Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/336

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Fernandes, Francisco XIII-4G6a —Garcia, physician ^-uaa —Gonsalvo, missionary l.\-Sosa,

and Nobili IX-559d _ Feraandes, Joao. 6m Joao I'er-

— M^ioel, Blessed. See Manoel

Fernandes . —Manuel, Jesuit XlV-Sbb Fernandez, Alonso. chronicler

XII-15Sb —ANTONIO VI-44b —Andreas, missionary Vlll-

— Bartholomew. See Bartholo- mew of Braga ,

—Benito, Vicar Apostolic ot Jamaica VII-450a

—Francisco, martyr IX-74bc

—Garcia, Count of Castile III-

-tisl writer XIV-206d


—Lucas XV-404C

—Martin III, Bishop of Leon IX-



Poor Clare conven* ni-446a; and Pordenone XII-280d; bix- tus IV XIV-33a; university 1I-U71C; XIII-600a; Vatican Archives XV-288a; 289a

_Dukes of. See Este

Franc, jurist XII-112C

Ferraresa, Lodovico. t>ee Maz- zolini, Lodovico

— Ortolano. Sec Ortolano Fer-

Ferr«?se School, of painting XIV-739d ,. , » 1,

ITprrari Andrea, cardinal, Arcn- ^to"op of Milan Xyi-lSa; at London Congress \-o9Jd, on Modernism X-4_Y c —Andrew, priest Xlll-3bua — Barthelemy, Venerable, and ft Antonio I-588a; Barnabites II-302a; missioti ll-Jtwc —Benedetto, musician Xl-2-uc -Filippo, Servite XIII-737C at

Pavia University XI-594a —Francis, Bishop of Nicopohs

XUI-228C ZE^°ENZI0'Vl^7d; 420c;

XI-401a . G. C., canonist IX_-"5<1

See Silves-

Nuno, Count of Castile III-

-1" Bonilla, Alonso, inquisitor ^^^^^^^ ^^ _

X-2r»3a ... T.^.,:c nhvsicist X11-55C; ana

— i_e Cordoba, Diego, Viceroy -^°'J^=;„P'\^fv!!i61d; discovery

— de'^Fuen'^Salida, Diego, Bishop

of Zamora XV-748d -de Fuente Encalato, Pedro

-de Lima, Juan, Abbot of Val-

-',5e° PAi^ENCli^ DIEGO VI-

44d . ^...,

— Guerra, Aureliano, writer XIV-

-Itidrid.JosS, writer XIV-203C — Quiros XIV-t30a Fernandina IV-5o9c Fernandinos \ -20tid

Ferrici, Pietio, plenipotentiary


49d; l-145d; X-71C; XI-318d;

library IX-34a; St. Lupus

Xll!-716d; pilgrimage at XI-

Ferriol, Charles, Count I-739b;

X-lU2b . „ „„,.

Ferris, Edward, Lazarist X-JbOD ,

and Mavnooth X-365b Ferriz, Pedro, Bishop of Tara-

zona XIV-452d Ferro, island XIV-507a — Bartolomeo, Theatme XiV-

— Lucia, marriage Il-319a

— PaschaUs Joseph von X-13t>a

— Stefano de. Bishop of Mazzara

X-94C „ . .

Ferronnays, Auguste-Marie de

la.Comte IV-468d — PauUne-Marie de la. *fe (-^ra- ven Mrs. Augustus Femicci, lawyer XII--112d Ferrucius, Il-t)«ld; IV-484d Ferrusola, Peter, commentator XIV-22Sa

in Indian religion 1-4 lOd; and Islam I-186d; IsraeUtes 1- 721c; in Madagascar IX-oOHO, and magic VI-54d; name VI- 52d; nature religion, element of XIII-319b; and Naturism X-717b; in Nigeria X1-74D| philosophical basis Vl-54a, and prayer VI-56c; and reli- gion XII-745C; m religious CTolution XIII-319b; and sac- rifice VI-56C; and Shamanism XIII-751C; and sickness VI- .57c; sociological basis Vl-o4D; and Spiritism VI-53d; statis- tics XlV-281d; and Totemism XIV-789C; 791d; Taylor 1- 527d; and Voodooism V I-o7a, and witchcraft VI-56d Fetishman, African I-184a; \ l

54c; 55b; 57a; 57c _ Fetter Dienstag XIII--63d — Donnerstag Xlll-.l'id Fetterman Massacre I18bli) Ai>-


Ferrusola, Feter, conimeuiai.u, .^^. i\_4_-,|,b; i.\


Ferrutio, Samt, feast yi-360b ^rnST VON Vl-oSc

Ferry, Jules, and education XU- peuchtwangen, monaster}- Xl\-

Fernando. S<-e Ferdinand

Fernando Gonzales, Count oi

Castile. *<■ Fernan Gonzales,

Count of Castile ,_„,„, ,~.p.


APOSTOLIC OF >^V"? map I-facing 180; Protestant mission in 1-18/c; losa Fernando Vaz, mission VI-329d Fernan Gonzalez, Count of Cas- tile III- 411b; ^I^-19„6^' Bursos Ill-67b; monastery XIV-18UC; Osma, contiuest ot XI-3:i9c __

Ferneding, J. Ill-i'-^d Fernel, Jean, Phy'",<';'^",.^r""'= Ferno, Guiseppe da III7V4°,.k. FERNS. DIOCESE OF VI-4ob abbev IX-520C; abbey (ill.) VI -45b; cathedral VI -43d; seminary XIII-TOUb Feron. Robert vni-4b5d Feron-Vrau, Camdle \I-188a,

Feron-Viau, Paul, journalist II-

ll)4b; X1-676C; 677a Ferotin, Marius X-bllb Ferragato, Girolamo lll-620b Ferraioli, Filippo IV-742b Ferramola, Floriano II-678C Ferrandus, Fulgentius. See lul-

Fer'rant. Paul-Louis. V'icar Apos- tolic of Northern Kiang-si U.- 67Sa; Bray coadjutorship \ Ul-

Ferrante. King o_t Naples. .See

Ferdinand I. King of Naples — Gherardo VIII-20oc — Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua 11-

FeTranti. Paolo IX-13b Ferrantino. of Naples l-291b — Siqnore of Riminl XlU-\ Ferrara, Antonio da .\\-2'!ic -ARCHDIOCESE OF yi-4bc:

Mbcrtini'fl miasioa l-<in.ic -rX(r,ii VI-l7a; (ill.) VI- facing 40; Dossi. work of V- 138a; Ortolano, works of XI-

— ChrUtian Brothers VIII-.58a; Council of (1«8) TII-S4«c IV .i54c; VI-l7b; 112a; 49, b; 51(lc; VI-lUc: Fn'iifh posses- Sinn \--bS7d;, \ 1 1 - '"iTld- IcMviit.'^.p'""^''"' '""* 35d: Madernii's work IX-r,i:Jb;



III-332d — Orazio X-44(b — Philip IX-742a Ferraris. Francesco.

— r"iices?o'M.. Bishop of Susa XIV-345C . ,s...iv-

— LUCIUS, canonist \ 1-480, iJs. 66a; on census III-S33C; forg- ery, definition of \ I- 135b, nanal superiority, defense of IV^35a; on Way of the Cross XV-569d; Zaccana edits XV-

^■4'a • rrlinal

Ferrata, Domenico, caruinai

Fe?re.^ Job. Nicolaus le, organ

builder XI-300d —Marie de la, foundation \ 11-


Ferr^,"Pietro M. XI-593d FERRE, VICENTE VI-49a Fe^a. Alexandre Rodrigues.

.S«- Rodrigues I'crreira. Alex-

-ANTONIO VW9a; XII-308C -aAhneida,J.Xy-371d Ferrelo, Bartolome, explorer Js.i

290b , .,. -ens

Ferreolus, Samt, martyr I X-58UD —Saint, of Besan?on VI-3bOb,

legends II-525b —Saint, Bishop of Grenoble VU-

26c , , . TV

—Saint. Bishop of Limoges IX-

— Saint. Bishop of Uzes XI-83b;

Fe^«?Boniface XV-437d; Bible

vers on XII-766C; XV-371C; at


Francisco, anarchist XI V -issc ,

executed IX-783C —Martin, Bishop of Teruel XI^-

52od —Nicholas IV-407d —RAFAEL Vl-49c; IV-562a —Vincent, Saint. See \incent

Ferrer, Saint — WiUiam XV-437d Ferreri, Antonio, Bishop of Peru- cia .XI-73Gd , ^,. ,.

— Franciscus, Bishop of Nicopolis

— Zach^ie, Bishop of Giiarda Al-

fieri ll-774d; lX-lG4a Ferrerio, Guide, cardinal, Bishop

„f Vem'lli XV-349b —of San Martin, Bishop of Valen-

,.ia X1V-1S2C; XV-252a — v Subirana, and Balmes U-

224d;a.s editor XI-690b Ferrers, Lawrence, Earl Viscount

T'lmwcirth XII-56Sa FeJreti, Ferreto dei XV-4n5b — Gabrielle, Bishop of Uieti

—Giovanni Maria Mastai. See

163d; and faculties VI-183c; and Jesuits XIV-lOOc; and Senate VI -181c; Strauch letter of IV-230b —Paul, and Bossuet n-699c Ferry laws (1880) XV-263b Fersen, Hans Axel IX-66bc FERSTEL, HEINRICH, FREI- HERR VON Vl-50b; Xni- 54Bb; Vienna, Votivkirche (ill.) VI-facing50 . Ferte, S., Sulpician X1V-331C Ferula, crosier iy-516b Ferus, Johann. See Wild. Johann FESCH, JOSEPH, cardinal VI- oOd; iX-474c; Xni-307d; and Napoleon X - 690a ; P a r i s , Council of II-796C; Pius \II XII - 133d; portrait VI - .51a; and Rauzan y-794d; Vatican library collection XV-297a Fessler, Aurelius, apostasy 11-

— TOSEF, Bishop of St. Polten VI-51C II-131b; XIlI-44Sa; and Hirscher VII-304C; 3e4d; oatrologv defined XI-560a; ^nd ScM.zler XIII-542d; Vati- can Council XV-304b; .305b

—Josef, theologian at \ lenna conference HTlSOa: ^'"if^c

—Joseph, founder XIV-647a

X. A., Freemason 1X-784C.

■'■^ec .,. „__„

Festa, Costanzo X-.i53c

Festetics, Paul V-27.)a

Festianus (Festegem, Bishop of Dol Xn-772b

Festivs Laudes I-222b

Festive Oratories, Salesian Aiii-

Fe'stology. See Heortology; Mar-

Festum Asinorum. See Ass, Feast of the . „ ,

Festum Incamatioms. See Annun- ciation, feast of

Festus, Governor of Judea VII- 291d- VIII-350b; XI-56Sc; and St. Paul XI-571d

— martvr VIU-29,5a

—Senator XIV-378a; and Sym- machus XIV-377b

Fete des Brandons XII-589a

Fetes Galantes (Watteau) XV-

Feth^A., poetXIII-273d_ Feth-AU, Shah of Persia XI-

Fetherston, Richard, Blessed. .Sff

FETl!' DOMENICO (MANTO- VANO) VI-52a; Vatican X\-

Fetis',' Francois IpsiPh-.X:^ '.?„',. . FETISHISM \ 1;'^2^: X?^ -?fjlf-

l-is:ic."is4d; inoa; VI-54d; XIV "SOc- c,f Vmcncan Indians i_4Uld;lV 11 la; and Animism I-52Sb; Vl-.53b; of Araucan- ians I-fi79d; of Arawaks 1-

Comtc's theory I-527C, of C, golese IV-236C; - ""'" ^ 57a;

472b FEUDALISM VI-58d; m Abys- sinia l-76d; bishop?'. P"?;?'™ nf V-432C; BoulainviUiers, theory of II-713b; Byzantine Empire ni-109d; causes \ I- eOaf character 111-59/ d; and Christianity III-™Od; and Church VI-61c; 62d; 63c; 485c, VIII-745C; XII-468d; decline VI-64a; derivation of term \ 1- S8d; devising. eSect on lU S92a; duties VI-58d; in Eng- land VI-62a; essence \I-61b, evil results VI-63b; m France Vl-6'b- in Germany V 1-b^a. 485b" growth VIII-779C; Ind • immunities Vn-692b; Jerusalem, Assizes of Il-lb, judicial features \ I-62c; Jus regalia- XII-712d; labour sys- tem VlII-721a; land-tenure VI1I-777C; Magna Carta lA- 531c; Mortmain X-579a; ori- gin VI-59b; poor-relief XII- 239b; results M-63b; 63c; rights VI-59a; seri-ice III- 691c; Tanueci XIV-146a; ten- ure, ecclesiastical XI\-512d. territorial element V l-blO; vassalage VI-61d; m Wales XV-534C . ,.,. ...

Feuds, in Middle Ages IX-6,d Feuerbach. Ludw.g „Andreas. ,1 ',1 I 1 - ^11 - 194a: and , I n 1 Ja' on creation ■,\ I, Tnalism V-407d;

,,'. u>~< "■ • '■'>ii X-4S6C FeuiUantines \ I-li5c FeuiUants. in French Assembly

FEUn-LANTS (CARTHUSIANS) III-7S3a: VI-64d; sandals V-

FEUILLET. LOUTS yi^od; 452d —Octave, novelist \}-~^'^f Feuquieres, sliniic l'-."^'^„„_ Feuttier. Jean - Frantois - Hya- cinthe. Bishop uf lU-auvais 11-

FEVAL, PAUL-HENRI-COREN- TIN Vl-6->d; portrait Vl-b6a Fevin, Antoine, musician X1--3UC —Robert de, musician XI-23(X; Fevre. Jacques Le. SecLeF^vre,

-Peter Le. .^ec Pf" ^aber Fexhe, P<^a<:« "'.' '->-rr Fey. Andreas >'1I--.^1°_.,,, ^

Feyerabend, Maurus, historian

Feyerfeiif Kari, mathematician


Fez, Diocese <>' . .J^^P -„,. 594

Fezzan iPhazama) X\ -o.'c, SJO

F F nbbr l-26d

Ffoulites, E. C. 11-34C

Ff?eS Charles. .nis.^on„o- - TOSd; and Barber '"""'>. 2S6d; at Eas port X-<S8«^ XlI-2S8a; at St. J"" ,\1'L 35ob; and Bp. 'Voung V-51S<J