Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/321

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thorship XI-473a: and Scrip- ture XIV-o29a; 530a; Temple, liturgy of I-361b; XIV-498C; Zorobabel, Temple of XIV- S02b ESDRAS, BOOKS OF V-536d; ni-31Sc; Ark I-724b; Arta- xerseslll-3iya; in Canon III- 270d; chronology ni-735b; in Jewish Canon III-267d; liter- ary characteristics V"II-180a; and Pentateuch XI-6olc; on Targums XIV-4oob — / Esdras V-536b — // Esdras. See NebeDiias,

Book of — /// Esdras V-537b; analysis

I-605a —IV Esdras V-537d: V-538a; analysis I-603d; and Apoca- lypse of Baruch I-004b; apoc- rypha I 601c; and.Creation IV- 471a; inspiration I - 61oa; in office n-771b Esdrelon VI-438d Esdud (Azotus) II-169a Esebon. See Hesebon Esedra, palace. Rome XIII-17od Esem. Hcc Asem Esench (Antinoe) I-5(>4b Esger. .St( A;-kcr ESGLIS, LOUIS - PHILIPPE MARLAUCHAU D' V-53Sb; II-77!4d: III-234d; XII-593c Eshbaal. .See Isboseth Eshcol. See Escol Esheau. See Esaan E-shi-ki, Buddhist feast VIII-

305c Eshmfln, deity XII^2d; XIII-

710a Eshmunazar, king, sarcophagus

IX-5G9C; XIIl-710a Eshtaol. 6'te Esthaol Eshtemoa. See Esthamo 'Eshfl'a (Esthaol) VI-439a Esimephxus, King of Himyar I-

672a Esinus, battle (295 B. c.) VI-

124d Esker, Ireland, Redemptorists at

XII-68HC Eski AdaUa (Sidon) XIII-778a —Bath. .See Uskub Eski-Chehir, Assumptionists at

II-lO.ic; missionaries I-~513b Eski Fotcha. See Phocaea — Hissar (Stratonicea) XIV-315b Eskil, Saint, bishop XVI-76d ESKIL, .Archbishop of Lund V- .538c; IX-434d; XIV-34SC; as papal legate VIII-418b; and Peter Cellensis XI-762d; at Roskilde XVI-71C Eskil, Bishop of Ribe XVI-70C Eskild, Bishop of \iborg XVI-

81c Eski-Malatia (Melitene) X-166C ESKIMO V-539b; I-248b; IX- .504a: in .\laska I-248a; in Can- ada III-229C; characteristics XII-fi26b — cta-t.nfication I-409C; Deniker XII-624b; Flower XII-624d; Topinard XII-623d — in Greenland VI-77Sa; 779c; habitation VII-7Mb; (ill.) VII- facing 756; language 1-41 lb; XIII-69C; and Loucheui IX- 368b; missions I-250a; 250d; III-241a; X-378b; and North- men I-J22b; in .Saskatchewan XVI-49C; Shamanism XIII- 7.50c; 751a; Skra?ling9 I-419c; women. Nansen on III-638d Eski Shehir fDorylseumi IV-304d — StambOl (Troasi VI-14Rc Esklabinoi (Slavs) .\IV-42c Eslenes, mission X-370b EsU. .See Hesli EsUng, C. H., hymnodist XII-

Esmeraldas V-27Sd Esmond, James W. II-223a —John, marlvr Viri-ir,7c Esna VH3Sd ESNAMBRIC, PIERRE Bfi-

LAIN, SIEUR D' V-540d Esne, Bishop of Hereford VII-

2.5.5c . — Michel d'. Bishop of Toumai

XIV-79Sd Esneh (Antinoe) I-564b; mon-

asterv XIV-.5filc Eso-narthei, of church V-746b Esora VI^38d

Esotericism, Albigensian I-269b ; American Indians I^lOd; Ar- istotle I-718a; Averroes I- C21b; II-151a; Druze V-167b;

Origcn I-600a Espada y Landa, Juan Jose Diaz,

Bishop of Havana VII-l,53d Espagnolet, L*. See Ribera Espana CatoUca, periodical XI-

(iOOb — Modema, periodical IX-518a — Nueva, periodical XIV-I88d — y America, periodical XIV-

188c Espartero, Baldomero, Duke of

Vittoria and Balmes II-224C;

regency XIV-185d; revolution

V-132C Esparza, Martin, theologian XIV-

594c Espec, Walter and Cistercians

Xin-.^>4b; XVI-2.-1C Especulador Patriotico, periodi- cal. Mcxiro .\I-liSI5c ESPEJO, ANTONIO V-541a:

VII-409b; in Pueblo country

XII-555C Espeleta, Jos6 de, martyr X-



IX-6.5d: on archive.') I-(i9tic;

and Gallicanism VI-35.")a; and

.Josephinism X-7ft3a ESPEN CE (ESPENC.S0S),

CLAUDE D' V-542a Esperance, periodical VII-535d — Notre Dame de. See Notre

Dame d'EspSrance —Sisters of, Canada lll-240a Esperanza, periodical I-592d;

XI -690b —sepulchre XV-70c Esperie, virgin and martvr III-

141c Espes, Gerau, ambassador I-727d Esphigmenon, monastery n-48b;

(ill.) IH7d; manuscripts IX-

617b Espinasse, Abbe XI-484b ESPINEL, VICENTE V-542b;

XIV-199b Espinha, mL.?sionar\' VI^52c Espinosa, battle (1808) X-693b — missionary XI-540c; and Pizar-

ro XII-I40b — Agustin de XIII-404C — ALONSO DE V-.542C — Antonio, of Cor\-era, Bishop of

Mfridn X-202a — Benedict dV .See Spinoza — Diego de. Cardinal Bishop of

Sieuenza X-26.3a — Caspar de, and Balboa II-216d — Mariano Antonio, Bishop of

La Plata VIII-798C — Pedro, Bishop of Guadalajara

VII-4.3a — Medrano, Juan de, writer

XIV-204a Espinoza, Isidro Felix de, writer

VI-2iind Esnirito-Santo, Diocese of. See

Spirito Santo Espiritu Santo, mission XIV-

.547c — Santo, Clemente, Bishop of

Mylapur Xin-3.8.5c Esplugas, Francisco, writer XI-


Espolin, Jan, historian Vn-6I9b Espolio, El. .See Theotocopuli ESPOUSALS V-.542d: as im- podinient \'II-697d; as mar- riage IX-712b; and nuptials IX-705b; witness XV-677d —Spiritual XIV-257b; of .'<t. Catherine of Alexandria (ill.) III-44.5a: of St. Catherine of Siena III-»47a; 44Sa; of Bl. Christine of Stommeln III- 724b; and marriage, spiritual IV-32Ra: of St. Teresa of .Icsiis XlV-5Ifib —OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY V- 54.3b; Vlll-SOfia; Raphaf-rs painting XII-641b; Raphael's painting fill.) V- facing .542; \'iterbo's painting XV-4.S7b Esprit, Pierre. See Radisson,

— des Lois (Montesquieu) VI- 198b; X-.5.-!7b; 627b; and "Kn- cyclop<idic" V-419b; and Rousseau IV-336d

Espronceda, Jose Ig. writer,

XIV-201a Esquerchin, English college XII-

230b Esqueva, hospital. Valladolid

XV-2.59C Esqtjilina Accademia 1-S4b Esquiline hiU, Rome XIII-164C Esquimaux. .See Eskimo Esquimau, Indian reservation

XIV-Hld Esquire III-091b Esquirol, Jean Etienne Domin- ique, physician X-140c Esquino, Serafino, Bishop of

Bosa II-6S9C Esquivel, Francesco, Archbishop

of Cagliari III-140a Esrom, monastery V-539a; XVI-

72a Esron, in genealogy of Christ VI- 410b

— (Asor) IV-145C

Es-salih Ayyub, Caliph of EgjTjt VIII-364d

Essarbaddon, .Assj-rian king. See Asarhaddon

Essarts, Charlotte des VI-130d

Esseiva, Peter, writer IX-31d

Esselen Indians, habitation VII- 754b; missions X-372b

Es-Semfla. See Esthamo

Essen, town, abbey V-430b; canonesses II-4(54d; church X-647c; Congress (1905) XVI- 41a

— van. Biblical commentator IV- ICOd

Essenbeck, Benedictine founda- tion XVI-lb

ESSENCE V-.543d; Arian con- troversy I-707d; Aristotle I- 714d; 715a; III-460c; attri- butes V-544b; Bacon, Francis II-193a; Bacon, John II-191d; in Christologv I-79c: contin- gency IV-331b; defined X- 233b; Duns Scotus V-19l>a; and form VI-137C; 138a; Gilbert de la Porr^e VI-555C

—of Cod I-60c; 126b; 774b; VI- 614b; XIV-323a; 684a; and attributes II-62d; 63d; in Hesychasm VII-301c; per- fections I-450b; Sirmium for- mula XIII-57b

- — integral, and species V-660a: knowledge of I-714b; V-408b; metaphysics X-226c; of sacri- fice XIII-320C; Scotism XIII- 61 la; Su4rez XIV-319d; and substance XIV-323a; Thomism XIV-699C; see Existence

Essener Volkszeitung, periodical XI-678d

ESSENES V-546b; 547a; I-771d; XII 619a; angels I-478b; and Christianity III-714a; and Colossians IV-132a; commun- ism IV-180b; continence IV- 330d; eschatologj' VIII-550b; Hilgenfeld's theory XV-151b

Essenians, Gate of. See Dung Gate

Essenism V-547c; of Caraitea III-329d

Esser, Thomas vn-27Sd: and Berlage II-492b: on Biblical Commission II-557c; on Pre- adamism XII-370c: on rosary XIII-18.5d; lS6a; 186d

Es-Serai, monument ni-244c

Essex, Kingdom VII-241d; apos- tasy I-406a; St. Cedd's mission I-506b; Saxon occupation I- 50.5d

— Lettice KnoUys, Countess of I-700C

— Unitarian Church, London III- 62Id

Es-Sham (Damascus) IV-612c

Essling, battle (1809) X-G93c

Esslingen, Church of Our Lady V-479b

Es-S(ibebeh IX-790a

Es-Sflweda (Soada) V-9c

EST, WILLIAM HESSELS VAN V-.547d; XIII-2n9b; on mira- cles, gift of X-351a: on reprf>- bation. Divine ,\n-3,S3c; and Sander Xlll 43.->c; Thomism XI\- .-,94a



— of Churches, Congregations of XIV-,34b

Estacteus. martyr. See Stractcus

Estafette, periodical. Massa- chusetts VI-275d

— pcriodual, .Mixie,, XI (;s7a


— Pierre d'. Bishop of St-Flour XIII-34Sa

Estancel. See Stansel

Estandarte Catholico, periodical XIII-40,5d

Estans, Jose Jorge Torres, Bishop of Nucva Pamplona XI-149b

Estaol. See Estliaol

Estate, in law III-592a

Estatuto Real XIV-lS7a

Estavayer, Switzerland, Christian Brotliers in VIII-58a

Estcourt, canon, on Anglican Orders I-492d; 494c

Este, family VI-46d; Fossem- brone VI-154d; Modena X- 414d; and " Orlando Furioso " I-712c; and painting XIV- 740a

— Alessandro d*, cardinal. Bish- op of Reggio dell' Emilia XII- 718b

— Alfonso I d', Duke of Ferrara I-292d; VI^6d; and Ariosto I-712b; and Bendedei X-172a; and Marenzio IX-652a

— Alfonso n d', Duke of Ferrara VI^6d; Comacchio captured IV-151a; death IV-27d; and St. Francis Borgia VI-216C; and Guarini VII-52d; and Sil- lingardi XIII-62d

—Alfonso in d', Duke of Modena X-4i:id

— Alfonso IV d', Duke of Modena X-413d

—Anne d' VII-75C; 77a

— Azzo n d", Duke of Milan VII- 230d

— Azzo VI d', Duke of Ferrara VI-!6d

—Azzo Vm d', Duke of Modena X^13c; and Reggio XII-71Sa

—Beatrix d', the Elder. See Bea- trix d'Este. Blessed

— Beatrix d', the Younger. See Beatrix d'E.ste, Saint

— Borso d', Duke of Ferrara. and Boiardo II -623a; Ferrarese frescoes XI V-739d; and Nico- lausGermanus Xl-68a

— Cesare d', and Clement VIII IV-27d

— Elenore d*. Princess. See Mary Frances of the Holy Ghost

— Ercole I d*, Duke of Ferrara, and Dominicans IV-121b; and Sixtus IV XIV-33a; and Tos- canelli XIV-787d

■ — Ercole H d', Duke of Ferrara, and Dossi V-138a: and Porde- none XII-281a

—Ercole m d', Duke of Modena X-414a

—Francis II d', Duke of Modena X-413d; university X-IHd

—Francis m d', Duke of Modena X-414a; and Kauffmann VIII- 609d; university X-414d

—Francis IV d", Duke of Modena

X-414a; in French Revolution

VI-7a; and Ruffini XIII-

' 220c;

• — Francis V d*, Duke of Modena

X-113b; 414a — Ginevra d' IX-.566C — Guelf VI d' X1V-233C

— Ippolito d', cardinal, and Ari- osto I-7I2b; at Ferrara VI- 47a; at Fontfroid VI-131d; at Gran VII-552b; at Lyons IX- 474b; at Maurienne XIII- 354c; and Milan III-6I9c; X- .301a; and Morone X-575a; and Aluret X-642d; at Poissy V- 36d; seal (ill.) III-490a; Villa d'Este XIV-747b — Ippolito d' n. Bishop of Ferrara VH7a

—Isabella d' IX-niOd; and Te- baldeo XIV-46,Sb; da Vinci's portrait XV-»43a

— Leonello d' VII-.53b; medal XI-1.57d; medal (ill.) XI-1.57a

— Louis d', cardinal. Bishop of Ferrara VI-47a; and Tasso XIV-J63d

XVI.— 20

Romaa numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d. quarter of page.