Bam- berg. .See Eckbert

—Abbot of Schonau. See Ecke- bert

Ekhiondastsaan, Huron town VII-.571a; .574b

EKKEHARD I (MAJOR) V- 370a; poem VI-.517d; as hym- nodist VII-fj02d; sequences X1I-486C

— n (PALATINUS) V-370b

— m V 370b

— rv V-370b; III-618d; on Notker Balbulus XI-125C

-(MINIMUS) V-370d

—OF AURA V-37Ia; I-262d; Chronicon I-535b: and Ursper- ger Chronicle XV-225d

Eklund, Oscar, and Temperance movement XIV-483d

Ekphonesis, in Mass IX-798d

Ekron. Sir Accaron

Ektene. .See Litany

Ekteneia, great, in Liturgy of St. Mark I-304C

Ekthesis. See Ecthesis

El., abbr. I-24b

El, in Bible V-393b

—deity XII-42d

Ela, name X-678a

— King of Israel VIII-655b: 656a; 657a

— Bishop of Sigiienza XIII-7SSa

Eladius, Saint, Bishop of Nevers X-77Sb

— Saint, .\rchbishop of Toledo XIV-755d

EL.ffi;A, See of V-371b

ElEephori, meaning XV-527a

Elagabal (Elagabalus), Emperor. See Heliogabalus

Elam, kingdom, and Asshurbani- pal II-lBc; and Assyria II- 17a; and Babylonia I-441c: II-182a; 183b; VII-125b; capital XIV-344d; Eanna- tum I II-180d; end II-16d; Euphrates, invasion V-338d; in Genesis I-53d; Hammurabi code I-441b; Hammurabi con- quers II-lS2b; independent II-lSlc; and Nabuchodonosor I II-183b; X-666b; and Sargon I II-181b; and Sargon II II- 14a: and Sennacherib II-15b; Tiglath-pilescr I II-12b

El-Amama. See TcI-el-Amarna

Elan, Saint XII-729b; abbey Xll-72()d

EI-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem VIII- 5S0a

El-Arish, identity XIII-19b

Elasa. See Laisa

El-Ashraft, Sultan, and Sidon XlII-777b

Elatea, See of VI-738d

Elath VI^38b; name X-678a; reconquered XV— 164Bd

El-Atroun, priory V-405b

El-Azariye (Bethany) II-S31C

ELBA, island. Italy V-371c; Na- poleon V-371d; X-69Sc; and Tuscany XV-104C

El-Bachir, periodical XV-102a

El-Baghaouat, catacomb XI~82b; 396a

El-Baneh (Beten) VI-435C

Elbecque, Norbert d' XIV-.373d


El-Belka, Ammonites in I-431d

Elberfelder System XII-240a

Elbert, J., anthropologist XV- 71)6d

El-Beqa'a (Celesyria) VI-437a

Elbing, insane asylum VIII-39d

El-Bireh. See Berea

Elbowoods, North Dakota, mis- 1X-.587C


. I-530C

ELCESAITES V-372a: VII-207a;

baptism VI-596d; Gnostics

VI-.596d; in Rome XIII-167c; Elcesi VI-4.38b Elchasai, heresiarch V-372a; book

of V-243d; and Clementines

IV-42a El-Chasaich. See Elchasai Elchbert, .\rchbishop of York.

See Ethelbert Elche. See Elice Eldad, Prophet XII-»77d —and Modat, Book of VII-270b •Eldah, a.m of Madian IX-514a Eldena, Abbey of VII-25b; XII-

223d; XVI-70b Elder, family, Maryland II-

229b -priest VII-334b; XII-406b —Basil V-373a — GEORGE V-372d; ordained —James V-372d —William \- 373a —WILLIAM HENRY V-37.3a;

in Italtii.iorc I1-231C; III-

77.5c; X-60.5C; XII-375b; and

Catholic Federation XIV-71C;

as Bishop of Natchez X-710a;

portrait V-373b Elders VII-337c; in Apocalypse

I-596b; Baptist II-278d; of

Bohemian Brethren II-617a; Calviniatic III-202d; in early Church II-5Sld; of the Church I-194d; Congregational Churches IV-240b; Dutch Re- formed Church XII-710C; French Protestant VII-530a; Jewish II-553b; 554d; IV- 776c; Methodist X-238a; Mo- ravian II-618b; Presbyterian XII - 392d ; Sandemanians

XIII-435b; Seventy, Council of XIII-444d; in Synagogue. Great XIV-381a; term, use of VII-337C; Traditions of the, Jewish. Vin-400d

Eldersha, John, death V-478a

El-Djem (Thysdrus) XV-235a

El-Djich, town. Palestine I-774d

EI-Djiyeh (Porphyreon) XII- 2S2b

El-Dorado IV-122c; VII-62b

Eldred, John, travels II-9a

Elea, Achaia. .See Elis

Elealah. .See Eleale

Eleale, Moabite city VI-438b; X-4I0a

Eleanor (Alienor) of Aquitaine XIII-41C; and Crusades II- 501a ; I V-54 8a. divorce U-683a; VI-167d; and Henry II of Eng- land VII-221a; and Henry VI's excommunication XIII— 42b; and Peter de Blois XI-766a

— of Austria, Queen of France VI-208a

— of Bourbon, Abbess of Fontev- raull VI-13l)d; 130b

—of Castile, gueen of England IV-.534d; VIl-512d

— of Provence, Queen of England VI-131b; statue XIII-644d

Elease, battle. See Laisa

Eleatics V-652a; Xn-31b; on being V-170a; on change XII- 160b; and Cynics IV-582c; on evil V-652a; founder XV-756b; freedom, theory of VI-259d; logic IX-325C; on matter X- 230a; monism X^83b; philo- sophic theories XII-31b; sub- stance and accident I-96c

Eleazar, name X-677d

ELEAZAR, high priest V-373C; I-4a; IX-227d; XII-407c; 413b; and Ptolemy XIII-722C

ELEAZAR, scribe V-374a

—son of Abinadab I-723b

—son of Annas I-537a

ELEAZAR, son of Mathathias V- 373d; IX-194b

— ben Amram. See Amram, Eleazar ben

Eleca, Bishop of Saragossa XIII- 469b

ELECT V-347a; in Apocalypse of Abraham I-604c; Arminian doctrine I-741b; St. Augustine on II-97b; 98b; XIII-703C: Calvinistic theory I-565c; 741d; Catholic teaching II- 97d; 9Sa; in Henoch. Book of I-fi(J3a; in Manichseism IX- .593c; .594b; New Testament V-374b

—Lady vni-437c

Electa, Joaquin de XI-339d

ELECTION, ecclesiastical V- 374c; abbess I-7d; abbots I- 17d; acceptance I-94b; by ac- clamation V-376C; of bishops V-377d; in Byzantine Church VI-760C; collation V-375a; compromise in IV-lS9b; Con- cordat of Worms IX- Kid; con- firmation of V-378a; devolu- tion, right of IV-768b; disputed V-377b; in early Church VII- 330d; electors V-375a; eligibil- ity V-375c; forms and methods V-3"5d; functions for III- 538c; nomination V-374d; in Poland XII-192b; and postula- tion V-374d

—imperial Ill-fSb; VI-495b; electors, episcopal IV-118b; VI-492b; and papacy VIII-14b

— bribery II-779a

— Capitulations of. .Sec Capitu- lations, episcojial

— Papal. See Papal Elections

Electivism, modern I-757b; at Oxford I-757b; in United States I-7.57C; IV-lUb

Electoral princes, voting III- 48b

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.