Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/371

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Gibson, William, martyr I-21a; V-J7ec; VIII-670b

— William, Vicar Apostolic, and Eyre, Thomas V-736c; and Lingard IX-271a; St. Andrews II-372d; Ushaw XV-233d

Giddings, Franklin Henry, and animism X-717b; ou sociology XlV-llod; lllid; 118b

Giddusliin, Talmudic treatise XIV-437a

Gideon. See Gedeon

Gideroth. See Gaderoth

Giedymin, Grand Prince of Lithuania XV-432a

Gielemans. Jean, hagiograpber VII-107a

Gier-Eagle l-.'JL;3b

Giers, Nikola Karlovitch de, diplomatist XlV-23ya

Giese, Tiedemann, Bishop of Culm IV-o6tJd; and Copernicus IV-353b; VI-344b; at Ermland V1I-473C

Giesebrecht, Friedrich Wilhebn Benjamin von, on Marian pr.jphecv (Isauis) .\V-4ti4Bd; Muaich X-034a

Gieseler, Johann Karl VII-379c; on Gnosticism VI-592d: Jes- uits XIV-82b; Monita Secreta X-487C; synoptics XIV-391b

Giesen, £phrem, Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shan-tung III- ti77d; XIII-752d

Giessen, University of VII-299c; and Linde IX-2G8C; pietism XII-8ic; and syncretism XIV- 3S4a

Gietmann, Gerard, on Psalms X 11-54 lb

Giezi, servant of Eliscus V-3S7b

GIFFARD, BONAVENTURE, Vicar Apostolic of London VI- 551a; V 431c; IX-349b; Amer- ican jurisdiction II-229C; and Godden VI-622b; and Mag- dalen College Xlll-Sa

—GODFREY, Bishop of Worces- ter VI-551b; XV-704b; and de Ledbury IX-577C

—Hugh VI-551b

— Walter, Archbishop of York VI-.5olc; XV-7.34b

— Wn,LIAM, Bishop of Win- chester VI-552a; XV-650C; XVI-25C; and Waverly Abbey XV-568C

— Winefrid Clare VII-.502d

Gifford, Gilbert, spy VII-701c; IX-765d

—John, VI-.';52d

— WILLIAM, Archbishop of Reims Vl-5o2d; II-162d; IX- 232b; XII-726C

Gift, altar-bread I-350b: blessing as II-600a; charisma III-5S8d; VI-5o3c

— Preternatural, loss of XIV- 520b

-SUPERNATURAL VI-553b; XIV-337C; adoption. Divine VI-553C; beatific vision VI- 553d

— Dance, Wichita Indiana XV- 617a

— of Constantine. See Dona- tion of Constantine

— of Miracles. See Miracles, Gift of

— of Tongues. .See Tongues, Gift of

Gifts, marriage IX-703b

—of the Holy Ghost VIH13b

Gigas, Johann, Rector of Pforta Xl-7&Sb

— librorum IX-r)1.5a

Gigles, Sylvester de. See Gigli, 8vlvpstro di

Gigli, Agatha V .'■,25c

— Domenico, Hible XV-371b

— Girolamo, writer VIII-251d

— Giovanni, Bishop of Worcester XV-704a

— Sylvestro di. Bishop of Worces- ter XV-7(>ia

Giglio, Aloigi. See Liliufl. -Moisius

— Thomas, Bishop of Sora IX- 24Sa

Gignac, France, pilgrimage X- .>46c

— J., canonist IX-66a

Gignouz, Bishop of Noyon VI- r,2.3d

Gigny, France. Benedictine ab- bey XIII-342b

Gigot, Francis E., exegete. Eve I-131b; Introduction, Bibli- cal VIII-81a; Kabbala XIV- 731c; St. Mark, Gospel of IX-48Ib; Old Testament I- 129d; Psalm titles XII-537a; Tobias XIV-752C — de la Peyronie, Francois, sur- geon X-I33a Gigthi, bishopric XV-60a Gihon XIl-235b; Solomon at

I-14ed Gihr, Nicholas, liturgiologist

XIII-71C; on Gloria VI-584d Gijon, Spain, Jesuits XIV-175d Gijsbrecht II, Lord of the Amstel

I-441d — of Brederode, Bishop of Utrecht

XV-240C Gil, Bishop of Oporto XI-261a — Christovao, Jesuit XIV-88a — Gaspar, architect XV-406C — Rodrigo, Segovia XIII-686a Gilaad. See Galaad Gila Region, map Xll-lOOb Gilbert, Saint, abbot XIII-77C —Saint, Bishop of Meaux X-98b — English canonist IV-393a —Bishop of Evreux V-671b; and

Odo of Bayeux XI-210b — Bishop of Langres, Valliscau-

lians XV-262a — Bishop of Limerick III^95c; IX-262d; and synod (1118) V- 173b; vestments XV-391b — Bishop of Lisbon IX-281C;

XII-298C — Abbot of Maria-Laach IX-

658a —Bishop of St. Asaph XIII-332d — Bishop of Toscanella XV-J89a — Abbot of Westminster IX-577C —Alfred, sculptor XIII-647b — C. E., Sulpician XIV-644C — Davies 1I-783C — George, and Catholic Associa- tion II-7S8b —Sir Humphrey II-205b; IX-

545d; 71Sc —John, Bishop of Hereford VII-


oo4c —NICOLAS - JOSEPH - LAU- RENT Vl-554b —Lady R. M., writer VIII-129a;

XI-682d — Robert, Bishop of London IX-

34 7d — WiUiam, on magnetism XII-

— DE LA PORRfiE VI-555a; II- 501a; VIH09b; XII-38b; 179a; and St. Bernard XIV- 590b; on Divine Essence VIII- 303a; on Divine Essence and Attributes XIV-584a; and Geoffrey of Clairvaux VI-427C; Gerhoh of Reichersberg VI- 472c; logic IX-326d; and Peter Lombard XI-768d; and pupils (ill.) VI-555; realism VI-555b: Reims, Council XII-728a: Scholasticism XII-32a; Trinity VI-55.M ; and Walter of St. Vic- tor XV-.544C

— de S. Leophardo. See San Leophardo. Gilbert de

Gilbertine Canons. See Gilber- tines

GILBERTINES, ORDER OF VI- .556b; I-lIc; lll-293b: founder VI-.i57b: habit VI-.556C; X- 4.52d. See Canons Regular

GILBERT FOLIOT, Bishop of London Vl-.5.V,a: VII-255d; IX-317d; and Ralph de Diceto IV-77Sb


— of Citeaui, epithet V-74c

— of Gloucester, and Thomas of Hereford XIV-695a

— of Hoyland, on Canticle of Canticles in-304a

— of Moray, Saint, Bishop of Caithness Xni-R16c

—OF SEMPRINGHAM, SAINT VI-.5.57b:andSt.Aelredl-172b Capgrave's biography III-.30SC Dalgairn's biography IV-604C Lockhart's biograph.v IX- 321d; relics XIV-797a; shrine XIII-7r.ld

— of Sempringham, Saint, Canons

— of Toumai, Franciscan VI~ 292d

Gilbert's Act, and poor-laws XII- 255c

Gilbert the Universal, Bishop of London V-74d; VII-678b; IX- 34 7d

Gilbertus Porretanus. See Gil- bert de la Porr^e

Gilboa. See Gelboe

Gilchrist, Lillias VI-714b

Gild, Anglo-Saxon VII-66C

Gildan VI1-66C

GILDAS, SAINT, the Wise VI- 557d; Xll-419a; XV-586a; and Armagh School I-735a; on British Church XV-5S2C; 5S3a; on British customs II-493d; coronation British Kings IV- 3S2c; hymnody III-504b; VII- 602a; Irish mission III-495a; at Llancarvan XV-585d; mo- nasticism XII-612c; XV-271d

Gilde Vll-67d

GIL DE ALBORNOZ, ALVAREZ CARILLO VI-55SC; XIV-756C; in Bologna II-639d; and Casa Spagnuola Il-642d; college I- 271b; council of 1355 XIV- 759a; embassy V-751b; at For- limpopoli n-523a; and Inno- cent VUVIII-18d; and Mala- testas XIV-13C; and Spolcto XlV-233a; 233d; and Rienzi XIII-53d; Sabina XIII-291b; and Smeduccio dclla Scala XIII-452d; and States of the Church XIV-264b;and Urban V XV-214b; in Urbino XV- 221d

Gildeboek, periodical XI-681a

Gilded Man. See El Dorado

GUdemeister, J., at Bonn VII- 401c; and Clemens IV-12C

Gildo, and St. Firmus XIV-552c; and Optatus of Thamugadi V- 127c

Gildonianus. See Optatus of Thamugadi

Gilduin, .\bbot of St. Victor XI- 486c; XIII-45C; 347a; 3SSc; 389a; and Peter Lombard XI- 768d; and sanctuary II-602d

Gilead. See Galaad

GILES, SAINT, ABBOT VI- 5.59d; XI-S3d; relics XIV-797a

—Saint, hermit VI-560a

— Blessed, Cistercian VI-560a

— Latin Patriarch of Alexandria I-302d;XI-551a

—Herbert A., on Lao-tze XIV- 447b

— John, and temperance move- ment XIV-489b

-Peter, in "Utopia" XIV-692c

— Pierre, of Corbeil. See Mgi- dius Corboliensis

— of Assist, Blessed. See Mgi' dius

— of Mauleon, copyist IX-618d

— of Rome. See Colonna, Egidio

Gilgal. SeeGalgal

Gilgamesh, Babylonian epos II- 188b; X-741b; XII-176a; Del- uge XI-88d

Gilgol. See Galgal

Gilham, trial XIII-657C

Gilianus, Saint. See Gall, Saint

Gihi, FiUppo Luigi XV-309d: 310a

— S., missionary IX-553d; XIV- 440a

Gilimer, Vandal king I-192c

GiU, Sir David IV-51b; solar re- searches II-28a

— John IV-161b; on Antichrist I- .56 Ic


Gillebert, Bishop of Limerick.

See Gilbert

Gillee, Claude. See Lorrain,

Claude de GiUen, F. G., on Totemism XIV-

789c; 793d —Paul, in Civil War VlU-UOc Gilles, missionarv III-671b; IX-

747b —Bishop of Damietta IV-61.5d —Christopher, Molinism XIV-

.594c — Maria Catharina XV-659b — de Montferrat, Amadean X-




VI-560b; S60c; VII^06b; XI-

695c —John Purcell VI-560b — Mary Rebecca (Mrs. Philemon

Beecher Ewing) V-673b — NEAL HENRY VI-560c;

XI-695C; at Notre Dame du

Lac XI-132C — Patrick, and Covenanters IV-

4Bla GiUesson, Robert, canon IX-

252b Gillet, Louis, foundation IV-

760a; Vn-167c GiUett, Cassian, school VII-150b GiUie, missionary Xl-eila Gillies, Bishop of Edinburgh IX-

656b Gilligate, mission, Durham VII-

1.55c Gilling, monastery VI-76a GILLIS, JAMES, Vicar Apos- tolic VI-r,(,(ld; X111-621C — Peter. N.. FlmiIius, Petrus Gillmeyer, Sophia, Sister XIV-

28C Gillooly, Lawrence, Bishop of El-

phin X-365d; buildings V-

395c Gillot, Claude, artist XV-568b —Rene, Maurist X-71d Gillotius, and Hilary of Poitiers'

works IV-454C Gillow, Eulogio G., Archbishop of

Puebia XIV-309d; at Oaxaca

XI-180d; at Ushaw IX-271b;

XV-233d — Joseph, Church historian VII-

379a; XV-234d Gilly, David, on introduction.

Biblical VIII-81a Gihner, and St. Vigilius XIII-

718b Gihnett, missionary II-228C Gilmore, Harry, general, and


.501a; Vlll-142b Gilmore's Band, founded VI-

561a Gilmour, Richard, Bishop of

Cleveland IV-56c; XIV-760b;

Catholic Congress XI - 695b;

"Catholic Universe" IV-250a;

constitutions for paroch ial

schools XIII-582d; and Quin-

lan X^Ub Gilo I-102d; VI-439d GIL OF SANTAREM, BLESSED

VI-561C Giloh. See Gilo Gilpin, WilUam, governor IV-

129a Gilroy, Thomas F. XI-34b Gilson, G. XI-671d; ontologism

XV-lHa Gilt, altar vessels I-357d; chal- ice I-357b; monstrance I-358b;

paten I-357b; pyx I-358b; see

Gold Gil y Garcia, Prefect Apostolic of

Choco XVI-6Sb Gimhi, on Targum of Jonathan

XIV-450C Gimil-Sin, Babylonian king II-

ISlc Gimle, in Voluspa I-775c; XV-

507a Gimmara, Matteo, Bishop of

Girgenti VI-571d Gimsoe, convent XVI-65d Gimzo. See Gamzo Gin I-274C

Gin Act, England XIV-487b Ginal, J. R., hagiograpber XIV-

241b Ginaty, missionary III-699c Gincker, Thomasina, Sister XIV-

640d GINDARUS, See of VI-.561d Gindibu, .\r.ili chief I-(;6.5d Gindl, Franz Anton von. Bishop

of Brunn lll-12a Giner, Damian, Scotist XIII-

61 2d Ginevra. .See Guinevere Ginkel, Godert de, Athlone VIII-

105b Ginnasio, Domenico, Archbishop

of Manfrcdonia IX-588C; XI-

346d Ginnunga Gap (Gylfaginniog)


Roman numeral indicates volume; arabio, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.