Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/313

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XIII VII-3b; and Archbishop Heath Vll-lfifld; and Hours, Canonical XII-3.'>2d: Irisii poli- cy IV^44a; VIII-W2C; Irish School Act (1570) XIII-576b; Jesus College founded XI- 368d; labour statute (1503) VIII-722C; and Bishop Leslie IX-191d; martyrdoms V-475c; 477a; VIII-105d; and Mary Queen of Scots I-764a; mendi- cancy law XIV-769a; and Lord Montague I-727d: and Non- conformists XI-95C: and Paul IV XI-581C; penal laws XI- 612a; 615a; XIII-123d; 125b; 572c; and Philip II I-727d; XII-3d; and Plowden XII- 167d; Poor Law (1601) XII- 239d; 255c; Prayer book I- S02a; Xlll-eSb; 90d; and Presbvterianism XII -393b; Primers under XII-126c; Pro- testation of Allegiance V-165b; religion IX-399d; religious policy I-167b; 729b; II-SSQc; 722c; XIV-767d; 771b; XV- 143d; and the Reformation XII-70SC; and de Ronsard ■Xlll-lSOd; Royal Chartered Company XIII-715b; and Su- premacy Act I-500c; Suprem- acy, oath of XI-177b; and Blessed Thomas Percy XIV- 697b; tomb XV-599b; and Trent, Council of IV-157a: Uniformity Act XV-128a; and Virginia XV^Sod; and West- minister Abbey XV-59Sd EUzabeth, Queen of France VII-

76b — Countess of Lippe XIII-524a —Queen of Poland III-402a — Queen of Prussia VIII-362C;

and Reumont XII-798d — Queen of Rumania VI-528C

Jewish policy VIII-397d Elizabethans. See St. Elizabeth,


V-3SSd; XII-139d; 24(>b —Bona, Blessed XIII-20Sb — Christine, Empress of Ger- many II-529a — de rimmacul^e Conception, Sister Adorer of the Precious Blood XII-374C — of Bohemia VI-494b — of Brunswick-Bevern, Queen

of Prussia XII-523a — of Biiren, conyersion XV-604a — of Chelles, Saint XV-68C — of France, Blessed. See Isabel

of France — of Gorlitz III-69a —OF HUNGARY, SAINT V- 389b; VII-299a; Caisarius of Heisterbach on III-138a: Com- munions VI-279a; and Conrad of Marburg IV-259C: and Blessed Cunegundcs IV-569a; and Gertrude of Aldcnberg VI- 533b; hospital founded III- 598c; VII-lS2d; (ills.) V-fac- ing 390: and Louis IV XIV- 713a; reliquary (ill.) X-223 —OF HUNGARY, SAINT, SIS- TERS OF V-3sSb: at .Vacheii I-2c; in .\ucsburK II-77b; at Gotha XllUnid; in Saxe- Weimar-Eisenach XIII-»96c; in Schwarzburg Xni-595c — of Mansfield VI-15Sa —OF PORTUGAL, SAINT V- 391a; XII-301a; and Beatrix de Silya Vll-llsla: hymn II- 775d;()ffire X\-21fla; painting by Erhaye \'-270c — of Ranfaing, f.^undroM X-CSIa —OF REUTE, BLESSED V- .391c; XlV-Ct.'ib

—OF schOnau, saint V-

392a; on As-sumption II-7a;

and St. Hildegard Vn-352a;

St. Ursula, yision of X\'-227d — of Thuringia, Saint. See Eliza- beth of Hungary, Saint —of York, Queen of England.

marriage II-376a; 717a; XIII-

760b — Petrovna Empress of Russia

IX-66.ia; XIII-24Sb; 375b Elisabethschule, Berlin VII-


— WoodviUe, Queen of England

III-215C Elizalde, Prohabilist XII-142C;

andTcrill XIV-517d Elizaphan. .S.c Elisaphan El-Jib (Gabaon) VI-13'Jb El-Kamil, VIII-304d Elkanah. .S.v Elcana El-Katieh (El-Kas; Casium) III-

402d —Kennel (Carmel) VI-136d — Khadr, Palestine V-3S2b — Khalasa (Elusa) V-395d — Khalil (Hebron) VII-lS5d Elk Indians XII -32 lb El-Kourn, Wady, Palestine I-

774d — Kousiyet (Cusie) IV-576b — Kurmul (Carmel) III-157d — Kusiye. See El-Kouslyet Ella, King of Deira. See .Ella —Bishop of Lichfield IX-232d EUadius Saint, Bishop of Auxerro

Xni-71,Sb Ellandune, battle (825) V-325b Ellasar. See l.arsa Elle, Ferdinand, painter XII-

322d EUeh haddebarim XI-047b El-Lejfln (Legio mageddo) VI-

433d EUenbog, Nicolas, humanist XI-

35Sc EUenbrechtskirchen, W o 1 f g e r von, Bishop of Passau XV- 545b EUenhard, Count of Meran,

Bishop of Freising X-631C EUenica, Accademia I-86d EUenius, Abbot of Llancarvan

XV-.585d EUer, Elias, Zionito XV-761a EUerbach, Burkhard von. Bishop

of Augsburg II-74d Ellesmere Gallery, Titian's works

XIV-742d EUiberis. See Elvira Ellice, Edward, the Elder III-

235c EUicott, Charles, Biblical com- mentator IV-161b — City, Maryland, seminaries XIII-700d;Rock Hill College IX-760C; St. Charles College II-230d: IX-760C; XIII-698b; XIV-331C ElUes-Dupin, Biblical commen- tator VIII-SOc ElUng, Wilham, priest VI-478b EUinger, Abbot of Benedictbeurn

II-441b —Abbot of Tegernsee XIV-472b — Anselm, scientist XV-591d Elliot, Adam XI-175d —Charles, captain VII-SlOc —Jean XIII-626d —Sir John V-150b EUiott, R. R. IV-250d —Walter, priest VII-310b EUis, Charles, Anglican clergy- man V-392C — Edward, martjT V-47Sa — Havelock, eugenist XVI-39d — John, statesman V-392C — John, rector of Waddesdon V-

.392c —PHILIP MICHAEL, Vicar .\noati.lic of the Western Dis- trict. England V-392C; 451c — Samuel, marshal of King's

Bench V-392C — Welbore, Bishop of Kildare V-

392c — WiUiam, missionary, on fetish- ism VI-53C; 55d; 56a; XIII- 7.^0c: in Madagascar IX-511b -Wilham, statesman V-.392C —Island, New York V^03c Ellora, India, Buddhist temple VII-733d; caves (ills.) VII- facing 722; 727d El-Lflbban (Lebona) VI-441d Ellwangen, University of V-ltil)a;

XV-S.3d —ABBEY V-.392d: II-73d: XV- 717a: Hatto. Abbot of VII- 149d: provost ship of, sup- pressed XV-206C Ellwanger, George II-3I2a Ellwood, Charles Abram, on Catholic charity III-6(K)b; on dissolution of monasteries III- eoib; on Settlement Law III- 601c Ellwood, Thomas, writer XII- 581d

El-Magfar, battle XVI-15c

— Mahadia XV-411c

— Marakka ni-3.i3b

— Mediyeh l.\-494b

— Mejdel (Magdala Nunayya)

Vl-442a: IX-.'.2:id Elmelech VI-43Nb Elmer, astronomer IX-.572d El-Meshhad (Gethhepher) VI-

439d Elm Grove, West Virginia, St.

John's Home XV-606b — Grove, Wisconsin, .Sisters of

Notre Dame XI-131b Elmham, Diocese of I-508c; IX-

232c: XI-121d; 215c Elmhurst, Providence, Sacred

Heart convent VII-134c Elmira, New York, college IV-

llOd: reformatory XII-133a Elmo, Saint. See Peter Gonz&Iez Elmodad, name I-664d EIraodam. .St'e Helmadan El-Mosil. Src Mossul — Msaadin (Fumi) VI-324C — Muhraka, Palestine V-382b Ehie, Council of XI-700d; XV-

69a Elnon, abbey III-210d Eloah, in Bible V-393b Elof, Danish historian VIII-64C Eloh, in Hebrew name X-676a Elohah, in KabbaUsm VIII-

.590b El-Ohemir (Kish) Il-lSOa Elohe Sabaoth, in Kabbalism

VIII-590C ELOHIM V-393a; X-676a; XI- 655c; in Ecclesiastes V-247a; in Genesis I-129d; IV-492d; 702d; Jewish conception IV- 688c: Kabbalistic conception VIII-590b; worship of IV- 685d Elohist IV-496C; in Abraham, history of I-52b; 54c: Ammor- rhite, of term I-433d: in Biblical criticism IV-493d: first IV-493C: in Numbers II-215C; second IV-493C Eloi, Saint. See Eligius Eloiein, archons VI-596a Elon, name X-678a —town VI-43Sb -father-in-law of Esau V-528a — judge of Israel, See Ahialon —son of Zabulon XV-739C Elopement I-32c Eloquius, Saint, missionary XV-

434c: at Lagnv VI-325c Eloth, name X-'678a Elotona, See of XIV-755d Eloubethhanan. See Bethanan Eloy, Saint. See Eligius Elphege, niart\T I-547a —SAINT, Archbishop of Canter- bury V-.394b; II-462d: III- 299d; at Biith 11-34 7b: and St. Dunstan V-199d: Winchester episcopate V-201b: XV •6.5.c —Bishop of Lichfield IX-232d ELPHIN, DIOCESE OF V-394c; map Vlll-facing 114: paten I- 800a; semin.arifs XIII-700b Elphjnstone, William, Bishop of Aberdeen I-41d; VI-.57Sd: Aberdeen University founded I-42b: XIII-618a; and Boece II-610a: breviary II-777c Elpidin, nihilist XI-75c Elpidius, Bishop of Cestra III-

.547b —Bishop of Comana IV-151b — Bishop of Dionysias V-9c —Bishop of Hues'ca VII-513b — Saint, Bishop of Lyons IX-

472c —Governor of Sicilv XIII-77.5a — of Memphis, orator IX-6.50b Elpis, name X-674b Elpisius, Bishop of Tarazona

.XIV-152C El-Oanawat (Canatha) III-244b

Elqosh. See Elcosi

El Oubeibeh (Chebbon) VI-437b

— Quds (Jerusalem) VIII-344c; 3698: XIV-400b

Elsa of Brabant, legend IX-12.5a

Elsasser Boten, periodical XVI- 2.3c

—Party XVI-23C

Elsheimer, Adam, painter XIV- .'507d: 740c

Elsinore, Denmark, Catholic pop- ulation IV-72:!d: church XVI- 72b; priory XVI-72a


Elster, Ludwig, dictionary V-

417c: 417d Eltaum, aiiKol IX-591c Eltecon Vl-l:!Sb Eltekeh. .SV, i:itlicce Eltekon. See Eltecon Eltha, Queen of Denmark III-

.■i07c El-Thaivebeh (Beth Le'aphrah)

VI -136a Elthece (Etheco) VI-43SC Eltholad VI-43SC Elthuruth, India, monastery XV-

41b EI Tolide, Samaritan chronicle

XIII-419d Eltville, Germany, church IX-

262a Eltz, James in von. Archbishop

of Trier XV-t3d — Kempenich, Philip Charles von. Archbishop of Mainz IX-.5.52b Eluanus, Bishop of London IX-

347c ElOl, Jewish month III-167C:

XIlI-2SSb Elulffius, King of Tyre XII-41d Elusa (Eauze), See of, Gaul

II-68a; V-395d ELUSA, See of, Palestine V-395d Elvan, monastery XV-586c Elvas, Portugal, battle XV-416a;

Cortes of xn-301b: 302a — Joao d', missionary IV-77a Elvenich, Peter Joseph, philoso- pher VII-87b; Hermesianism VII-279b; and Old Catholics II-674a Elves I-528a

Elvetico, CoUegio, Milan X-301d Elvira, Queen of Navarre III-411C — Spanish princess III-709b —COUNCIL OF V-395d; VI- 364c; 376a; VII-475a; IX- 61d; 737a; XIV-177b; 559d: XV-557c; on abortion I-48c; on abstinence I - 68d: on actors XIV-559d; on adultery I-164b; on aflinity I-178c; on apostasy I-624d; on candles III-246d; on eatechumenate V-769b; on celibacy III-484C; X-470b; on confirmation IV- 21Sd; on crucifixion representa- tions IV-527a: date X-622b; and delatores IV-691d: on di- vorce V-57b; on the Faithful V-769b; on fast d,ays I-314C: on images VII-669a: on lapsi IX-3a: I.^.tin riiTi,ii:,ii docu- ment, Hr-i 1\ J ,(1 i>n lay eommutiiiiii l\ 'M.i: iii lights, use of l.X'l't.ia; .in marriages, mixed IX-69.Sc: penance, min- isters of XI-624a: on penitents XI-636d; on Pentecost I-767c; on Sunday observance XIV- 335d: on trials, ecclesiastical IV-447d: on usury XV-23.5d; on washing of feet III-503b; on witchcraft XV-675a; on women in clerical dwellings XV-698a Elvis, Saint IV-641b Elvog, Bishop of Lkndaff IX-

316a El-wad VIII-34.5C Elwy, Saint XV-G57b ELY, ANCIENT DIOCESE OF

V-.396b: IX-267b

—Abbey I-50Sd; II-4.54b; X-

452c; architecture VI-674a:

675a: Canute, Song of III-307b;

Virgin and Holy Child, statue

XV-163a; St. Werburgh XV-


—Cathedral V-396C; Alan of

Walsingham's work I-245d:

.Mcock's chapel I-274a; dome

V-lOld; (ill.) V-396d; Lady

Chapel VI-675d; porch III-

S77a: V-260a; rebuilt I-246a

— pilgrimage XII-91a; XIII-

76(lc —Humphrey II-609a: X-87a — Jerome, and Sisters of Charity

III-60Sa — Richard de. Bishop of London

IX~347d El-Yehfldiyeh VI-441C Elymais VI-438C Elymas, magician XI-199C; 457d Elymos. See Barjesus Ely Place, London, St.Etheldreda, church of III-577b; remains IV-558a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.