Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/325

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Euphrasius, Saint* Bishop of Jaen VIlI-267b; in Spain XIV-177a

—Bishop of Lagania VIII-r41a — Biahop of Parenzo Xl-lSOb; .XV-462a

Euphrates, Bishop of Cologne IV-117d: deposed X-77b -river, Asia l-777d; II-7d; 179b; in Apocalj'pse I-596c: 597a; drainmg Il-227a; expedition ll-9a; in legend IV-407a; source I-736b

Euphration. See Euphrasion

Euphronius, Saint, Bishop of Autun IX-733b

— Bishop of Colonia IV-125C

— Saint, Bishop of Tours XV-2c; and Kortunatus Vl-149b

EUPHROSYNE, SAINT, of Alex- andria \'-606d; XIV-2S5d

— Saint, Princess of Polotsk XIII- 2l)0d

Euphrosynus, Bishop of Rhodes XIII-24d

Euphuism, in England XIV'- 19yd; in Italy I-85c

Euplius, Saint, martyr III-430a: Xin-774b; XIV-97b

— Saint, Bishop of Como IV- lS3d

Euporus, Bishop of Hj^psepa VII- UlMc

Eupraxia, Saint. See Euphrasia

Euprepia, and St. Afra I-lSla

Euprepius, martyr IV-403d

— Saint, Bishop of Verona XV- 3«lc

Eurasians, in Calcutta III-154C

Eurddil, and St. Dubric V-179b

Eure, department, France, map Vl-facmg 188

—Barbara Vlll-lSOb

Eure-et-L6ir, department, France ecclesiastical organization III- 035b i Vl-facing 18S

Euresius, Bishop of Termessus XIV-517d

Bargain, college, Wales XV-.58Ga

Euric, King of the Visigoths IX- 2U8b; XIV-177d; XV-476d; code XIV-186b; and Faustus VI-19c; and Tarbes XIV- 4 53b; and Tarragona XIV- 459b

Euripides, on astrologj' II-20a: ethical teachings XI-391C; on pra\ cr XI-393a; on women V- 297 b

Euripos (Chalcis) III-558d

EURffiA, See of V-607a; VI-738d

Europa, periodical II-166C

EUROPE V-607a: area V-607a; boundaries V-C07a; Christian- ity V-609a; Church in V-609b; civilization Ill-lloa: climate V-607d; Crusades V-611d; ec- clesiaatical provinces VI-738b: 760b; ethnology V-608b; fauna V-607d; flora V-607d; Franco-Christian Empire V- 610b; geography V-607a; geol- ogy V-607b

— History V-609a: mapV-follow- ing 612; VI-450C; XIV-J3C; XV-531C; metlieval unity III- 701b; 702a; missions V-609b; XIV-103C: monasticism I- 771a; name V-607a; political divisions V-608b; population V-608b; Reformation V-612b; religions V-608d; 613a

— Slalislics: blindness V-306a: Christians XIV-281b; deaf V- 320c; dioceses V-5a; religious V-612a; 278c; XIV-281b; total abstinence XIV-4S4a

— Sxmday obser\-ance XIV-336b: temperance movements XIV- 482a; Teutonic migration V- 611b; Thirty Years War XIV- 6olc: See further under names of countries

— Province of VI-73Sb: 760b

— monarchique, periodical IV- 4SSa

EUROPUS, See of V-614a; VI- 738c

Euryalos, fort, Syracuse, Sicily XIV-396a

Euryonic XII-621b

Euryphon, physician X-123b

Euryprosopous XII-621a

Eurysaces, tomb, Home XIII- 17Gb

Euschemon, Bishop of Irenopolis VIII-131d

— Saint, Bishop of Lampsacus

VIII-771b Euse, Jacques d'. .Sec John XII,

Pope Eusebeia (Caesarea) 111-13.30 Eusebhona, convent VIII-277C Eusebia, Saint, martyr XV— i45c — Abbess of St. \'ictor IX-717a — empress, and Julian the Apos- tate \III-55Sd — See Xene, Saint Eusebian Canons I-431a; V- 616b: in Book of Armagh I- 733d; facsimile X-llO; in Co- dex Alexandrinus IV-81a; See Eusebius, Chronicle of Eusebians V-624a; Alexandria, Council of (340) I-300c; and Arianism II-37a; St. Athanas- ius II-38c; Constantius I-79b; and pope XII-267c; Xni-531d Eusebia Society, Smyrna VI-769C Eusebius, Saint, hermit IV-597a —SAINT, Pope V-615d; XII- 73a; in Damasine inscriptions VIII— 14c; and heretics I-45a; and lapsi IX-3a;tomb III- 514b; X-318b —SAINT, presbyter V-615b — Saint, Bishop of Como I V-183d — ^Blessed, founder XI-587c —Bishop of .\pollonia III-92C — Bishop of Bologna II-G40a:

XV-4S6b — Bishop of Chalcis, and Rab-

bulas of Edessa XII-619a — Bishop of Clazomenffi IV-lOc;

at Ephesus V-195b — Bishop of Cotenna. See Eu-

genius . — Bishop of Emesa V-402C —Bishop of Fano V-78.5a — Bishop of Foligno VI-125b — Patriarch of Jerusalem VIII-

361c —Saint, Bishop of Le Puy IX-

186a — Saint, Bishop of M4con IX-

507b — Bishop of Magnesia IX-533C — Bishop of Magnesia ad Msean-

drum IX-533C —Bishop of Milan I-258d — Bishop of Miletus X-303d — Bishop of Paleopolis XI-418d — Bishop of Palestme, at Rimini,

Council of XIII-57C

— Bishop of Pelusium XI-Glla;

and Timothy vElurus X-489d

— Bishop ol Pergamus XI-66Gd

— Saint, Bishop of Reggio di

Calabria XII-717C — Bishop of Rusicade XIII-230b — Saint, Bishop of St^Paul-Trois-

Ch&teaux XV-250b — SAINT, Bishop of .Samosata V-614d; XIII-422b; and Aca- cius of Beroea I-80b; and St. Basil II-332d — Bishop of Seleucia Pieria XIII-

689b — Bishop of Siena XIII-781a — Bishop of Sutri X-750d —Bishop of Synaus XIV-382C — Bishop of Tarragona XIV-459d — Bishop of Thessalonica XIV-

fi33d —Bishop of Trani XV-17b —SAINT, Bishop of Vercelli V- 614b; IX-218a; 221d; XV- 348c;I349b; at Alexandria Coun- cil (362) I-300C; and Athana- sian Creed II-34C; and Lucifer of Caghari IX-410b; XIII- 533d; Meletian schism X-162c; memorial II-560a; at Scvthop- olis XIII-648d; works V-614d — eunuch IX-218C; 218d —BRUNO, Bishop of Angers V- 616d; I-lS9d; IX-637a; as hvmnodist VII-602d —OF ALEXANDRIA V-617b — of Ancyra, at Chalcedon III-

5.=.7b —OF CffiSAREA, V-fil7c: III- 134b; .\bgar, legend of I-42d; 609d; acoivtes I-107a; acrostic I-llla; Acta Pilati I-lUb; Acts I-121a; in Ambrosian canon I— 402a; on St. Andrew I-471C; angels I^Sod; and Antipater of Bostra I-574d; and Antoninus Pius I-.587C;

Basil II-331b; basilica of Tyre I -364 b; Basilides II- 328d; Biblical MSS. IX-678b; canon of New Testament III-276d; canon of Old Testa- ment III-272b; celibacy III- 484a; chronicle I-531C; V- 351d; 616b; as church his- torian V-620a; VII-373a; 425c; Coptic MS. XVI-30a; Corin- thian Epistle IV-449a; creed I-709a; V-617c; dedication of churches IV-2S0d; on Diocle- tian I-788b; V-7b; Easter Controversy I-514b; V-228b: Engaddi V-428d; fossils XI- 410b; Gethsemani VI-540b; Gibbon on V-620a; on Gos- pels I-431b; VI-657a; hagio- graphical writings VII-106c; Hebrews, Epistle to the VII- 183a; Hebron VII-185a; Hege- sippus VII-194d; on St. Helena IV-523d; Hexapla VII-317d; history, ecclesiastical X V-264a ; Holy Sepulchre VII^25c; Ho- sanna VII-473a; on Pope Hy- ginus VII-593d, icons VII- 669b; on St.Ignatiusof Antioch VII-645b; on St. John I-569a: VIII-492d; Jude, Epistle of VIII-M3a; on Julia Mammffa XIII-743a; Julius Africanus IV-1.3a; VIII-565c; Labaram VIII-718a; and Latin litera- ture IX-25b; on lights, use of IX-246d; and St. Macarius IX-482C; on St. Marcellinus IX-638a; and Marcellus of Ancyra IX-642b; St. Mark's Gospel IX-677C; XI-749a; on martvTS IX-736d; 739c; St. Matthew's Gospel X-63c; on Emperor Maxentius XIII- 167d; Millenarianism X-308b; monasticism X-468c; mono- gram of Christ X^8Sc: Mon- tanism X-521a; mosaic XI- 396a; music, ecclesiastical X- 648d; and Nestorius X-756d; Nicfiea. Council of XI-44c; and Origen XI-306c; on Pam- philus of Csesarea X-674c; XI-136d; on Papias I-59.5a; XI-459b: Paschal candle XI- 516a; Pastoral epistles XIV- 733b ; penance XI-622b ; on per- secutions XI-709b; XIV-402a; on St. Peter of Alexandria XI- 771d; on I Peter XI-752d; on St. Pionius Xll-lOSd; on Pon- tus XII-234d: popes. list of I- 446d; XII-272b; prayer IV- 6 5 5c; presbytery Xil-395a; Psalms XII-537C: Quadratus XII-589b; relics I-635c; on rul- ers VI-762a; Scripture XIII- 638d; at Seleucia XIII-416d; Septuagint XIII-724a; and Si- monians XIII-797b; on Pope Sixtu3lXIV-31b; on St. Teles- phorus XIV-477C; in Theo- doret's writings XIV-575C; on Theophilue XIV -625b; St. Thomas Gospel I-608d; on Tiberius XIV-718b; Trvphon Vni-581b; in Tyre XV-llld; on the Blessed Virgin XV-148C ; writings V-619C

—OF CiESAREA, CHRONICLE OF V-616b: Armenian trans- lation I-738b; and Baronius XV-471d; and Chronicon Pas- chate III-731a; continuation I-535b; Tostado's commentary XIV-788b; on St. Victor I XV-408a; See EusebianCanons

—OF DORYLjEUM V-622a; X-75.5b: deposition III-5.5.5d; and Eutyches III-555c; IX- 644d: and Leo I II-61C; and Manichffiism IX-,'J95a

— of Gaza, martyr VI-40Ia

—OF LAODICE'A V-623a; and St. Anatolius I-457c

—OF NICOMEDIA V-623b; VI- 762c; IX-409c; XI-70b; Arian controversy I -709a; 719a; and Arius IX-482C; and St. Athana.sius II-3Sa: and Anti- och. Synod of VIII-.561b; and Constantino IX-16a: at Con- stantinople. Council of IX- 642b; and Lucian I-708c; at Nicaea. Council of XI-44C

—of Riez IV-793d

— Pamphili. See Eusebius of

Cffisarea — Romanus. See Mabillon Euserius, niosaicist X-586d Eusicius, Bishop of Segorbe

XIII-GS4b Eusinus, Saint II-602c Eusitius, recluse VII-433a Euspicius, Abbot of Micy XI-

319a —Saint, of Verdun XV-352b EUSTACE, SAINT, abbot V- 626a; II-525c; IV-13Sd; VIII- 499a; IX-467c — n. Count of Boulogne VI-

624c; IX-124C — in. Count of Boulogne VI-

624c —IV, Earl of Boulogne XIV-

667d; tomb VI-19d — Abbot of Buckfast III-28a —Bishop of Ely V-396d —Abbot of Fleay VIII-769a —Sir John, martyr V-020c; VIII-


nt M:,yn.n,[h X-M)a —MAURICE V-GL'Oc; VlII-16Gc —Thomas, martxr \III-10Ga Eustache. .sv. Eu.stacc Eustachi, Gian Tommaso, Bishop

of Larino lX-4b Eustachiana, academy I-84b Eustachian tube J-460a; V-627b Eustachius, .\rchbishop of Brin-

disi II-7S8a —Patriarch of Constantinople

VIII^29b — Patriarch of Jerusalem VIII-

359b — BARTOLOMEO V-620d; I- 4G0a; X-130b; XIII-17Sa; 452d —AND COMPANIONS, SAINTS

V-627b Eustasius, Saint, Bishop of

Aosta I-592a Eustathians X-161d; and St. Eusebius of Vercelli V-614c; on fasting V-7S9d EUSTATHItJS, SAINT, Bishop of Antioch V-627c; III-119b; V-624a; X-161c; anaphora XIV-418C; deposed I-569d; 709c; XIII-533C; and Eu- sebius of Csesarea V-619c; and St. Macarius IX-482c; at NicEea, Council of XI-44c; and Origen XI-308C — Bishop of Celenderis III-477b — Bishop of Colonia IV-125C — priest of Constantinople V-

639b — Bishop of Damascus I-668b —Bishop of ErythrK V-627a — Bishop of Germanicopolis VI-

475b —Bishop of Himeria VII-350a —Bishop of Lamus Vin-771c - — Bishop of Parnassus XI-507C —Bishop of Philadelphia XI-

793b — Bishop of Pinnra XlMllIb — Bishop of Sauatra Xlll-JM.d —Bishop of Sidon Xni-77Sa —Bishop of Sidvma Xlll-77Sd —Bishop of Silandus XIII-789d —Bishop of .Soli XIV-134d —Bishop of Temnus XIV-479d EUSTATHIUS, Archbishop of Thessalonica V-628a; III- 117d; XIV-634a; works V- 628b — Bishop of Tiberiopolis XIV-

717c ^Bishop of Tinoa and Mykonos

XIV-736C —Bishop of TIos XIV-749a • — Bishop of Trajanopolis XV-

Ific — Biishop of Tyana XII-268b — of Armenia, condemnation VI-

377d — of Berytus, at Chalcedon III-

557b; and Ibas V-J95d — of Epiphania, chronographer

XV-765b —OF SEBASTE V-628C; IX- 220b: Xni-667d; 69.3b; and Aerius of Pontus I-174c; and St. Basil II-332b: and Cyril of Jerusalem IV-59GC; and St. Macrina the Younger IX- .508d; and Pneumatomachi XII-174C; legate at Sirmium XIII-693d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page