Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/355

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Gaal X-676d

Gaas VI^39a

Gaba. See Gabaa

Gabaa, of Benjamin VI-I39a

—of Juda VH39a

—of Phinees VI-139b

— of Samaria VI-439a

—of Saul VI-J39a

Gabae. .See Gabaa

Gabael, and Tobias XIV-7ola

GABALA, See of VI-32Sa; XII- 41b

Gabal), ancient See of VI-396a

— tribe X-180a

Gabao, Vicariate Apostolic of. ^t> Gaboon

Gabaon, town. Benjamin VI- 439b: battle IV-()43b; Josue I-434b; VII-1S4C; and Beroth II-.515d; inhabitants I-J33c; and Israel Vm-196c; name, origin of X-67Sa; tabernacle at XIV-425C

—Pool of XII-235d

Gabathon (Gebbethon) , town. Dan VI-439b;439c; VIII-19Sd

Gabbara, constellation n-3nc

GABBATHA VI-3L'Sa; Pilate, pretormm of XII— H.)4b

Gabbiani, Antottio Domenico, painter XI-740b

Gabee. See Gabaa

Gabelentz, Hans Conon von der, hngtiist XIII-224a

Gabella, papal coin X-335d

Gabenna, Giovanni da. Bishop of Tivoli XIV-747d

Gabert. See Cabert

Gabes, Diocese of XV-60a

Gabet, John, missionary' III-671a

— Joseph, missionary VII-SlOc

Gabhra (Gowra,, battle VIII- 12Ca

Gabii, ancient see III-33ob; XI- 421d; XIV-324d

—(Torn), town XIV-379b

Gabim iGebim) VI-439b

Gabinius, Saint, and St. Sujsaima XIV-720d

. — Bishop of Hucsca VII-5]3b

— Aulus, proconsul, Dora rebuilt V-133b; and Gaza Vl-lOOd; and Samaria XIII-416C; and Sanhedrin XIII— looa; and Sozusa XIV-lli6d: Thabor, battle oi XIV-o52b

Gabio, Giovanni Battista, calen- dar reform IX-249d

Gabler, Georg Andreas, philos- opher Vl!-HUa

GABOON (GABON), VICARI- ATE APOSTOLIC OF IV- 23.5b; \T-32Sc: fetishism VI- 57b: map I-facing 180; mis- sions, Protestant I-lS7d

Gabor, Bethlen. See Betblen Gabor

Gabota, Giovanni. See Cabot, John

GABRIEL, Archangel VI-330a: in .\cathistu3 I-93a: on amu- lets I-443d; Annunciation I- 541d; XV-464FC; 464Gb: in art I-J85a; 485c: Barbieri's paints ing (ill.) VI-330a; bell I-488b; II -422a; 423b; communions IV-774d: Coptic MS. XVI- 29d; Daniel, revelations IV- 621a: 622c; feast. Coptic Liturgy XVI-28d; Hail Mary XV-463b: litanies I-186a; mis- sions I-477a; and Mohamme- dan teaching VIII-694b; X- 426c; name I-47Sc; novena XI-143d: Zachary, promise to XV-164Gd

— Bishop of Bubaatis III-2.5C

— Bishop of Csfsaropolis in-1.39c

— Bishop of Hormisdarshir. writ- ings XIV-10!)d

—Bishop of .Methymna X-243d

— Metropolitan of Rua.sia and Alaskan missions I-249b

— Bishop of Theotiosiopolis XIV- 577d


330c; IX-413d; in Canada

XII-241a: France, number in

VI-I75b; missions VI-175d;

in United States \'I-275b — Maurice, Vicar Apostolic of

Shen-si XIII-755d — Biel. .S.f Kiel — de Shiggar, physician IX-635C Gabriele, liishopof Italo-Greeks

VIll-L'DSa — dell' Addolorata VI-331a — Maria. See Nicolai. Gilbert Gabrieli, Andrea, musician VII-

140a; XV-626d — Giovaimi, musician VII-140a;

X-657C: XI-301b; XV-626d Gabrielino Indians X-372c Gabrielists, in Moravia X-563a Gabrielli family VII-55C — .\bhot of St. Leonard III-206d — Francesco VII-ooc — Gabriele, Bishop of Gubbio

VII-SSc — Giovanni, lord of Gubbio VII-

55c — Giulio, cardinal X-695b; XI-

3S0c — Pirro Maria, scientist XIII—

7.S2b Gabriel-Marie, Christian Brother

VIlI-58d —of St. Mary. See Gifford,

William — of Venice, and .^gidius of Vi-

tcrbn I-171b — Perboyre, Blessed. See Jean- Gabriel Perboyre. Blessed — POSSENTI, "BLESSED VI-

330d Gabriels, Henry, Bishop of Og-

.l.iishuri; YI-,54.3c; XI-22.3a GABRIEL SIONITA VI-331b — Taurin - Dufresse, Blessed,

\'icar .\postolic of Xorth-west-

ern .Szech'wan XIV-420c — TeUez. See T^llez. Gabriel — the Apostle, in Nasoraean aeon-

olog>' X-707a — Vincent. See Wenwadahronh^ — y Galan, J. M., Spanish writer

XlV-201d Gabrovo, school III-46d Gabryela. See Zmicowska, Mar-

Gabun. See Gaboon, Vicariate -Apostolic of

Gabyt, Thomas, English martjT X-47Sa

Gacavita, Andres de Leon, Re- ductions of Paraguay XII- 693c

Gaceta, periodical. SpainXI-690a

— Kiel Gobiemo de Mexico, peri- odical. .Mexico XI-686b

— de Literatura, periodical, Mex- ico XI-686a

— del Norte, periodical, Spain XI-690C; 691a; XIV-188c

— de Madrid, newspaper IX- 517d; XIV-188d

— de Mexico, periodical, Mexico

— de Mexico, new periodical, Mexico XI-686a

— de Tenerife, periodical XIV- 507c

G&che, de la, tower, Avignon II- 158d

GAD, pagan divinity VI-332c; II-30b: XII-43a

GAD, patriarch VI-331d

GAD, Hebrew prophet VI-332b; VIII-649b; XII-178b

GAD, tribe of Israel VI-332a ; XI- (>49d: .\mmonit«s, incursions of I-».32b; at Dibon IV-777c: at Hcsebon VII-298b; jewel XIV-307d; lands I-431d; 434b; XIII-214d; and .Moabites X- 410a

Gadag Group, India, mission Xn-2.i6a

Gadan, inon-astery, Tibet XIV- 719b

CADARA VI-332C; 439b; IV- 66.ia

Gadarenians, County of, identity VI-169C

Gadatas, Persian general II-227a

Gadbury, John, astrologer VII- 700d

Gaddel, meaning X-676C

GADDI, AGNOLO VI-332d; nios.iics X-.'.ssc; paintings at Prato Xll-117d

— Andrea, \:itic;in collection XV- 2S2d

— Gaddo, mosaics X-588C

— Gerolamo, Bishop of Cortona IV^Old


— Nicolas de. Bishop of Sarlat XI-068b

— Paolo, at Modena University X-415a

— TADDEO VI-332d; and Cam- panile Vl-llOb; Or San Mich- ele, Florence (ill.) VI-333a; Ponte Vecchio, Florence (ill.) Vl-facing 332; Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas I-762d;

— Taddeo, Archbishop of Cosen- Ea IV^03a

Gaddiel. See Geddicl

Gaddi Museum, Florence VII- 435a

Gadelians (Milesians) VIII- 98d

Gader (Gedera; Gedor) VI-139b; 332c

Gaderoth \'I-J39b

Gades. See Cddiz

Gad-flies, in Bible I-S23a

Gadgad Vl-J39b

Gadi, son of Manahem IX-5S3a

Gadites, altar I-360C

Gador VH39b

Gadowski, Valentine, catechism V-S7d

Gadsden Purchase I-719b; XV- 166d

Gael, Monastery of, France. -See St. Mfen, Monastery of

— Monastery of, Ireland IV-ol4d

Gaelic Journal, periodical XI- 224a

— League VIII-123c; and Keat- ing XVI-49a; purpose XI- 224a

— Society of Dublin, and Lanigan XVI-Slc

— Union, object VIII-123C

Gaelle, Meingosus, author XV- 577a

Gaels, ethnological classification X1I-626C; Irish literature VIII- 119d; name, origin VIII-98d; in Wales XV-534a

Gaesdonck, seminary at X- 638d; XVI-J7a

Gaeta, town, Italy VIII-221b; and Cffisarius X-685a: cross IV-525C; patrimony, ecclesias- tical XIV-258a: and Pius IX XI-775a; XII-135C: XIII- 169c; XIV-266b; St. Theodore of Amaaea, relic of XIV-573C —ARCHDIOCESE OF VI-333b: Antonelli at I-584a; campanile (ill.) VI-333d Gaetani, family II-670b; and Alexander VI I-292c; and C*- cilia Metella, tomb XIII-176b; and Ca.serta at III-399d; palace, Rome XIII-17od: and St. Maria Sopra Minerva, church XIII-172d — John of, cardinal. See Ge-


-Benedetto. See Boniface VIII — Enrico, cardinal 11-41 Id; papal

legate IX-99C — Giovannela XI 579c — Pema XI-56b — Pietro, cardinal II-6(>4a — Villano, cardinal. Bishop of

Pisa XII-lllc Gaetano, Count of Tiene. See

Cajctan, Saint — Scipione, painter XIII-172C Gaetan of Tiene, physicist XII-


GtBzato-Diatus, chieftain VI-

336b Gafa, Lorenzo, architect VI-6S8a Gafahah, King of Ghassan I-

(i67b Gaffney, Charles, and Margaret

Haughery lX-G52d Gafsa (Capsa) III-314d Gagan, William H., philanthro- pist XV-736b Gagara, Nubian see XI-148a Gagarin, Gregory, prince VI-334a —IVAN SERGEJEWITCH VI- 344a; and Daniel, Charles IV- 626c; Etudes de th^ologie et philosophic d'histoire XI- 677b; and John Kozmian VIII- 695d: and John Martinov IX- 734b — Sergius, prince VI-334a Gagauzi, in Bulgaria XIV-50d Gage, Charles, missionary XIV- 9M\ in New Jersey X-779d; 792a: in New York I-257a; V-130d; XI-20d: XIV-397d — Elizabeth, and Helen More X-

564b . — Sir Henry, and Venerable

Peter Wright XV-715C —Sir Thomas XIII-118b Gagelin, Francois-Isidore, Pro- vicar of China, mar- tyrt-.l Vll-77.-id: XIV-SOc Gagem, Heinrich von, states- man VI-510C Gagers, duties of V-745a Gagini, Antonello, sculptor X-


Gagliardi, artist, S. Girolamo dei

Schiavoni XIII-174C: St. Paul-

without-the-Walls XIII-3fl9c


22Sa Gagnon, Antoine, and Digue Col-

Ifgc .\III-5fi9a — Ferdinand, journalist VI-277c —J., missionary Il^lSb Gago, Balthazar, missionary IV-

77b — Francisco Mateos, writer XI-

690b Gaguardia, Berenguer, Bishop

of Vich XV-!t)6a GAHAN, WILLIAM VI-334d; and Lord Dunboj-ne XIII- 657b Gahery, MUe. XI-492d Gahoendoe, island. See Christian

Island Gahs, in Avesta II-153b Gaia, deity IV-084a Gaine, Saint, Church of,

Etschmiadzin V-572b Gaianites, Monophysites V-635c;

X-490b Gaians, heretics II-261b Gaianus, Monophysite Patriarch of Alexandria V-63.5c; X-190b Gaiddon, superior general X-368c

481d Gaikhatu, Chinese prince X-481d Gailbac, Jean, founds Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary VII- 167d GaiUac, cily. origin I-267c Gaillard, Abbe, order founded


335b Gaillardin, Casimir, on Illinois III-787C; on Louis XIV IX- 376b Gaillon, Castellany of, French XI-l()5d —Chateau de, .Normandy VI- .56.3d: (Scriptural academy at VII-1.37d Gainas, Gothic leader Ill-lOOb; Vni-4.->4c; XI-79d; XIV- 3S7b Gaines's Mill, battle of VII-72C Gainet, Abbe, apolo^^st I-6(i2b Gainsborough, Wilham de. Bish- op of Worcester .\ V-7(Mb GainsviUe, Florida, university VI-117d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, e, d, quarter of page.