Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/338

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Finance, and arbitration I-682d; Byzantine III-9Sd; Cambridge board III-213a; England, Act (1910) XIV~187d; French cler- ical system I-796d; Germany XVI-21d

— United States, Cleveland's ad- ministration XV-175c: panic (1893) XV-177a; panic (1907) XV-179b; Revolution XV- 163d

Finard, giant IX-251C

Finaz, missionarv IX-510d

FINBARR, SAINT, Bishop of Corli VI-7Ga; IV-370C; 371d

—of Moville IV-lD3a

FINCH, JOHN, VENERABLE VI-76b: martyrdom II-411b

Finchad, Saint 'XIII-202d

Finchale, abbey XV-119d

— synod V-224b

Findchwa II-251a

Findel, Joseph Gabriel, Free- mason IX-775a; 78 Ic

Finding of Jesus in the Temple, Sisters of the. See Temple, Sisters of the

— of the Cross. See Invention of the Cross

Findlay, George GUlanders, Bib- lical commentator IV-163a; on Galatians, Epistle to VI-336d: on Pauline theology XI-573d

Fine (legal) in England IX-531C; for murder in Irish law II- 754d; 756a

— ^John, explorer VIII-622C

— Irish family II-754b

— Oronce, mathematician XI- 163d

— Arts, Academies of: Antwerp I-591a; Berlin II-493d; French I-90b; Roman I-S8b; Spanish XIV-188d: Venice XV-335b

—Denmark IV-731d; Dominican •■Studia generalia" XII-361d; early Church VII-36Sa; his- tory of VII-372C; Italy VIII- 226a; See Esthetics

Finelli, Ettore I-88c

Finem litibus. Bull of Innocent VIII Xni-206c

Fingall, Lord. See Plunket, Wil- liam Conyngham

Fingers, in sign of the cross XIII- 786c

Finger-towels, in Mass I-B.'jod

FINGLOW, JOHN, VENERA- BLE VI-70c; martyrdom V- 476a

Fingo, tribe VIII-591C

Fini, Cristoforo IX-769d

Finian. See Finnean

Finistere, department, France, map Vl-facing 188

Fink, family III-775d

—John III-773C

— Louis Mary, Bishop of Leaven- worth Vlll-eOlc; IX-102C; 103b

Finke, Heinrich VI-7.5a

FINLAND, GRAND DUCHY OF VI-76C; Bible society II- 544d; blindness, statistics V- 306a; crusade XV-207c; eth- nology XII-626d ; illegitimacy, statistics VII-650b; language, use, liturgical XIII-69c; Lu- theranism IX-460b; 463b; mar- riage IX~693a; patron XI- 566b : Protestantism enforced XIV-349d; Russian wars XIII- 244a; ship yards XIII-239a; suffrage XV-692C; and Sweden XIV-351a; temperance move- ment XlV-485b; total absti- nence statistics XIV^84a; ver- sions of the Bible XV-373b

Finlandische, mission, Africa I- IKSa

Finlay, Thomas A., Jesuit writer XI-fi82d

Finloga, Prince of South Munster VI-324d

Finmark, province, Norway I- 422a; XI-119C

Finn, Francis James, Jesuit writer XIII .i64b

Finnegan, Mary, Sister of the Ili-I)arHlion XV-702C

Finney, Thomas, I.azariat X- 3r,7d

Finnian of Clonard, Saint IV-fitc; at Achonrv I"102d; and apos- tles of Erin I-632d; at Aran I-677b; and St. Canico III-


250a; and St. Columba of Ter- ryglass IV-135C; and St. Com- gall IV-152d; feast I-632d; IWeath. founded by X-97b; and St. Raudham XIII-214C —OF MOVILLE, SAINT VI~77c; and St. Colman of Dromore IV-llSc;and St.WinningVIII- 644d

— the leper. Saint XV-,'>{i6c

Finnic-Ugrians, race III-97a; 97c

Finnish Lutheran Gospel Asso- ciation VIII-3U9C

Finn Mac Cumhail, Irish hero Vin-99a; 119a; 120a

Finns, in Russia XIII-236a; in Sweden XIV-347c

Finnsson, Eyvind, poet VII-618b

Fino, Tominaso di Cristofano di. See Masoline de Panicale

FINOTTI, JOSEPH M. VI-77d; at Boston II-706c; as editor XI-G94b

Finsler, George XV-775a

Fintan VI-324d

— Maeldubh VI-7sa

— Munnu, Saint II-209b

—OF CLONENAGH, SAINT VI-78a; and St. Columba of Terrvglass IV-135d


Finthen Sisters. See Divine Providence, Sisters of

Finved, Bishop of Strengiis XVI- 77a

Fiocci VII-245a

Fiochetti. Prelates di. See Pre- lates di fiochetti

Fioravanti, Aristotele, architect XIII-246a

— Valentino, musician XVI-17d

Fiore, abbey. See Flora

— Agnolo Ariiello XI-90a

— Antonio del XIV-461d

— ^Jacobello del, painter XV-340b

— d* Urbino. See Baroccio, Fed- erigo

Fiorentini, Agapito Augusto, Vicar Apostolic of Northern .Shan-si III-677C

Fiorentino, Giovaimi, Italian writer VIII-24SC

— Vespasiano da. See Vespasia- no da Bisticci

FIORETTI DI S. FRANCESCO D'ASSISI VI-78b; authorship Ill-lla; character III-320C; date VIII-248b; on Elias of Cortona V-3S4b; on Franciscan Secular Third Order XIV-641b

Fiorini, Angelo, Bishop of Pon- tremoli Xll-234d

Fiorito, Bartolommeo XV-762b

Fiots, tribe IX-317b

Fir, in Bible XII-153b

Firbolgs, race I-677a;|VIII-9Sd; in Irish literature VIII-119d

Firczak, Julius, Bishop of Mun- kics X-634d

Firdausi, Persian poet II-153a; 164a; XI-720a

Fire, Agnus Dei I-220d; Amos's vision I-436b;Aristotle's teach- ing I-716b; in cloister IV-61b; of hell VII-210d; Ionian phi- losophy VIII-93b; Iranian re- ligion XII^09d; as life element IX-239a; in Manichseism IX- 592a; Mithraic X— 404a; ordeal by IV-236c; XIV-341a; par- don of Brittany XI-477c; Par- seeism V-530d; patron II- 285b; purgatorial XII-578c; Shamanistic dance3XIII-751b: Simonian doctrine Xni-797a: temples XIII-310a; in New Testament II-261b; Vatican brigade XV-301a; witchcraft

£enaltv XV-676a ITURGICAL USE OF VI- 79a ; Altar of Holocaust I-360d ; Apocalypse I-362a; blessing VII-424a; Mozarabic Rite X- f)16a; Paschal .XI-Sl.M —Pillar of. See Pillar of Cloud — Valley of. See Cedron Firearms, invention XIII-593c Fire-engine, of Charpentier III-

633b Firenze, Bartotonuneo da, archi- tect IV-lllAa — Desiderio da XV :i:Mb Fire in the Borgo (Romano) VI-

572b Fire Lands IV-254a •

—Nation VII-567d; IX-769a — worship IV-683d: Zoroastrian II-152d; 153b; 155b; 155d; X- 502b; XI-S09b Firkowich, Abraham, scholar III-

329c; XIII-117d Firm XI- 510a

FIRMAMENT VI-79c; Babylon- ian VI-79d; Egyptian idea VI- 79d; in Genesis II-30a; Greek idea VI-79d; as heaven VII- 170b; Roman idea VI-79d

Firmamentum \'I-212d

Finnian, Leopold Anton, Count of. Archbishop of Salzburg XIII-414C

— Leopold Ernst, Count of, at Passau IX-273C; XI-520b; at .Salzburg II-60Sb; XIII-o96a

— Leopold Maximilian, Count of, at .Salzburg IX-59UC; at Vienna XV -4 21 la


— Matemus Siculus, Julius VI- 80a

FIRMILLAN, SAINT, Bishop of Ca!sarea VI-8(lb; III-133d; on absolution I-62b; Antioehene sjTiod I-569c; on Apostles' Creed I-629d; and Origen XI- 307a; 30Sa; and Paul of Samo- sata XI-5S9b; on St. Peter's episcopacy XII-262c; on re- baptism IV-586d

Finnin, Superior General, Broth- era of the Cross of Jesus IV- 539b

Firminus, martyr XIV-177a

— legendary Bishop of Amiens I- 429d; 489b; XI-43Sa; XIV- 795d

— Saint, Bishop of the Gabali X- 180a

— Bishop of Thermie Basilicffi XIV-629b

—Saint, Bishop of Uzes XI-83b

— Saint, Bishop of Verdun XV- 351a

—Saint, Bishop of Viviers XV- 493d

Finniter credimus, Lateran de- cree I-476d;.IV-425c; VIII- 16c

Firmness, in character III-586b: in Kabbala VIII-590C

Firmont, Edgeworth de. See Edgeworth, Henry Essex

Firmus, martyr XV-361d

—rebel XIII-689b

— senator XI-437d

—Exarch of Caisarea V^93d

—Moorish king V-126c; XIV- 738b

— S a i n t , Bishop of Thagaste XIV-553b

FIRST-BORN, in Bible VI-81b; XV-165a; 466c; plague XII-

[ 143d; sacrifice Vl-Sld; XI- 659b

— «om, succession through. See Primogeniture

— Bom of Creation I-708c

— Father, in Gnosticism VI-594C

—Friday VII-166b; IX-653c; communions XIV-340d; nove- naXII-276a; XI-143d

FIRST-FRUITS VI-82a; Anglo- Saxon Church I-509c; blessing I-767c; Didache IV-780b;early Church XII-470a

— Fruits, Day of. See Pente- cost

— Fruits, Jewish, rites VI-82a; XI-217b; sacrifice XI-659b; XlV-insd; Talmudic tract XIV-136d

— Source, in Gnosticism VI-594C

Firuz, King of Persia. See Pe-

Fiscal advocate V-6b — of the Holy Office VI-S2d —PROCURATOR (PROMO- TER) VI-82C; IV-451b; V-6b; VIII-54fia; XII-451a Fischart, Johaim, polemist VI- 521b: and astrology II-22c: and Peter Canisius XI-7l'>0d FISCHER. ANTONIUS, car- dinal, .\r.lilii-<h,i,> of Cologne XVHOd; IV U'.ld; l-\-115d Fischer, Joseph Xll-lll2b — Kuno, .s,i. titisi \1I msb; on English s.i.iilists XlV-,591c; philosopln. Iii>.lnrv XII-3.1C — laurenz Hannibal IX-27Cd — Otto, cli.' XV-70.5a

— Peter, vicar-general III-653d; XII-254d

■ — Stephen, Bishop of Szatm&r XIV-419d

— of Erlach, Johaim Bemhard, architect VI-506c; XIII-414c; XV-119a

— of Waldheim, Gotthelf, zo- ologist XI-410C

Fischingen, abbey XIV-362d

Fiscus Judaicus VIII-390a

Fish, Albigenses I-268b; St. An- thony's sermon I-557a; Armen- ians I-72a; 72b; avatar II- 148b; in Bible I-517c; CopU I-72b; Egwin legend V-329b: evolution V-669c :Greek Church I-70b; 70c; Jacobites I-71c; Lenten indult I-69d; 70a; Rus- sian Church I-71b

-SYMBOLISM OF VI-83a; I- 443b; 4l,2d; :ili;c; 626d; ITI- 421d; 12_'d; V-->49d; VI-395C; X-4S.Sd, Xl-S2d; .XIV-374C; XVI-66d; acrostic I-llla; VI- 83b; (Ul.) I-462C; VI-83a

—Creek, battle XII-427C; XIII- 484c

Fisher, Daniel J., pioneer XIII- 368a'

— George Park, historian VII- 380a; miracles X-342c; on Polytheism X-502a

• — Johann Nepomuk, physician X-141a

— John, Blessed. .See John Fisher

— John, exegete XV-373b

— John, Jesuit. See Percy, John

—PHILIP VI-83d; II-228C; IX- 757b; X-385d

—Robert VIII-462b

Fisheries, Alaska I-247b; Canada III-228a; commission, Wash- ington, D, C. XIV-704C; XV- 559c

Fisherman's Ring. See Ring

Fishermen, patron XI-566c

Fish Gate, Jerusalem VIII-355a

Fishmongers' Guild, London IX- 346d

Fisk, University of XIV-olOc

Fismes, synod VII-357c

Fisquet, Honore Jean Pierre, chronicler VI-351b

Fistula, communion vessel III- 562b; IX-799C

— sequence XII— 4S5d

Fita, Fidel, archseologist XIV- 201d

Fitchburg, Massachusetts, Armen- ian Catholics XIII-82a; Pres- entation Sisters XII-398a

Fitches, in Bible XII-153C

Filer, L. I. XV-378<;

Fitere, abbey XIV-453C

Fitero, Lope de. Bishop of Cor- dova IV-359d

Fitje, battle VII-117a

Fitr. See Bairam


— Francis VI-84b

Fitton, Abraham Il-704d; VI-S4C

—JAMES VI-84C; XIV-237a; at Burlington III-81C; at Clare- mont II-705C; in Rhode Island XIII-22a; in Vermont XV- 356d

Fitzacre, Richard, theologian Xn-362c; Augustinism XII- 362c; Xin-610b; and Roger Bacon XIlI-lllc; on "Sen- tences" Xll-;iiV4a

FITZALAN, HENRY, 12th Eari of .\rundcl VI-84d; portrait VI -8.5a

—Lady Mary XI-102c

— WiUiam, 11th Earl of Arundel VI-84d

—Thomas. S.r Arundel

Fitzalan-Howard, Lady Victoria Alexandrina VII-46Sb

Fitz-Aldelm, WilUam I-730c; II-

7S.-d Fitz-Alwyne, Henry, Mayor of

London IX-342d Fitz-Bohun, Reginald, Bishop of

Wells Vl-674b Fitz-Empress, Henry. See Henry

II, of England Fitzgerald, David Il-704d — Edmund I - 258b — Edward, Hisli..|> of Little Rock I-726c: I.\-2y5b; birthplace IV l.Wb; papal infallibility XV-307c; at Vatican Council XV-307a; 307b

Large type indicatca titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.